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How To Make Yogi Tea

Take your yoga off the yoga mat and into the kitchen with this traditional Yogi Tea tutorial! Yogi Tea is a delightful warming beverage that promotes optimal health. It aids in digestion, strengthens the nervous system and gives you energy. It can support joint health, gut health and even mental health. Yogi tea is also a great preventative measure for colds, flu and allergies.

This aromatic tea brings me back to my youth, my yoga teacher training days. I also feel like I'm honoring all the great yogis and teachers each time I make it. Make a big batch and share it with others. I hope you enjoy! Let me know how it goes down below!

*You'll need:*
A large pot
A strainer
Another pot or container for your tea.

*Adriene's recipe for two quarts:*
15 whole cloves
20 black peppercorns
3 sticks of cinnamon
20 whole cardamon pods (split pods first)
8 ginger slices (no need to peel)
1/2 teaspoon of black tea, or one small bag
2 quarts water

Milk of your choice
Honey to taste

137 comments on “How To Make Yogi Tea”

  1. Just wanted to truly thank you for the way you communicate yoga practice in your videos. I am a 57 year old male who was for a long time unfit and overweight. A year ago I started making some lifestyle changes and 3 months ago I 'found' you and this has greatly added to my whole well-being. Your sprightly sincerity shines through in every practice. I have almost completed a second round of yoga revolution and feel my body strengthening. I have done some yoga before but never on a daily basis and now I can't imagine not making time for it. In fact I feel it ought to be compulsory in schools. The way you guide and navigate us through the yoga landscape is kind, gentle and empowering. Yes your teaching stay with me also off the mat. I love the way that you present this from your home. Low-key yet intense, not a trace of pretension. You find a balance between depth, engagement, fun and inspiration. My favorite line 'you got this' when I really feel I am about to 'lose it' seems always perfectly timed. I hope you will have more month-long practices (year-long...?) on-line. Is there a way that we can financially support your service? Sincerely with much gratitude, from the heart. Namaste. Emile

    1. This is a beautiful comment. I am following right along with you, Emile.

      -Marisa, California

      1. I love this comment, too, and you are inspiring me Emile. I don't want to speak for Adriene, but one way that you can support her financially is to join the membership site. Maybe she has other avenues, too.

      2. 100%. I share you videos with my senior English classes here in Melbourne, Australia- we live you adriene ❤️

    2. Very eloquently said. Exactly like that. Genuine, present, caring, funny, loving and not a bit pretentious. Thank you Adriene! I see you every day since Jan 1

    3. I totally agree, Emile! I just love the positive energy that Adriene injects into every video. Thank you, Adriene.

    4. Beautiful, Emile!
      I "found" this young lady Jan 2016 and agree with all you said.
      Keep it up! She has our back.

    5. You speak your gratitude of Yoga with Adrienne as though you ate speaking my mind & I have just arrived.. You definitely do have a natural magnetism Adrienne.. much appreciation 🙂 I see in you the better part of me.. 2018 is so exciting already!!!

    6. Lovely, well-written comment and I wholeheartedly agree. I would very much like to help support Adriene's efforts to provide free yoga to those who want it. She is making the world a better place one soul at a time. ADRIENE: Please add a DONATE button to your website!! You are giving so much and there are many of us who would like to give back to you. Even in small amounts, which add up and are richly deserved for your incredible gift that you are so generously offering to the universe. <3

    7. Beautifully said, Emile!

      All who want to donate: I used the option to download videos for a donation (via Adrienne's Gumroad page) as a vehicle for giving a little more than the suggested $1. 🙂 Plus now I have a bunch of great yoga videos on my laptop!

      Here's a link:

      Thank you, Adriene! ❤

    8. Wonderful comments.I too started 3 months ago and follow Adrienes classes most mornings. Couldn't of agreed more with your lovely comments. Feel better than I've felt for a long while. Thanks to Adriene.

    9. Beautiful comment, Emile.
      I really connected with your proposal that it should be taught in secondary schools. I'm headed into the field of teaching and am interested in exploring avenues pertaing to this. I also agree that this is a safe, unpretentious space to explore mind-body-spirit connectedness.
      P.S. This tea honestly is delicious; I always try to have this (if not a version of) brewing in my kitchen.

    10. Well said! Thank you for so eloquently stating what I feel. She’s great. She’s changed my life.

    11. Such a beautiful sincere and wholly insightful comment. I am with you in your thankful appreciation for Adriene. I found her on week two of the Uk's lockdown for Covid 19. The lockdown is a challenging time for every soul on this planet. Thankfully Adriene is ther to keep me balanced. Sending love to all fellow Yogis and heartfelt thanks for the beautiful being that is Adriene. X

    12. Ditto, Emile! Especially during this stressful COVID-19 time. My teenage daughter and I practice together in the morning with our dog and it has been a joy to share this relaxing time with her. Definitely sets the tone for our day at home...

    13. Emile,
      I couldn't have said it better myself. 'Found' her yesterday and already captivated by everything you mentioned. Grateful to have a beautiful soul guide us through our journey. I'll be 60 this year and loving life. Each day I wake ready for a new day and can see how this will enhance my life greatly. Blessings to you and yours.
      Lauryl, Texas

    14. I had this tea when I went to Yoga in Austin at the end of every class. Then, the yoga studio closed and I moved. I've missed it so much. Thank you for showing how to make it. Brings back some sense of normalcy to this day and these times ❤️.

  2. Adriene: You have no idea how cherished are your Sunday letters in my inbox. You remind me to take a step back and look at my life, rearranging my priorities and giving more time to what's really important. Live long and prosper, kindheart. All my Love always.

    1. Same here , lots of love back to u adriene for ur motivationg love letter , u made my day , stay blessed

  3. Thanks for the yogi tea recipe. I will try it today. When I drink it I will think of the things I have learned from your classes. Can't explain how life changing it has been to be part of your yogi family.

  4. Thanks for the laugh ("Ginger Rogers popped one" 🙂 and sharing your bright spirit. You've lightened many of my days, helped me keep going with yoga, and my healing. Sometimes my younger son does one of your yoga vids with me, and I look forward to sharing this tea with him as well. We've been wanting a good spicy tea. We appreciate you! Hugs and happy spring.

  5. Thank you for the positive email today. Much appreciated. I've just restarted the 31 day yoga revolution (today is day 2) and I can already feel a difference.

  6. I am a week and 2 days out of foot surgery for arthritis. It should be a fast recover but still another week of immobility. I warned my kids we'd be a little bored this weekend stuck at home. Then I got Adriene's letter in my inbox and re-phrased my situation. Maybe immobility isn't a bad thing right this moment. It's a GORGEOUS day here, got my sweet kids for company and help around the house, and some Wheelchair-Bound, Couch Potato practices with Adriene. Thanks for helping me adjust my perspective!!

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙂 I love the motivational Sunday emails reminding me to stop, take a moment, chill. I'm currently going through a huge move (goodbye uk hello New Zealand!) which can be stressful at times but you remind me to take time to myself, breathe in love, and all is good. So thank you. Namaste.

  8. I can't wait to make this! Thank you for making this video! I love your yoga videos, but also look forward to learning more about you, yoga, and the yogic lifestyle! I feel like we make life too difficult for ourselves...
    Thank you!

  9. That looks amazing Adriene. I will be heading to our local health food store to pick up those ingredients. I use local raw honey too! I just wanted to say too, that I almost spit my coffee out laughing when you said "Cardomon is from the Ginger family. Ginger Rogers popped one of these out..." ha ha ha! Thanks for the recipe and thanks for sharing your lovely spirit with us : )

  10. Will definitely be trying this. I've been trying to drink more tea and there are soooo many to choose from!

  11. I as well love your positive messages to us. They always seem to come at a perfect time and hit home. I forgot how much I loved tea till I saw this video. And local honey is a must in spring. It does work miracles for allergies. Today, I will have tea and let myself rest without feeling guilty. Have a great Sunday Adriene.

  12. This may be a silly question, but how long do you brew this? Looking forward to trying it, thanks for sharing ❤

  13. What tea do you suggest using for those of us (unfortunate) followers who are caffeine-sensitive? Any herbal teas that would substitute well?

    1. Hi it's been a while since you commented but I was wondering the same thing as you as I'm really caffeine sensitive and avoid it if I can. What did you use in the end? Thanks in advance

      1. I use the rooibus or red bush tea instead of the black tea. It has a lot of flavor and supposedly is healthier than green tea. It is naturally caffeine free.

  14. Got my batch of tea brewin' on the stove right now! Thank you Adrienne, for restoring my sanity with your YWA practice. My hubby and I do YWA every day. It keeps us real...and grounded...and fit. Namaste!

  15. Thank you so much for your inspiring emails. They're always a pleasure to read and I can't wait to try this tea!

    A good friend of mine recommended your videos and I've done yoga with Adriene ever since 😉 My twin sister and my boyfriend sometimes joins me on the mat, so I naturally bought some extra yoga mats.

    Thank you for inspiring me and the people around me!! And for bringing some yoga and calmness to Denmark

  16. I very much appreciate your Sunday letters.....Thank you for sharing your life style filled with positive energy and love!

  17. Sounds yummy. I need cardamom and I'll give it a try. Great Sunday advise. We all need a day to take care of ourselves. Love you.

  18. I just Love your Sunday letters. Actually I love all that you do! You're such an inspiration and a JOY! I appreciate what you teach us. I appreciate what you aspire to do for all people! Thank you for changing my life Adrian!

  19. Hello Adriene.
    It has been 8 months since I started following your videos and committing to a daily Yoga practice. I've been having a lot of pains (in body and mind). Your awesome videos and your lovely letters (which, surprisingly, always come when I most need them and say exactly what I need to hear) have been a true blessing for me. Thank you so much for that. Even though we may never meet, I hope all the good things happen to you. You deserve them.

  20. This looks lovely! Do you jar the rest up and store it in your fridge and reheat at a later time?

  21. Always nice to hear from you!! I'm practicing the lower back moves 3 to 4 times a week and they help! Do you recommend anymore of your lower back videos that could change it up for me? Let me know please? Have a safe week and I'll keep watching as long as your the instructor!!

  22. Love the yogi tea will make some this week. Want to lessen my coffee intake so this will be a great Substitute. What kind of black tea do you use? Thank you always for your love.

  23. You are one of the earth's gorgeous people. Bless you for all that you do, please know you are so appreciated xx

  24. I use local honey too had forgotten about the anti allergy properties. Thanks for the reminder. Also what's the best way to heat the tea up again? On the stove? Can't wait to make it.

    Love being a part of your yoga family

  25. Thank you for your email send out
    How would you allow Sundays and down time if previously been in a flow of seeing family then....?
    Thank you for your response


  26. I just made some Yogi tea. amazing. it reminds me of the teas they serve you down in andalucia. ahhh so nice,

    have a great week!

  27. Dear Adriene

    Thank you for those precious videos. Did the Healthy Energy Flow this morning and feeling soooooo good. You are a special soul.


  28. Please tell Sarah thank you so very much for prepping the calendar. It makes my life SO much easier to have this for suggestions of old and new videos. Funny how she manages to pick just the ones we need on that day. ty, ty!

  29. This looks so wonderful! I can't wait to try it. I would love to learn some of your other recipes or insights into your daily diet.

  30. Just made the tea! It's wonderful. So aromatic. Even tried the Almond Milk with it too. Great!

  31. I made this today with Yaupon tea from Bastrop. It's the only tea native to America and it's grown around Austin. It's very similar to Yerba Mate. So good with your recipe. Thanks for sharing. It's going to be my new drink.

    The lady who sells the tea had her property destroyed during the fires there. She dusted herself off and started again in Wimberley. It's sold at some to the farmer's markets around Austin.

  32. Love this yogi tea, reminds me of YTT at Yoga Yoga. Have also been experimenting with turmeric tea.

  33. Adriene - I'd love to play your videos on a big screen for residents of my neighborhood and get a "Yoga in the Park" going in our Borough. Would you approve this use of your videos? I'll be happy to make sure all credit goes to you and your website and channel! Please let me know!!!

  34. I love tea and thanks to you I love yoga! Can't wait to try this recipe.

    Love from Oklahoma,

  35. Wow this tea really taste great on it's own with out milk or honey. Thank you Adrienne for sharing your love and life with us.

  36. Great spice mix, but my love for tea won't let me boil black tea for 30 minutes, even if it is bagged.

    1. You don't boil the black tea for 30 minutes, just the spices!
      Here are the directions as notated in the original Yogi Tea recipe by Yogi Bhajan:

      Bring two quarts of water to a boil. Add cloves and boil one minute. Add cardamom, peppercorns, cinnamon, and ginger. Cover and boil for 30 minutes. Reduce heat and simmer for two to three hours. Remove from heat, add black tea, and let cool. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Reheat when you want a cup and add milk and honey to taste.

  37. Hey Adriene! I started Yoga Revolution on 1.1.2017 and since then I do Yoga almost every day mostly with your Videos. Now I have a injury on the wrist and I want to ask you if you can recommend certain Videos in your channel which are "without wrists". Any only standing videos? I would be happy about your help :-). And I admire you because you teach yoga so great. The perfect mix of fun/play, body work, spirituality, mindfulness and self love. Thank you so much.

  38. Thank you! I love receiving your emails and you are such an inspiration!. I am healing from a recent stroke and your practice is simply wonderful and very much appreciated. I am feeling so much better.


  39. Yo Adriene (in Rocky voice), this is sooooo DELICIOUS and comforting! Thank you! 🙂

  40. Hello Adriene! I was wondering, is it possible to purchase your Prenetal Yoga Program separately? The thing is, i love your classes and want to rely on your guidance in yoga throughout my pregnancy, but the subscription on the Find What Feels Good website is a bit too costly for me.

    Lots of love from Ukraine.

  41. Thank you, Adriene, for all that you share. I especially love these 'off the mat' videos and conversations you share about living 'your yoga'. Would you ever consider sharing a recommended book list of yoga books? Am making a batch of yogi tea as I type, thank you! 🙂

  42. Hi 🙂

    I just made a batch of yogi tea. I'll admit - I was sceptical - but I thought "hell, why not give it a go". I specially got all the ingredients, and set aside time this afternoon for myself to make it. And I am so happy I did!!! I took the first taste and the immediate thing I said was "that tastes so good"!
    I've been a bit down in the dumps recently and the tea (and the process of making the tea!) has really lightened things up for me.

    Thank you for continuing to be awesome!

  43. Hey, Adriene and Adriene community, I am an avid follower of Yoga With Adriene and I absolutely love her (you). I have recently started a blog and one of my first posts is about How Yoga Changed My Life and I would love it if you guys would check it out and I encourage you to take a look at it and let me know if you have had similar experiences and benefits of being a part of the yoga community!


  44. Can you make a yoga video for a rough nights sleep? I've had a couple of rough nights of sleep where I'm tossing and turning and my back hurts the next day. I need a video to recover from this. Thanks Adrienne! You rock

  45. What are your thoughts on how long it is safe to keep in the fridge and sip? Three days? Six?
    Thank you! Wonderful recipe! I also made the lavender yoga mat spray. Amazing. 🙂


  46. Just sitting here enjoying this tea, my kitchen smells amazing and I feel it too. 🙂 From Ireland and I have been using your videos daily for so long now and I have improved so much in my practice and my lifestyle has changed completely. Thanks to you! I always recommend you to any friend, from back pain to period cramps, or basically anything - so thank you!

  47. Having a cup of this delicious tea on a cold rainy day in Canada. Day 4 of 30 days of yoga, feeling great. Thanks!

  48. I am addicted to this tea. Thank you Adrian for your recipe. I am brewing some as we speak for this next week. It is a perfect way to start my day.

  49. This tea sounds amazing, will make some asap. I love doing yoga with you. You make me smile and I have been more consistent than with anything else I've tried! Thanks!!!

  50. You really are a wonderful wonderful person! Thanks for all your love and positivity and care. I pray your life be full of fulfillment and peace. You're the best

  51. I am new to the yoga community. I started with your Revolution practice and was hooked. I'm on day 29 starting tomorrow which I'm happy I've stuck with it ( I have a habit of quitting half way thru) till the end. I've also added afternoon and evening practices into my day. So thank you for so many wonderful videos. I just love your personality which makes me feel that I can connect to you. ( One day I will be able to do crow pose!) I found your yogi tea recipe ant new I had to try it. I'm hooked. It's my favorite tea so far. Thank you for being you and keep up with the great videos. I can't wait to see what I can do a year from now. My hubby just deployed so tour yoga practices have really helped me coup and stay calm throughout it.

  52. How do you store the leftover tea? How long will it last if it is kept in the fridge? Much love

  53. Oh, and I noticed supplements on your kitchen shelves (hehe) What supplements would you recommend to maintain good health, particularly as a vegetarian?

  54. This tea sounds amazing and soul calming! Thank you for the recipe and the love you put into the video

  55. Hey, I was just wondering is black tea just a normal tea? Eg like a pg tips tea bag?

  56. Hey, Nice post I liked your recipe for yoga tea. I'll also going to try this if it is really working.

  57. I just made this yesterday and it is so delicious! (with and without the milk and honey 🙂 ) I will definitely make it again.

    Thanks for the yummy recipe and your amazing yoga videos, Adriene.

  58. Think I am going to try this out. I tried switching to other stuff like green and fruit flavored teas from my regular coffee but I am going to give this a try.

  59. I made this yogi tea yesterday and it is delicious. Soothing and warming, just the thing to sip while we are in the midst of this deep freeze here in Ohio. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  60. I tried this tea after seeing her on the Rachel Ray Show and it's only been two days but WOW it seems to be helping my joints. What do you have to loose, it taste good and I actually feel much better. Thank you for sharing it.

  61. Thank you for this yoga tea recipe!!! Since drinking this tea, my sinuses have been clear, and I have suffered greatly from sinus issues for many years. Ive never felt better and I drink it daily! Thank you!

  62. Hello, I just found you on youtube. Which I am new to. My kids think it is very funny that I keep asking them how to work everything (11 &13). I have many health problems. I love your energy and outlook of life from the videos I have watched. I hate exercising but you make me want to give this a try for myself. I really love that you have so many options for those of us that deal with depression, PCOS, diabetes, anxiety and etc. Amazing tools for us to try. I have never done yoga but have been doing two small ones everyday and I really like it. (Not that I look anything close to what you are doing but I am trying) So THANK YOU for what you do.

    I do have a stupid question. I want to try the YOGI tea so bad but I can not find carddomean seeds where I live. I am going to just buy some on amazon but can I make the tea without it to try it or not worth it? If anyone can help me with the question. I would greatly appreciate it.

    Again, Thank you for being such a positive, uplifting and helping others. I look forward to learning more with you. I hope!

  63. I love this tea! I've made it three times now, with this last time a double batch! My husband enjoys it cold and I love it hot with a bit of honey.

    I've shared it with three friends now. One friend I gave a mason jar full of the tea as a little gift.

    Thank you Adrienne for helping take my yoga off the mat!!

  64. If you found a way to produce and package this, I would definitely buy Yogi Tea from you. You can get chai anywhere, but the fresh ingredients you use can't be beat!

  65. Thank you for posting this! I've made this tea with you so many wonderful, sweet times and LOVE it every time. Each time I recall (or rewatch) your enthusiastic and wholesome smile as you put in each ingredient so lovingly. I so appreciate your love and light. Thank you for sharing it with the world. And thank you, for simplifying my process by writing out your ingredients. I will continue to make your tea with your smile in mind - but this time I can just look up the spices 🙂

  66. Delicious tea! I made a batch using leaf tea. I wasn't sure that I would like it with the cloves, but they add warmth and depth. This is going to be a regular brew... I imagine that it's equally yummy over ice

  67. Just made this tea and it is fantastic! So comforting and warming. I’m a huge tea fanatic, so this is something new and exciting. I started a new healthy way of living and nutrition several months ago and I’ve experienced some amazing changes for the better. I “found” Adriene too. I’ve never done yoga, always Pilates or tae kwon do. Yoga is so much more for me. At 51 I needed something to help with some foot and leg pain I’ve been experiencing. This has helped me tremendously. Adriene is a perfect what feels good.

  68. Adriene, I love how intentional you are with making this tea! I've been doing yoga with you nearly every day for a while now, and I always hear you say take your yoga off the mat and into your life, but I've never seen such a great example of it until now. Serious "aha" moment. So inspiring. Thank you, thank you.

  69. Thank you Adriene for showing how to make this yogi tea. How long will a batch like you just made last. Do I keep it in the fridge? Thank you.

  70. Thank you Adriene.

    From the first sip of your yogi tea I have been converted. I made my first batch today and added a few slices of turmeric root to the recipe.
    I am hoping that this will add to the numerous health benefits this tea already offers.

    I’m also hoping the combination of your yoga routines and the benefits of the tea will reduce the long term inflammation in my shoulders and neck. I’ll keep you posted.

    Namaste, Elle

  71. Tea looks amazing and I love the videos. How long does the tea last and what is the best ways to store it?
    Thank you!

  72. Thank you so much for this recipe, and truly for all of your videos. I struggle to be disciplined with an on-call schedule, but I appreciate the grace and understanding you convey in all of your videos, and love the ability to improve my amateur yoga practice on my own time. I'm currently sick with the flu, didn't realize that you have an incredible video for sick people, searched YouTube for "flu yoga", and your video popped right up, followed by this recipe. It's all just exactly what my sick body and defeated mind needed right now. Thank you, thank you!

  73. I have been using this tea to cut back on coffee and it's making my tummy start to like me. Do you have a version for spring or summer? I know that green tea and ginger would be good, but I'm going to miss the plethora of herbs in your version.

  74. Hello Adriene

    I wanna to say thank you very much,
    I followed your yoga program-Revolution-31 days of yoga about 3 years ago.
    ( I fell on the 11 days, due to a supper busy project, If I continue and make more concern on my own health and body, it may not cause me for a cancer disease laster on)

    and 3 months ago, I got breast cancer, and I am just only 35 years old, it's too early, I imagine so many way of dying but not because of cancer in my early age, it's a nightmare for my family, and a big blast in my inner heart, I never feel like "to live" is my only focus in my life. I alway look out and searching a "meaningful life" spiritually, but "what about my own body?", to be honest, I didn't take good care of it.

    After 3 months surgery and chemo, I felt I lost my own body.

    So I start to look in to your program again, you have changed, more and more amazing

    Still simply, lovely, and fun but more and more gentle with sincerity.

    Now I am following your Dedicate 30 days of yoga program, It feel so good, I like this daily routine so much, and it gives me peace and strength.

    I would also like to try the yogi tea too:)

    Thank you Adriene and say hello to Benji

    from CHINA

  75. Love this recipe, and it helps keep me off the coffee! So warming and nourishing. Thanks chick!

  76. What is the benefit to adding milk and honey to the yogi tea? Is it okay to drink without? I made some and its delicious with almond milk and without the honey.

  77. Hi Ms. Mishler! Just wanted to say that your videos are amazing and they really help me to become more mindful about how I am as a person and how I am. I have a question- In my religion, we don’t drink black tea. Is there some way I can substitute it with green tea or white tea or just leave it herbal? Thank you so much! Have a great day 🙂

  78. This sounds delicious! I highly recommend, however, using much more tea and only steeping for about five minutes. Overstepped tea becomes quite bitter. Perhaps let the spices go longer, turn off the burner, drop in one bag for every cup of liquid, and let steep for 3-8 minutes.

  79. This recipe and your beautifully sharing and caring teaching style has been such a tonic in my life - thank you 🙂

  80. Three more days and I will have completed the 30 days Home series, and I’m feeling so good as a result of bringing yoga into my daily routine. I usually practice 2-3 times a week at a studio. Have been in lockdown in Melbourne for the best part of 6 months. I always thought I wouldn’t be able to commit to a home-based practice but now I can’t imagine not starting each day with yoga. In fact I am very content in lockdown and have reframed it for myself as a yoga retreat at home.

    I just made myself a big cup of this very comforting yogi tea to relax into another weekend at home. Namaste ‍♂️

  81. Hi Adriene,

    I hope you are doing as well as you always seem <3 Love seeing Benji. We have cats and lost one lately, she was the one that loved to hang out the most with me on my mat. Loving memories!

    Thank you so much for daily Yoga videos and for sharing this recipe.
    I would like to make the tea for my mother and daughters (maybe my husband will try it) and pre-mix the honey and almond/oat milk then refrigerate. Is this a good idea? I just figured it's ready to pour and drink cold or to heated up. Or is it best, for quality and safety, to not add the hone and oat/almond mild until after?

    Kindest regards,


  82. Thank you for your inspiring approach to helping people like me incorporate yoga into our daily lives. Namaste.

  83. I just made this for the first time, and WOW. A good spoonful of honey and a (generous) splash of oat milk. So much flavor, spice, and goodness. I can’t wait to sip this all winter (year!) long. Thanks for all you do, Adrienne.

  84. Hi! This tea is amazing!
    Was wondering how the leftover tea should be stored and how many days does it last for? Thanks!

    1. I put it in a glass pitcher in the refrigerator. It’s never there for more than a week because we love it!

  85. See I'm kinda late to the party since this post originated 2017, but wanted to express my gratitude in the sharing of all the recipes, especially this one. I can attest to its relief of respiratory issues, in particular. I make a batch a week and have a cup a day for a treat. I have substituted the almond milk for soy. And by accident have found that in heating up each cup on the stove, if I leave it on high long enough, it begins to froth up like you'd see on a latte. Just thought I'd share that tidbit. 🙂
    Thank you, Adriene for all you do for our community!

  86. The instructions are on the video.
    This is how I make it.

    Boil the water

    While waiting prepare the ingredients. The only thing to do after measuring is to split the cardemom. The rest of the ingredients go in as is

    Add the ingredients except the tea and let it boil for about 5 minutes then add the tea and let it boil for another 20 min-

    I make it with either decaf black tea or rooibos tea

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