- Hey there everyone. Welcome back to Flow, your 30 Day Yoga Journey. You are in the right place. It is Lucky Day 13 and today we focus, or refocus, on ease. Let's get started. (light rhythmic music) Alright, let's begin today's practice lying down on our backs. Good job, Benji, lying down as well. Go ahead and extend the legs out long. Tuck the chin into your chest. Just take a second to get settled in here. Hands can rest somewhere on your body. We'll close the eyes or soften the gaze and start to notice our breath. And keep it easy. Just notice your breath. And, of course, often just by bringing our attention to it, it starts to change. So you don't have to force it, just allow. And slowly bring your attention to the soles of your feet. We're gonna do a little body scan here to begin as you just breathe easy, just checking in. Starting with the soles of the feet, can wiggle the toes, soften through the feet, make sure you're not holding or gripping in the ankles. And then let it go. And then trace a line up from the feet, ankles to the calves and the shins. You can't do anything wrong here. We're just bringing awareness. So send your awareness to the knees, and the backs of the knees. And up through the femur, the thigh bone, the muscles around the thigh bone. And here you might notice that you're gripping, you're holding somewhere. Can you release? Find a little release there. Then we can bring our attention to the pelvis, the hips, and the low belly. The glutes, the coccyx, the tailbone, the sacrum, and the low back. Then to the torso, the ribcage, the mid-back. And by now, maybe we start to gently deepen our breath if we have not already. Bringing our awareness now to the sternum, that heart chakra and the upper back. Release any gripping in the fingers, the wrists, the forearms, the upper arm bones. And then the shoulders, collarbone. Take a moment to swallow as you bring your awareness to your neck, your throat, the jaw, around the eyes, the lips, the nose. Soften the skin of the forehead. Bring your awareness to the space around your ears, the back of the skull, the top of the head. And then with our awareness, our attention, we invite a sense of ease. We slow it down, we take stock, we are honest about coming into our own presence. So when our energy is, we'll say a little bit off, when the nervous system is in need of perhaps a little more balance, we have trouble kind of meeting ourselves with ease in a body scan like this. So just notice how you are today. I've been through it all. (laughs) So I really wanna remind you there's no right or wrong. Just taking this practice a little bit deeper. Glorious. Now slowly bend your right knee and bend your left knee, bring the soles of the feet to the mat. Bring the palms to the earth. Actually snuggle your shoulder blades underneath your chest so you feel this opening in your heart. And then nice and easy, peel the tailbone up. So we're not hoisting the hips up. We're slowly finding that Sukha or that ease, that softness, as we lift up. And I love to pair the ease with the stability practice, or allow it to follow or come before the stability practice, because really it's all about both, right? Slowly lower it down. So we have that awareness of Dunda here, but we're just softening the hard edges. We're bringing a little smoothness, a little fluidity to it today. Continue, lift up through the spine and then soften and lower everything down. Do one more, slowly lifting, massaging the spine. And then slowly releasing. Lovely. From here, we're gonna interlace the fingertips, bring them behind the head. Inhale in, exhale, lift the shins parallel to the ceiling. Inhale in, keep, again, keep the softness in the skin of the face as you lift the head, the neck, the shoulders. So can we find that Sukha, that ease here? Inhale in. Exhale, lift a little higher. Good, inhale to lower now. Exhale to lift, soften the skin of the face, relaxed in the neck. Inhale to lower. Exhale to lift. Inhale to lower. Exhale to lift. Keep going. Now the next time you're lifting, stay up here. We're gonna bring the left shoulder to the top of the right thigh. Stay lifted as you slide with ease through center and then take the right shoulder to the top of the left thigh. Slide it through to the right. Hips and pelvis stay even and heavy. Slide it through to the left. Now we're gonna add the extension of the opposite leg. Nice and easy. Breathe. Inhale, come through center, exhale to the left. Inhale to center, to the right. Inhale to center, to the left. Inhale to center, to the right. Inhale to center, this is the last one, to the left. If you aren't there, meet me there. Great, then we'll release. Palms come to the knees, relax the shoulders, breathe. Now we're gonna send the knees forward, then open them wide, then draw them up towards the shoulders and together. Circles, stirring with the knees, but really bringing your attention, or your mind's eye to the hip sockets here. Nice and slow, easy breezy. And then reverse the circle. Beautiful, left foot comes to the ground, right foot reaches up high. Interlace the fingertips around the back of your right thigh. Inhale in here, extend the left leg out long. Exhale, we're gonna lift the head, the neck, the shoulders up, but we're not gonna find that tension in the neck. We're gonna keep it soft, mindful, and easy. Good from here, stay lifted, inhale in. Exhale, switch legs. Inhale in again. Exhale, switch. Now keep it going. Nice and easy, slow and with control. Take it out of the face. Relax the shoulders down. One more on each side. Then release. Capture the kneecaps with the palms. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Now we're gonna slide the hands of the backs of the thighs. You're gonna rock and roll a little bit up and down the length of your spine. Try to keep it soft and easy in the face. And the next time you lift up, maybe you catch yourself. Capture a little magic moment here. Then bring the shins parallel to the ceiling. Shoulders are relaxed and you can hold on for for dear life here, it's all good. Now we find that length from the crown, so that Sthira, that stability, that long, taut line in the spine, the Dunda. But then from there, we're gonna radiate ease. We're gonna soften through the skin of the face, relax the shoulders, our muscles are drawing in to support that center channel, that spinal cord. Maybe we reach the fingertips forward, soft fingers. Maybe not, maybe we stay here. Maybe we straighten one leg, and then bend. And then straighten the other, and bend. Maybe we straighten both legs. And then release, come all the way back down to your back. Palms come to the knees once again. Inhale in, exhale, let that go. (chuckles) Let it go. Awesome, from here we're gonna take Happy Baby, so reach around to the outer edges of your feet, slowly bring the soles of the feet up towards the sky. Another great place to find Sukha, to find ease. Lengthen the crown, sorry, yeah, lengthen the crown, but lengthen the tailbone (chuckles) forward. Relax your shoulders down. Open up more through your chest. Nice, then slowly release. Interlace the fingertips, bring them back behind the head. Round two, here we go. So we wanna keep the skin of the face soft. We wanna support the spine. We move nice and slow and with control, inhale in. Exhale, lift one leg, then the other. Inhale in again. Exhale to lift the head, the neck, the chest. Really trying to get those shoulder blades off the mat here. Inhale to lower, exhale to lift. Inhale to lower, exhale to lift. Inhale to lower. Exhale to lift. This time stay lifted and here we go right into that leg extension. Left shoulder to the top of the right thigh, extend the left leg. Then keep it lifted as you slide with ease through center and take it to the other side. Keep it going. Inhale through center. Exhale. Inhale to center. Exhale, pelvis stays steady. Now one more time on each side bring more ease to the skin of the face, to your jaw and then relax. Palms come to the knees. Now draw your knees all the way out so your low back comes up. Peek it me if you need to. I'm shifting my weight forward so my low back can come up. I can slide my hand underneath the low back. I'm just gonna hang out here for a moment. Should feel good. Mmm, then release the feet to the mat. Bring the palms to the earth and one at a time we're gonna send the toes up towards the sky. If the knees are really bent here, that's all good. In time we'll work to find more length in the hamstring and the calf. Press into the palms. Inhale in. Exhale, navel's gonna draw down to the core of the earth as you lift your tailbone up to activate the low abs. Now you're gonna want to resist the urge to crunch your face, crunch your shoulders, try to keep that softness, that Sukha, that ease, in the upper body and just isolate this lift in the transverse abdominals. So slow and steady as you release. So we lift up and try to control the release. Find your breath. Relax your shoulders. And when it starts to get tough, use your breath to soften out those heart edges. You're here for three, two, and one, release. Palms come to the knees and let's repeat the circles, knees wide, and around and in. And then take it the other way. Nice. Left foot comes down, right foot crosses. We're just gonna end with a little figure four stretch here. So find what feels good. Close your eyes, breathe. Then slowly release and switch. There's an invitation to play with today's theme off the mat, just noticing when tension or stress, tightness starts to manifest in the body. Can we soften, release, find that Sukha, find that smoothness? Maybe a lighter touch. Maybe you're a little more gentle with yourself. Release the legs, extend them out long. Let's take a nice full body stretch here. Inhale, reach the arms up and overhead. Big, big breath, big stretch. Oh, to be alive today. And then as you exhale, bring the palms together, slide the thumbs up to the third eye. Inhale. And exhale to close. Great work, everyone. See you tomorrow. Namaste. (upbeat rhythmic music)