hey everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene a travel edition here we are in beautiful Los Angeles and it's a beautiful day the breeze is blowing there are lots of airplanes you might hear them actually and I wanted to hit the deck literally and find what feels good we're doing a yoga for a healthy liver this afternoon this is an amazing practice to help you when you're just feeling like you need a little stimulation or you're feeling a little tired or you need to kind of purify the liver meridian this is going to be a great practice for you to just kind of get rid of the buildup of toxins and bad stuff so that you can create space for the good stuff let's hop on the mat and get started all righty my friends so we're going to begin in a seated position just take a second to get comfortable gather your bearings get situated and then when you're ready we'll extend the legs out long and then just nice and easy to begin we're going to come into a bent knee forward fold so this is just super easy night nice and easy breezy so you can just kind of fall into it take your eyes off the video and again with the knees bent we'll just allow the head to rest over or maybe in between the knees what if they don't quite get there all the way that's okay and all the shoulders relaxed maybe allow the eyes to soften or close and begin to notice your breath here feet can be flexed or toes pointed just a little bit of energy there whatever feels best for you if you want to begin to straighten the legs you can but just lots of permission here to keep them bent breathing into the back body and then breathing into the lower belly again it's okay to look at the video but as needed but go ahead and allow yourself permission to let the weight of the head go now the loud plain it's kind of fun okay couple more breaths here really truly breathe into your belly breathe into your lower back body whatever that means to you take bigger deeper breaths then we'll slowly release begin to straighten the legs and roll up awesome all right keep the right leg extended we're going to lift the left leg up coming to a nice bent knee here and give yourself a little bit of space between your left heel and your right leg so we don't have to be so tightly wound up even though we're moving into twists we can kind of keep the space that we need so begin to lift up tall through the spinal column stay grounded through your right leg and we're just going to hug that left knee in with your right elbow so this is a familiar shape for a lot of us and kind of gauge how close or how far your left heel is and then again nice and tall through the spinal column think up as you breathe down into your belly that can be a little advanced especially for beginners lift and lengthen up through the crown of the head but as you breathe in you might close your eyes and imagine the breath going in through your nose and really filling out through the lower belly so it's kind of kind of counter to what we're often taught in terms of breath work we inhale exhale so instead we're keeping the heart lifted spinal column tall and we breathe in the breath travels down breathe out travels up more on that in the pranayama series on this channel okay so stay here if you want to release the left fingertips behind you can if you want to go a little bit deeper you can bring the outer edge of your right elbow to the outer edge of your left knee coming into the twist here but also you can release the right fingertips to ground and still work on this twist really thinking about it from the base of the spine all the way up so try to resist the urge to crank or lean back so really asking right for a nice loving squeeze in the lower body never thought I'd say those words okay one or two more breaths here then we'll gently release when you release try not to collapse in the spine keep it nice and tall so this is deceivingly hard work it might seem kind of simple but it's really good if you really work from the inside out keep the left leg where it is keep the right leg where it is in just a little counter twist here again breathing into the lower belly right fingertips swim behind and left palm can either come to the outer edge of the right thigh or fingertips to the mat and we breathe so as I'm breathing in my lower belly my belly expands breathing out it retracts in breathing in belly expands like a balloon breathing out it retracts in keep that left knee hugging and press into all four corners of your left foot if you need to give yourself a little more space take it and when I said there were gonna be a few planes I meant a million ha ha let's roll with it and then I'll gently release it back to center and I'm going to switch the same little ditty on the other side extending through the left leg bending the right knee super important to kind of pay attention to all four corners of the right foot right right firming down through the left thigh bones sitting up nice and tall just taking your time with all of this today just so we're a nice action and in good alignment and then when you're ready hugging the right knee with the left elbow so a couple things I should mention if you're feeling like you're leaning back into a dark hell then maybe lift the hips up sit up on a blanket a block a pillow give your hips a little bit of lift so that you can find lengthen the lower back body because we really want to be able to breathe into the belly in this seated twist so revolving whenever you're ready right fingertips can come behind again we can hug the right knee and as we lift up tall through the spine breathing into the belly resist the urge to kind of come into the magazine posture here and really see if you can kind of cultivate some energy in your lower belly whatever that means to you I've read into the back body whatever that means to you and if you want to take it a little deeper then you can bring the outer edge of the left elbow to the outer edge of the right knee lift and lengthen see if you can begin to extend your inhalations make them longer and then use that exhale to release inhale fill er up expand exhale draw the navel in and release one more then gently back to center counter twist so best you can pay attention to the sensations of the body that's one of the beautiful things about home practice or backyard practice is you can kind of move at your own pace and so I'm trying not to rush this video too much I want us to have a little bit of time in space to just go okay I'm getting bored how can I close my eyes and breathe breathe breathe or wow it's amazing yoga works I already notice the difference in my body and my energy just attempting to find a little bit of balance but you kind of have to do your part right so breathe deep couple more breaths here when you get in the groove of the breath or really feels awesome mmm no will gently release cool bring the left foot in cross the ankles very gently ever so gracefully we'll come onto all fours great take a second to bring the knees together tops of the feet on the mat send it back extended excuse me well it's a child's pose and the arms are extended forehead might kiss the mat and take a couple breaths here again breathing deep into the lower belly breathing into the lower back body see if you can feel your skin stretch as you breathe in deeply you might begin to cultivate an e je breath here we'll slowly rise up come to tabletop position one of my favs wrists underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hips adrian slides our mic pack so discreetly and knees underneath the hip points press away from your yoga mat you know what to do here press another tops of the feet take a couple breaths here drawing the shoulders away from the ears hugging the lower belly up into the spine again pressing away from your yoga mat doing awesome everyone to check this line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone well press in our foundation and lift the knees let them hover it doesn't have to be a big lift just a little lift to connect to your core draw the shoulders away from the ears one more breath in and out and release awesome cat cow take it away stretching the belly as your heart opens forward breathe in exhale pressing into your foundation all ten knuckles and tops of the feet strong as we round through the spine chin to chest navel draws up and continue tailbone up towards the sky heart forward breathe in find what feels good here for sure and then exhale curling the tailbone under traveling up through the spine hugging those lower ribs in really making the most of it here great do one more moving with your breath great curl the toes under send the hip points up and back downward facing dog bend the knees generously here pedal it out melt your heart back find what feels good if you're new to the practice check out the downward dog foundations video in the foundations of yoga playlist and take breaks whenever you need to great drop the left heel lift the right leg up high take a deep breath in on an exhale squeeze right knee in towards your heart navel up towards the spine hollow up through the upper back body strong pose here and then step your right foot forward awesome lower the left knee and just take a second here to stretch it out so to each his own here we sack front knee over front ankle we might Rock a little front a little back then I'm going to lift my back knee up into my low lunge or I might find that it's best for me to keep my knee on the ground today so working at all different levels here for sho deep breath in deep breath out hoy plant the palms step the right toes back slowly lower to your belly inhale to Cobra big breath in press in your foundation don't overdo it here just nice and easy nice simulation than the intestines here anyway so keep it nice and low pull the elbows back one more breath and then exhale release curl the toes under press up to all fours or plank take a deep breath in lift the corners of your mouth slightly and then send it back downward facing dog awesome couple breaths here to just work it out and when you're ready we'll drop the right heel and take a deep breath in as you lift the left leg up high great inhale exhale squeeze the left knee in towards your heart hollow through the upper back body super strong pose here core strengthener draw your navel up squeeze squeeze squeeze and then step it up into your lunge awesome lower the right knee down and stretch it out so you get a chance to really kind of like find what feels good for you maybe you're sore from sitting in a desk if you're sore from a run or cycle cycling bicycling so treat your zone here also just nice little reflexology moment to the very least for your feet lift the back knee if you want to give it a try nice low lunge inhale everyone wherever you are loop the shoulders let your heart radiate forward grow long and the neck then plant the palms slide the left toes back to plank this time chaturanga to updog if you want otherwise repeat what we did before lowering all the way to the belly and then coming up to Cobra so we have options deep breath in everyone long breath out as you send it to Child's Pose keep the palms forward again breaths rest the forehead on the earth close your eyes and take a rest oh my god this breeze is coming through here hmm you might say thank you here most wonderful prayer read a quote today about if thank you where the only prayer we said we'd be set and I tend to agree in this pose the shaped is kind of the sweet surrender of sweet surrender pose totally thank you post okay that's enough Adrian here we go aha all fours curl the toes under back to down dog doing great everyone let's keep it going bending the knees cultivating a little bit of energy here here we go drop the left heel lift the right leg up high deep breath in on the exhale squeeze it up in towards the heart hold here press away from your yoga mat super strong on the left heel and then step it up into your lunge moving into a twist so you can keep that left knee lowered or we can keep it lifted we have options draw the palms together super strong in the legs lifting the heart up bend the left knee scoop your tailbone underneath you so we're kind of inviting you to go from here to here so if you bend that left knee you're going to allow for the space to do just that then you can always begin to straighten it again so we're drawing the pelvis in underneath head over heart heart over pelvis lift your sternum to your thumbs awesome deep breath in again we can always be here deep breath in on an exhale move into your twist outer edge of the left elbow against the outer edge of the right knee find that push and pull that we've been talking about for the last month we talked about during August and the yoga Basics sending the left heel back begin to revolve if you want take the left hand to a fist right hand comes on top grow long through the neck long through the spine breathe into your lower belly you got this two more breaths pulling the right hip crease back keep going through your checklist stay curious and then gently release with control best you can take a rest or slide the right toes back and move through a vinyasa so this is your time to play today I encourage you to repeat the practice so they can you know these moments can always change and will vary from day to day based on how you feel great we'll meet in downward facing dog under the same thing on the other side awesome work everyone drop the right heel lift the left leg up high take a deep breath in and on the exhale squeeze the left knee in towards your heart hold here hollow through the upper body navel draws up up up and then step it up into your lunge awesome again we have the option to lower the back knee here loop the shoulders draw the palms together at the heart namaste great bend the right knee so you can find your alignment scooping the tailbone down heavy and down tucking the pelvis inner thighs squeeze together lots of energy here then maybe we begin to straighten that right leg and maybe not or maybe it's on the earth great inhale lift your sternum up to your thumbs open your heart exhale journey into your powerful twist here left hip crease pulls back navel stays connected to the spine I move with my breath you can take your eyes off the video now and really begin to find that push and pull that press and squeeze finding a sense of balance and ease as we work really hard here send the right heel back breathe breathe breathe take the right hand into a fist left palm comes on top maybe we grow a little bit taller through the neck long through the spine inhale in exhale out one more breath awesome work everyone gently release try to do with a little control a little grace and same thing we'll plant the palms slide the left toes back and this time everyone come all the way onto your belly if you want to sneak in a little bit yeah so there you rep it go for it great so this time I'm going to lift up into a Cobra trying to figure out how to do this on this deck and I'm going to send my left palm out I think this way it will be better to do it first followed by my right then I'm going to bend my right knee this might take a second for us to do this via video but we can do it and I'm going to send my right toes over towards the left side of my yoga mat or my room or my mat great then I'm going to allow my left ear sorry to drop and I'm going to come to either the sole of my right foot and right palm here or so this option 1 be super mindful if you're feeling any push or press or pinch I should say that's what I meant at all then you need to come out of this or you can reach behind and grab the right ankle inhale in exhale flex the right foot kick out breathing deep pressing through all 10 knuckles strong you might point the right foot here if that feels better and then gently release all the way back same thing on the other side right hand goes out left fingertips support bend the left knee then check it out use your left toes to take you over and around can rest on the right ear here so resting the head down option 1 sold the right foot on the ground I'm at left foot cut it or lots of breath here or I reach my left fingertips around grab my left ankle and find that kick super important to stay connected through the right hand here and again don't push it listen to your body be kind great one more breath and then we'll use the exhale to release awesome super awesome everyone draw the palms underneath the shoulders inhale Cobra exhale release inhale to all fours and exhale Child's Pose this time full Child's Pose swimming the fingertips around to the back a couple of nice sweet loving breaths here close your eyes enjoy this last bit of time on your mat this beautiful time take in for yourself awesome job everyone pressing the tops of the feet connect navel to spine a little energy in your belly and then roll up here great we're going to shift to the side almost done here really awesome work everyone so worth the time so if you're feeling a little anxious stick with it so good to balance out the system here I'm going to draw my left heel in cross the right leg over coming in to go mokou-san legs or cow legs so important for me to keep a heavy base here should protect the knee important to keep a little brightness in the feet to also protect the knee if your knees come nowhere close to each other then there's always opportunities to work like this like so or maybe more in the line of a fire log pose or even just a cross leg position so let's give her a try again keeping a nice weight in the base of the pelvis and in the tail ball and little brightness in the feet then I'm going to bring my fingertips out to the side take a deep breath in and a long breath out deep breath in lift and lengthen through the spinal column and long breath out we find a little mula bandha hear anybody on Abunda talk about this more some of us have been chatting about it I'm gonna find what feels good group and then wherever you are take your right hand down and lift your left fingertips all the way up and over while staying grounded strong in the sit bones now check it out hug the lower ribs in and reach further with the left fingertips hug the lower ribs in and reach further with the left fingertips now take the biggest breath you've taken all day into your lower belly feel that breath as it travels down down down and then exhale back to Center whoo yeah baby left hand down right fingertips reach up stay grounded in the feet grounded in your lower body or Foundation whatever your shape looks like hug the lower ribs in reach a little more hug the lower ribs in and reach a little more great back to Center and we'll switch the legs here we go just keeping it real today just fixing things exposing keeping it keeping it homemade here we go so this side is going to be a little bit different of course taking me years to get my legs even this close together so if you're like you know just just be mindful and for too many years I kind of force myself into this pose it was very uncomfortable and I feel like I honestly had pain because of it so be really mindful it's really important I mean I know we say that all the time it's just so important so if you're like yeah now I'm just going to go here today then go here okay everyone is different especially in the hips so wherever you are find your integrity find what feels good and then we're just going to repeat the same thing this time starting with the left side so left palm will come down or left fingertips and I'll reach all the way up and over with my right hug the lower ribcage in reach close your eyes this time if you know what you're doing and breathe deep see if you can emanate energy awareness through the app throughout the entire body so even your left toes your shoulder blades drawing in and together and down great then gently come back through Center and take it to the other side Yoga they turn behind the scenes today exposed right palm down left fingertips up man the air out here for all you West Coasters super nice pretty beautiful draw the shoulders away from the ears close your eyes from these last few breaths you got it and then we'll come back to Center and we'll begin to unravel the legs and then you get to choose what poles you want to finish in so it could be sukhasana this meditation pose it could be a reclined cobblers pose it could be Child's Pose that felt really good or it could be shavasana so I'm going to go into shavasana because that's my favorite one but I want you to definitely pick one pose before you finish today to just allow the nutrients of your practice to settle and seep in to allow the mind and body just a moment of stillness or at least an attempt to be still and to really you know allow your hard work to work its magic so come into that pose again it could be a seated meditation it could be corpse pose could be a reclined cobblers pose that's this pose maybe you're more comfortable on your belly and so you get to decide I feel like it's kind of fun and important and what's beautiful about what we're doing here so come to your final resting posture and then give yourself permission to rest super-important you know I'm kind of joking but you know really truly this is this is the important last step of your practice today so make sure you take it for yourself I send you my love wish you the best thanks for practicing with me and for sharing your yoga practice with myself and all the other people in this community have an awesome last posture at an awesome rest of your day see you next time namaste