- What's up everyone? Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene and this is sweet Benji. And today we have a chest opening, upper body opening practice. This is a huge request and I'm right there with you guys. So today we're gonna spend some time really opening up these muscles, this area of the body here. So hop into something comfy and let's get to it. (upbeat music) Alright, we're gonna begin standing today so let's take a stroll together to the top of the mat. Hi Benji. And just bring the feet hip width apart. Allow your hands to rest gently at your side. Align your head over your heart. As you stand up tall and your heart over the bowl of your pelvis. Close your eyes as you lift the chest here. And just let that be your action to lift the chest. And you'll notice at a certain point you've lifted (chuckles) as far as you can and then it becomes more of an energetic awareness. In Mountain Pose, we begin. Start to notice your breath. Again, the heart is lifting, the collarbones are open. And it may be that you feel like this is hard. And if you do, you're in the right spot. Now without opening your eyes or looking down, see if you can slowly bring the feet together, really together and feel this zipping up through the legs. Once you get there, squeeze the legs and let that empower the lift in your chest even more. And you might start to feel the abs tone and the shoulders drop. Just notice that connection. And then slowly bring your palms together, take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Great, bat the eyelashes open. Take your thumbs from here, we're gonna bring them to the armpit chest. And if you don't mind, get in there. (chuckles) And you're gonna give yourself a little manual adjustment here. You're gonna lift up from the armpit chest and roll the shoulders back. And let's try that one more time. Lifting all the way up with the thumbs, giving yourself a manual adjustment, lifting tall. And this time the fingertips can release up behind the ears and we're gonna reach the arms all the way up into Volcano Pose. Notice if the heart is starting to collapse here. It's all good, just keep it lifted. Gonna be really on that today to find integrity and opening up the chest. Great, inhale. Maybe you look up if it feels comfortable in the neck. Exhale, bend the elbows to goal post arms. So not a back bend here like we're used to doing here to begin but goal post arms. Then from the goal post arms, you're gonna just bring your right elbow back. Keep the left elbow where it is. And then bring it back in line with the shoulder. Take the left elbow back. And notice the difference between the right and the left side of the body. If there is one, there is for me. There is for most. Back to center and then right. And you're moving the elbow and the wrist in the same line, the same plane. Ooh. And one more time to each side. Whoo, and then release the fingertips down first, slowly, to come up all the way back to Volcano, big breath in. Then palms come together as we bend the knees and dive into the fold slowly, Standing Forward Fold, Uttanasana. Bend your knees. And sway a little side to side. Find what feels good. Then from here, step the right foot back. Inhale as if you were blossoming. You're gonna open up through the arms, through the chest and come up into a high lunge with the fingertips down and the heart lifted. Great, after you lift the chest here, exhale, take it all the way back down to your nice low lunge and you're gonna repeat that gesture. So, here we go again. Inhale, lift and open. Front knee stays over the front ankle. This is slow and steady, recruiting all the muscles as you lift the chest. And then exhale, take it back down. And one more time, inhale, open. Squeeze the inner thighs to the midline for stability. And exhale, lower back down. Those can be done with the right knee down too if you need. Alright, step the right foot back up and let's send the left foot back and same thing. Front knee is bent, here we go. Inhale, slow and steady. We blossom open. You feel the stretch in the front body as the shoulder blades draw together. And then exhale, slow and steady back down. Fingertips kiss the mat. Again, engage the legs. Open up, breathe in. Exhale, strong legs as you soften the fingertips back down. Last time, inhale, open. Kind of fluid here, stable, but finding the ease. Exhale, slow and steady back down. This time plant the palms, step the right foot back to Plank. Nice, inhale in here. Exhale, lower to your knees, so you're in a Half Plank. Good, inhale in here. Lengthen through the crown of the head, look forward. Exhale, lower all the way to your belly. Now check it out. You're gonna walk your knees wide. You're gonna keep your feet together, walk your knees wide. Inhale in, exhale, press up to a low Cobra, low Cobra. Good, then release. Inhale in again, press up to a medium Cobra. This is a Mermaid Cobra. And release. Good, walk the knees back into center. Press up to your Half Plank. Good, then slowly release the toes to the ground. Lift the knees and send the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Great work, breathe in. Breathe out. Lift the right leg up high, Three-Legged Dog. Breathe in. Exhale, bend the right knee, step it all the way forward. High lunge, here we go. Inhale, reach the arms forward, up and back. This time we're gonna bring the elbows back down to those goal post arms. And we're gonna pull both elbows and wrists back as you inhale, look up. Pause, breathe deep, strong legs here. Lengthen through the crown of the head. Inhale in again, find extension. And then exhale, bring it all the way back down. Plant the palms, step your right toes back to Plank. Good, lower the knees to Half Plank. Inhale, extend. Exhale, slowly lower down. Walk the knees wide like a mermaid tail. Keep the feet together, knees wide. Inhale, we rise up Cobra. This time the hands can slide off the mat. You can give yourself more space if that feels good. And then slow and steady release, one more time. Rise up, inhale. And exhale, bring it down. Knees come in, we press up to Half Plank. Good, inhale in here. Exhale, curl the toes under, send the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Take a breath or two here. Melting the chest towards the tops of the thighs. Then when you're ready, lift the left leg up, Three-Legged Dog, breathe in. Exhale, bend your left knee, step it all the way forward. Inhale, high lunge. Reach the fingertips forward, up and back, and then bend those elbows, goal post. Pull the elbows and the wrists in line back. Let that be what lifts the heart, takes it into a back bend. Neck is extended, so there's an extension through the crown. Breathe in. Ah, exhale, slow and steady. Bring it back to the mat. Alright, step the back foot up to meet the front, Forward Fold. And from here, hands come to the waistline. You're gonna bend your knees a lot so that your belly comes to the tops of your thighs. Good, inhale in here. Exhale, press in your heels to rise up. Make any little adjustments you need to here. And then interlace the fingertips behind your back. Inhale, loop the shoulders forward, up and back to open up through the armpit chest. Remember that manual adjustment we did here. So lift up from your armpit chest area and back down to Chair Pose you go, this time with the bind. Good, inhale in again. Exhale, belly comes back to the tops of the thighs. Bent knees, bent knees and the wrists go all the way up towards the sky. Now try to reach your wrists up. So we're not just going with gravity here, but we're reaching the knuckles, the wrists up towards the sky. Breathe in, breathe out, release the bind. Step the right foot back into your lunge. And this time you're gonna lower the right knee down to the mat. Press up, let's bring the hands just to the top of the left thigh here just to start. Mmm. Then you're gonna press into the top of your back foot, so uncurl your toes. So we're like this. Then inhale, reach the fingertips forward, up and back. So we're here, we're not sinking in like Crescent Lunge. We're stacked, head over heart, heart over pelvis. Glutes are nice and turned on. (laughs) Okay, keep the left foot where it is to start. Keep the left foot, excuse me, the left hand reaching and then you're gonna slowly take your right arm up, up, up, up and over and back to either the back of your right thigh or maybe to your right heel. Then maybe you extend by inching your left toes forward. Maybe you extend the left leg out. Maybe we find that extension through the crown here, lifting the chest just like we did in our previous lunges. To come out of the pose, hug the low ribs in. You're gonna bend your front knee and you're gonna come all the way into a nice low runner's lunge at the top of your mat. Lovely. Curl the back toes under, press the right knee up. Step the left foot back to Plank. When you're ready, lower the knees, Half Plank. Here we go, inhale in, extend. Exhale, slowly lower down. Widen the knees. Inhale, rise up. Little mermaid version of Cobra. Be mindful. And release. One more time, inhale, rise up. Great, release. Walk the knees together. Press up to Half Plank. Inhale in, exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Alright, you're doing great. Take a deep breath in. Refocus. When you're ready, step the right foot all the way up into your lunge, lower the back knee. Bring the hands to the top of the right thigh. And just find your foundation here. So grounding through all four corners of that front foot, pressing into the top of the back foot. Getting the pelvis underneath us. We're not here or here, but right here. Heart's lifting. Think of that armpit chest lifting up as you send the fingertips forward, up and back. We're here. Quads engaged. Lengthening the tailbone down. Keep pressing actively. So don't be passive in the right side of your body. Keep pressing actively through that right foot. Keep reaching your right hand all the way up and then we'll continue to take the left fingertips all the way back down around. It could just be here, lifting the chest. Left hand on the back of that thigh. You can feel your strong hamstring there. Or maybe we do take it to the heel. And that's it. You can just stay there or maybe we slowly inch the right foot out, pressing still into all four corners of the right foot with the right leg extended. To come out of the pose, we breathe in. We exhale, hug the low ribs in. We're gonna bend that front knee slowly. Come around very slowly with the core connection to our runner's lunge. Then curl the back toes under, lift the back knee. Plant the palms and step it back to a full Plank this time. Full Plank. Now, hold onto your core muscles as you turn all of your toes to the left. We're coming into a Side Plank. You're gonna bend your front, your top knee, excuse me. So you're gonna bring your left foot to the ground and start to open up into a supported Side Plank here. Left fingertips reach to the sky. Open up through the chest. Lift your heart. If you want, you can stack the feet here or take any variation of side plank that feels good. Everyone lift from your right obliques here. And then slowly bring it back to center. Take a break if you need to and then we'll take it to the other side. Toes to the right. We press away from the mat with that right, with that left hand as the right fingertips reach up towards the sky, sorry. (laughs) We have our kickstand with the right foot this time and we squeeze and lift from that left oblique. Now think about opening up the chest even more here and extending through the crown of the head. Keep breathing, you're doing great. Slowly release. Come back to Plank and you can do Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog here or if you like practicing the Mermaid Cobra, you can do that. Or we can just do a basic B, basic Bhujangasana. Find a little vinyasa of your choice and meet me in Downward Facing Dog. Nice. From Downward Facing Dog, inhale in, bend the knees, look forward. Exhale, make your way to the top of your mat. Forward Fold. Take a breath here, let everything go. Bend your knees generously, belly comes to the tops of the thighs, hands come to the waistline. Think about drawing your shoulder blades together and your elbows towards each other as you rise up strong. All the way, lifting slight back bend here maybe. And then release, Mountain. Just pause, notice your breath, notice how you feel. Alright, interlace the fingertips behind the back. Knuckles draw down and away. Maybe this time the opposite thumb is on top so you do a different bind than you did before. Opening up through the chest, the pecs, lifting heart space. And then bend your knees, belly comes over the tops of the thighs. We reach the knuckles up towards the sky as we relax the crown of the head down here in the Forward Fold. Keep breathing. And then slow and with control, best you can, release the arms. Palms come to the mat. We're gonna step one foot back then the other. Then we're gonna slowly lower to the knees and lower all the way to the belly. Alright, from here, extend your arms out at a T. You're gonna press into your left palm firmly and slowly begin to use your right hand to rock onto your left hip and turn onto your left ear. Peek at me if you need to. You're gonna continue this journey rocking onto your left side until your feet are stacked. Then from here you can repeat that kickstand that we did in the Side Plank by bringing your right foot to the ground here for a stretch. If you like that stretch, you can take your right hand to your right inner thigh and just gently give that a nudge, push out, but if that's not feeling right in your body, just skip it. Breathe into that left chest opener, that pec. The right hand can also stay on the mat for some stability. So you have a couple different options here. Great, then stay here. Breathe. I know it's uncomfortable. Whether the foot's in front or stacked, we're gonna bend the right knee, we're gonna open a little bit more, maybe bringing that right foot behind the leg. And if not, you just skip it. You stay where you were. Breathe deep. Consider the spine here so it's still nice and long and in the same line. Nice, and then slow and steady start to roll and release everything back so that both hip points are on the mat. We're gonna switch and take it to the other side. So right arm extends, excuse me. Press into your left palm. We're gonna come onto the right side nice and slow. And for this first cycle of breaths, just check it out. Does it feel good to have the kickstand, maybe the stretch in the hip or maybe feet stay stacked? Breathing, keeping the neck relaxed, the skin in the face relaxed. And then you may just stay where you are. Or we may take that left foot behind us and just open up a little further into this deep stretch, bringing the breath to it. And then slowly roll it back to center. Release both quads, both hip points to the mat. Center your hips on the mat. And we're gonna come up to a Sphinx Pose just to find a little stabilizing action. And the palms can be down or you can bring palm face up here. So slightly more lazy Sphinx than I'm used to teaching but just softening through the neck here a little bit, digging into the elbows as you turn your nose and your gaze left to right. Should feel good. Alright, now from here you're gonna come into Extended Child's Pose. So just walk the knees up, send the hips back. Melt the heart down. You can close your eyes. And if this isn't your jam, feel free to sub another posture even if it's just lying on your back or a cross-legged seat. Alright, we're gonna wrap this baby up by closing the eyes and finding stillness. You might take a final deep breath in and as you exhale just allow the weight of your body to relax. Maybe tapping into a moment of gratitude for this time with your body and with your breath. Go ahead and let the breath be easy now. And take one last moment here to just notice. Notice what thoughts are coming up. Notice how you feel. And slowly start to wiggle your fingertips and gently deepen your breath again. When you're ready we'll slowly come up and shift to a seat, comfortable seat of your choice. Bring the palms together. Way to take some time to open the chest, open the heart. We do so many things that collapse this part of the body. I think this is a really beautiful, wise choice for us to practice together in this way so thank you so much for joining me. We'll bring the thumbs up to the third eye and just take a last little "I love you" breath in. And we can bow all the way, head down to close, breathing that I love you breath out. And boy, do I sure love you. Thanks y'all, take good care. Namaste. (upbeat music)