- What's up, party people? Welcome to Yoga With Adriene, I'm Adriene. Today we have a video for the pranayama series. This is a breath technique called Shitali or sheet-ah-lee, that I really love, and I think it's important to put this out into the world and to practice, especially because we have this growing popularity in yoga, which is really great and there's lots of flow and active, and yoga's a workout, and we have our yoga for weight loss series and everything, but we wanna make sure we also balance that with things like pranayama practice, breath practice, and this one in particular, which is super awesome after you've maybe done a sweaty yoga, had a good workout, or maybe you've come home from a run and you wanna connect to your spirit and just kind of balance things out, keyword "balance," so that you're not left feeling agitated and kind of fiery. So Shitali or sheet-ah-lee, is a cooling breath, it's also really awesome 'cause I like to refer to it as "taco breath," and I love tacos. But this is in all seriousness just a great way to cool off the body, also the mind, reduce stress, take it a notch down, really great for the entire nervous system, really great if you're kind of pissy or just feeling like you need something to connect you to the greater good of humanity. Taco breath is for you, so let's get started. (upbeat music) Okay, so to begin we're going to come into a comfortable seat, I'm coming in to a little Hero variation with the block underneath me for support, but you can come into any comfortable seat where the spine can be nice and tall and erect. So that could be in a chair, it could be cross-legged, or it could be on the knees like moi. So very important though, all jokes aside, that we just find this length in the spine so that we can lift and lengthen up through the crown of the head, the center channel nice and long. (snickers) Okay, and then just take a second to close your eyes and notice your breath. Is it short? Is it shallow? Can you deepen it a little bit here? And then to begin our cooling breath here today we're going to bring our attention, our focus to the tongue and see if we can curl the edges of the tongue inward like a taco. Now, disclaimer, some people genetically cannot do this. Right? I can, I'm a taco tongue gal, I can roll the tongue. But if you can't, the option or the modification, the variation would be to just bring the tongue between the lips like so. My dog Benji does this all the time, he's like... So we're either rolling the outer edges of the tongue inward or we're bringing the tongue modification just between the lips like so. Okay? Now we're gonna be inhaling with the tongue as such. So I inhale through the taco tongue. (laughing) I had no idea this video was gonna be so fun for me, it is okay, already. So I'm gonna inhale in through the taco tongue, get serious Adriene! Like you're sipping the air up in through a straw. (giggling) Right, so just try that. Advanced studies option here is to really kind of pay attention to the shoulders here, make sure you're not sucking in like so, play with that abdominal breath or that belly breath, right? And actually that goes for everyone, just keep the shoulders nice and relaxed, wherever you are. Okay, so just trying to inhale again, and we're really breaking this sucker down. Inhaling in with the tongue. And we're either in the taco tongue, or the modification here, looks like this. Okay? We'll seal at the top. So that means we'll hold the breath, we'll retain for just a moment at the top, holding the breath in, closing the mouth, drawing the tongue in, and then exhaling with control out through the nostrils. Okay, so we inhale through the tongue, nice cooling breath, the air hits the back of the throat, cools off. And then we seal, hold, retain the breath for a moment. And then exhale out through the nostrils. So let's just try that on our own. Okay, coming in with the inhale. Sealing at the top, holding, shoulders relaxed. Exhale with control through the nostrils. Beautiful. Let's try again. Inhaling. Pause, hold the top, retain the breath. Exhale through the nostrils. Again. Awesome, so now that you have a little understanding about how to do it, we're going to practice with a five count to inhale, a beat of two to hold at the top, and then we're gonna aim for five to exhale. This is just a guide, this is just something to kind of give you structure-wise, to play with. You can extend that, you can shorten that, you can make it your own, or if you're the type of person that prefers not to count, you can just play with the inhalation and the exhalation, nice and long and smooth. Okay, here we go. Sit up nice and tall, relax the shoulders. Maybe close your eyes for this one. Take a deep inhale in through the nose. And then out through the nose. Then we'll inhale and begin with the tongue. After five, hold at the top for two. Exhale for five. Playing with that structure of inhaling for five. One, two, three, four, five. Retain the breath for two. Exhale one, two, three, four, five, keep it going, count in your head. And as you begin to drop in with this beautiful cooling breath, you'll begin to notice that you can really find that extension. So let's just do a couple more sipping in through that taco straw for as long as you can, holding at the top, and then enjoying the beautiful ride of the exhale out into your bliss. In fact, there are a lot of... texts, yoga texts, ancient texts that speak of this breath as the bliss breath, or the giver of bliss. And you totally feel blissed out and blessed at the end, I already feel it now. Okay, so we're just gonna practice for a couple more times together and then I'll let you off and into the blissful world of taco breath on your own, but let's do a couple more together. Let's do one more. Awesome, and then drop your chin to your chest. Lift the heart, draw the shoulders down and then begin to open your eyes. Take the palms together, rub them, just to transition. And then release, awesome. Alright my friends, awesome work. So put this breath in your yoga tool belt. This is one of my favorite pranayamas, because I can do it anywhere, you can do it in traffic, really great if you're frustrated in traffic. This is a really great breath if you're hungry, if you're getting those hunger pains, you're starting to get a little angry because you're hungry, we all know that. (chuckles) Some of us know that more than others, right honey? (chuckles) Just kidding, and so this is a great thing to do if you're really hungry or thirsty and you need to kind of slow things down, cool things off. Really great for stress and just reducing that fight or flight. You know? Great work, let me know what you think of taco breath down below, share it with your friends. Again, don't worry, Yoga With Adriene includes everyone, if you can't roll your tongue you can do the modification, share that with a friend, and I'll see you next time. Free yoga videos every Wednesday, thumbs up if you liked the video, share the channel with your friends, subscribe if you haven't already, for goodness sake! And take good care. Namaste. (upbeat music)