- Hello, my sweet friends. Welcome back to Flow, your 30 Day Yoga Journey. It's Day 16, Sweet 16 and today we sprinkle on a little kindness. Let's get started. (light rhythmic music) Okie doke, my pals let's begin in a seat on the ground. To start interlace your fingertips bring them underneath your chiny-chin-chin. Dive right in today, inhale, lift the elbows. Sit up really tall, get long in the belly. As you breathe in, extend through the crown of the head and then exhale round through the spine. Elbows come together chin to chest. You come into a little Prayer Pose here. Repeat. Inhale, knuckles come underneath the chin. We lift the chiny-chin-chin. We lift the elbows, we find a spinal extension, draw your belly in. Exhale, round it in Prayer. One more time, inhale, extend and lift. Then exhale, pause with the chin to the chest, hands in prayer. Can say a little prayer if you'd like. You can relax your shoulders. This session is a little unwinding and an opportunity to reinstate Lovingkindness. Mhmmm. It's about this point on the journey where we start to veer off, get a little far from our intention and today is just a beautiful loving, kind reminder why you're here. Maybe remembering why you started. And knowing, believing that this time is valuable and you are worth it. How about it? Lift the head over the heart, heart over the chest, bring the fingertips gently to your side. Inhale lots of love in. Exhale, relax the shoulders as you breathe lots of love out. Left hand comes to the earth. Inhale, reach the right arm all the way up. Big breath, big stretch here. Heavy in the hips. And then come all the way through center and take it to the other side. Inhale, left fingertips reach up and exhale side body stretch. Hi-ya. (chuckles) Inhale come back to center. Exhale, relax the shoulders. Benji, you're so sweet. Come forward on to all fours. Knees go as wide as the mat. Hips go back, Extended Child's Pose, melt the heart back. Reach the fingertips forward. Inhale in. Exhale, hips get really heavy. Pull the hip creases back. Inhale in again. Actively pull the hip creases back. Nice then slowly draw your center back up, walk the knees underneath the hips, curl the toes under and walk the hands back so now we're in our Froggy Squat. Breathe. And then slow and steady draw your navel up towards your spine. So strong core as we walk the palms out to Plank. Inhale in here. Exhale. (laughs) Inhale in again. Exhale, lower the knees, lift the toes, cross the ankles. Inhale in again. Exhale, lower to the belly and release your mermaid tail. Always think of this is my mermaid tail. Release your tail down. That means press the tops of feet back into the earth and inhale, rise up, nice low Cobra. Great, release that. Press back up to all fours, curl the toes under and peel the hip creases up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Bend your right knee in towards the center of your mat. Press into both palms evenly. Draw your navel in and up and then slowly turn to look underneath your left shoulder. And then slow and steady switch, bring the left knee bent towards center. Press into both palms evenly so you're pressing away from your yoga mat here as you turn to look underneath your right shoulder. And then slowly drop your left heel. Inhale, bend the knees. And then exhale, drop the heels. Inhale, bend the knees generously. Exhale, drop the heels. One more time. Inhale, bend the knees generously. Exhale, drop the heels. Slide your right toes all the way up, lower your left knee to the ground. So nice low lunge here. Breathe. Breathe. Pull the right hip crease back, straighten the front leg, inhale, look forward. And we're just gonna go back and forth. Gonna go forward, nice low lunge. Breathe in. Exhale pull hip crease back, breathe out. Inhale, forward, breathe in. Exhale, back, breathe out. Inhale, forward, breathe in. You're gonna turn the right toes towards the right edge of the mat, curl the left toes under but you're gonna keep the left knee down. Bye, buddy! Right fingertips are gonna slowly go up and over, Horizon Lunge. You're gonna take the right fingertips back and we're breathing here. There's a tendency to collapse into the left shoulder so press up and out of your left palm just a bit. You're on the outer edge of your right foot, outer edge of your left foot. Woo, and then slowly bring it back to center, Crescent Lunge. Press into the top of your back foot. Sweep the fingertips forward. Inhale, rise up. Exhale bring it down. Curl the toes under. Bring your right knee back underneath your right hip and then we're gonna peel back up to Downward Facing Dog, lifting the hip creases up high. Nice, inhale in here. And exhale, let something go. Slow and steady slide your left foot now all the way up. Lower your right knee down with care. Breathe. And then pull the left hip crease back, flex your left toes towards your face. Slight, ever so slight, bend in the left knee. And with breath, inhale, flow forward. Exhale, send it back. Inhale, forward. Light on the fingertips, best you can. Exhale, back. Inhale, forward. Exhale, back. Inhale, forward, turn your left toes towards the left edge of your mat, right hand comes to the earth. Left fingertips reach forward, up, around and back and we come to rest on the outer edge of that back foot. Hips are drawing down. I'm pressing out of my right hand to take care of that shoulder. A little Horizon Lunge warm up here. Inhale. Exhale, bring it all the way back. Find your footing, press into the top of that back foot, Crescent Lunge. Sweep the fingertips forward and lift your heart up. And then exhale, bring it all the way back down. Plant the palms. Come back to all fours. In all fours, walk the wrists underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips. Take your rib cage to the right, then bend the elbows to drop it down. Smooth it towards the earth and then then to the left and repeat. Moving in a circle with the rib cage. Stretching through the shoulders, pressing into the tops of the feet. Reverse it. And then come back to center, drop the elbows exactly where the hands were, walk the knees back, peel the hip creases up towards the sky, Puppy Pose. Three to five breaths here. Make them long and smooth. Heart melts towards the earth here, forearms are parallel. Try to press into the tops of your toes. Sending energy and awareness through the whole body. Carve a line with your nose slowly forward. Slide on into home. Come onto your belly. Sphinx Pose. Loop the shoulders back, find length in the crown of the head. Nice long beautiful neck here as you press into your palms and find that extension. Grace note here is to hug the low ribs in. So we're not just splaying out here with gravity, but we're finding that support in the spine that marriage of Sthira, the stability, and Sukha, the ease. Turn to look past your right shoulder. Imagine someone, maybe one of your angels, giving you a little kiss on the left side of your neck. And then bring it back through center. Press into the elbows, take your gaze past your left shoulder. Maybe imagine a loved one giving you a little smooch on the neck. And then bring it back to center, interlace the fingertips here. Keep the elbows underneath the shoulders and you're gonna practice hugging the low ribs in here. Start by hugging the low ribs in and then curl the toes under, lift the heels and send it back, Forearm Plank. There's only one of these. Be kind to yourself here. Breathe, you got this. Breathe. Stick with it. You got this. Navel draws in and up. Press away from your yoga mat. Lengthen through the crown of the head. Use your breath. Welcome it. Use your breath. You're here for five. Press into the pinkies. Four, three, two, one. Slow descend of the hips to the earth. Nice! You're gonna come to rest in a fetal position on the right side of your body, the right side. Oh, you can rest your head in your right arm. Left hand can rest wherever it feels good. Take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Nice. You're not done yet, but very nice, beautiful. Alright, from here you're gonna stay on your right side. We're just gonna pop up now to the right hand. Side lying position. Hips are in line with the shoulders. We're gonna stack the knees and we're gonna stir with the left knee. So you're gonna open, take it around and close. Open, take it in a circle and close. And then reverse it. Breathe, soften the skin of the face. Now check in with your abs here. Hug the low ribs in. Find that support, the spine. Nice. Then we're gonna send the legs out long, point the toes, you're gonna roll through to center and take it to the other side. So you're gonna be on your left arm this time. Hips are stacked. I'm just flipping around to face camera but you can allow the sound of my voice to guide you and same thing. We're gonna stir with that right knee and we're gonna try to stay connected to the low abs the whole time. Nice slow circles one way. And then reverse it. Nice, then send both legs out long come back to your belly. Salabhasan. Press into the pubic bone, press into the tops of the feet, send your fingertips out towards your toes. Inhale in, exhale, lift the head, the neck, the shoulders, baby Cobra. Inhale in again, feel the expansion through all four sides of the torso. And then exhale, send the fingertips up and back, maybe lift the toes here. Draw the shoulder blades together, neck nice and long. Breathe. One more breath in this spinal extension, hug those low ribs in. Grace note, grace note. Nice and then slowly release. Elbows come back, Sphinx Pose. And then walk the right elbow in towards the center, look past your left shoulder at your left toes. We're gonna bend the left knee, we might reach around and grab the left heel or the left shin or the top of the foot. A little quad stretch here, breathe. And then slowly release that, be sweet. Left elbow replaces the right and we take a look past the right shoulder. And maybe we bend that knee, look back. Maybe we find a bind, maybe not. And wherever you are, let's release it. Shift our weight to the left side of our mat and slowly flip on to our back side. Great, bend your knees, bring the soles of the feet to the mat. Press into the palms. Slow and very sweetly lift your tailbone, shins forward, hip points rise up for a low Bridge. Inhale in here. Exhale to stay. Inhale in again. And on the exhale, so slow, soften through the chest, the collarbones, relax one vertebra at a time, we lower down so, so slow. Kind and gentle. When you land hug the right knee into the chest, send the left leg out long. Breathe in. Breathe out, take it over towards the left side into a twist. Right shoulder anchors down onto the earth and you can close your eyes here and soften through the fingertips and the toes. Breathe deeply into your belly. And then we'll melt it back to center. Hug the left knee up in towards the heart. Extend the right leg. Breathe in. Breathe out. And exhale, bring it over into your twist. Anchor the left shoulder down, left elbow down. Soften through the fingertips and toes. And you got to bring the breath, so bring a beautiful deep, full belly breath here. Then slowly melt it back to center. Extend the legs out long. Bring the hands to your belly, and again, let's breathe in together a big full belly breath. And exhale release. And two more just like that to close the practice. Inhale in. Lots of love and kindness. And exhale. Inhale. And exhale. May the rest of your day be filled with opportunities for you to bring more lovingkindness to your movement, to your gestures, to your breath and to your interactions. Let's bring the palms together, thumbs up to the third eye. Way to show up. I know it's hard to keep showin' up and you're doin' great. Thank you for being here. Take good care. Namaste. (upbeat rhythmic music)