hello my friends and welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and today we have a sequence for the digestive tract it's a quick and yummy sequence to get the digestion happy and healthy so let's hop on the max and get moving okay so we're going to begin in a nice comfortable cross-legged position legs are crossed we'll roll the spine here to begin just kind of checking in with the breath maybe tagging a little bit of weight in the elbows and the shoulders down as we find that lift and that length in the heart and up through the crown of the head so finding a little opposition here before we begin we'll take the palms to the knees and moving with the breath I'm going to keep my sit bones rooted to the earth and on an inhale I'm going to move in a circle coming forward bringing the heart forward and on an exhale chin to chest navel towards the spine I'll come around and back inhaling coming forward moving in a circle and exhale around and back follow your breath again keep the sit bones rooted down strong so we can really begin to target the belly here excuse me the abdominal wall getting over a little bit of the winter it care which we're going to have secrets on that coming up soon I'm moving with the breath inhaling as I come forward I'm using the palms on the knees to kind of get the most out of the movement here go ahead and reverse your circle inhaling as we come forward heart literally in my case coming forward on the inhale and then chin to chest as we exhale back a couple more here you can close your eyes and begin to excuse me work with the shoulders and elbows here just kind of warming up the body you might imagine one of those old-fashioned coffee grinders here really using the navel to carve a circle round and round warming up the body and moving with the breath okay awesome come back up to that sukhasana here head over heart heart over pelvis take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth awesome take the right palm bring it to the left knee left fingertips swim all the way around and behind so I'm not just leaning back into my twist but I'm keeping this length length length as a Texas thing there that length keeping that length in the spine keeping that length up through the crown of the head and bringing the left fingertips behind the tail so I'll just turn to this just for one second so you can see this so again rather than leaning back here which is going to be the kind of easy thing the tendency see if you can keep the spine stack so it might mean that you don't go all the way back into big fancy fancy twists but again focusing on the experience here as we breathe low into the belly each exhale might be an opportunity to go a little bit deeper into your twist but just play around here and know that this takes time and of course moving with the breath take a deep breath in lift up through the heart on your exhale gently melt it back through Center and we'll take it to the other side this time left palm to the right knee right fingertips behind inhale roll it up nice and tall not leaning back into that lower back but lengthening tailbone down and lifting the heart up shoulders maybe loop forward up and back and I check it out on the other side and moving with the breath as you inhale breathe into that lower belly deep breath in lift and lengthen and exhale we'll melt it gently back to Center awesome okay let's take the palms and dive forward onto all fours here we go coming on to all fours here wrists underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hip points take a second here to press up and out of the palms just find a little integrity here maybe work it out in the neck for a couple of breaths and then cat-cow moving with a nice awareness here today in cat cow from the navel so again not just sinking into the bones but maybe seeing if we can take this cat cow today from the navel or the space between the navel and the spine inhaling heart comes forward tail goes up towards the sky I'm pressing up and out of my palms here again collapsing into the bones and then from my navel or from the space between the navel and the spine move back chin to chest able draws up tailbone curls under exhale here so I'm doing cat cow but I'm bringing a little more awareness to the belly inhale looping the shoulders along belly here opening the heart forward and on exhale curling the tailbone under navel draws up really bringing navel up towards the spine as the crown of the head releases let's do one more cycle inhale heart comes forward long beautiful neck and exhale releasing opposite direction press into the tops of the feet press into the palms here to get the most out of your asana infusing each movement with the breath okay awesome curl the toes under I'm going to walk the fingertips forward just a little bit and from my navel lift it up to a downward facing dog peddle the feet here move with your breath it'll drop the left heel slide the right leg all the way up think fancy here just a nice conscious easy transition as I step my right foot all the way up into my runners lunge take a second here to find integrity walk maybe that right foot out so you're not on a tightrope breathe finding a little self-expression a little movement here and now we're going to ring it out twist it out y'all so with left fingertips in line with the arch of the right foot or you might plant the palm firmly or if you have a little block or a book you can bring the earth up to you by pressing into that this away the most important thing is wanting to find this length in the spine so if runners lunge is still kind of a new pose for you you might lower that back knee here so that when we move into our twist you can find that length in the spine so with the knee lowered I'll go ahead and go into my first twist here I'm reaching my right fingertips up I'm keeping my front big toe rooted down the ball joint of that front big toe rooted down as I open up into my twist shoulder blades glide down the back notice how I'm not collapsing in the neck here but I'm keeping it nice and long great if you're feeling adventurous want to go step further we'll lift that back knee and breathe here in the twist really spiking back through that left heel keeping that lift in the heart nice long smooth deep breaths here notice I'm wiggling my right fingertips is finding a little movement to stay present and on an exhale I'll slowly float it back to my runners lunge alright take a deep breath in here and then on an exhale I'll plant the palms step back to plank or half plank and Yogi's choice here you can take a rest in Child's Pose or shifting your weight forward practice your vinyasa inhaling lifting up to Cobra or upward facing dog again Yogi's choice here you can just take a breath in extended Child's Pose and together we'll meet back downward facing dog pedal it out here for one breath cycle and now we're going to step the left foot up find your runners lunge on the opposite side so this seems like kind of a simple pose but if you haven't already check out this pose and the foundations of yoga series there's so much more than meets the eye in this beautiful posture that's so beneficial and very common in a public class okay taking the right palm or right fingertips now in line with the left arch of the foot finding that length as I inhale open up through the left wing I'm peeling my left hip crease back who I'm showing off my birthday leggings here good choice Adrienne and then spiking that right heel towards the back wall again we can always lower the knee here so that we can begin to find space especially if you're feeling like you have a little bit of a turtle shell like upper back is really tight go ahead and lower that knee so you can practice the twist here being present nice full deep breaths make sure you take a couple inhales into the lower belly here as you extend through the crown of the head remember right ear low is lifting up the neck is an extension of the spine one more breath here gaze can be up the fingertips can you straight ahead or straight down there's no right around just your experience and on an exhale we melt it back and same thing here send it back extended Child's Pose or step it back and vinyasa coming to plank finding your version of the vinyasa today maybe it's just a little chaturanga practice it doesn't matter what really we do but how we do it creating an experience in the body with the breath great excuse me they thought it was much over this cold but turns out still got a little gunk in there okay pressing up and out of the palms we come to all fours I'm just going to take a second here to loop the shoulders and inhale one more cat cow exhale navel towards the spine chin to chest really press up and out of the palms here sweet then I'm going to cross the ankles and I'm going to slowly be mindful of my legs use the fingertips to transition all the way back to seated hooray send the feet out long press of the heels firm the tops of the thighs down inhale reach it all the way up nothing fancy here just a nice easy forward fold rope to relieve the lower back and also again massage that lower abdomen I come forward hands can rest gently on the thighs on the shins of the calves maybe you can grab the ankles here awesome maybe the outer edges the feet even the big toes so find where you fall naturally today and then breathe deep into that lower belly breathing into lower back and go ahead and let the weight of your head release over here for one full breath cycle man gently releasing pulling the left knee all the way up keeping the right foot out I'm going to hug that left knee in keeping about a fist worth of space here between the arch of that left foot and my right inner thigh moving into a twist again keeping the top of that right thigh firm here well and hugging right elbow to left knee I'm going to inhale sit up nice and tall and the same thing as before when I did my twist fingertips are going to come behind I'm going to careful not to lean back in they keep my pelvis tilting forward sometimes sitting up on a block or blanket here is nice for this twist if you're still working on creating that space in the back and the spine so sit up nice and tall deep breath in here pressing into that right heel and on an exhale journeying into the twist notice if you're just holding here see if you can connect back to your breath another variation here of course is to take the outer edge of that right arm to the outer edge of that left knee and use this here kind of to find a little more length a little more space anything-goes find what feels good be present with the breath lower belly going along for the ride here one more deep breath in and out and then I'll release it back to Center and switcheroo left leg out right foot in out of this width distance apart so I'm not kind of I'm not flush up against that thigh but I have lots of space and then journeying into the twist on the other side same thing finding your breath firm in the top of that left thigh bone left foot nice and bright flexed deep breath in and on an exhale journey into your twist might take the outer edge of that left elbow to the right knee choose your own variation today move with your breath hearts lifting lower belly going along for the ride here and on an exhale we melt it back to Center awesome shake off the legs wiggle your fingertips and toes and come to flat back position cool tuck the chin to the chest make sure your neck is nice and long here extend both legs out take a deep breath in inhale long belly here as we let it all stretch and then exhale hug the right knee into the chest make sure you start with your right knee for this pose hugging into that lower abdomen you can point and flex the foot here breathe keeping this leg nice and firm inhale in keep the shoulders relaxed down as you exhale slowly peel nose up towards the need forehead up towards the knee keeping the shoulder to relax here skin of the face relaxed jaw relaxed breathe squeezing that right knee as I press through that left heel finding that opposition and then exhale release down and switch your room right leg out left knee in take a deep breath in and on an exhale we lift it up nose to knee full body experience here really squeezing that left knee up towards the chin or the heart crown of the head is reaching towards the right toes or not crunching anything here but keeping lots of space on an exhale gently release it back down and we're going to finish it off with just a couple of rocking a couple of rocks side to side in reclined twist so you can rock here as long as you like rocking to the right side then drawing the navel down we come to the left you might stay here for many many breaths or you might practice just rocking a little back and forth getting that lower belly nice and massage sorry leaving the back of any tension and when you feel satisfied you can keep up with this twist for as long as you like maybe rock to one side spend a five 10 breaths there then rock to the other five 10 restorative breaths there and then whenever you feel satisfied make sure you take a couple seconds to just be in gratitude notice the sensations of the body here in shavasana okey doke so happy healthy digestive sequence this is a great sequence to do over and over again you know one practice with it will be great too is even better but to do it on an ongoing basis would be awesome and I think then you might actually really get a grasp on kind of the benefits of you know yoga practice in the internal organs so not just our you know good looks but also kind of working from the inside out if that made any sense yoga working from the inside out and happier we are on the inside the more beautiful we are on the outside that's pretty brilliant if you ask me okay love you guys this is a website yoga with Adriene comm leave questions comments there or below and yeah I hope you have a good time let me know how it goes happy digestive tract trails to you namaste you