- Hello, everyone and welcome to Move. It is Day 21, and today we have a quickie for connection, specifically with your center. So hop into something comfy and let's get moving. (soft upbeat music) Alright pals, let's begin in a comfortable seat. Sit up nice and tall. When you're ready, we're gonna inhale, palms on the knees as you shift your weight forward, smooth your heart forward. Exhale, round through the spine. Take it back. Inhale, think Cobra or Up Dog. Exhale, think Cat Pose. Moving in a circle. Diving right in. Checking in with the neck here. The shoulders are getting a little opening through the hips here. A little massage on the glutes. And really initiating this movement best you can from your center. From the core of your being, that midline. Reverse the circle here. Forming up through the spine. Moving the energy. And then bring it back up to center. Extend the legs out long. We're gonna reach the fingertips forward. Plug the shoulders into socket, point the toes here. From the base of the spine, you're gonna start to slowly, slowly, slowly curl the tailbone and lower all the way to the ground nice and slow. When you reach the earth, head, neck and shoulders relax, take a deep breath in. Then exhale, point the toes and slowly lift back up. We're gonna repeat nice and slow. Starting at the tail, moving very slowly through the spine. Until you release, head, neck, shoulders on the ground. Take a deep breath in. And last time. We reach up, we point the toes and a nice, slow roll down. Nice and in control best you can. Good. When the head and the neck and the shoulders finally reach the ground this last time, we'll hug the right knee into the chest. Inhale in. Exhale, lift the nose up towards the knee. It doesn't have to even come close. Just intentionally kind of reaching nose towards knee so that we can engage the upper abs through the low abs. Then begin to flex your left foot and lift the left heel above the ground to hover. Good. Inhale in here. Exhale, nice and easy. Switch. Right leg extends and left knee squeezes up and in. And then we're just gonna move back and forth. But each time we switch, we're gonna lift the chest up towards the sky a little bit higher. We're slowly building a little fire in the core here. Good, then the next time your right knee is in, left leg is out, we're gonna work really hard here to inhale in, exhale, slowly, lift ourselves back up. Come to a seat. Right knee is lifted. Good. Inhale the left fingertips up high. Exhale, cross the left elbow over to the right. We're gonna find a twist here. Flex the left foot, inhale in. Exhale, slow and steady, journey into your twist. Inhale to lift and lengthen. Get long through the waistline. And exhale to twist. Nice. From here, hug the right knee into the chest. Point the left toes. We're gonna do that roll down. Ooh, yep. And then switch. Left knee in. Right leg hovers. Inhale in. Exhale. Lift the head, the neck, the shoulders. So you might have to use your hands here. Just check it out. Inhale in, exhale, lift up to a seat. Left knee's bent. Right fingertips reach up. And exhale to cross over. Find your twist. Inhale to lengthen through the crown of the head. Exhale really twisting from the midline from the center of your body. Good. Release. Hug the left knee in, point the right toes. Roll down nice and slow. And then release both legs out. Palms come to the earth. So hands face down. And then we're just gonna lift the knees up together into a Tabletop Position. So I want you to draw the toes out and in, and just notice where that nice stable place is. You could feel your low back lift maybe, and then become flush with the mat. So we're looking to eventually bring the knees right over the hip points. But if that doesn't feel good in your low back, you might hug the knees a little bit closer to your face. So find a good spot here. Inhale in. Then exhale, we're gonna lift the head, the neck, the shoulders, open the palms, send the fingertips forward. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Keep the chest nice and wide. A little space between your chin and your chest. So you're not tucking here. We're just sending our gaze up towards the sky. You should feel this in your low belly here. Inhale in. Exhale, extend the right leg, just the right leg. We're gonna lower and lift. Left leg stays in Table. Lower and lift. Lower and lift. If this is too much on your low back, you can do this with the head, the neck, the shoulders, the arms down. Left leg's in Table. We're moving just the right leg. Head, neck, shoulders, arms lifted. Palms open towards the sky. Again, option to bring the hands and the shoulders and the head down. And then bend that right knee. Bring it back into Table. Extend the left leg. You got this, hang it with it. Moving with your breath. Inhale to lower. Exhale to lift. Keep the chest nice and open. Spread the fingertips. Some energy there helps. You got this. Gaze up towards the sky. Move nice and slow, and with control. Find that connection to center. No pain in the low back. And then we'll bend the left knee. Here we go, extend both legs and bring it in. Extend and squeeze. Straighten and bend. Interlace the fingertips. Bring them behind the head. Elbows wide. Let your head get heavy here. Bring it in. Extend. Bring it in. Extend. Bring it in. Extend. Bring it in. Relax the head. Relax the feet on the ground. Take the knees to one side and then the other. Just a quick break. You got this, breathe deep. Keep the fingertips interlaced behind the head. Inhale in. Exhale, knees come back to Table. Inhale in again. Exhale, lift your head, neck, elbows, shoulders up, nice and wide in the elbows. Here we go. Inhale in. Exhale, extend the right leg. Right elbow to the left knee. Inhale through center. Exhale. Take it to the opposite side. Inhale, center. Exhale, twist. Inhale, center. Exhale, twist. Inhale, center. Exhale, twist. Inhale, center. Exhale, twist. Twice more. Last one. Beautiful. From here, bring the feet down. We're gonna snuggle the elbows down into the earth. Lift up onto them. So we're on our forearms here. Press into the elbows to lift the chest slightly and then bring the legs back into Table. Good. Slow and steady, right toes dip down and then lift. Left toes dip down and then lift. Right, lift. Left and lift. Now both toes. Bring the knees together, toes together. Lower and lift. Alright. Now we're gonna slowly shift onto the left hip. And from here, lower and lift. Lower, keep the chest lifted. Lower, lift. Lower, lift. Lower, lift. Squeeze the legs. Lower, lift. Bring it through center. Now onto the right hip. This is it. Lower and lift. Lower and lift. Lower, lift. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Lower and lift. Great, come back to center. Here we go. Extend the legs up. They can straighten or you can keep a nice bend in the knee. Just intention through the toes. We're gonna lower right leg and lift. Left leg and lift. Right leg and lift. Left leg and lift. Keep both legs lifted this time now, as you come on down to your back. We're gonna grab the outer edges of the mat and we're gonna open the legs and then scissor them in towards center. Wide and scissor in. Here we go. This is the last bit. Use that grip on the mat here for this last beat. We're breathing deep. You can lift the head, the neck, the shoulders if you want a little more. We're finding this little left to right motion for three, for two. Lower a little bit. And one. Release the legs to the ground. Inhale, reach the arms up and overhead, full body stretch. As you exhale, lower the hands down to the mat. Bring your knees up, preparing for Bridge Pose. Inhale in. Exhale slowly, peel the tailbone all the way up. Walk the shoulders down towards your heels. Shins reach forward. Lift the hip points up high. Breathe into your belly. Take the bind if you like here. Then release the bind if you have it. Everyone reach your fingertips up towards the sky and slowly lower the spine down. Nice and easy. Then we'll open the knees wide. Soles of the feet come together. We bring the hands to the belly. We take a deep breath in and as we exhale, we relax here. You are done. This is the end. You made it. You're amazing. Take a second here to connect to your breath. Reconnect with your breath. To just pause and be in the beautiful, yet sometimes challenging role of the observer. You can keep your knees open wide here or begin to straighten one leg and then the other. Soften through the skin of the forehead. Relax your jaw. Take a quick scan. Notice where you might be holding or clinching. Clenching. It's that Texas thing, clinching. And then slowly bring the palms up to the forehead. And inhale in deeply. Lots of love in. And exhale lots of love out. Way to show up. You are my hero. I can't wait to see you again tomorrow. 'Til then, take good care. Namaste. (soft upbeat music)