(upbeat music) - Alright, welcome my darling friends. Thank you for joining me for this 5 minutes of breathwork. You won't regret it. Come on down to the ground if you haven't already. Sit up on a little somethin' somethin' if you have it. If not, no worries. We're just gonna try to find length in the spine. And if you're feeling, if you're struggling a little bit today, know that you can do this laying on your back as well. Alright? Wherever you are, let's find length in the spinal column. Length through the crown of the head. Benji's settled in in his position as well. And if you feel comfortable and safe, close your eyes. Just kind of shutting down the visual, the external. And if that's not good for you today, you can just soften your gaze. And truly allow it to soften. Allow your peripheral vision to become more subtle. And just notice your breath here. Nice. Then whether you're in a seated position or lying down, move slowly here. Allow the sound of my voice to guide you. And thank you for allowing me to guide you. Slowly, move like you love yourself, you're gonna slowly bring your hands to your rib cage. And just bring the index finger and thumb to the rib cage here. Start to breathe a little bit deeper, noticing how the rib cage may expand as you inhale. And how it contracts, it gently softens, draws in on the exhale. And see if you can gently deepen your breath, exaggerating that movement just a little bit. Then keep this beautiful expansive breath going, but relax your hands now wherever they fall naturally. Palm face up or face down. And see if you can find that slow, expansive breath. Feeling the rib cage lift and expand. And soften and retreat in. And then release that breath. Just come back to your natural breath, whatever that may be. In yoga we often say if you're breathing, you're doing it right. And what we're wanting to do is train the brain, mind's eye as well, to breathe with more attention, more awareness, more consciousness. So we're gonna end with a breath where we inhale into the belly this time. Then inhale into the rib cage and the chest where you just were. And then exhale, let it go. And if it helps to put your hands on your belly or your rib cage again, go ahead and give it a try. Inhale in to your belly. Keep inhaling as you breathe into the chest, rib cage. And then exhale, let it go. So it's a two-part inhale, breathing into the belly. Keep inhaling into the rib cage and the chest. And exhale out through the nose or the mouth. Breathe in through the nose, belly. Continue, chest and ribs. Exhale, let everything go. One last time, deep breath into the belly. Into the ribs, the chest. Breathe in, breathe in, breathe in. And exhale this one out through the mouth if you can. Let it all go. Beautiful, just take a second here to open your eyes. Maybe take some soft, easy movements in the head or the neck and notice if you feel like kind of moving a little bit now, maybe gently. Often starting with conscious breath will kind of inspire you, motivate you to want to find what feels good and explore some more whole body movements and sensations. I always say a little goes a long way so thank you for taking the time to breathe with me today. I hope to see you again soon. Draw the palms together, thumbs to the heart. Take one last little breath in together. And out together. Take good care. Namaste. (upbeat music)