(upbeat music) - Howdy everyone. Welcome to your 10 minute stretch. Thank you for joining me and Benji, of course. We're gonna start on all fours. So come on down to the ground. Spread the fingertips wide, wrists underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips. On an inhale, drop your belly, open your chest. Take it nice and slow here. Lengthen through the crown of the head and imagine your tail really reaching up towards the sky. Good, breathe in. Exhale, press into your yoga mat or the earth and round through the spine. Again, pause, take it slow here. Feel the stretch of the back body. Hug the low rib into the spine. Draw your navel up, up, up. And now let it flow. Inhale, dropping the belly, Cow Pose. Exhale, rounding through Cat. You can close your eyes here. Start to drop in to conscious breath as we practice some conscious stretching. And the next time you're in Cat Pose, stay there. Draw the low ribs in towards your back a little more so you feel more of a stretch. And then you're gonna bump your hips to the left while you're in this Cat Pose and then turn your gaze over to your left hip crease. Great, then come through Cat Pose. This is a little different than the side stretch we've done a lot in the past. You're gonna remain in Cat, arching the back, bump the hips to the right and now turn to look to your right hip. You should feel this length in the left low back. Lovely, now come back to center, curl the toes under, send the hips back but just reach the fingertips forward. Tent the palms, so you're lifting the palms up and we're stretching the wrists forward and the fascia of the feet, the ankles. Find a little traction here. You can even drop the chin down if it feels all right here. And then slowly lift the heart up, plant the palms. Keep the toes curled under as we send the hips back for Downward Facing Dog. Stretch it out here, relax the head, bend one knee and then the other. Just pedal it out here again, bringing conscious breath to the conscious stretching. Press into the index finger and thumb here. Feel the upper arm bones rotate out, left to right externally. And then see if you can hug those low ribs in once again, so we're not just dumping through the front body, but we're finding a little engagement. Nice, then anchor the left heel down. Inhale, lift the right leg up high, Three-Legged Dog. Exhale, point the toes. And then slowly shift it forward and step that right foot all the way up into a low lunge. You can lower the back knee. Front knee over front ankle and let's take a breath here. If you want a little more stretch here, you can curl the left toes under just to walk the left knee out and then everyone come onto the top of that left foot for this stretch. Pull the right hip crease back. Close your eyes here if you feel comfortable or find a soft gaze and breathe. Alright, this is the first stop. You can stay here breathing. Try to get lighter on your fingertips. We can also interlace the fingertips, bring them to the top of the thigh. Everyone lift up just a bit between the thighs. So squeeze your thighs in towards the midline. Find that lift from the pelvic floor. And then last stop, reach the fingertips forward, up and back. Big breath, big stretch here, Crescent Lunge. Everyone press into the top of that back foot. Try to keep those back toes straight and in line as best you can with your ankle. Lovely, then wiggle the fingertips, rain it down. We'll all meet here. Plant the palms, curl the toes under, lift the back knee and step it back, Downward Facing Dog. Anchor the right heel, inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, shift it forward. Step your left foot up into that nice low lunge. You can use blocks here. Stack the front knee over the front ankle. And if you want a deeper stretch, you can curl the toes under, walk the right knee back, and then press into the top of that left foot. So imagine the root of this stretch is coming from your left, excuse me, your right foot, pressing down firmly. That's how you're gonna find that deep, deep stretch. Then stay here, maybe get lighter on the fingertips. So engage your core muscles. Or we can interlace the fingertips, come to the left thigh, take a breath here, lift your heart. Everyone squeeze the inner thighs to the midline just to lift up. Also engages the glutes. And then maybe we take it full Crescent Lunge. Now moving in this shape, think about really stretching fingertips up, pressing into the top of that back foot, pressing into the left big toe mound, finding extension in the neck. And then we'll wiggle the fingertips and rain it all the way down. From here, back to Downward Facing Dog. Peace out, Benji. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. One more time, big breath in. And a long breath out. Slowly lower the knees. Listen carefully, you're gonna drop the elbows down. And then from here, press into the palms, forearms are parallel. You're gonna walk the knees back to Puppy Pose. So deep stretch here. Melting the heart towards the earth, pressing into the palms. Maybe the forehead comes to the mat. Tailbone up towards the sky. Breathe into the shoulder girdle. Breathe into the ribcage and the low back. Notice if you're gripping around your forehead or your jaw, or the fingers or the toes, soften there. And then slowly carve a line with the nose, look up. We'll come all the way up with the knees. So you're walking the knees all the way up towards the front of your mat. Swing your legs to one side. And then you're gonna hug the right knee in as you extend the left leg out long. Sit up nice and tall here, inhale. Exhale, take your right fingertips behind you. Open up through your right pec, right chest. Now if you notice that you're kind of collapsed in the low back here, it could be good to sit up on a blanket or a block. Finding length in the spine. Then press into your left heel. Take your left fingertips all the way up and outer edge of the left elbow's gonna come to the outer edge of the right knee. And find alignment here in the twist. Breathe, maybe look past your right shoulder. Inhale in. Find that expansion and then exhale. Navel draws in. Good, one more time, inhale in. And exhale to release, awesome. Take it to the other side. Right arm reaches up. When you're ready, outer edge of the right elbow to the outer edge of the left thigh. And a modification here could be to just hug that left knee in with the right elbow. So providing the spine now with some stretch. Press into your right heel. Lengthen through the crown of the head, breathe in. I love the sounds of the birds outside my window here. It's nice for this moment anyway. And then slowly release. Take both feet out now. Inhale, reach for the sky as you exhale. Think up and over as we come into a deep stretch for the hamstrings. Bend your knees as much as you need to here and allow the weight of the head to melt over. Feeling that stretch in the lower back. Keep the toes active here if you can. Soften the skin of the face and in time you might work to come into Paschimottanasana with the knees, with the legs, excuse me, straight. Soft bend in the knees. And then slowly release. We're gonna cross the ankles, come into Sukhasana, cross-legged position. Bring your right hand down to the earth. Left fingertips reach up and over. Just a nice, easy side body stretch here. Breathe in. Round through center and take it to the other side. And then one more round on each side. Round through center, to the right. Breathe in. Round through center. To the left. We'll come back to center, palms on the knees, chin to chest, slowly roll up, stacking through the spine. And then bring the right ear over the right shoulder. And left ear over left shoulder. You can soften your gaze or close your eyes here. This is the end of the video so taking a couple quiet moments. You can draw a couple circles with the nose one way. And then the other. And then bring the head back to center. Draw the palms together. And then inhale, lift the thumbs up to the forehead here. Relax your shoulders and just find stillness for a moment. Notice how you feel. And we'll close with a final breath in through the nose. And out through the nose or mouth. You can bow the head if it feels good. Nice work. (upbeat music)