- What's up everyone? Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene and this is Benji and today we have a fiery practice for courage so hop into something comfy and let's get started. (light music) Okey doke my friends, let's begin in a nice comfortable seat of your choice. We're just gonna take a quick second to tune in. Sit up nice and tall. Draw your hands together in a Prayer Position right at your heart and just right away go ahead and bow your head down to your hands. You start to feel a nice stretch in the back of the neck. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, relax your shoulders down. Close your eyes, continue to gently deepen your breath. We're just gonna jump right in, right? The courage to show up, that's where it starts and here we are. So thank you for showing up here today, for sharing your practice with me and with Benji. Take a moment here to set a little intention if that feels right for you today. Seeing if you can elongate your inhalations. Maybe extend your exhalations. And then we'll take a deep breath in together. Here we go, inhale. And use your exhale to relax your shoulders and slowly lift your head back up. You can open your eyes. And here we go, we're gonna draw just some small gentle circles with a nose one way. And then the other. Might notice some sound effects here. Just move nice and easy one way and then the other. Bye, Benji, peace. And then bring it back to center. We're gonna squeeze the shoulders up to the ears, take a deep breath in. And on an exhale drop 'em down. Again, squeeze and lift, big inhale. And exhale, drop 'em down. One more time, big squeeze, big breath. And exhale to drop it down. Awesome. We're gonna come forward now on to all fours. Spread your fingertips wide right away, finding a strong hand-to-earth connection. Tabletop Position. On an inhale, drop the belly, open the chest. Really feel the muscles of the abdominal wall stretch here. So pause here, breathe. Claw through the fingertips. And then on your next exhale, follow the breath as you round through the spine, chin to chest, take a couple breaths here in Cat Pose. Just feeling the back of the neck get long. We're pressing into the fingerprints. We're pressing into the tops of the feet. And now flowing with the breath, inhale drop the belly, open the chest, look forward. Exhale, rounding through chin to chest, navel draws up. Inhale, drop the belly, open the heart. Let your heart energy just shine forward, forward, forward. And then exhale, round through, opposite direction, navel draws up. One more time with the sound of your breath. Then inhale to neutral Tabletop Position. Nice long, beautiful neck here, so we're not collapsing. We'll curl the toes under and when you're ready, peel it up to Downward Facing Dog. If you're wearing a baggy shirt like me, you might come into your own private little love cave here. Bend the knees. Find what feels good. Nice, and then we'll take baby steps, baby steps all the way to the top of the mat. I'll meet you in a Forward Fold, feet hip-width apart at the top of the mat. Just take a couple breaths here. The longer, the better (laughs). See if you can extend your inhalation and extend that exhale. The longer the better there. On your next inhale come up to a flat back position so palms on the shins or thighs. Inhale to find length all the way through the crown. And then exhale to soften and fold. Bend your knees generously, really feel that weight in your heels. Tuck the chin and then take your time as you roll it all the way up to Mountain Pose. Stack your head over your heart here. Your heart over your pelvis. Try to find this upward current of energy lifting you up through your front body and then this downward current of energy, kind of, grounding you through your back body. Finding your balance in between those two opposing forces, this lift and this fall. Mountain Pose. Take a deep breath in here. Exhale to spread your awareness through all four corners of your feet. On your next inhale, go ahead and spread the fingertips. Reach the hands all the way up towards the sky. And then exhale, palms are gonna kiss together and we're gonna slice it right down the midline here. All the way down back to that Forward Fold. Good, inhale, halfway lift here. Find length through crown of the head. Exhale, Uttanasana, Forward Fold. Awesome, ground through the feet. Root to rise here. We're gonna inhale, reach all the way back up. And then exhale palms come together and melt down right to your heart. Good, nice cleansing breath here. Inhale in through the nose. Exhale out through the mouth. Good, inhale, fingertips go down to come up. Reach for the sky. Exhale, palms kiss together and we go all the way down. Good, inhale, halfway lift. Find length from crown to tail. So really reaching. And then exhale, fold everything down. Good. Here we go, fingertips kiss the mat. I'm gonna step just the right foot back, just the right foot. Now squeeze the inner thighs to the midline. Strong legs here, you got this. You can lower the back knee here if you like. Inhale, reach the fingertips forward, up and back. Big breath, big stretch. Welcoming some heat. And then exhale, plant the palms. Step the left toes back, Plank Pose. Pause here. Lower the knees here if you like. Lifting up through the upper back body so your shoulder blades are moving left to right spreading and you feel this doming effect in the upper back body. Now, lower belly draws in and up. We hung the low ribs in, in, in. We're here for three, two and then on the one send the hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Awesome work. Bend the knees here, inhale in. And then exhale out through the mouth. Find stillness. Good, baby steps to the top of the mat. Take your time. Take your time. Here we go, inhale, halfway lift, find length in the neck. Exhale to soften and fold it back in. Awesome, fingertips kiss the mat. We're gonna step the left toes back. Keep that back knee lifted. Always the option to lower it, but maybe you start with the lift. Squeezing the inner thighs to the midline, here we go. Inhale, scoop the fingertips forward, up and back. So we're at a high lunge here or nice low lung, breathing deep. Waking up the body. Lift your heart up towards the sky, take a deep breath in. Exhale, slow and steady back down to your lunge. Plant the palms, step the right toes back, Plank Pose. Okay, spread the fingertips. Send your gaze down. Reach the heels back, crown forward. Have courage, dear one. Here we go. Inhale in. Exhale, just gonna turn on the outer edge of the left foot, inner arch of the right foot. So a little twist in the belly. Good, back to center. And then over to the right. Good, back to center take a deep breath in. Exhale, hips up high and back, Downward Facing Dog. Awesome, pedal it out. Inhale in and then exhale, find stillness. Good, inhale, bend the knees, look forward. Exhale, make your way to the top. Good, from here inhale, halfway lift, your version. Find length in the neck. Exhale to soften and fold. Bend the knees, reach the fingertips toward the sky, big inhale here as you reach all the way up. And then exhale, hands to heart. Inhale in through the nostrils. Exhale out through the mouth. Lift your sternum up to your thumbs here. Another deep breath in. Inhale in through the nose. And exhale out through the mouth. Inhale, fingertips go down to come up. We scoop them all the way up towards the sky. Exhale, palms kiss together and we go all the way down, Forward Fold. Good, inhale, halfway lift, find length. Try to find something new each time we come to this shape. Good and then exhale, soften and fold. Bend the knees, plant the palms, step one foot back then the other, Plank Pose. Here we go, tick-tock to the left so you're gonna move to the left nice and easy. Press into both palms evenly here. And then all the way to center and take it to the right. And then keep it going, to the left. And to the right. Gaze straight down. Turning on those obliques. Here we go to the left. Breathing. Through center to the right. One more time to the left and to the right. Awesome work. Come back to center. You can lower on to the knees here if you like, squeeze the elbows in. Here we go, shift forward on the toes and lower all the way to your belly. Inhale, press into the tops of the feet, Baby Cobra. We rise up, open the heart. Look forward. Exhale, soften and release. Awesome work. Curl the toes under, inhale in. Exhale, press up, power up, Plank Pose or Half Plank, you got this. Now gaze straight down and whisper quietly to yourself, "I am strong." Downward Facing Dog, hips up high and back, great work. On your next inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, step the right foot all the way up. We're gonna pivot on the back foot and you're gonna roll up, roll up to Warrior I. Front knee is bent. When you're ready, reach the fingertips towards the sky. So strong legs here. Big inhale as you lift your heart, your chest up. Exhale, Warrior II as you open up to the left, back toes turn in. Good, inhale, Peaceful Warrior, reach the right fingertips forward, up and back. Front knee stays bent. Beautiful and now here we go, big move. Follow your breath is you cartwheel all the way back to your nice low lunge. Plant the palms, step the right toes back. Inhale, look forward, shift forward. Exhale all the way to the belly. Inhale, lift up, Cobra. Exhale to soften and release. Inhale in here as you curl the toes under. Exhale, press up, power up, Plank Pose. Quietly whisper to yourself, "I am strong." Downward Facing Dog. Inhale in. Exhale out through the mouth. Good, inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale shift it forward, step it up. Take your time. Pivot on the back foot. Roll it up, so front knee's bent and I like the roll up 'cause you can really ground through the feet. Rise up strong. Beautiful, then inhale, scoop the arms up, Warrior I. Beautiful. Lift your chest. Open up, Warrior II. Breathe out, strong and steady, back toes are turned in. Good, inhale, keep the front knee bent. Left fingertips reach forward, up and back. Nice long neck. Inhale, inhale, inhale. And then exhale. Here we go, big cartwheel all the way down. Take your time. Take up space. Here we go, plant the palms. Step the left toes back. Back to the tick-tock, here we go. To the left, nice and easy. And to the right. And over to the left. And to the right. And to the left. And to the right getting strong in our abdominals. To the left. And to the right. Have courage. You got this. Over to the left. And last time to the right. You got it. And then all the way through a vinyasa. Either belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog. Move with your breath. Meet me in Downward Facing Dog. Feel free to take a little break if you need to. We'll meet in Downward Dog. Slow down your breath. Claw through the fingertips. Take pressure out of the wrist. Inhale, bend the knees, carve a line with the nose, look forward. Exhale, make your way to the top. Inhale, halfway lift. Nice flat back position here. And exhale to soften and fold. Good, inhale, root to rise. Reach for the sky. Big breath, big stretch. Lift your heart and then exhale capture that magic. Bring it all the way back down. Palms together at heart center. Close your eyes here, inhale in deeply. And exhale, nice cleansing breath out through the mouth. One more just like that. Big inhale. And exhale out through the mouth. Awesome, inhale, lift your sternum to your thumbs. On an exhale, relax your shoulders down. Inhale in again. Exhale, gaze forward, bend your knees, send your hips back. Sternum still reaching towards those thumbs. Beautiful. Inhale in. Exhale. You're gonna take your right elbow, bring it over towards the outer edge of your left knee. Big twist here. Right hand comes into a fist. Left hand comes on top and you use this as a little, kind of fulcrum, a little place to move from here. Breathing wide. Nice and steady. In time, dropping those hips. Inhale in. Exhale slowly, release. Come into your Forward Fold, Standing Forward Fold. Nice. Inhale, halfway lift, your version. Exhale to soften and fold. Let it go. Good, bend the knees, send the hips back. Palms come together at heart center. Here we go. Do the other side. Left elbow all the way up and over. Sink back into those heels. Left hand comes into a fist, right hand on top. Here we go. Sending your gaze out past your right shoulder, right elbow. Sinking those hips down low, breathing into the belly. Inhale in. Nice work. And exhale to slowly melt it back, Forward Fold. Good, inhale, halfway lift. And exhale to let it all go. Nice. Bend the knees, plant the palms, step it back to Plank Pose. Okey doke, this time claw through the fingertips. We're gonna take the right toes and just take it off the mat, tapping the toe off the mat. Good, bring it back to center. Tapping the left toes off the mat. Toe taps back and forth, keep it going. Nice and easy. Now bring that awareness of your spine into it here. Crown reaching forward, tail reaching back. We're finding that inner support system by hugging a low ribs in. Drawing the navel in and up, Uddiyana Bandha. Upper arm bones rotating out. Clawing into the fingertips here for five, four, three, two and go ahead and even it out on the one. And then slowly lower all the way to the belly. Belly to Cobra or Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog. We will meet in Downward Facing Dog. You got this. You got this. I'll meet you there. Excellent. In Down Dog take a deep breath in. And let some of it go. Again, inhale in. And exhale to let something go. Inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale to step it all the way up. Inhale, keep the back heel lifted as you sweep the arms forward, up and back. And we're really gonna exaggerate the lift in this back heel in this high lunge. Good. Inhale to lift your heart up towards the sky. Exhale, you're gonna send the fingertips back, airplane arms and look forward. Front knees's over front ankle. We can stay here or inhale in. Exhale to begin to lift off the back leg, coming into a Warrior III variation here. Just playing. Gazing forward. Putting it all together. Hugging the abdominal wall in. Reaching the fingertips back. Neck nice and long. Good inhale in, trust. Keep your gaze forward. Have courage. We're gonna slowly release the left toes to the ground. Ah, the ground is there to catch up. We inhale, come back to the high lunge. Lift the left heel off the ground. And then exhale, Warrior II to the left. Inhale. This time straighten the right leg as you reach the right fingertips all the way up and back, Reverse Triangle. And then exhale, cartwheel it all the way back down to your lunge. Beautiful, plant the palms, step the right toes back. Belly to Cobra here or Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog. Move with your breath. Meet me in Downward Facing Dog. In Down Dog, inhale lots of love in. And exhale lots of love out. Here we go, inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, step it all the way up. Lift the right heel, keep it lifted as you scoop the fingertips, bring the arms forward, up and back. Draw the navel in and up. Slow down your breath. Inhale, lift your heart up towards the sky. Exhale, front knee over front ankle as we lean forward, send the fingertips back. Now we're staying here working. Or we might try today, even if we fall, inhaling in, exhaling, using that connection to center, using the length in the spine to lift off the back of leg, maybe send the right toes down towards the earth lifting the right inner thigh towards the sky and we fly here. Maybe, maybe for a moment, maybe not. If you're flying or working towards that, draw your shoulder blades together. Send your gaze out in front. Nice, long beautiful neck. Slight bend in your standing leg. Peeling that left hip crease up. Dialing that right hip down. You're doing great. Wherever you are, take a deep breath in. If the back of leg is lifted, trust the ground is there to catch you, we'll slowly release the right toes to the ground and everyone we'll pick up together here by inhaling, reaching the fingertips all the way up towards the sky. Great. Lift the back heel. Stretching through the fascia of that back foot. Grounded through the front foot and then here we go. On an exhale, open Warrior II to the right. Good, here we go. Straining through the front leg. Inhale, reach the left fingertips forward, up and back, Reverse Triangle. And then from center, navel draws in. We'll cartwheel it all the way back. Plant the palms. Last call for vinyasa. Take it or leave it. You can go straight to Downward Facing Dog or you can take a little dance here. We'll meet in Downward Facing Dog. Last Down Dog. I'll meet you there. Here we go, nice cleansing breath in through the nose. And now a Lion's Breath, tongue out. Good, inhale in. On an exhale, slow descend of the knees down to the earth. Bring the big toes together, knees as wide as the mat. Turn the right fingertips towards the right edge of your mat and around. Left fingertips towards the left edge of a mat and around. Ground through the fingertips here, then inhale, send your gaze out. Can't have a courage practice without the lion. Here we go, deep inhale in through the nose. And exhale, Lion's Breath, tongue out, send the hips back. Good, inhale in. And exhale, tongue out, gaze up, Lion's Breath. And one more, don't be shy. Here we go. Go for it. Inhale in deeply. And exhale, Lion's Breath, tongue out. Awesome, hands first, nice and easy, come back. They ground. We'll walk the knees together. Shift the hips up, come off the toes and then send the hips back, Child's Pose. You can paint your yoga mat here, dragging the hands until we finally melt the heart, melt the forehead and take a rest. So if this shape is not a place, does not offer a place to rest for you, you can modify now. Let's all come to a little stillness where we can begin to relax the shoulders and allow our natural rhythm of breath. To come back nice and easy, slow and steady. Just whatever feels good with the breath. Awesome. From here here slowly bring the hands back up. We'll rock forward, swing the legs to one side. As you come up, take your time. We're gonna send the legs out and we're gonna come all the way down to our back. You can get there however you like. Maybe you send the legs out and do a slow roll down if you want a little more connection to core today otherwise get there however you like. And when you get there, we're gonna hug the knees into the chest. Should feel yummy on the low back. And then send your left leg out long, inhale in. As you exhale, guide your right knee across your body over towards the left side of the mat and then open out through your right arm, your right wing into nice supine twist. Breathe deep here. Maybe take your right ear towards the earth. Inhale in. Exhale, nice and slow all the way back to center you go. And then we'll hug both knees into the chest again. And then kick the right foot out. Inhale in here, use your exhale to guide the left leg over towards the right side. And now we'll open up towards the left. Take your time. Working to bring your left ear towards the earth. Alright, take advantage. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in here. And a long breath out. Mmm, so nice. Inhale in again. Exhale to bring it all back to center. We'll hug the knees into the chest one last time. Capture your knees with your palms and then nice and easy, peek at me if you need to, just gonna send the shins forward. And we're not doing anything here. We're just feeling this slight connection of the sacrum on the earth, the low back kind of comes up a bit. Just kind of neutralizing the spine and you can even part your lips and soften your jaw here. Then release the feet to the ground. Walk the feet as wide as your yoga mat and and bring the two knees in to kiss each other. Hands can rest gently on the belly. We're gonna finish here with a couple of deep loving breaths. Inhale lots of love in. As you exhale, close your eyes, lots of love out and let these breaths be loving. Let them be courageous. Remember just the mere act of showing up can be so incredibly grand, so beneficial. Putting us in the position physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically to be brave, to be confident. And when we feel that courage, oh, it's incredible what all we can do. What all we can share, how we can serve. Mhmmm, mhmmm, mhmmm, mhmmm, mhmmm. Take one more deep breath in. Exhale to bat the eyelashes open. You can bring the palms together if you like. Thumbs to third eye and we'll finish by just kind of acknowledging one another. High-fiving to the courageous superhero within. Acknowledging our unique super powers that we all possess. If only we could connect to those on a more regular basis my, my, my. Love you guys so much. Hope to see you again soon. Take good care. Namaste. (light music)