- Hello my sweetheart, darling friends. Welcome back to Flow, your 30 Day Yoga Journey. It's Day 17, Rinse. (mimicks dream sequence) (light rhythmic music) Okay, come on down to the ground. Benji's here to meet you and greet you as am I. Sit up nice and tall. Take a deep breath in. Take your time here. Just get settled. As you're ready, close your eyes or soften your gaze. Relax the shoulders and start to lift and lengthen up through the crown of the head. We're starting to get into the phase of this journey where we really remember, reconsider the spine. Think of it as a energetic highway. Say what? Take a deep breath in. And exhale, slow and steady we're gonna start some soft, easy movement left to right. So almost like you're swaying. Not almost like you're swaying, sorry. Almost like you're a branch (laughs) swaying in the wind. Left to right. And just notice, do you feel a little stiff? Do you feel a little tight? Is the side body sore? And the next time you're over to the right, allow the right hand to come down and the left arm to reach up and over. We've been here before. So just a different how of entry, a different way of entry. A different how. Remembering how we move matters here. Slowly sway it up through center. Take it to the other side. And repeat back and forth in your own time with your breath. Smoothing out the hard edges here. Staying heavy in the hips. And then come up to center. Head over heart, heart over pelvis. Inhale, lift and lengthen. Lift the chest, lift the crown. Exhale, left hand to the right knee, right fingertips behind. Try to keep the length in the spine. Be disciplined about that as you slowly move into a twist. Inhale to lift and lengthen. Exhale to stabilize the twist. Draw the navel in and up. Again, inhale to lift and lengthen. Exhale, hug the low ribs in. Slowly release. Come back to center, same thing. Really tall in the spine. Inhale, exhale to twist. Try to maintain that lift, that integrity. And you can see I'm sitting up on a little blankey today, you might take a moment to pause and sit up on something too if you're struggling to find that length in the spine. Using your breath here. Nice, then slowly release. Let's come forward onto all fours. Pardon me, sweetheart. (Benji groans) Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me, let's come forward onto all fours. Pardon me, mi amor. Cat-Cow. Press into the tops of the feet, spread the fingertips. (laughs) Oh, drop the belly, open your heart, look forward. Exhale, round through, chin to chest. Navel draws up. Inhale, drop the belly, open the chest. Exhale, round through. Now continue with the sound of your breath. See if you can bring a little texture to your breath. Maybe bringing that Ujjayi breath back. Finding a little audible breath in any way you can. Maybe closing the eyes and imagining your spinal cord here. Finding a little more articulation through these movements as we continue to show up and practice together. Cool, then inhale, Tabletop Position. Spread the fingertips wide. You're gonna kick just the right leg out, just the right leg. Inhale in here. Exhale, cross the right knee over towards the left elbow. That's it. Inhale, extend back out. Press into both palms evenly. Level the hips. Draw the low abs in. Exhale, right knee to left elbow. Now as that right knee comes up and in, gather your abdominal wall all the way up towards the spine. Inhale to extend. Exhale to contract in the abs, squeeze. Inhale, extend. Pay attention to your foundation here. Exhale, squeeze. And then we'll release. Drop the elbows where the hands are and walk the knees back for Puppy's Pose. Open your heart, melt it to the ground. Soften the skin of the forehead. Relax your jaw. Big breath here, big stretch as you lift the hip points up towards the sky a little more. And then exhale, bring it back to Tabletop. Set yourself up for greatness. And when you're ready, we'll inhale, send the left leg out. Hi, buddy. Exhale, left knee over towards the right elbow. Squeeze and lift. Inhale to extend. Exhale, squeeze and lift. So try to move slowly here so you can really maintain that length in the spine. But also you kind of defy gravity here by drawing the abs up on the exhale. I find this so much more effective than a million crunches. (chuckles) This type of work. Inhale to extend. You can use this connection of the top of the right foot for stability. And best you can, try to keep the neck long and your weight distributed through both palms evenly. Excellent. One more squeeze. And then we'll release Puppy's Pose. Drop the elbows, walk the knees back. Breathe in. Breathe out. Mmm, my mat smells like a homemade mat spray. It's the little things. Breathe in. Breathe out. Nice. Curl the toes under. Walk the hands all the way up and back. Come into your little squat. I actually have my homemade mat spray recipe available for you. Just search for it. It's available. It's pretty simple. Breathe. Maybe we start to come a little bit lighter on the fingertips. And then as we're ready, walk the hands all the way out to your Plank Pose. Stretch the heels back. Draw the abs up and in. Press up through the upper back body, lengthen through the crown of the head. Deep breath in. Long breath out. Navel draws up. Inhale in. Exhale, hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Bend your knees. Take some long, smooth, textured breaths here. Listen to the sound. Getting long through all four sides of the torso here as you peel the hip creases up towards the sky and stay rooted through your knuckles and your fingerprints. Turn your head to one side. Smell your armpit. Life's too short. Turn your head to the other side. Smell your other armpit. (chuckles) And then let's walk it all the way up to the top of the mat. We'll meet there, feet hip width apart. Hi, Benji, I love you. That's a good spot for you. Shake the head a little, yes. A little no. Interlace the fingertips behind the thighs or behind the calves. Inhale in. Exhale, bend your knees, bend your elbows. Draw your chin to your chest. Release the bind. As you're ready, bend your knees generously to support the low back and let's roll it up to Mountain. Maybe your fingertips trace the fronts of your legs here. We ground through the feet, stack up through the spine. And we rise up into our best and most beautiful Mountain Pose today. Lengthen through the crown. Close your eyes and embody this posture. Drawing the shoulder blades together. Finding that lift in the heart. Take a deep breath in. Long breath out. On your next inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, bend the knees, float the fingertips all the way down. Slide the hands as you inhale, past the shins, past the knees, all the way to the tops of the thighs. Loop the shoulders, pull the elbows back and find your halfway lift. Stay here for a breath as you pull the hip creases back and think about creating maybe like a number seven shape here. Good, inhale in. Exhale, let that go. Bend the knees. Step one foot back then the other, Plank Pose. Inhale in to look forward, shift forward. Exhale to slowly lower to the belly. Inhale, press into the tops of the feet. Slowly lift up Cobra, big breath. Exhale, soften and release it all the way down. Curl the toes, press up to all fours or Plank. Inhale in here. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Breathe in. Breathe out. Inhale, slide your right leg up high. Exhale, right knee to left elbow, shift it forward. Keep your upper body in Plank. Inhale to kick it up. Exhale, navel draws in. Slowly shifting forward. Inhale to kick it up. Exhale. Continue, now we know we can always do this on our knees just as we warmed up with. Otherwise, we're shifting back and forth on the left foot. Next time you're in Three-Legged Dog, slowly lower the right foot down. Navel draws all the way up. Imagine you're going up and over a hurdle back to Plank Pose. Slowly lower to the belly. Inhale, slowly rise up to Cobra. Big breath here. Exhale, slow cascading down. Inhale, press up to all fours or Plank. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog, nice. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Inhale, slide the left leg up high. Here we go. Little conditioning here. Exhale, left knee to right elbow. You got this. With your breath, inhale, anchor down through the right heel. Exhale, shift it forward. Inhale, kick it up. Exhale, shift it forward. Twist. Inhale. Exhale. Moving with your breath. The next time your left leg is lifted, take a deep breath in. And exhale, slowly lower both feet now to the mat. Downward Dog, stay here if you can. One more breath. And exhale, bend the knees. Walk the hands all the way back. We're coming into that low squat. Nice, right fingertips stay on the earth or on a block. Left fingertips open like a beautiful wing all the way up towards the sky here. Open up through your left chest, left pec. Wiggle the left fingertips. And then bring it down and switch. Left fingertips come to the mat or a block. Right fingertips open up slowly on an inhale. We're stretching through the feet here. If you want to drop the heels, you can. Lengthen through the crown. Wiggle the right fingertips. And (chuckles) when you're ready, slowly bring it back down to your mat. From here, slowly drop your heels and come to a standing Forward Fold at the back of the mat. Inhale, slide the hands past the tops of the feet, the shins, the kneecaps lift. As you do so, palms to the thighs as we find that figure seven here. Lift and lengthen through the crown, lift the chest. And then exhale, release everything. Root to rise here. So root through the feet, bend the knees. Protect the low back as you spread the fingertips. Strong legs, we rise all the way up. Reach for the sky. And this time, palms come together and slide to the heart space as you breathe out. Inhale in deeply here. Just notice how you feel. Exhale completely. Now, without looking down, best you can, we're gonna walk to the center of the mat because you know it's there. You can put your eyeballs on the soles of your feet here. See feelingly and walk your feet out wide. Alright, feet are parallel here. Standing in a nice wide-legged position. We're gonna inhale, send the fingertips out. So you're in Star Pose. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, draw the shoulder blades together. Good, inhale in again. Exhale, bend both knees. You're gonna take your right hand all the way down towards your left knee, left shin, or left toes, or maybe a block. Good, inhale, rise back up. Strong Star Pose. And exhale, with bent knees, just a soft bend over to the other side, twist. Now repeat the pattern. Inhale, open, take up space. Exhale, navel draws in for stability as we twist and reach. Inhale to center. Exhale, twist and reach. Find that textured breath. Stay grounded through all four corners of the feet. Even it out. And the next time you're in Star Pose, inhale in, spread the fingertips. Exhale, press the palms down as if you were pressing into hot air. Interlace the fingertips behind your back. Draw the shoulder blades together. Once again, maybe you walk the feet back a little bit on your mat so you have some space for a standing wide-legged Forward Fold. Say that five times fast. Here we go, inhale in, grounded through the feet. Slow and steady, we lead with the heart space. Come to flat back position. Then soft bend in the knees as we continue the journey down. Your choice, you can hold the bind here, excuse me, or release the bind, maybe bring the hands to the mat or to your blocks or just something supportive. Even a little rolled up blanket here can be nice. If you've been playing in this posture for a bit, you might work to draw the hands back in line with the arches of the feet. Keep the elbows square and slow and steady, maybe crown of the head comes to the earth. Breathe wherever you are today. Meet it and greet it with a kindness. Nice full cycles of breath. To come out of the posture, your version, slow and steady. Inhale in, find that length in the crown of the head, bring the hands to the waistline and use that sharp exhale, that contraction of the navel in, to slowly rise back up. So we're coming up all the way from the center of the body. Notice how you feel? Without looking down, bring your feet together. You can walk them together, you can dance them together, you can hop them together. Mountain Pose. If you can, close your eyes here or look down gently past your nose. And just take a moment to notice how you feel. Beautiful. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, Forward Fold. If you have a blanket, you might slide it behind the heels here. Inhale, halfway lift. Exhale, slow and steady, turn the toes out left to right. Fingertips come to the earth and we're gonna come down into our Yogi Squat. Now this time we're going to play with bringing the palms together and pressing the outer edges of the arms into the legs and maybe finding a little squeeze of the legs into the arms. So you have an active situation going on here. Breathe. Lift your chest, lengthen through the crown. Nice. Now stay active, just energy in the toes as you slowly release the hands behind you and come to a seat. Move that blanket to the side or maybe behind you for a pillow. Send the legs out long, zip the legs up tight. Dundasana, find that length, crown to tail. Inhale in here. Exhale, bend your right knee, turn past your right shoulder. Left elbow can come to the left, excuse me, left elbow can come to the right knee here. Keep it soft and easy and then slowly come back to center and take it to the other side. Breathe. Lovely. Kick both legs out, inhale in, exhale, slowly come to lie on your back. Extend the legs out long. Relax your shoulders. Take the deepest belly breath you've taken all day, maybe all month, all year. And exhale, allow everything to soften. Now let your breath just be easy here. Give yourself permission just for about a moment to do absolutely nothing. Beautiful. Slowly bring the fingertips together, palms kiss, thumbs to third eye. Start to wiggle the toes. Maybe move the tongue around in the mouth. Great work, my darlings. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Have a beautiful rest of the day. Take a final breath in together. And out together. Namaste. (upbeat rhythmic music)