1 00:00:00,030 --> 00:00:01,560 hey what's up everyone welcome to the 2 00:00:01,560 --> 00:00:03,629 yoga with Adriene vlog I'm Adriene and 3 00:00:03,629 --> 00:00:06,839 my voice is super low today Wow I've 4 00:00:06,839 --> 00:00:07,950 been a little under the weather but I'm 5 00:00:07,950 --> 00:00:12,090 coming back so excuse my appearance it's 6 00:00:12,090 --> 00:00:14,639 not what's on the outside but what's on 7 00:00:14,639 --> 00:00:16,850 the inside that counts 8 00:00:16,850 --> 00:00:19,859 what's that from I can't remember tell 9 00:00:19,859 --> 00:00:21,000 me if you know down below in the 10 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:23,519 comments um what's up I just wrote a 11 00:00:23,519 --> 00:00:26,220 nice yummy letter about wellness it's 12 00:00:26,220 --> 00:00:28,890 called wellness gone wild as we enter 13 00:00:28,890 --> 00:00:32,070 the winter months a community might get 14 00:00:32,070 --> 00:00:34,350 a little wobbly and so you might check 15 00:00:34,350 --> 00:00:39,140 out a wellness gone wild um on the blog 16 00:00:39,140 --> 00:00:43,110 at yoga with Adriene comm um I wanted to 17 00:00:43,110 --> 00:00:44,250 take a quick sec to tell you what's 18 00:00:44,250 --> 00:00:46,410 coming up we have a lot going on I feel 19 00:00:46,410 --> 00:00:47,489 like I'm always saying that but we 20 00:00:47,489 --> 00:00:49,620 really do here at the end of the year as 21 00:00:49,620 --> 00:00:51,809 we gear up for the holidays and also 22 00:00:51,809 --> 00:00:56,670 look forward to 2015 um first things 23 00:00:56,670 --> 00:00:57,270 first 24 00:00:57,270 --> 00:00:59,219 Halloween's coming up you know I live in 25 00:00:59,219 --> 00:01:01,020 the United States I live in Texas I live 26 00:01:01,020 --> 00:01:03,870 in Austin Texas everyone loves Halloween 27 00:01:03,870 --> 00:01:05,489 so we're going to be reposting some of 28 00:01:05,489 --> 00:01:08,250 the Halloween videos from the last 29 00:01:08,250 --> 00:01:09,810 couple years we also have Breath of Fire 30 00:01:09,810 --> 00:01:12,210 coming at you for this Halloween so 31 00:01:12,210 --> 00:01:14,400 that'll add another pranayama breath 32 00:01:14,400 --> 00:01:16,770 practice to the playlist which should be 33 00:01:16,770 --> 00:01:17,340 fun 34 00:01:17,340 --> 00:01:19,560 I love our first Halloween video because 35 00:01:19,560 --> 00:01:21,030 it has my little blue heeler in it 36 00:01:21,030 --> 00:01:26,220 dressed as a blue crayon with him um and 37 00:01:26,220 --> 00:01:28,710 then after Halloween it's November Bert 38 00:01:28,710 --> 00:01:31,409 and I will be heading to Puerto Vallarta 39 00:01:31,409 --> 00:01:35,400 Mexico to teach some yoga with my new 40 00:01:35,400 --> 00:01:36,500 friends at mine 41 00:01:36,500 --> 00:01:41,450 Valley super-excited to attend and lead 42 00:01:41,450 --> 00:01:44,600 some yoga for awesomeness fest this year 43 00:01:44,600 --> 00:01:47,330 2014 this will be my first awesomeness 44 00:01:47,330 --> 00:01:49,729 fest it better be awesome No 45 00:01:49,729 --> 00:01:51,920 so I wanted to give a shout out to the 46 00:01:51,920 --> 00:01:54,680 mind valley folks and to say I look 47 00:01:54,680 --> 00:01:57,410 forward to it super honored to be going 48 00:01:57,410 --> 00:02:00,830 for a nice long weekend to learn and 49 00:02:00,830 --> 00:02:04,190 share and have some beach time don't be 50 00:02:04,190 --> 00:02:08,570 jelly and until I've been cooped up I'm 51 00:02:08,570 --> 00:02:11,390 all sassy and yeah I'm really looking 52 00:02:11,390 --> 00:02:14,390 forward to see what happens there can't 53 00:02:14,390 --> 00:02:16,340 wait we have a bunch of new episodes 54 00:02:16,340 --> 00:02:21,260 coming up let's see we have some yoga 55 00:02:21,260 --> 00:02:22,880 for headaches some new pranayama stuff 56 00:02:22,880 --> 00:02:24,500 some things to help get you through the 57 00:02:24,500 --> 00:02:27,590 holidays and then we'll be heading into 58 00:02:27,590 --> 00:02:30,470 the new year we have an exciting thing 59 00:02:30,470 --> 00:02:32,330 happening in January which I'm not going 60 00:02:32,330 --> 00:02:34,940 to talk about yet but I wanted to direct 61 00:02:34,940 --> 00:02:37,880 you over to the newsletter my weekly 62 00:02:37,880 --> 00:02:39,890 letter one because I'd love to have you 63 00:02:39,890 --> 00:02:41,269 there but also because that's where 64 00:02:41,269 --> 00:02:42,769 you're going to hear about what we're 65 00:02:42,769 --> 00:02:45,080 doing in January first also we have some 66 00:02:45,080 --> 00:02:48,769 presents for the holidays on the way or 67 00:02:48,769 --> 00:02:50,239 if you don't you know you're not 68 00:02:50,239 --> 00:02:52,190 celebrating holidays in the same way 69 00:02:52,190 --> 00:02:53,450 that I am 70 00:02:53,450 --> 00:02:55,040 you might just be interested in the 71 00:02:55,040 --> 00:02:57,290 first ever yoga with Adriene merch which 72 00:02:57,290 --> 00:03:01,160 I'm super excited about and just really 73 00:03:01,160 --> 00:03:03,620 grateful and giddy I know these are just 74 00:03:03,620 --> 00:03:06,140 material things but there are you know 75 00:03:06,140 --> 00:03:08,950 some some Joy's in celebrating the 76 00:03:08,950 --> 00:03:12,920 growing channel on community and you 77 00:03:12,920 --> 00:03:15,890 know it's just kind of fun so um that'll 78 00:03:15,890 --> 00:03:17,360 be also going out through the 79 00:03:17,360 --> 00:03:19,340 newsletters so hop on over to the 80 00:03:19,340 --> 00:03:20,989 website and sign up for the letter if 81 00:03:20,989 --> 00:03:24,200 you like and yeah get your goodies soon 82 00:03:24,200 --> 00:03:27,920 more on that coming out yeah um the next 83 00:03:27,920 --> 00:03:30,290 thing that's coming up is that Kris is 84 00:03:30,290 --> 00:03:31,780 having a baby 85 00:03:31,780 --> 00:03:35,080 Chris and I allowing a baby and 86 00:03:35,080 --> 00:03:37,480 could be any day now so just wanted to 87 00:03:37,480 --> 00:03:38,950 mention that I'm not sure I'll be doing 88 00:03:38,950 --> 00:03:42,040 a vlog just after that happens so I 89 00:03:42,040 --> 00:03:44,110 wanted to give my public YouTube shout 90 00:03:44,110 --> 00:03:46,780 out love to my partner 91 00:03:46,780 --> 00:03:48,580 this is partner Chris I'm going very 92 00:03:48,580 --> 00:03:51,310 dear friend Hilah who is the most 93 00:03:51,310 --> 00:03:52,660 beautiful pregnant woman I've ever met 94 00:03:52,660 --> 00:03:55,360 and we did a prenatal yoga project which 95 00:03:55,360 --> 00:03:58,360 is also about to hit um actually putting 96 00:03:58,360 --> 00:04:00,130 the final loving touches on that today 97 00:04:00,130 --> 00:04:02,470 so I'm really excited about that 98 00:04:02,470 --> 00:04:05,280 and if you want to give your love and 99 00:04:05,280 --> 00:04:08,800 congrats to Chris and to Hilah you can 100 00:04:08,800 --> 00:04:11,800 find them over and you can find them all 101 00:04:11,800 --> 00:04:13,180 over YouTube but you can find them over 102 00:04:13,180 --> 00:04:16,450 at Hilah cooking calm or you can leave a 103 00:04:16,450 --> 00:04:17,980 little note for Chris down below in the 104 00:04:17,980 --> 00:04:22,270 comments I'm so excited so excited is so 105 00:04:22,270 --> 00:04:25,390 excited I was um oh if it's hormones or 106 00:04:25,390 --> 00:04:27,010 what but can't wait to meet their new 107 00:04:27,010 --> 00:04:28,930 baby so Chris and I are I love you guys 108 00:04:28,930 --> 00:04:31,810 in so got to be near and dear and part 109 00:04:31,810 --> 00:04:34,270 of your family and can't wait deceit is 110 00:04:34,270 --> 00:04:37,350 baby okay sorry about the baby talk um 111 00:04:37,350 --> 00:04:39,370 one thing I wanted to address before we 112 00:04:39,370 --> 00:04:40,960 wrap this up is yoga for headaches keeps 113 00:04:40,960 --> 00:04:42,310 coming up a lot when I do a video for 114 00:04:42,310 --> 00:04:44,410 that but in the meantime because I feel 115 00:04:44,410 --> 00:04:45,580 like I'm answering this a lot and I 116 00:04:45,580 --> 00:04:46,870 don't mind but I just think that this 117 00:04:46,870 --> 00:04:48,730 might be helpful hop on over to 118 00:04:48,730 --> 00:04:51,070 alternate nostril breathing I think this 119 00:04:51,070 --> 00:04:53,170 is a nice cooling calming pranayama 120 00:04:53,170 --> 00:04:55,480 practice that could aid you in a little 121 00:04:55,480 --> 00:04:58,690 anxiety and call stress but also tend to 122 00:04:58,690 --> 00:05:03,070 the headache I got a question on the old 123 00:05:03,070 --> 00:05:05,050 Instagram which my handle is Adrienne 124 00:05:05,050 --> 00:05:07,150 Louise at Adrienne Louise that's my 125 00:05:07,150 --> 00:05:11,969 middle name as my grandmother's name and 126 00:05:12,030 --> 00:05:14,980 the question was Adrienne and other 127 00:05:14,980 --> 00:05:18,100 teachers said that everyone should go to 128 00:05:18,100 --> 00:05:22,630 a public class do you agree please 129 00:05:22,630 --> 00:05:25,180 answer and so I thought I'd answer here 130 00:05:25,180 --> 00:05:30,220 for you and sure I agree um hey also 131 00:05:30,220 --> 00:05:33,130 don't think that everyone should do 132 00:05:33,130 --> 00:05:35,650 anything they don't want to do but 133 00:05:35,650 --> 00:05:36,910 anyone should do anything you don't want 134 00:05:36,910 --> 00:05:39,400 to do um and I also just think that this 135 00:05:39,400 --> 00:05:42,439 is a co opportunity to say yes I agree 136 00:05:42,439 --> 00:05:47,209 or and yes and my fear of France for my 137 00:05:47,209 --> 00:05:50,929 improv people yes and it you know it's 138 00:05:50,929 --> 00:05:52,369 just two different things and they both 139 00:05:52,369 --> 00:05:55,459 work towards the same thing but they're 140 00:05:55,459 --> 00:05:57,409 two different things it's like you're 141 00:05:57,409 --> 00:05:58,819 not going to use a body pillow for your 142 00:05:58,819 --> 00:06:00,769 head or a neck pillow for your in 143 00:06:00,769 --> 00:06:02,539 between your legs but they're all going 144 00:06:02,539 --> 00:06:08,959 to cushion you for me the home practice 145 00:06:08,959 --> 00:06:11,539 is something that inspires the public 146 00:06:11,539 --> 00:06:13,669 practice in the public press practice my 147 00:06:13,669 --> 00:06:15,679 shared experience with people because 148 00:06:15,679 --> 00:06:16,999 there is nothing like breathing and 149 00:06:16,999 --> 00:06:19,519 moving and sharing that energy with 150 00:06:19,519 --> 00:06:20,119 other people 151 00:06:20,119 --> 00:06:22,099 inspires need to get online on at home 152 00:06:22,099 --> 00:06:27,229 and find that within myself so I don't 153 00:06:27,229 --> 00:06:28,729 know if that answers your question but I 154 00:06:28,729 --> 00:06:30,349 think that they're both important and 155 00:06:30,349 --> 00:06:32,300 what I'm trying to do on the YouTube 156 00:06:32,300 --> 00:06:34,819 channel is definitely inspire them home 157 00:06:34,819 --> 00:06:37,279 practice first empower you to create 158 00:06:37,279 --> 00:06:39,349 that experience for yourself you know 159 00:06:39,349 --> 00:06:40,999 practice that self-love in that 160 00:06:40,999 --> 00:06:42,289 self-care so that then you can go 161 00:06:42,289 --> 00:06:43,819 connect with others in the most 162 00:06:43,819 --> 00:06:46,039 miraculous way and it's all the big 163 00:06:46,039 --> 00:06:50,740 feeding system of love and energy prana 164 00:06:50,740 --> 00:06:54,589 so yeah you know it's it's it's it's 165 00:06:54,589 --> 00:06:57,079 whatever you want I would say reach for 166 00:06:57,079 --> 00:06:58,909 the stars and do it all but take your 167 00:06:58,909 --> 00:07:00,259 time and don't let anyone tell you what 168 00:07:00,259 --> 00:07:04,099 to do okay that's it for today um I love 169 00:07:04,099 --> 00:07:05,899 you guys please leave questions comments 170 00:07:05,899 --> 00:07:08,869 below you can give some love to Kristen 171 00:07:08,869 --> 00:07:10,729 Tyla down below you can share with me 172 00:07:10,729 --> 00:07:15,050 your excitement about the holidays is 173 00:07:15,050 --> 00:07:17,659 never too early to start thinking about 174 00:07:17,659 --> 00:07:19,099 your goals and intentions for the New 175 00:07:19,099 --> 00:07:20,659 Year's I think I'm already beginning to 176 00:07:20,659 --> 00:07:22,879 do and if you're pregnant stay tuned 177 00:07:22,879 --> 00:07:23,809 because we have a new project coming 178 00:07:23,809 --> 00:07:25,429 your way all right love you guys 179 00:07:25,429 --> 00:07:27,050 awesomeness best people I'll see you 180 00:07:27,050 --> 00:07:29,389 soon and have a wonderful beautiful day 181 00:07:29,389 --> 00:07:32,289 namaste