- Okay, hi everyone, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I am Adriene, and today we're gonna do a Q & A, based on the videos that we've done thus far. Squeaky chair, sorry. Rickety, old, antique chair. Okay, so the first question is from my good friend Hilah, and it is a question about wrist pressure. I'm gonna say pressure rather than pain. But a little bit of, pressure in the wrist during Cobra, Bhujangasan. And it's a common thing, and it's a great question because if we're feeling pressure in the wrist, then we need to take a chill pill, and we need to back up off the posture a little bit. And it's super common, it's an easy thing to do, to put a lot of pressure on the wrist, because we see people all the time, like, going into these bad-ass, amazing, you know, Cobras, but two things. Either they have been practicing a long time, and they've, they've created that space and integrated from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone, so they have a lot of space in the spine, and the back, and the muscles. Everything's working together, saying yes, space, Cobra. That's A. B, people are just cranking up into that posture, you know, no patience, and, so it's easy for us to wanna do the same thing, 'cause we see it, we're like, oh, that's what it's supposed to look like. So, the kind answer is to take a sweet little chill pill, and just, maybe not go up as far. So, I like to do, and I can't remember if we did this in the video or not. If we didn't, then I should have. But I like to sometimes, turn my palms face-up in Cobra. Just to like really check in with my spine and see, like, am I working in my back, or am I, kind of, using my arm strength to muscle into the posture. Again, it's not bad or wrong, there's no right or wrong in yoga, just an experience. But, if you're having a less than yummy experience in your wrist, then try, yeah, turning the palms face-up and just getting that sensation back in the spine, rather then in the arms. Then in due time, we have the spine integrated, so much so, and the muscles strong, so much so, that we're not putting all that pressure on the wrist. That was long-winded. This is my first question, sorry I'll try to be more succinct. I have another question, all the way from the Czech Republic, from Sarah Marie, awesome, awesome question about digestion. And we won't go get all personal or get into it, but it's a great question, or a good thing to bring up regarding yoga, because everyone talks about how yoga is so great for digestion and then, maybe you don't have that experience, and you're like WTF. So, the first point I wanna make, that I thank you Sarah, for bringing this up, is, everyone is gonna have a different experience, and some of them are gonna be vastly different. So this is great. Yoga is not just one cure, you know, for everyone. So, that said, though, it's hard for me to answer your question without knowing, like, what kind of yoga you're doing and like, what you've been up to. So, if you wouldn't mind on this video, or I'll also respond to you on the website, let me know what kind of poses, what kind of postures you've been doing. If you're doing sweaty yoga, are you doing, you know, more restorative branch of yoga, and then we can also talk, chat more, chat more in private about digestive tract stuff. But, it's a great point that you bring up, that it's, you know, it's never gonna be the same for everyone. We're all very different. But the one thing we all can be the same at, is building awareness and finding what feels good, and breathing. For heaven's sake, let's take longer, deeper, fuller breaths, creating good space in the body. Alright, that's all I have for now, only two questions. So if you guys have questions, let me know. Leave them on this video here, or you can send me a note, or drop me a line at the website. And if you haven't subscribed to the channel already, please be sure to do so. I am sending you love, sending you light. Have a beautiful day. Namaste.