what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and today we have some yoga tips for you these come straight from our reboot family in fact want to give a shout out to mark from Australia who actually brought this up on the reboot page thank you Mark for being so active and for asking such great questions because the questions benefit us all so today we're going to take a little look at the standing foundation of warriors these are tips to engage the lower body particularly that back leg where when we're in the standing postures and if you've practice reboot or you're in the reboot family already you know that we do warrior one warrior two high lunge and warrior three at least those in our reboot sequences so hopefully this will be beneficial for you and I think in general this is a nice little reminder for most standing austenite postures so let's just see what happens with hop on the mat [Music] all right so my first tip in terms of warriors is build from the ground up so rather than sometimes in class would kind of come into it from already standing I want to like get it down low so we're gonna start in a runner's lunge let's start with the right leg forward and the left leg back so take your time getting in there and it really like for us to pay attention we can lower that back knee for a sec to our Center today because for me in finding those engaging qualities that I feel like we're looking for is really about engaging your Center your center of gravity so coming to a nice runners lunge and just bring your awareness to the space between your navel and your spine and your awareness to your tailbone here as we just connect to the center alright so nice and easy I'm going to pivot on the back foot and I'm not gonna lift up you guys take your time again we're building from the ground up so I'm gonna soften that back knee just so I can feel the difference and then plant the left heel left toes are pointed maybe towards the front left corner of the mat or the front left corner of the room I'm not on a tightrope I'm on two skis here so I might walk the right foot outside to nice long plane so you might have heard before right heel in line with the arch of the left foot for the sake of our yoga tips today I'm really and in general I'm teaching like this these days sharing like this these days to have nice spaciousness between both feet all right now hang with me we're looking at the video okay you're looking at me I'm looking at you take your left calm bring it to the top of your left thigh now imagine a spiral here I'm going to take my index finger and you can too and I'm going to imagine the top of the left thigh spiraling and you can even see it turning a little bit here now what wants to happen though is that outer edge of the back foot starts to peel up so I'm going to do what my hat my hat with my hot the yoga is all about just find that opposition alright the Sun on the moon the mask in and the masculine and the feminine that opposition so I ground down through the outer edge of the foot in fact I don't know if you can see my foot there but nice and strong and then I keep the spiral of the top of the thigh now bring your left palm to the inner thighs slap it like a pancake and just see if you can engage and what this does is for me wakes up my Center it reminds me oh yeah it's all connected because before this is kind of all spilling you can even see this will and what I'm gonna do is charge this let that wake-up call send out through the body and begin to engage my Center maybe lengthen the tailbone and now we're talking okay bend that front knee hopefully we're talking if not then keep working waking up waking up waking up now I'm gonna bring my hands to the waistline here and slowly come up to warrior one don't worry about the back of that thigh being parallel here today I'm working on this back leg and eventually I'll get to where I can see sink really deep put the power of that back leg so take a second here to just bring the hands to the waistline and notice if we've kind of lost that engaging quality and a leg which is what I think the feedback was is like I can't seem to get or maintain that energy in the back leg so again I ask you to bring your awareness now to your Center to the tailbone is it sinking to the front is it sinking to the back is it going towards that right buttock or that right sit bone or the left hip left sit bone can we let it kind of dangle in between like this yoga with adriene yep finding that Center and then from there again seeing if we can spread awareness and find that opposition as we roll the top of that back thigh in and ground down through the outer edge of that back foot back leg is super strong now use the power of your mind imagination to draw energy up from the arches of the feet so this is an energetic thing not an anatomical thing or an alignment this is now the energy drawing all the way up from the arches of the feet as we hold on to our action alignment and then maybe I reach the fingertips up the legs aren't working super strong here my friends you can see my manage this kind of tearing north to south north to south excuse me strong legs check it out here then open up to warrior two just check it out maintaining strength power that back lay now I wouldn't watch my past warrior videos and they're amazing check them out now I do talk about squaring the hips and I think we've we shot warrior one in 2012 two years later I no longer interested in squaring the hips like this anymore think Thank You Lesley Cavanaugh who first kind of like gave me permission to start experiencing this and I like that in general challenging the rules of yoga what people teach you because it's really about your experience so now I'm teaching more unty Ching the squaring of the hips and I feel like if you're not trying to power through squaring these hips you're really going to build from the ground up and feel that engaging quality in the back leg so maybe you're here maybe you're here it's not to make a really magic those who say maybe you're here just watching it but no let's take it to the other side turn the right toes in take the left toes out and we're gonna come back all the way to our limbs just so we can feel that again building from the ground up so nice slow dissolve into your lunge you can lower that back knee and then here we go again coming into the lunge bringing your awareness to the center pivoting on the back foot whenever you're ready finding that action of drawing energy up from the arch of the foot but again bring your right finger now to the top of that thigh imagine it's spiraling inside the spiral back foot wants to come up but I'm gonna really let the root of this posture be in the outer edge of that back foot now you can almost see my quadricep is toned here you can slap that inner thigh allowing it to not just engage the inner thigh but wake up the center a lot going on here then hands come to the waistline as I check it out strong back leg strong strong strong again check in with your Center don't worry about squaring the hips but rather really leaving no part left behind so once if I start to get to this and this is still like not engage it's like what's the point so really drawing energy up from the arches of the feet finding places places to lift and then just checking it out on the other side again so if we're talking about these two headlights and the hips now pointing forward I say let's let's cheat let's undo that and just let them point out to the sky the side again tailbone dangling in between and we just work here we don't master the pose but we keep checking in going through that checklist you can check it out with the arms up you might open out to warrior two here just to check out what's happening in the back leg as we move outer edge that back foot nice and strong cool reach the fingertips up slowly make your way back to the lunge and we're gonna rock that back foot up to meet the front take a second here and forward fold just to release the lower back and then slowly roll up and I'm just gonna do one last thing so in in order to kind of engage the inner thighs this is a great little trick and I realize we don't all have a block so I'm gonna use the block but you could fold up a towel or roll up a towel or blanket mm-hm and use that we could surely come on oh look here's a cigar box from my buddy crochet gave me that would totally work so you could I mean just find a firm thing oh my god find a firm thing to put between your legs okay this is going down south fast I'm gonna take the block I'm gonna bring it to my inner thighs toes pointing forward feet hip width apart now you can kind of imagine this like a little PEZ dispenser here this this exercise that is kind of hard to communicate in real life so might be difficult in the video too but I feel like this is a great little way to engage those muscles and remind ourselves that it's not just about these isolated muscles it's about this Center it's about a everything right so I come into a strong Tadasana and first take your object or the block away and you just kind of feel this loosey goosey Ness and then I'll bring the block in between squeeze the inner thighs together press firmly into all four corners of the feet and to find length through the crown and open the chest now I'm going to take the tops of the thighs just as I did before and I'm gonna spiral them inward just like I did in my warriors so you can really see the visual here and you can see maybe the block from a side view is Here I am just kind of sitting out but when I draw energy up through the arches of the feet and spiral the tops of the thighs in you can kind of see the block perching out like a little PEZ dispenser here so I'm going to work on putting those two things together finding the spiral and the tops of the thighs bringing one hand to the belly one hand to the lower back or sacrum and then finding an upward encouraging in the front body and it downward encouraging through the back body so again I'm not forcing but those two things together you can really feel strong through the inner thigh so again I'm spiral I'm drawing energy up through the arches of the feet I'm spiraling the inner thighs in then I find this upward encouraging through the front body as I keep the legs engaged and this downward encouraging through the back body and I begin to feel this incredible sensation in the inner thighs so we can practice here again here's kind of where I might sit naturally obviously I'm exaggerating a little bit I'm gonna spiral this in draw energy up from the feet tops of the thighs go in an exaggerated version would be like this my little buttercup but then I'm gonna take my yogi awareness and I'm gonna find lift in through the front body and grounding through the back body cool so even if you don't have a block you can try this with the block it's awesome you if you have a block you're starting to maybe feel what I'm throwing out there and if you don't have a block we can just play with this in time and again just think energy drawing up through the arches spiral the thighs and then this opposition which is what again our healthy yoga is all about finding balance while still engaging all right so that was just a little check in with warrior or more importantly building I think from the ground up I think it's important to remember that it's a practice that it takes time and I think that what's most important and the biggest tip or just reminder of all is to stay curious keep working at it and keep inviting all those little muscle fibers along for the ride yay if you're interested in reboot please check out the website or the link below and we'd love to have you on board leave questions comments below if you have a request for yoga tips let me know and I'll do my best to answer it and let's all keep enjoying the ride alright talk to you next time [Music] 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