- Hi everyone, welcome back to Flow, your 30 Day Yoga Journey. We're so excited that you're back here. It's Day 6 and this is traditionally a core centric practice but really we're gonna look at it as an opportunity to connect to our center in a deeper way. I love core work. I know that's crazy. I never thought I'd say that but I love it, I love guiding it and I hope you will too. Do you trust me? Let's get started. (light rhythmic music) Alrighty, Day 6. Let's come on down to the ground. Find a comfortable seat. We have a shorter practice today, so we're gonna drop right in. Align your head over heart, heart over pelvis, allow your eyelids to close or soften your gaze down gently past your nose. Hands rest gently, somewhere on the body. Maybe part the lips here today, soften the jaw. And slowly as you begin to slip into this present moment, here in practice together, see if you can slowly find more length in the spine. So reaching up through the crown of the head, lifting the sternum, using this time to continue to open your heart and open your mind. And find center. Take a deep inhale in through the nose. And exhale out through the nose. And as you exhale, think about drawing your navel back to meet your spine. So you're activating those muscles. And repeat. Inhale. Release that contraction in the belly. Breathe in. And exhale through the nose. And there is a drawing in of the muscles of the belly towards the spine. One more time. If you're still getting settled in here, totally understand. Let's see if we can catch this last breath together. Big inhale. Fill the belly with air. And it requires some focus and discipline to really engage the muscles of the belly as you exhale, contracting them back towards the spine. Sweet. And release, breathe easy. Bat the eyelashes open. Let's take the left palm to the earth here. Nice big side body stretch. So don't cut yourself short here. Take up some space, reach the right fingertips all the way out, up and over. Same thing with the left palm. If it's really close to your body, see if you can slide it out today. Give yourself a little bit of space. Hips are heavy. Breathing deep here. Maybe spiraling the heart a little up and a little down. Finding some rotation. Then reach it all the way up, back through center, and take it to the other side. Hi, sweet Benji. Always here for practice. Always down. Exhale, come all the way back to center. Beautiful. From here extend your legs out long on your mat. Let's point the toes and we'll reach the fingertips forward. And this is not about mastering this move, this is about checking in with your center. So just doing a little roll down here to take stock. I'm getting some nice foot kisses from Benji. It's not bad. We're just going to go really slow here. One vertebra at a time you might feel the legs fly up, in which case you can enjoy that opportunity to smile, check in with your humility. And when you release the weight of the back on the earth, bend the knees and bring the hands to the belly. Same breath as before, should be a little bit easier to find that contraction here now that we're lying on the ground versus seated upright. So take a deep breath in, the biggest breath you've taken all day. Fill the belly with air. And then exhale, really activate this contraction here by drawing the muscles of the low abs, in and up, navel to the spine. It's active, it's fierce. So it's not passive, right? Inhale, expand. (chuckles) And exhale, contract. And you can close the eyes here if it feels good to kind of feel it a little bit more, the sensation of the breath expanding in the belly. And then try to experience that contraction. Just a couple more minutes to play here. I don't say this often, but try not to be lazy as you're drawing those muscles in and down, really activate them here. It'll pay off. And in this practice, this exploration of expansion and contraction, there's obviously wonderful, great metaphor. It's in this stance of inevitable expansion and contraction that we get the opportunity to kind of know who we are and find what center feels like for us in the midst of that up and down, that rise and fall, that expansion and contraction. Okay, you can let that pranayama go. I want to center myself on the mat. And we'll interlace the fingertips, bring them behind the head. Just take a second here to be. Extend the thumbs, massage the neck. I'm a big fan of core work now, but when I was first introduced to core work, I thought of it more as like an aesthetic thing for my abs. And now I know that when I have core conditioning involved in my daily practices, I move easier, I breathe better, and I feel like I can move from center. That's not just a concept, it's something I can really experience. So let's have fun. For the rest of this practice, we're going to play around, experiencing our core, bringing some fire to the center of the body. Let's giddy-up and go. Inhale in. Exhale, lift the head, the neck, the chest. Think about pressing your shoulder blades down into your mat to lift the shoulders and the chest up higher. Elbows stay wide or at a nice wide diagonal. And then you're gonna draw the belly in a bit here if you can, feel the low abs connect. Now many will feel the heat here, the shake. Soften through the skin of the forehead, breathe. And then maybe we lift the right shin up parallel to the ceiling and then the left shin up parallel. Breathe here. Now notice if the knees are coming in towards the chest. If we wanna make that adjustment to protect the low back here, go ahead and do so. If you're feeling pretty solid, start to slide those shins out so the knees are directly over the hips and you'll definitely feel the abs turn on a little bit more there. We're breathing here for three. You got this, lift up a little higher for two and one. Take a rest, keep the legs where they are. Just relax the head and the neck, the shoulders down. Inhale, exhale, contraction in the belly, just like we did in the warmup as we lift up. So it really comes from the center right out of the gate. When we work in this way, we can do a lot less reps, focusing on the quality and the control of the movement versus the quantity. This time, we're gonna take the left armpit chest over to the top of the right thigh. So rather than thinking elbow to knee, think left shoulder or left armpit chest to the left, excuse me, to the right thigh. Now keep the head lifted as you slide through center and then take it to the other side. Right armpit chest to the top of the left thigh. Now keep the crown of the head extended as you come through center and repeat. Inhale, come through center. Exhale, lift. Inhale through center. Exhale. Inhale, center. Exhale to the left. Now, notice your pelvis here. Can we keep the pelvis and the hips steady? So they're not lifting and shifting. That's the ticket. And even it out. Come back to center and rest. You can release the feet to the earth, hands to the earth. Just take a breath, take a break. And we'll go again. Interlace the fingertips, bring them behind the head, the neck. Inhale in, exhale from center so that sharp contraction brings the navel down, presses the low ribs into the mat, and we lift up from there. Beautiful, lift the shins. One leg at a time. Maybe lift a little bit higher, neck is nice and long. And we're gonna repeat. We're gonna send the left shoulder to the top of the right thigh, and then come through center. Exhale, right shoulder to the top of the left thigh. And keep it lifted. In fact, you can reinforce that lift as you come through center. To the right. Inhale. Exhale to the left. Now, stay here. We're gonna add on. Inhale through center, exhale to the right. You're gonna extend your left leg, point the toes. Good, inhale to center. Exhale to the left, extend the right leg, point the toes. Inhale to center. Exhale, extend, twist. Inhale, keep it lifted. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale to center. And exhale to rest everything. You can bring the hands to the belly. Maybe give your belly, your abs a little love, a little loving touch here. So if this work is new to you, be kind to yourself. Be patient. If you've been practicing for a while, or actually even the lucky beginner's mind, really use your breath to enhance the connection with the muscles of your abdominal wall. So focus on the exhale (exaggerated exhale) in a big way. We're gonna do one more round. Here we go. Interlace the fingertips. Inhale in deeply. Exhale, navel draws down. Press into the low ribs. So that bottom rib presses into the ground and that's how we find this lift up. Good, lift the right shin, lift the left shin, inhale, lift the chest a little higher. You're doing great, exhale, here we go. Left shoulder to the top of the right thigh. Keep the hip center. Slowly come back through, inhale. Exhale to the left. Inhale to center, exhale to the right. Maybe you add the leg extension. Inhale to center. Exhale to the left. Keep it slow. Inhale to center. Sharp, exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Keep it going. One more time on each side. And release. Hug the knees into the chest. Take a second here, rock a little side to side and walk the shoulder blades underneath your heart center. Good, then when you're ready, press the palms into the earth. You're gonna send the legs up towards the sky. Knees can stay as bent as they need to here as you desire, as you like. And we're gonna slowly lower the left leg down, Point the toes. Keep the shoulders relaxed and then bring it back up, slowly lower the right leg down. Inhale, feet together. Continue, exhale, lower. Inhale, lift. Exhale, lower, nice and slow. Inhale, lift. When you get to legs together, see if you can give it a little squeeze before you lower your leg. Stay here with the palms pressing on the earth. If you need a little more support, walk the palms underneath your hips. And if you want a little more fire, you can keep this going, interlace the fingertips, bring them behind the head. Find your breath. You're here for three. Press those low ribs down. And one release. Nice. Hug the knees into the chest, release the feet to the mat. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Deep breath in. And long breath out. One more round. Interlace the fingertips. Lift the head, the neck, the shoulders, or press the palms into the mat or walk them underneath the hips. legs go up, squeeze them together. And this time we're gonna move a little bit faster. And you might even start to feel a little brushing of the legs, the inner thighs, the inseams of the legs here. Coming into scissors for 15 seconds. You got this. Moving a little bit faster than before. One leg, then the other. Protect that low back by hugging the low bottom rib down to the mat, lifting the chest a little bit more. You're here for five, four. You got it. Stick with it, three. Stick with it, two. You got this. And one, release everything. You did it. Hug the knees into the chest. Rock a little side to side. Drop the feet to the mat. Hands come to the earth. Snuggle the shoulder blades underneath the heart once again. Inhale, slowly begin to peel up. Starting at the tailbone, moving up through the spine, you don't have to get to the highest high point. Just get all the way up to the cervical spine. Take a deep breath in. And on an exhale soften through the collarbone, soften through the sternum and start to slowly roll it down. Finding that articulation in the spine. Lovely, bring the knees up to the chest. You can take the arms to cactus arms or football goal post arms as we say it down here in Texas and then allow the knees to fall to one side, any side. You're done for the day. Breathe into your belly. (chuckles) Well you're maybe not done for the day but you're done here and I hope you have a beautiful rest of the day. Take a nice deep, I love you breath in and out. We'll slowly bring it back through center and take it to the other side. Again, never underestimate the power of this time that you've taken for yourself to connect to cultivate a conversation consciously between the mind and your body. Take a deep breath in. Exhale, bring it back to center. Let's walk the feet as wide as the mat. Allow the knees to rest inward towards each other so you totally relax the lower body. Bring the hands to the belly. Let's take one final breath in here together. And out together. Palms come together, thumbs to the third eye. And we whisper, Namaste. (upbeat rhythmic music)