- Hello, everyone. Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene, and today, we have a yoga practice to calm your nerves. This is a great thing to do if you wanna check yo'self before you wreck yo'self using the powerful tools of yoga and breath, pranayama, to just quell those frayed nerves and to turn it around. Let's see what we can do, hop on something comfy, and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alrighty, my sweet friends. Let's start in a nice comfortable seat of your choice. Take a second to get settled in. As you just arrive here on your mat, begin to find a little lift in your heart. When the nervous system is a little shot and we're starting to feel the imbalance of our inner calm, this is the first thing to collapse. So right away, just a gentle lift. I like the metaphor of just starting to welcome a little support from within too. So just sit up nice and tall, nice and slow. No need to push or rush anything here. Just lift your heart as you begin to settle in for your practice. I bow to you. I commend you for choosing this video, for taking a little bit of time out of your busy, busy, busy life to tend to yourself and your inner ecosystem. So namaste, props to you. Let's do this thing. Sit up nice and tall. We're gonna start with a little pranayama, a little series of breath practice that will support us and help us smooth out those frayed nerves. Nice and easy to start, let's take a deep breath in through the nose. As you exhale, try to relax your shoulders. And again, deep breath in. Exhale, relax your shoulders even more. One more time, inhale deeply. Exhale, relax your shoulders. Sweet. Keep trying to find a little lift in the heart. Again, you don't have to push anything, you don't have to force anything, just start to work on finding a little lift. We'll take the index finger and the thumb today, keeping it nice and simple. Nadi Shodhana, alternate nostril breathing. Take the thumb to the right nostril. Let's do this together. Deep breath in through the left nostril. Pause, hold, retain the breath at the top. Keep your heart lifted. Then take the right index finger, your index finger to the left nostril, and then exhale out through the right nostril. Benji's doing it too. Inhale deeply in through the right nostril. Pause, retain the breath at the top. Seal the right nostril, switch, and big exhale, release out through the left nostril. Let's keep it going. Inhale deeply, left nostril. Lift your heart, pause, retain the breath at the top. Seal and switch. Exhale, right nostril. Inhale right. Pause, retain at the top. Maybe close your eyes now. Keep the heart lifted. Seal and switch. Exhale out through the left. Two more rounds, let's do this. Inhale left. Pause, retain at the top. Seal and switch. Exhale right. Inhale right. Pause, retain at the top. Seal and switch. Exhale left. Inhale left. Pause at the top. Seal and switch. Exhale right. Inhale right. Retain. Seal and switch. Exhale left. Release the hand. Allow the palms to just rest gently on the tops of the knees or the thighs, whatever feels good, and here we go. Deep breath in through both nostrils. And exhale out through the nostrils. Just notice if you feel any different. Notice how you feel. That's the most important thing, the most important task. The most important and valuable opportunity here is to keep checking in, keep noticing how you feel. Hands are gonna come to the belly now. Inhale deeply in through the nostrils. See if you can really feel a little expansion in the belly as you breathe in, and then exhale, let it go. So we're growing this belly breath here. No rush, but inhale. See, again, explore if you can find a little expansion in the belly as you breathe in and exhale, navel draws in as you breathe out. If you're feeling like tapping into that creative energy, super powerful energy for clearing space and quelling frayed nerves, imagine the breath traveling in through the nose as you breathe in, going all the way down into the belly, it does an Olympic somersault and then comes all the way up and back out through the nose. So often, we think of a big breath as coming up and down as you breathe out, but this is the opposite. So we're inhaling down into the belly, find expansion. You should feel that expansion in your hands, and then exhale, comes out, up and out the nose. This belly breath, or we also call this balloon breath, or you might also know it as diaphragmatic breathing, is super powerful, and we're gonna do three. Here we go. Big inhale. Exhale, navel draws in. Feel it out. Bring the breath. Inhale, find expansion. Exhale. One more time, big breath. Exhale. Awesome. Draw your hands to your heart. Keep the heart lifting. Awesome work. Continue to breathe slowly, evenly, mindfully. Gently come forward onto all fours. Take your time. When you arrive, bring the knees as wide as your yoga mat, big toes to touch. We'll thread the needle. It's funny, I have some friends in the cool that always tease me because I thread the needle, I get it backwards, but you know what I'm talking about. I love it. Lift the heart, and thread the needle. This is the thread, going through the needle. Right arm underneath the bridge of the left arm here. Pelvis rocks up and we start to use the breath to feel expansion again in the belly. We start to let go of any tension in the upper back body, in the neck, and if you need more, you can press that left elbow up towards the sky, or you can even take the left fingertips forward. Maybe left hand to the small of the back too, would be nice. Big breath in. Exhale, release, come back to center. Take it to the other side. Left fingertips in and underneath the bridge of the right arm. This is so good for you, breathe deep, this time that you're taking for yourself. A lot of times, we think we don't have the time, but we actually save time and make our quality of life so much more rich and beneficial, slowly release and come back to center, just by taking this time for ourself. Now turn the fingertips in towards your body. So you're gonna externally rotate, turn the fingertips in towards your body, and then take a second here to find that lift in the heart. Inhale, look forward. Stay here, breathe deep. One more breath. Feel that long puppy belly here, stretching, stretching, stretching, and then slowly release. Lift your heart a little bit to come out, extended Child's Pose. Fingertips go forward, heart melts down and back. Continue to observe the breath, deepening the breath, elongating the breath, connecting to yourself via the breath. The mind and body respond so well to this conscious, conscious breath. It's like a magic elixir for those moments where you're feeling nervous, anxious. Press into your hands, your feet, to come all the way up. Walk the knees underneath the hips, and then we'll send it to Downward Facing Dog, nice and slow. Beginning to lift the heart above the head, little inversion here, relaxing the head and the neck so you're not holding or clenching, and then take your dog on a little walk. So pedal the feet, stay connected, hands to earth. Please, continue to breathe deeply. Awesome. Then we're just gonna meet hands and feet in the middle of your mat, feed hip width apart, for a nice forward fold with the knees bent. We really wanna try to bring the belly or the ribcage to the tops of the thighs here, so bend your knees as much as you need to do that, and then once again, relax the weight of the head over. Now belly breath. See if you can really send some solid loving breath into the belly, the diaphragm. Expanding, you should feel your ribs, your belly on the tops of your thighs as you breathe in. Then try to keep the shoulders relaxed as you breathe out just as we did at the beginning of this practice. Couple more breaths here. Close your eyes if you're feeling brave. Root into all four corners of the feet, and trust the healing benefits of this mind and body practice, using the breath with the asana to find what feels good. Great. Fingertips come to the earth. We'll loop the shoulders. Just find a little awareness in your shoulders, and nice and slow, roll it all the way up. Find that lift in the heart once again, toes pointing forward, and just feel your feet on the earth. Whatever kind of surface you're on, just feel that connection. Remember that you are not alone. ♫ You are not alone ♫ I am here with you How many times have I sang that on this show? It sounds kind of cheesy, but I think it's important. Sometimes when you feel like you wanna rip your hair out, it's a good reminder, just be like, "You're not alone. "You're not the only one that has these feelings." It's all good. For me, a lot of times in yoga, when I come to Mountain, I just try not to take that for granted. Feel my feet on the earth, this connection. I'm lucky to have this moment, have my breath, my body, to be able to feel that connection. Then when you're ready, inhale, reach the arms all the way up and overhead. Spread the fingertips, continue to feel your feet on the earth. If you wanna bend your knees a little bit to help with that, you can. I'm just gonna take a big, big, big full body stretch, big power pose. Notice if you're clenching in the shoulders, and use an exhale to relax the shoulders down. Inhale in, exhale, relax 'em down. Take it over to one side, any side, just side body stretch here. Inhale, lifting up through the heart. Still maintain that open heart, and then back to center. Take it to the other side, stretching, feeling good. Inhale and exhale, release. Now rain it down, interlace the fingertips behind. You can also take a reverse namaste here or grab the elbows. Open the chest. Inhale in, exhale, gently turning the head to one side. Inhale, back to center, and to the other side. Great. Come back to center. Shake the head yes, slowly nodding. Nodding. Then release. Take one arm over and across the chest. See if you can find that lift in the heart here. So you might remember this stretch from gym class or something, but see if you can bring your yogi mind to it. Root down through the heels and lift your heart up. Great. Then take it around, same fingertips that you had across the body, bring them behind, opening up through the chest, the heart. Maybe slight backbend here if you really wanna go for the gold. Inhale in and exhale, relax the shoulders down. This is a technique that you can use off your mat, too. It's called inhale in, exhale, relax your shoulders down. Very fancy. We'll do the same little diddy on the other side. You come into this stretch, you know this stretch. It feels so good. So then can you connect to the big picture? Root down through the heels, lift up through that center plumb line, lift your heart. Breathe deep, mindful breaths here. It's starting to wash the worries away, slowly but surely. Take it up and back. I'm really, really lifting up through the heart here. Again, maybe I can take a nice lovely little move here. Take the head into the hand here, the neck into the hand, the nape of the neck into the hand. Inhale and exhale, relax the shoulders down. Awesome. Hands come to the waistline. We take a deep breath in. This time, out through the mouth. Do it again. Inhale in. Exhale out through the mouth. Why are you being shy? One more time. If I can do it on YouTube, you can do it wherever you're at. Here we go. Sweet. Heel toe, heel toe the feet super wide. We're gonna take the two big toes in as opposed to the three big toes. Take the two big toes in, nice wide-legged stance. Really press into the outer edges of the feet and then see if you can draw energy up from the arches so we're engaging through the inner thighs. It's as if someone were tugging up through that center channel, sort of finding that lift up through the pelvic floor, the groin, almost as if we were trying to bring the two edges of the mat together. We're not just dumping into the feet. There's this real energetic pull up though the center channel. Here we are. Deep breath in, exhale, relax the shoulders down. Keep that lift in the heart. Inhaling again, and exhale. We're gonna send the hips back, the heart forward. Press into the outer edges of the feet, hips back, heart forward. Hips back, heart forward. Start to tuck the chin into the chest. Find a nice long flat back here, strong in the legs. Careful you're not locking out through the knees here, so lots of engagement. Take one more breath. You got this. Exhale all the way down. Fingertips come to the mat here. Maybe that's it, and if they don't quite get there, you can use a chair here. You can use blocks, books, children, a child there. (giggles) If you're feeling like you can go a little further, or you're wanting to know where, maybe, this practice can grow, we'll bring the hands to the earth, inhale, and then maybe one day on an exhale, we start to walk the hands back in line with the arches of the feet, standing wide-legged, forward fold. Maybe one day, the crown of the head comes onto the earth, really great for the nervous system. Just keeping this awareness in the shoulders, whatever variation you're on, keeping that awareness in the shoulders that we've slowly built throughout our practice. Elbows are in line with the shoulders if you're in this variation. I'm not putting much weight, if at all any weight, on my head. If you have an inversion practice, this is a great place to start for that tripod headstand, bringing the knees to the arms and making your way up. Be super mindful wherever you are. Let's take three breaths in together. In and out. In and out. Take one more deep breath in, long breath out. Connect to your feet, connect to that energy, those lines of energy drawing up through the inner thighs, and slowly, we'll make our way back, connecting to your center, your core, finding a soft bend in the knees as you bring the hands back to the waistline. Inhale, lengthen, and then exhale, root to rise. Come all the way up. Ha. Reaching fingertips behind one more time, opposite thumb on top than you did before, so it's the weird way, the different way. Knuckles draw down and away as we open the chest. Quietly whisper the mantra to yourself, "I am open." I am open to solutions. I'm open to new ways of thinking. I'm open to natural remedies. I'm open to a fresh start. Inhale in, lift your heart, and exhale, release. Hands come back to the waistline. You can bend the knees and hop it together or heel toe, heel toe, heel toe back together. Lift the right knee up. When you arrive, cross the right ankle over the left thigh. If you're working on balance and stability, just stay here. If you need a little more, you'll bring the hands to the heart, and this felt really yummy for the hip here before. This is the last thing we're doing too, before you walk off your mat and go rock your day or rock your night. If you can come here, opening up through that hip, or if you need a little more, you'll bring the fingertips all the way down to the ground. If there's an arm balance in your practice, maybe you work on that here. That video to come. If there's a toe stand in your practice, maybe you work on that here. If even the thought of these frustrates you, you need to let that go and accept where you are today. Just know that all is good and I got your back. We have all the time in the world to grow our practice. Just focus on the journey and enjoy the moment. If you're down low, start to make your way back up. Once again, lifting up through the heart, releasing the right leg to the ground, deep breath in. Exhale, relax your shoulders. Other side. You could just be here working on top of the left thigh, rolling out, dropping the pelvis, lengthening the tailbone, head over heart, heart over pelvis. For a deeper stretch in the hip, we'll bring the palms together at the heart. Namaste, and start to play here. Lots of brightness in this left foot, lots of energy is what I mean. So it's not soft, but there's lots of awareness. Same thing, if you wanna go a little deeper, you can take hands to the ground. If there's an arm balance here, it'll be palms on the ground. We start to create a little shelf for the left shin, left leg. Maybe it's a toe stand for all you Bikram babies, and if you're down low, take one more big, big breath down there. Then use your exhale to come up. Everyone, inhale in, lift your heart, and exhale, release the left leg down. Drop the hands, inhale. Lift, lift, lift up through the heart. Exhale, relax your shoulders down. Two more, inhale. Squeeze and lift. Exhale, let it go. Last one, surprise yourself. Inhale. Palms together. Take a second to close your eyes. Gently bow your head to your hands. Namaste. Gently lift the chin, bat the eyelashes open. Awesome work. (upbeat music)