- Hello, everyone and welcome to Move, your 30 Day Yoga Journey. It's Day 8, a treasure amongst the 30 days, a time where we can rest, get still, relax, restore, maybe rejuvenate a little, let things kind of come together and ultimately rest. So if you have a blanket and a pillow, you might want to bring it today. Blue Heeler, not required. Hop into something extra comfy and let's get started. (soft upbeat music) Alright, so let's begin nice and low to the ground. Come into a comfortable seat. You can sit on your pillow or blanket. I have mine kind of laid out which I encourage to start just creating this little landscape for rest and stillness. So, for many, this will be a gift, a real gift of relaxation. For some, this will be really challenging to be still, to be quiet. And then there's many of us who will be kind of captured in-between. So just remember, the most important thing, we're here in this moment. Come into a nice tall spine, relax your shoulders, allow your knees, excuse me, your hands to rest gently on your knees. Lift the chest a little, tuck the chin a little. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply. And exhale out through the nose. And inhale in through the nostrils. And exhale out through the nostrils. Inhale in through the nose. And exhale out through the nose. Good, keep breathing here. We're gonna drop the chin all the way down to the chest. Breathe. Draw your shoulder blades together, so you're gonna pull your shoulders back a bit in space. And keep breathing as then you rock your left ear over your left shoulder. Let the shoulders and the elbows get heavy. And then drop your chin down through your chest again and take the right ear over the right shoulder. Soften through the skin of the face. Enjoy this time for yourself, this soft easy movement here. Now we're gonna go in just small circles. So gently drawing circles with the nose. And then reversing the direction. Whew, and then head over heart, heart over pelvis. Send the fingertips out wide. Pull the palms back, open the chest. This is definitely like Kate Winslet at the top of the boat, Rose, excuse me, in "Titanic." Just really opening, lifting up through the armpit chest, lengthening through the crown of the head. Expand, breathe in, breathe in, breathe in and then exhale, give yourself a big hug, right arm over the left. You can draw the chin into the chest, close your eyes and feel your own embrace here as you feel the rise and fall of your breath, your breath moving you here. And then one more time. This time really spread the fingertips, lift up from the pelvic floor. So instead of sinking into the seated posture, we're really lifting up and out of it. You might draw the backs of your palms a little further, closer to together here. Breathe in, breathe in, breathe in. And then exhale opposite arm, left arm on top this time, as you exhale, wrap your arms around yourself, give yourself a big hug. Drop your chin to your chest, close your eyes and feel your breath move you here. Soften through the skin of the forehead. And really feel your own embrace, whatever that means to you, just stay open. Mmm. And then slowly release. Awesome. Left hand comes to the mat, right fingertips gently reach up. Keep soft fingers here and over. Nice side body stretch. You can look up towards the sky or send your gaze down. And then reach the right arm all the way up. I'm getting relaxed. And through center and then send the left fingertips up towards the sky. And same thing. Sending the gaze down and up. Stay nice and heavy in that left hip. And then release. Come all the way up. This time, bring the hands to the knees, but palms face up. Close your eyes, tuck the chin to your chest. Inhale in deeply here. And exhale to relax the shoulders. Just come into some stillness here. Notice what thoughts come up. Notice if you're craving just these little movements, fidgeting. They're not bad, they're not wrong. Just kind of noticing those patterns. Expanding our awareness here with the invitation, maybe the challenge of stillness. And take a deep breath in. Feel that breath going down into your belly. And as you exhale, bat the eyelashes open. We're gonna take the hands now and you're gonna either bring your index finger and thumb, or you can split index finger, middle finger, ring finger, pinky finger. Or depending on your fingers, just create a combination that you can take to just underneath the ears here. And you're just gonna rub gently back and forth, up and down. Massaging here. Breathing. And then take this movement and just let it travel all the way down the neck very gently, you don't have to press hard, to the collarbone. And then repeat. Dragging the fingertips down to the collarbone. Just a couple of times here. And then release. (claps) Okay, so we're gonna go into a pranayama, a breath. This is a technique to help us kind of down-regulate to find the rest. We're gonna come onto our backs after this. So go ahead and sit up nice and tall. If your back's getting tired, lift the hips. In fact, I want to sit up on my pillow. Pilla. We'll take your right hand. And we're gonna just seal the right nostril with the right thumb. You're gonna inhale in through the left nostril. And when you get to the top of the breath, you're gonna pause. You actually hold and retain the breath as you switch and seal the left nostril with the ring finger. Then we breathe out through the right nostril. If this is new, don't worry. I'll guide you nice and slow here. Inhale in through the right nostril. That's it, pause at the top, hold the breath. You're gonna seal the right nostril and then exhale out through the left. Inhale in through the left nostril. After the inhale, we always pause. We switch and seal and then exhale out through the right. Inhale in through the right. Nice long breath. There, you got it. At the top, we switch and seal and exhale through the left. Here we go, inhale through the left. Pause, retain the breath. Keep the shoulders relaxed as you switch and seal. Exhale through the right. Inhale through the right. Pause, the rest of the body's relaxed here, switch and seal and slow exhale through the left. Inhale through the left. Pause, switch, seal. Exhale through the right. Inhale. Retain the breath, switch. Exhale. Now close your eyes if you haven't already. Inhale through the left. Retain the breath, switch and slow exhale. Stick with it, inhale. Pause, switch, slow long exhale. Empty it out, empty it out, empty it out. Inhale. Switch, exhale. Stick with it, inhale. Switch, slow exhale. Nice, slow inhale. Switch, slow exhale. Lengthen through the spine. Slow inhale. Switch. Slow exhale. Now a couple rounds here to finish on your own. And release your right hand. When you're ready, inhale in through both nostrils. Pay attention to how you feel here as you exhale through both nostrils. Again, inhale. And exhale. Eyes closed, jaw soft, shoulders relaxed, lengthening through the spine, soft in the forehead. Just take a moment to notice how you feel. And then gently bat the eyelashes open. Soft, easy movement in the head, the neck. Breath technique is amazing. Cross the right arm across the body. Look past your right shoulder. Release, cross the left arm across the body. Look past your left shoulder. Beautiful, release just the right leg. Extend the right leg out long. Keep the left heel in towards center. Right arm comes to the top of the left thigh, left fingertips reach up and over. There's that side body stretch again. Inhale, lengthen through the neck. Exhale, bring your left arm towards your right shin. Breathe into your belly. Feel that inhale move you. And then bring your right arm over to your right shin. You're gonna hug your left knee in just a bit. So you can really send your chest, your torso over your right leg. Inhale and exhale, folding in, head towards the knee. Good, then we'll slowly rise back up and switch. Right heel comes in, left leg comes out long. Nice and gentle. Left hand comes to the top of the right thigh. Right fingertips sweep up and over. Big breath in. Big breath out. Right hand comes all the way down towards the left shin. If you feel like you're in a little bit of a pretzel, you're not alone. And then left hand comes over to meet the right. We hug the right knee in a bit. Situate so that your chest, your heart is over your left leg. Inhale in to find extension, lengthen through the spine. And exhale to melt it down, head toward the knee. Doesn't really matter how close you get to the knee or not. Just focus on the sensation. And then slowly release. We're gonna come onto our backs now. You can use your pillow for the head. Slowly roll on down to the ground. And then when you're ready, hug the knees into the chest. Mmm. And then keep your right knee hugging in as you extend the left leg out long. Take a deep breath in. On your breath out, shift the hips over to the right and then send your right knee over towards the left side of your mat. Open up through your right arm. You can bend that right elbow or keep that right arm straight. Just try to keep your right shoulder moving towards the ground. Close your eyes, breathe into your belly here. Feel this sweet release. Mmm. And then slowly bring it back to center. Extend the right leg out. Hug the left knee in. Big breath. And on your exhale, shift the hips to the left. Guide the left knee over towards the right and open up through your left wing here. Feel your breath move you. Beautiful, inhale in. Use your exhale to guide it all back to center. Great, then we'll cross the right ankle over the top of the left thigh. Thread the needle here, using that right elbow to press into the right thigh, maybe soft gentle movement if it feels good. And then release the left foot to the ground. You're gonna keep the cross here going. You're gonna cross the right leg over the top and we're gonna come into another twist here. Cactus arms this time. So bend the elbows as you allow the weight of the legs to melt to the left. And then we'll turn onto our right ear here. Breathe deep. If you want a little more, you can reach the arms up and overhead. And then bring the arms back down, uncross the legs and take it to the other side. Crossing the left ankle over the right, thread the needle here. And then release the right foot down. Continue that cross of the left leg. Cactus arms here. Send the hips to the left, melt the legs to the right, big breath. So you turn onto your left here. (sighs) Nice, and then slowly coming back to center. We'll bring the soles of the feet together. Open the knees, nice and wide. Let's bring the arms back to cactus here. (soft light music) Take a deep breath in, close your eyes and relax the weight of your body here. Reclined Cobbler's Pose, reclined Baddha Konasana, Supta Baddha Konasana. Soften through the jaw, soften through the forehead. Soften through the fingertips and toes. Now, these next cues, I'd like for you to just listen really carefully. You can keep your eyes closed and allow the sound of my voice to guide you. A lot of times, we pay attention to what we're doing or what we're being asked to do or what we want to do. But when we release, kind of skip over the how. And how you do something, how you engage in something really influences the outcome of that gesture. It informs how you feel while you're doing it. So I'm going to invite all of us to take the right hand to the belly, but instead of just doing it and if you already did it, it's okay, bring the hand back to cactus. Just think about the how. So start by maybe slowing it down, maybe keeping the fingertips soft. You can keep your eyes closed. You can really just feel this out, focusing on how. And how you bring your hand to your sweet belly. If there are thoughts of judgment or unworthiness, just notice that. And then how you bring your left hand, maybe you change it up and bring your left hand to the belly with a little love or a little gentleness. And then same thing, as you extend the right leg long, think about how you're moving into extension. And then left leg extends. And turn the toes in and out, in and out. Just kind of meditating on this idea or this invitation to focus on how you move. And then allow the feet to just turn out naturally. You could keep the hands on the belly or bring your arms gently to your sides. Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, relax, rest your body, rest your heart and rest your mind here with a soft, easy breath. Invite your body to soften, the heart to soften and the mental chatter to soften too. Take a rest here as you soften through the toes and the feet and the ankles. Let the legs get heavier as you soften through the shins and the calves. Releasing any grip, softening through the knees, the backs of the knees, the sides of the legs and the inseam. Allow your eyelids to get heavy and the forehead to soften as you continue to relax through your strong thighs, the quadriceps. Soften through the hamstrings. The front of the hip, the outer hip, the glutes. Really soften through the pelvis. Soften through the low belly, the waistline. Rest the torso as you soften all the way up through the abdominal wall and the low back, the side body. Now gently inhale, fill the lungs. Feel the rib cage expand as you breathe in. And then allow it to all soften as you breathe out. Rest your sweet heart as you soften through the chest. Relax your shoulders, the muscles, trapezius. Upper back body, the neck, the throat. Keep softening through your fingertips and the hands, the wrists. Allow your arms to get heavier as you soften through the forearm, the elbow, your amazing upper arms, shoulders. Now part your lips as you relax and soften through the jaw, the skin on the face. We'll come into exquisite stillness as you allow your head, your skull to just be heavy, to rest. Nowhere to go just yet. Nothing to do. A golden opportunity to just practice being. Let everything go. Now bring your attention, your awareness back to your breath. And gently begin to wiggle the toes. Move your fingers. And we'll slowly bend one knee and then the other. And turn on to one side, come into a fetal position. And if you want, you can pull your blanket now up to warm your legs or your feet, or you can wrap yourself in your blanket like a burrito. We're gonna rest the bottom, excuse me, rest the head on the bottom arm here. So bend that arm, and then just allow your top arm to rest gently hand on the earth or maybe on your side. And again, close your eyes, take a deep breath in and just surrender everything, relaxing here in this shape. You might really hug the knees up to the chest to feel a nice coziness in the low back. So meditation can look like many different things. Often we feel like we have to have the perfect setup to pause and meditate. So we've done many, many meditations in this session. You can come to a seat, you can lie on your back, can take a Forward Fold over one leg, or even this fetal position here, coming into a mindful setup, just to practice stillness. Giving the mind an opportunity to rest and allowing yourself to be here and be fully present with whatever comes across your desk. For me, yoga is a practice for daily living. And that must, must, must include taking time to pause and be still, to rest. Thank you for joining me today. And each day, I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Move nice and slow out of this. If you have a little extra time, maybe you stay here a little longer and just notice. I hope you enjoyed today's practice. I love you. Take good care. See you tomorrow. Namaste. (soft upbeat music)