- Hi, everyone. Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene. Today we have a yoga for vertigo. This is a big request. This is not a one size fits all kind of practice, so of course always consult your doctor, listen to your body, and find what feels good. Hop into something comfy and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alrighty, let's begin today's practice in a comfortable seat of your choice. We're gonna start with a little tune in and then work with a little pranayama to balance the left and the right side of the brain and the body. So let's first come into just a nice easy shape, something that feels good for you in this moment in which you can try to sit up tall through the spine. So if you need to sit up on something, you can. You can even do this little tune in on the edge of your couch or in a chair. So we definitely want you feeling supported and good from this moment on through to the end of this practice and then hopefully beyond. So set yourself up for greatness, take your time. And then when you're ready, begin to relax your shoulders and just get settled into the moment by gently tucking the chin, closing your eyes and if it's not good for you to close your eyes today, keep them open and just send your gaze gently down past your nose. So soften your gaze. Then, let's together take a deep breath in through the nose. And as you exhale, choose to land here as you are, whatever you're coming with, however you feel. Let this short practice support you and meet you wherever you are today. Gently begin to deepen your breath. Not forcing it or pushing it but just allowing more awareness of breath to seep into this moment. Using the tool, the power tool of the breath to unite or attempt to unite, connect the brain and the body so that we can feel more grounded, more whole. Then as you're ready, turn your palms face up and you're gonna bring your thumb right between your ring finger and your pinky and we're gonna create a little pressure point here and then you can press there and allow your other fingers to come in, creating a little pressure point here. This is a really nice little mudra to do when you're feeling... off. Okay. Continuing to deepen the breath. So we have the thumb pressing into the space between the pinky and the ring finger and then we're closing the fingers to create faseer which is just magnifying that little pressure point. We're breathing deep here, we're relaxing the shoulders. Soft tuck of the chin. Take one more cycle of breath here, just dropping into the moment. Coming as you are with whatever you've got. Inhale in. Exhale to let everything go. Release the mudra, release everything. Palms can now come down to the knees. We're gonna inhale face down, palms down. We're gonna inhale in through the nose. Both nostrils. Exhale out through the nose, both nostrils. Inhale in through the nose, slow and steady. Exhale out through the nose, slower, slower, slower, slow it down. Great, find any soft, easy movement in the neck that feels good and we're gonna transition into Nadi Shodhan. Alternate nostril breathing. So you're gonna take your thumb, seal your right nostril. Inhale in through your left nostril. Sit up nice and tall. At the top, pause. Retain the breath, seal your left nostril with your ring finger or your pinky and then exhale out through your right nostril. Stay here, inhale in through the right nostril. Pause, hold at the top. Seal and switch. Exhale out through the left nostril. Empty, empty, empty, empty. Inhale in through the left. At the top pause, retain the breath, switch, seal, exhale out through the right nostril. Inhale in through the right nostril. Pause, hold at the top. Switch, seal, and exhale out through the left nostril. Inhale in through the left nostril. Pause at the top, switch, seal and exhale out through the right. Inhale through the right. Pause, switch, seal, exhale out through the left. Inhale in. Retain the breath. Switch, exhale out. Empty, empty, empty. Inhale in. Pause. Switch, exhale out. Now keep it going on your own. Nice long smooth breaths. Focusing on elongating the inhale, elongating the exhale. And if you're pretty confused right now there's a whole pranayama video on alternate nostril breathing so you could pause and go do that video. Otherwise just give it your best shot, moving nice and slow. Calming the nervous system, soothing any frayed edges. Balancing the right and the left side of the brain and the body. Good, then slowly begin to even it out. And then release the pranayama, take an inhale in through both nostrils. And an exhale through both nostrils. Allow your breath to return to a natural rhythm. Just feel the effects. And then slowly using the support of your hands come onto your back, nice and slow. When you get there, bring the feet to the ground, knees up towards the sky and really use all four corners of the feet to ground you here. Hands come face down to the earth. Then we'll walk the heels up towards the sits bones. Use this hand to earth connection to slowly peel the tailbone up. You don't have to go super high. In fact, don't here to start. Just a little bit, feeling this compression in the upper back. Pressing into the palms to lift the hip points a little higher and then exhale to lower. Inhale to lift, squeeze. Exhale to lower. Inhale to lift, squeeze. Exhale to lower. Rooting down through all four corners of the feet. Inhale to lift. And exhale to lower. You're doing great. One more time. Inhale to lift. Pause here. And exhale to lower. Good, keep your left foot grounded on the earth. Inhale slowly, hug the right knee up to the chest. Interlace the finger tips around your right shin. Stay here, breathe. If it's right in your body, extend the left leg out long. Now slowly squeeze your right knee up towards your right shoulder. Inhale in. Exhale out. Inhale in to release the right foot to the ground. Exhale to bring the left knee up if it was down. Alright, ground through the right foot. Slowly being to hug your left knee into the chest. Interlace the fingertips, stay here if it feels right. Otherwise extend the right leg out long. When you're ready work to bring the left knee towards the left shoulder. Breathe. Good, inhale in, release the left foot to the earth. Ground down. Exhale, bring the right knee back up if it was extended. Beautiful. Inhale, send the elbows out, cactus arms, fingertips reaching towards the back. Breathe in, breathe out here. Nice and easy. Now walk the feet as wide as your yoga mat and allow the knees to come together so you can completely rest in the lower body. So the knees are touching. The bowl of the pelvis kind of softens here. Close your eyes or just soften your gaze, feel supported by the earth here as you breathe in and out through the nostrils. Good, then slowly bringing the fingers inward, clinching the fists, clenching not clinching, clenching the fists, excuse me. Clench, clench, clench. Squeeze the fists together for five, for four, for three, for two, and on the one let your fingers slowly open like a blossoming. Nice and easy, relax everything into the earth. As you're ready, rock the head gently side to side massaging the back of the head. Rocking ear to ear Slow and steady wins the race here. Good, then bring the head back to center. Inhale, lift the arms up over head, big stretch, nice and slow. Exhale, slowly bring the elbows back into the side body. Let the hands rest gently on the low ribs. From here, heel-toe, so keep your feet grounded the whole time. Heel-toe, heel-toe, the feet together so that the arches come to touch and then nice and easy open the knees out wide for Supta Baddha Konasana. Keep the hands resting on the low ribs or extend one arm out, and then the other, and we'll repeat the fists again. Ready? Inhale in. Exhale, coming into a clinched fist for ten. Squeeze for nine, eight, seven, squeeze six, five. Keep breathing, four, three, and relax everything on the one. Relax your shoulders, relax your arms, relax your jaw. Inhale in deeply. Exhale completely. Bring your fingertips to kiss the outer edges of your legs. Use this to help you bring the knees back together, really together. And then dig your right heel into the earth, slide it down, extending through the right leg. And then dig your left heel into the ground. Extend it out long. Great, hands come to rest gently at your sides. You can shake the toes a little one way and then the other. Inhale in. Exhale to snuggle the shoulder blades underneath your heart space. Shavasana. Take a second here to scan the body. First the left side, starting with the left foot. And now the right side, starting with the right foot. Now take the deepest breath you've taken all day. Creating an awareness of your whole body. And on the exhale relax the weight of your full body into the earth. Stay here as long as you like. To come out of the posture, come into a fetal position and be sure to use the hands o press up nice and slow. Thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy with me. I hope to see you again soon. Namaste. (upbeat music)