- Hello, everyone. Welcome back to Move. It is Day 15. We are at the halfway mark, and it is a beautiful day to celebrate where we are in this journey, but also a remarkable time to hit the reset button. So hop into something comfy and let's get started. (soft upbeat music) Okay, we are going to begin standing today. So just come anywhere on your mat that feels good. Feet hip width apart or feet together. We're gonna ease in with a gentle but powerful reset. So if you are feeling pretty lethargic, or you're having a hard day, don't worry. I got your back. The important thing is that you're here. Thank you for meeting me here. Let's begin in Mountain Pose. So stand up nice and tall and just check in with your energy level. This is a great moment in the journey to just check in. And you may recognize that some days you're like ready to hit it, right? And everything's falling into place, and tears of joy streaming down your cheeks. And some days it's really hard to show up. You think you wanna throw in the towel. Different kind of salty tear drips down your cheek. And this is the journey that we're on. And so this 30 Day framework really allows us to kind of embrace that. Remember that that's a part of life, and it gives us a tool set, opportunity to really keep coming back to ourselves. So draw the hands together. Stand up nice and tall and close your eyes if you haven't already. Allow the shoulders to relax and just check in, acknowledging where you are, and just noticing what it feels like to be alive today. And let me tell ya, I'm so glad you're alive and you're here. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Let's take a deep breath in. And a long breath out. Deep breath in. And a slow long exhale. And deep breath in. Slow, long inhale, just slowing it all down. And long breath out. Great. Open the eyes. Relax your hands gently at your sides. And you're gonna walk the feet out a little bit wider than hip width apart. You're just gonna bend the knees a little bit left to right and start to move your center. Actually bring their fingertips to the belly here, to the center of your body, and just moving your center a little back and forth. There's no right or wrong here. Just kind of getting a feel for your center today. Beautiful Day 15. And in celebration of this glorious halfway mark, we're gonna do Knocking on Heaven's Door, which is one of my favorite tools for hitting the reset button. So we're practically almost there, here in this little warmup. So you're just gonna allow your hands to fall to the side, and then you're gonna start to sway a little left to right, and you'll take the bounce out of the knees, but you'll still stay really soft in this back and forth movement. And that of course will really depend on your feet being soft and kind of malleable on the earth. So this movement I call Knocking on Heaven's Door. You start to really notice how in your head you are, or at least I do, start to notice how in my head I can be, even when I'm like, "I got this." Yoga With Adriene, right? But my wires are strong. So we are moving back and forth, left to right, allowing the weight of the arms to just swing like heavy, heavy noodles. And there's this wonderful invitation to kind of give your own booty or your hip a little slap, which can be fun. And just notice if your belly is soft here, that's beautiful, but see if you can draw it in just a bit to feel a gentle sense of stability in your core. So we're not making, we're not creating tension there, but there's just this little awareness. You're engaging those muscles a bit. Notice if the shoulders have started to creep up here. And notice if you started to get in your head again, and you wanna quit, you wanna bow out of this gesture because it feels foreign or silly. The knees are slightly bent again. The feet are kind of soft and malleable. And you can keep this nice and slow. Maybe you started to find a rhythm. Or I will invite you to start to pick up the pace a little bit and marry it with the breath. That's why we're here ultimately, to move with the breath. So you might inhale as you go to one side and exhale on the other. Or you might keep the breath long, just like we started as we were tuning in for this practice. Just making it long as you inhale, and long and smooth as you exhale. Lastly, keep the head in line with your heart. So allow your nose to kind of track left to right as you twist in the spine. We're getting a nice massage internally. That is with the actual organs. But also energetically, and everything in between. We're here for three. Jump back in if you quit. We're here for two. Knocking on Heaven's Door for one, and then release. Allow your hands to come gently at your side and just pause and be still. Again notice what it feels like to be alive today. Feel the energy of your body. Stay open to shifts, whether they are small or large. Alright, then wiggle the fingertips, open your eyes if you closed them, and let's keep moving. Bend the elbows. You're gonna bring them shoulder height, then we're just going to keep with this left and right movement here. So soft knees, but this time the feet are planted, soft knees, and we're really keeping the hips pretty stable still here to begin with. So you're not moving at the hips like we were in Knocking on Heaven's Door, but we're moving from the waist up. So really keeping it in the spine. If you're feeling a pinch in the neck or in the traps, just lower your elbows just a bit. We wanna get to this place where we're maybe able to lift them in line with the shoulders. Just check it out. So it's like we have two sponges or two rags, and we're just polishing a surface here in line with the chest or the breastbone. Breathe. Great. Then the next time your elbows pulled, excuse me. The next time your left elbow is pulled back. So meet me there. We'll slow this down to start. You're gonna extend the right arm towards the front diagonal here, front left diagonal. I was gonna say front left corner of the mat, but it depends where you are. I'm not at the front of my mat. wherever you are, it's all good. So then we're gonna bring it back to center, kind of cactus arms, elbows lifted. You're gonna start to feel this in the muscles of the arm, these deltoids. This is gonna build beautifully for you, create a nice toned shape. Not that that matters, but hey, might feel nice to see those muscles accentuate. Take it to the other side. Extend the left fingertips all the way out as you pull, pull, pull right shoulder blade, right elbow back. Alright, then take it to the other side, and then switch. And then once you feel like you have this gesture, this movement, we will pick up the pace. So now your hip points can move. In fact, I invite you to press into your heels, press into the ball joint of your big toe and your pinky toe, and maybe even lift the toes for a breath or two to make sure you're not gripping in the toes. Breathing deep. Neck is nice and long. Spine is tall. And don't go too fast that you can't really feel the sensation of what's happening here, right, through the whole body. So if you need to slow it down, in fact, I'm gonna slow mine down to be a good role model. Slow it down. Whew! Shoulders, and arms, and scaps, and chest. And let's do this for three, and two, and on the one release. Send both fingertips down to come up, reach the fingertips all the way up high. Come on to the tippy tip toes. Reach, reach, reach, and then exhale. Let it all go without looking down. Keep your chin up, my friend. Send your gaze out and walk to the front of your mat. If you're already there, amazing. Then big inhale to reach the arms all the way up again. Exhale to bend the knees, wiggle the fingertips, float it down to a Standing Forward Fold, Uttanasana. Now shake the head little yes and no. Good. Then bend both knees generously. Right fingertips come down to the earth. As you inhale, peel the left hip crease up. Right knee stays bent. We've done this before in the journey. Left fingertips all the way up towards the sky. Right hand can come on a block here. We're strong and stable through the feet, connected through center. Go ahead and release. Bend both knees. Left hand replaces the right. Here we go. Straightening through the right leg, pulling that right hip crease up. Neck is nice and long. Reach the right arm towards the sky, big breath. And then exhale to release. Plant the palms. Walk it all the way out to Downward Facing Dog. When you get there, bend one knee generously and then the other. Claw through the fingertips. Nice. Then inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, step it all the way up. Right into the twist, left hand to the earth. Inhale, right fingertips to the sky. Big breath, big stretch. Beautiful. Then slowly bring it back down. Step the right foot back, Downward Facing Dog. Right away, inhale, left leg up high. Exhale, step it through. On your next breath in, left fingertips reach up towards the sky. Big breath. Big twist here. Good. Then on the exhale left hand comes down. Step it to Plank Pose, Plank, inhale. Look forward, shift forward. Exhale, lower to the belly slowly. Inhale, lift up, Cobra. Exhale, soften and fold. Come onto the elbows here. Take a deep breath in and release the fingertips. As you exhale, draw your chin into your chest. Walk your elbows underneath your shoulders, and yep, curl the toes under, lift the hips up, Forearm Plank. Reach the heels back. You can have your knees on the ground and still feel the muscles in the front body engage tremendously. So it's okay to lower those knees, protect your shoulders, and work on your alignment as you build strength. If the knees are lifted, really reach the heels back. Everyone, tuck your chin slightly to broaden through the back of the head, the neck. So tuck your chin, lengthen through the back of the neck, crown of the head forward. If the knees are lifted, lower them to kiss the earth and then lift them up. Lower and lift. Lower and lift. You have one more. Lower and lift. Beautiful. From here, everyone lower the knees. Come onto all fours. Walk the knees as wide as your yoga mat, big toes to touch. Keep the hands where they are, shoulder width apart. As you inhale, send the right fingertips up high. Big breath, big stretch. Exhale, thread the needle here. Coming onto the right shoulder, right ear, left fingertips reach forward. Breathe in. Breathe out. Left arm extends all the way up and over head, or you can bend at the elbow, or again, taking the hand to the small of the back. We're finding a little bind here. Take one more cycle of breath. Think about breathing deep into your belly, that big full balloon breath, that diaphragmatic breath. Yeah, and then come back to center, hands nice and wide. When you're ready, inhale. Left fingertips open, reach to the sky. And exhale, thread the needle. Find what feels good with that right hand. Resting your head and the left shoulder here, left ear. Spiraling your heart up towards the sky, as you breathe into your belly, breath in. And empty it out. One more big belly breath here. Feel that generous stretch in the left shoulder, the upper back, the mid-back. And then exhale, slowly release. Come back to center. Walk the knees underneath the hips, curl the toes under. Send the hips up high, Downward Facing Dog. Alright, really, really take a look at your hands. Really, really spread the fingertips. Walk the hands a little bit wider than shoulder width apart. So you have a nice strong base here. Then relax the weight of the head over, bend your knees, lift your hip creases up high towards the sky. Good. Now draw your navel in and up. Draw your low belly in to meet the center of your abdominal wall. So we're creating that engagement. We call this Uddiyana Bandha. Navel draws in and up. So I'm engaging my abs. I'm going to press into my left hand firmly, press into my feet firmly. And I'm gonna reach my right hand over to twist across to maybe grab the outer edge of my left thigh, or the outer edge of my left calf, or the outer edge of my left ankle. If this is much too much, you can repeat the thread the needle that we did before by coming onto the knees. Breathe deep here, a little Down Dog Twist. Feel the heat, that shake, and then slowly release. Take a break if you need to. Otherwise, right to the other side. Draw the navel in and up. Breathing deep, grabbing the outer edge of the right thigh, right shin or right ankle. Big twist in the spine. Looking underneath the right armpit chest. If you don't quite make it to my shape today or any day, don't worry. Just focus on the sensation. Breathe. Stay with it. And then we'll slowly release. Everyone, lift the knees, come to Downward Dog. Take a deep breath in and then a Lion's Breath, tongue out. Big cleansing breath. Two more like that. Inhale in deeply through the nose. And exhale, Lion's Breath, tongue out. One more time, deep breath in. Lion's Breath, tongue out. Slowly lower onto the knees. Cross one ankle over the other and come through to a seat. Try not to fidget here. Just allow the hands to rest gently on the knees or the thighs. Palms face up, palm face down. I just fixed my shirt and fidgeted, and I'm the guide. So I'm human. You're human. If you're fidgeting, just notice. Coming to stillness here, softening the skin of the forehead. Softening through the jaw, maybe parting the lips. Draw the hands together at the heart. Then open the palms like a book. Draw the fingertips in towards your heart, and then down and around. Palms come together, in and down and around. We've done this before, just a little release for the wrists. Nice and easy. Good, then interlace the fingertips, press the palms forward, up and back. Reach for the sky. Biggest breath you've taken all day. Really lift from the waistline, all the way up to the shoulders, all the way up to the wrists, all the way up to the sky. Then take your nose, carve a line with your nose. Look up towards your thumbs. Take one more deep breath in here. Feel weight in the tops of your thighs grounding down. And then exhale, release the bind, wiggle the fingertips, and float your hands sweetly down to the earth. Tuck the chin into the chest, close your eyes and just notice how you feel. You do not have to do this at all, but there's an invitation here to gently lift the corners of the mouth slightly. Relax your shoulders. And once again, I'll just share this question, a loving proposal for you to contemplate or answer. What do I want to move closer to? With the eyes closed, see if you can align your head over your heart and your heart over your pelvis. What do I want to move closer to? And then we'll draw the hands together and seal practice with a final breath. Inhaling lots of love in. Here we go. And exhaling lots of love out as we bow the head to the heart. Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing you for sweet Day 16 tomorrow. 'Til then, Namaste. (soft upbeat music)