- Hey everyone, welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I'm Adriene, and you requested it, a little rainy day yoga for ya. So whether it's sunny or rainy outside, if you're just looking for some cozy, comfy, feel good yoga, this is the practice for you. So, hop into something extra comfy today, and let's get started. (upbeat music) Alright, so we're going to begin in a nice, comfortable seat. Go ahead and lift the hips up on a blanket or a block, or a couple of towels if you need to, and a great way to gauge that is if you feel like you are not able to lift your chest or garner any length in the spine, if you feel like you're here, it might be a good idea to lift the hips so that you can find a lift and a grounding in the lower body. So we'll come into a nice, comfortable seat, and we're actually gonna start with a big hug, which sounds kinda cheesy, but it's perfect for a rainy day, whether it's rainy on the inside or rainy on the outside. Just take a second to wrap the arms around your bod and take a deep breath in. And relax the shoulders as you breathe out. Maybe close your eyes for this next breath, taking a big inhale in through the nose. And out through the nose or the mouth. Just giving yourself a nice, big hug. And then release. Put the opposite arm on top and same thing, inhale, lifting up through the chest and exhaling, grounding through the shoulders. And inhale, lots of love in as you give yourself a big ole bear hug. And exhale, release. Awesome, so now we're gonna take the left heel in and the right leg out long. Again, it's nice to sit up tall here, so if you need to lift the hips on something, take a moment to pause the video and get comfy. So we have the right leg out long, the left heel drawing into the center. Take the fingertips, bring them to your temples. You're just gonna give yourself a little bit of a temple massage. And as you do this, you can close your eyes or soften your gaze, and just start to notice what's going on in the lower body. Grounding down through the tops of the thighs as you, got so relaxed there, already, as you lengthen up through the crown, lift up through that center plumb line. Sweet, now drop your fingers to your jaw and begin to activate through your right toes if you haven't already. And as you give yourself a nice jaw massage here, enjoy, and also, pay attention to the lower body. So, can you ground down to sit up a little bit taller? Cool, take a deep breath in. Relax through the jaw as you breathe out. Sweet, and then we'll release the hands. Left hand or left fingertips are gonna come to the earth and we're gonna reach the right hand, right fingertips all the way up and over. Inhale, side body stretch here. Keep it nice and soft and easy today. And exhale through center. Inhale, other side, stretch, breathe. Exhale through center. Inhale, soft and sweet. Exhale brings you through, and inhale, reach. Exhale brings you through. This time, inhale reach, turn the right toes in and we're gonna press into that outer edge of the right foot as you lift the hips up, big stretch to lift, and then exhale to release, awesome. Turning towards the right toes now. Take your time. We pull back through the right hip crease. Prepare for head to knee pose, so you're gonna just kind of bring your hips to look past your right toes. Then inhale, reach up. Ground down through the tops of the thighs, and exhale, slowly coming forward, keeping the chest as open as you can, bending that knee as much as you need to. Find what feels good here. Nice, long deep breath, stretching through the back body. Maybe in time we get a little bit closer, head to knee, but you can just be right here, breathin', maybe finding a gentle sway. Wherever you're at, close your eyes or soften your gaze for one more breath cycle. In, and out. And we'll ground down through the body, down to the earth, and slowly rise up, nice and slow. Pause, inhale in. And exhale, release. Beautiful. Right heel is gonna come in. Left leg's gonna go out. Take your time. I really invite you to just enjoy, relish in this floor time, just remember when you were a kid and you used to just roll around on a rainy day and just kind of go with the flow, and play, use your imagination. Use this time for that. Take this time for you. So right heel comes in and left heel goes out. And we get centered back on our mat, head over heart, heart over pelvis. So we're not quite facing those left toes yet, facing the center, and just sit up nice and tall and notice how this side's different. And then take the fingertips to the temples once again, and start to breathe and relax. So finding that active lower body, but in a nice and fun, lovely way, so you don't have to force or ground. And then drop the fingertips to the jaw. Soften through your jaw. If you're not givin' yourself a jaw massage on the regular (laughs), you're missin' out. Deep breath in. Long breath out. Cool, and release. Right hand or right fingertips to the earth, and left fingertips reach up and over. Side body stretch. Again, no need to be rigid or force it, just soft and easy today. Inhale, exhale through center. Inhale, side body stretch to the left. Exhale through center. Inhale to the right. Exhale through center. And inhale to the left. Exhale through center, awesome, yummy. Inhale to the right, this time turn the left toes in, anchor through the outer edge. It's like a Warrior Two back foot here. As we inhale, open up. Lift the hips, stretch, and exhale, drawing the navel in to release. (exhaling breath) Great, turning towards the left toes. So the more you repeat that little sequence, the more fun it becomes, kind of smoothing it out. We pull the left hip crease back, active through the toes here. Inhale, reach for the sky. And exhale, forward fold. So take your time here. Maybe a little massage. Maybe you smell your armpits. Maybe you close your eyes. And give the thinking mind a break. (breathing) Wherever you are, take a deep breath in. Long breath out. And then nice and slow, rooting down through the sitting bones, through the buttocks, to roll up. And take a second here to inhale, fill up with air. And then exhale, let it all go. Beautiful, we're gonna come to all fours. Take your time, imagine you're moving through jello or through water, soft and easy. Come to a tabletop position, spread the palms super wide, and then when you're ready, inhale, drop the belly. Open the chest. Maybe looking up or closing the eyes, sending awareness through that third eye point. On an exhale, rounding through. Navel draws down, chin to chest, nice and slow today. And inhale, drop the belly, open the heart. Exhale, rounding through. Let's do one more, inhale, open the chest, stretching through the belly. And exhale, rounding through. Fabulous, walk the knees together. Keep the toes pointed, so the tops of the feet press into the earth, and nice and slow, we'll send the hips back, but really reach the fingertips forward. Reach, reach, reach, reach, reach. Claw the fingertips into the ground. Then tops of the shoulders are gonna rotate away from the ears, so the elbow creases are shining up towards the sky. Take a deep breath in. And then exhale, chin to chest, Child's Pose. Close your eyes here. You might gently rock the forehead a little side to side. I invite you to deepen your breath here. Again, give your thinking mind permission to just soften and let go for the next few more minutes. (sighing breath) Awesome, then pressing into the fingerprints, we'll come back up to all fours. We're gonna lift the right toes up towards the sky. Inhale, open the chest, smile, and draw the shoulders away from the ears. And then exhale, stepping it all the way up into a nice, low lunge. Walk that left knee back if it feels good. Come on to the fingertips. Open up through the chest. Soft in the neck. Soft in the jaw. Inhale in. Exhale, slowly walking the right foot over towards the left side, One-legged Pigeon, nice and slow. We get settled in here. Gonna be here for a couple breaths. Press into the top of that back foot. Inhale, open the chest. Lift your heart, long puppy belly here. And then exhale, bowing forward. Can take any variation you like here, you can even go for the quad stretch by bending your knee. Wherever you are, invite nice, long, loving breaths in and out through the nose. Maybe closing the eyes once you feel comfortable. Keeping an awareness in the shoulders here big time. And then maybe you find soft, gentle swaying motion in the hips or maybe even come up onto the fingertips to find that in the head and the neck. If you're in another variation, go ahead and come back to center now, and then we'll press into the palms. Alright, let's take one big cleansing breath here. As you press into your feet, lift your heart, inhale in deeply. And with your exhale, release. Wash all your cares away. Forget your troubles. Press into the palms slowly as if you're moving through water here guys, nice and slow. Bring the knees back together. And have a little fun wagging the tail one way and then the other. (laughing) Just waggin' your tail. And then putting it on YouTube. Okay, here we go. Second side, press into the top of the right foot. Lift the left toes all the way up. Tops of the shoulders draw away from the ears as you find length through the front body. Inhale, and then exhale, drawing that left knee all the way up into your nice low lunge. Gently walk the right knee back if it feels good. Front knee over front ankle. And you find a little lift. Breathing. Let go of any tension in the face, in the jaw. And then slowly walking the left foot over. Take your time here coming into your Pigeon, noticing the sensations on this side. Taking a moment to really root through that back foot. And again, yogi's choice here, any variation, just you gotta bring the nice, loving, cleansing breaths. Trust yourself. Go the distance. And then we find a place where you can really dwell for a couple breaths. (breathing) And then if you're in the quad stretch, slowly come back to center. If you're in a sleeping, One-legged Pigeon, slowly rise up. Take your time. Big cleansing breath here. Inhale in deeply as you lift your heart. And then exhale, let it go. This time, coming on to the outer edge of that left hip. Swinging the right foot around, bringing the soles of the feet together for Cobbler's Pose. Take your time here, nice and slow. Take the thumbs to the arches of the feet. Give yourself a little massage here. Bonus, bonus practice. And then just like we did at the top of class, top of class (laughs), sure, when you were massaging your temples, see if you can ground down through the tops of the thighs a bit here, finding that opposition of grounding as you lift up through the center line, the plumb line, the spine. And take one more deep breath here as you lift the chest even more and ground the shoulders down. And then exhale, bending the elbows left to right. We come to fold nice and slow. Close your eyes. Send awareness, love, breath to the lower back. And then inhale, find length in the neck. And exhale, release. Tuck the chin into the chest and slowly roll it up. Grab the shins or the ankles. Inhale, squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. Inhale, smile. Life is good. And then exhale, let it all go. Fabulous. We're gonna come to our backs now. Fabulous work everyone. Take your time. Again, moving through water, having some fun today. And when you arrive, snuggle the shoulder blades underneath your heart space, and walk the heels up towards the fingertips. Toes pointing forward. Press the palms into the earth or you can even grab the outer edge of your yoga mat here. And inhale, press into the feet. Lift the hips, tailbone lifts up. We squeeze the thighs together. You can imagine a block there, so just don't let them splay out. Knees stay stacked over the ankles though as we lift up. Nice massage in the spine here. You might open the palms at the top and then exhale, release. Close your eyes. You know what you're doing here. See if you can really articulate through the spine. So once you feel comfortable, close your eyes. We're gonna do two more. Inhaling to lift up. Really slowing it down as you lift the chest to the chin, and then lift the chin towards the sky. Find length. Oh yeah. And then release. And then soft and easy, one more time. See if you can take out all the hard edges, whatever that means to you. Just soft and smooth, inhale lifts you up nice and slow. Chest to chin, chin towards the sky. And exhale, releasing it down, fabulous. Texas T, here we come, palms face down, send the fingertips left to right. Connect to your center, your core. As you press off the toes to lift up, tailbone scoops up towards the sky. And we find our reclined twist, sending the knees, the weight of the legs over towards the left, as we maybe turn to gaze past the right fingertips. Maybe left hand comes to the outer edge of the right thigh, just guiding it a little deeper into the stretch. You can also choose to extend that top leg. Alright, you gotta bring the breath, nice loving, cleansing breath. You might close your eyes and hear the sounds around you, become aware of the quality of air in the room. Relax your shoulders. Take one more breath in. And then use your exhale to move from your center all the way back through, knees wide as you come through center, and then take it on over to the other side. Feel the support of the earth as you breathe deep. Again, you can close your eyes when you feel comfortable. Notice where you might be holding or gripping and see if you can just soften a little bit. So we're playing with this idea of continuing with the action or keeping up with the active body whilst not being rigid or gripping or holding or pushing. Right, drop the struggle. Amen. And take one more deep breath in. And exhale, come back to center. Knees wide. Closing off with none other than the Happy Baby today or Stirrup Posture, so we're gonna start with Stirrup by bringing the hands to the arches of the feet, and then kicking the feet up. If the hips are a little bit too tight for you to do this, you can do one leg at a time. This fabulous variation. If you are playing with this posture, see if you can lengthen the tailbone towards the front edge of the mat. It's gonna be really therapeutic for the lower back and the pelvis and the hips, and then try to kick your feet into your hands, and then draw your elbows, your shoulders down. Inhale in. Exhale, release. And then maybe we come into Happy Baby, outer edges of the feet, but you can also stay at the inner arches. Everyone lengthen tailbone towards the front. Find any movement that feels good here. Again, the image of us just kind of playing inside, finding what feels good on a rainy day. Gettin' cozy. Take a couple more cleansing breaths. Pop your toes if you need to, lick your lips, rotate the ankles, whatever feels awesome. (sighing breath) And then when you're ready, release. We started with a big hug, we're gonna end with a big hug, so hug the knees into the chest. You can peel the nose up towards the knees if it feels good. Squeeze, hug, love. And then release everything. Come to lie in the Corpse Pose. Relax your feet, relax your hands. Take a deep breath in. And on your next exhale, allow the weight of the body, the muscles and the bones to relax completely and fully. Hmmmmm. Close your eyes. Take a moment to just again, listen to the sounds around you. Feel supported by this playful practice. And be proud that you took some time for yourself. We have so many things at our fingertips on a rainy day. Netflix. Cell phones. It's nice to also remember to make a cup of tea, maybe have a yoga practice, read a book, write a letter, find what feels good. Rest, as my friend says, "Dream, drool, relax." Let us know how you're spending your day outside of this amazing yoga practice down below, and I'll see ya next time. Thanks for sharing your time with me. Namaste. (upbeat music)