what's up everyone welcome to the yoga with Adriene vlog I am Adriene the and today we are talking about Yoga for Beginners people who want to try yoga or maybe have tried it like back in the 80s or 90s and want to come back to it again reaching out to all people here yoga for everyone but truly what like I just want to get a little specific like it's hard to you know maybe write all of this so I thought I would do a vlog because this comes up all the time this question you know just where do I begin and I'll just start off by saying like first of all you begin here now like just the thought the desire to want to do something that brings more light into your life that's good for your body good for your internal organs and overall health mind body soul starts truly now with just the thought so already halfway there and then just rolling out the mat and showing up is really a part of the battle but like I said I want to get a little specific for you today so where do I begin well we have some great postures on the foundations of yoga series to get really specific start with actually like the first pose we ever did which is called sukhasana or the easy pose start there another one I would recommend checking out is Tadasana or the Mountain Pose standing posture that I in my opinion think will change your life whether you go to yoga class or not just learning this posture and gaining full body awareness I think is worth the price of this video which is free so I don't know what that means but it is definitely worth it another one is downward dog we all know this posture we associate yoga hatha yoga with downward dog but it can be a beep you know it can so take time with the foundations of yoga video with downward dog and grow that posture I think I've said this before on the channel but I really fell in love with hatha yoga with the asana the day I fell in love with downward dog and that was no right away it took a lot of practice so take it or leave it whatever that means for you and then runners lunge I have a lot of friends particularly men just do not like this posture but it is like in my top kind of a lot of my mentioning 3 4 5 poses to tackle as a beginner because you will notice it grow fast if you stick to the practice and also it's just very common in regular hatha yoga class if you want to go to public classes prepare yourself for class by spending some time with me and the yoga with Adriene Channel another cool thing that I can add to this where do I start thing is we just put out we just rolled out a yoga for a complete beginners video and it's a quick sequence sequence sequence q share go now it's a quick sequence that's rather simple it might not be easy for you right away but it's it's simple just allowing you to get on the mat without too much pressure too many like yoga pretzel poses without a whole lot of talking from me you can get that in the foundations of yoga series but just to give you a little taste of the experience so check out that yoga for the complete beginner and you can tackle that as a complete beginner or maybe someone returning to the practice maybe challenge yourself to practicing that once everyday for a week and just see what happens if you notice anything I think you all but who knows alright so those are some specifics try those poses and the foundations of yoga series check out the yoga for complete beginners and part two of this where do I start is again going back to here right here right now get involved leave me questions comments send in pictures if you like scroll through other Yogi's pictures and comments and get inspired join the Instagram family and my name on Instagram is Adrienne Louise a D RI e ne L o you is e and Twitter and all that I mean even if you're not on Twitter so maybe that's not for you right but the point I'm trying to make is get involved help us grow this yoga family joining us and I think you'd be surprised how actually inspiring it is you're like okay I think I do want to try this today my yoga family is doing it Adrienne is doing it and I think you might find a place there it feels good for me I know I life has changed ever since this channel rolled out like I'm inspired every day follow my ass still every day you know like I learn new things every day and I'm definitely inspired by the my fellow viewers and my fellow fellow Yogi's I was right into an accent that all right I think that's it for now um one other thing I could maybe put on in this video is everyone keeps asking what kind of yoga mat do you use and I think that might be good for beginners too the answer is whatever you can find that looks good and feels good for you honestly like I am NOT privileged enough to have experienced a bunch of fancy yoga mats maybe one day this channel will grow and wall get to experience fancy yoga mats or I can tell you but I have some friends that like Jade mats for non-slip I have some friends who like Manduca mats for more cushion but really truly for me it's whatever mat comes to meet me and greet me that's affordable and feels good so don't don't stress so much about your mat I know what feels good mix and match if you do want to spend money on a mat to make sure it's worth it to you and if not just go with the flow okey doke I think that's all for now I love you guys so much hopefully we have some new Yogi's listening and send in your questions comments on the website Facebook Twitter Instagram yada yada and we'll see you on YouTube and on the mat almost day my friends much love