what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene how they do today we have a Yoga for Beginners video calling this foundational flow or foundations of flow so this is great for people who are wanting to you know eventually graduate to like vinyasa style classes or maybe you're trying out vinyasa or flow classes now and you're feeling like I just can't keep up or like how do I breathe or like what the heck am i doing so this sequence will be great for you to just kind of get the foundations of flow really connect to what matters which is synchronizing the breath with the movement the movement with the breath so that you can find what feels good let's get started all righty my friends we're going to begin in an extended Child's Pose so get on down knees as wide as your mat two big toes touching now if this is like not a comfortable posture for you then you can keep the hips lifted and in time baby we'll get them down there so just be where you are at today if you need to curl the toes under under and stretch the feet and just kind of rest on the elbows this is an option so just know that your extended Child's Pose may not look like the magazine today but it will evolve and change so you just kind of have to get get into it and so that's where we're starting today just kind of nice and easy in an extended Child's Pose if the forehead can come to the mat you might experiment with that I'm melting your heart down and just take a second to close your eyes and draw your attention to your breath a little invitation to notice the breath is super important here as we begin today and talk about vinyasa or introduction to you know flow style yoga and just the synchronicity that comes when you start to really you know play with your breath and move with your breath and let your movement be fueled by the breath is so rewarding especially in the physical practice it's it's like totally the manifestation of joy and if you don't know what I'm talking about yet you soon will and if you do and you know I'm not crazy notice your breath take it nice and slow we're going to move in a circle here so the goal today is to not do it perfect but to just enjoy the ride stick with the practice so we're going to start by inhaling coming forward and exhaling around and back see if you can move with your breath inhaling coming forward and exhaling around and back through that extended Child's Pose keep it going inhale come forward moving in a big circle exhale around and back and then reverse your circle again inhaling as you come forward exhale through extended Child's Pose now we want to take long deep smooth breaths so rushing your movement isn't really great for that and slow it down so you can kind of focus and begin to control the breath and the movement let's do one more and back to extended Child's Pose or your version of extended Child's Pose awesome then we'll gently draw the palms underneath the shoulders and pull an ass up walk the knees in line with the hips and press up come to all fours tabletop position just a little side body stretch since we're going to kind of hop into a flow today kind of quickly I'm going to press into the tops of my feet but you're going to be okay and I'm going to extend my right leg out take a deep breath in on an exhale draw your right toes over towards the left side of your yoga mat and then take a look take a little gander at your right foot and if you were able to do the done to practice with us this will help here you can really see that line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone here so we're not collapsing we're really engaging stretch it out stretch it out and then release back to Center and same thing on the other side we inhale lift the left leg up square the hips and then take it over towards the right take a look at your right excuse me your left leg press away from the earth with both palms stretch stretch stretch and then we release awesome from here I'm going to curl the toes under take a deep breath in and then nice and easy keeping the knees bent I'm going to send it up to what our dog put a little bit pedal it out here soften the knees and then we're going to slowly walk it up all the way to the front edge of your mat take a nice forward fold and when you land just you know notice your breath notice how you might have stopped breathing and continue to breathe deeper and deeper as you let the weight of the head go so we're really trying to awaken the breath and if that's tough for you I just want you to know you're human you're not alone like it's it's super challenging thing to cultivate a more mindful breath practice when you're ready roll it up nice and slow how slow can you go enjoy this move all the way to Mountain keep the knees softly bent here as you roll up to a nice tall Mountain Pose lifting up through the crown of the head and then going ahead and just kind of taking this opportunity to check in with your body today whether it's looping the shoulders drawing some circles with the nose little neck hygiene here maybe you know pressing into the feet shaking out any leg cramps rolling through the ankles a couple times the wrists so go ahead and take a little freestyle moment to really check in with your body and then we'll stand up nice and tall toes pointing forward feet hip-width apart so we're really stacking the bones here and then when you're ready just getting used to moving with the breath and just going back first again stacking the bones is so important because you know our habitual selves kind of want to take over especially when things begin to move at a faster pace as they do in vinyasa so the more attention to detail we have now while we're kind of going through the basics and really building the foundation of our practice the better so when you feel like you have a nice foundation really pressing through all four corners of the feet just go ahead and nice and easy reach the fingertips all the way up towards the sky and take a deep breath in and that's it exhale let it go and again full breath capacity inhale reach up reach till you can't breathe in anymore and then exhale let it go a couple more try closing your eyes or just softening your gaze who's going inward focusing on the breath inhale exhale get used to really moving with your breath see if you can let the breath fuel the movement and after you've kind of found that like synchronization or at least tried we're going to add one more thing to this so you can stay just kind of doing this flow here synchronizing the movement in the breath the breath in the movement or you can begin to lift up on the toes so we're practicing a little balance here - inhaling this also just requires this kind of slowed it down so we have more control over the breath and more control over the movement inhale exhale slowly release let's do one more spreading the fingertips and exhale back down to Mountain draw the palms together at the heart and let's keep playing with this moving breath and movement together as one let's see what happens inhale soft knees reach it all the way up moving nice and slow today exhale down you go forward hold if you can move with your breath and it's almost like we're moving through water today not because we want to be weird but so that we can really just kind of stay in control the movement and of the breath also really great if you're beginner - just take it nice and slow allowing the muscles that have been tight for so long to reawaken and stretch out from here I'm going to inhale and lift up to a flat back position now what that looks like today is this sliding the palms all the way up the shins all the way up the knees we kind of draw energy up through the legs as we do this just a little bonus tip and then loop the shoulders pull the elbows back and find extension through the crown of the head kind of like I'm creating the number seven shape here the legs might want to lock here especially in certain body types so just keep a soft bend in the knees everyone drawing your navel up towards your spine this is hard work and we're going to draw the shoulders away from the ears take one more breath in here and then use your exhale to slide back down to that forward fold bend your knees super generously to give your lower back some extra special over here and then if it feels good you can grab the elbows Rock a little side to side keep breathing nice long smooth active breaths best you can and your chances are you know you will stop and so we're just going to make it about coming back to the breath each time even if you have to do it a million times no worries that's what the practice is all about then release the arms and slowly roll it back up once again press into all four corners of the feet and again we'll take a deep breath in and inhale reach up towards the sky exhale soften through the knees and down you go rain it down inhale halfway lift palms slide up to the tops of the thighs I'm just going to pause here and work on this shape finding that length through the crown of the head so usually the neck wants to kind of spill off like this so remember that the neck is an extension of the spine remember not to lock your knees take a deep breath in pull your elbows back and then use your exhale to slide it down great rolling up one more time just like this a flat back position and then use your exhale to fold awesome this time we're going to bring the fingertips to the mat walk the feet in just a hair and then on a big breath in send your right foot back on an exhale lower your right knee inhale open your heart awesome exhale inhale exhale plant the palms and we're going to step the left knee back to meet the right cool catch your breath gather your bearings I'm going to come to kind of a half push up here inhale open your heart forward so really let the chest open exhale bend the elbows slowly lower down stay down and inhale lift the heart up lower the legs if you haven't already Cobra exhale down keep your Cobras nice and small here inhale lift up especially if you're new to the practices tendency to kind of want to recreate the shapes that we see and then this ends up happening because it takes a long time to kind of get everything integrated and working happy to kind of get here so don't worry I'm not like trying to call you out or anything I'm just trying to help you don't want you to have any back pain or anything so keep it nice and low inhale lift exhale release so we're doing this on our own here really pressing through the foundation inhale lifting up exhaling lowering down each time you lift up with the breath pull the elbows back like little grasshopper legs press into your pubic bone and the tops of your feet so it's like a pump here inhale lift and exhale fall let's do one more inhale lift baby Cobra and exhale release curl cool curl the toes under lift the kneecaps inhale in exhale press up do a push up you got it can always be a half push-up inhale in exhale to your downward dog soften through the knees and then eventually begin to straighten it out awesome work everyone here we go on your next big breath in lift your right leg up into your lunge exhale lower your left knee down inhale loop the shoulders open your heart take a deep breath in and exhale let it go great inhale take your time we're going to lift the back foot up to meet the front big breath in and if that doesn't happen in one step we should probably want who cares take as many steps as you need and then everyone exhale forward fold probably already there so take a couple nice long smooth deep breaths awesome inhale on your next breath halfway lift we know this position just checking in staying curious experimenting and exhale down you go and then softening through the knees pressing through all four corners of the feet spread your fingertips and begin to reach it up full body stretch should feel really good and exhale hands to heart awesome just take a second to catch your breath or observe your breath you know getting used to moving with the breath in this way is actually like a really intricate thing so we go to vinyasa class and we're like expected to just like perfectly sync up so I think it's really nice to actually break it down like this whether you're beginner or not just to kind of slow it down and remember oh yes synchronicity so taking a second here to just observe the breath if you're brand new to the practice you need a sip of water right now go get yo sip of water I mean it's really your home practice do so you can kind of take what you need that's when you return to the match like when you're really listening to your body a lot of yoga for beginners is just about like learning everything the right way and we forget to allow for permission to like make it make it so that you want to come back to your yoga mat so okay so we're just going to go through one more little flow here just practicing moving with the breath so soft knees marry the breath to the movement and the movement to the breath best you can big inhale reach the arms up and overhead full body stretch long exhale enjoy this move as you forward fold dive forward soft bend in the knees take good care inhale halfway lift this time you might experiment with bringing the palms to the shin it's just another option instead of the thighs take a deep breath in here lengthen lengthen lengthen and then use your exhale to bow forward again moving nice and slow walk the feet in just a hair inhale step the right foot back into your lunge this time you can keep the back knee lifted or you can lower it go ahead and let all the air out on your next inhale open up the palms wide lift your heart press into your feet strong again we can also beyond the knee here take a deep breath in full capacity of breath here as you open and expand and then exhale back down you go plant the palms walk the left toes or slide the left toes excuse me back to meet the right stay here or lower the knees like we did before inhale extend exhale slowly lower down so we're doing it on the knees or lowering all the way down everyone hug your elbows into your side body and on your inhale lift up Cobra move with your breath exhale release inhale curl the toes under exhale draw your navel up to your spine lift your kneecaps come up to push-up plank inhale in tail downward-facing dog shoe awesome inhale step your right foot up into your lunge again you can lower the back knee here exhale or you can keep it lifted on your next breath in wherever you are move at your own pace we'll inhale open the heart extends power up through the legs open open open breathe in and on your exhale let that be your cue to make your way back down awesome step the back foot up to meet the front take a beat big breath in exhale forward fold awesome work everyone inhale halfway lift palms on the shins or thighs exhale diving forward and inhale awesome work everyone take the deepest breath you've taken all day as you reach your fingertips up towards the sky reach for the stars full body stretch here full breath and your exhale brings you back to the heart back two palms together back to namaste which is where we end our practice if you still have more energy and you want to do more today you can repeat the sequence everyone just take a second to notice how you feel maybe closing the eyes and allowing the breath to return back to its natural rhythm