what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene today we have an awesome quick simple sequence that you can do practically anywhere so a lot of us just did the 30 days of yoga which is still available if you want to do it and we're wondering you know how do we maintain this motivation and stick to our yoga every day so hopefully this guy will be in your back pocket literally you can keep it on your phone you can do the sequence on your phone you don't need a yoga mat you don't need your fancy yoga pants you can do this in your office break room or in your office or in a closet or if you have time at home this is a great quick little sequence to sneak in when you want to find what feels good and tend to yo'self also stick around after the sequence I have a little treat for you to aid in your lunchtime pleasures anyway let's hop on the mat or you don't need a mat let's hop on our feet and get moving all right so to begin today we're going to come to a nice wide stance maybe about hip width apart or just a little bit wider look like I was getting ready for something they're just cleaning off my mat toes are pointing forward and as I said before you can practice this without a mat but definitely take your shoes off so if you're sneaking this in it your office or you just ran into a nice quiet room for a quick yoga break take off your shoes maybe take off your socks and go ahead and take a look down at your feet here for just a moment maybe lifting the toes and pressing into all four corners of the feet so we can think about pressing into the ball joint of the big toe pressing into the ball joint of the pinky toe and then anchoring down through the back two corners of the heel then you can release the toes down and we'll stand up nice and tall and nothing fancy here we're going to inhale squeeze the shoulders up to the ears breathe and deep and on an exhale slowly dropping the shoulders down fingertips towards the earth mmm here we go again inhale squeeze shoulders to ears and exhale releasing them down now we're going to close the eyes and keep this going so you can take a look or take your gaze off the video and continue this motion moving with the breath inhaling squeezing up and then exhaling dropping the fingertips down shoulders down down down keep it going inhale squeeze and exhale shoulder blades maybe begin to drawl together as we anchor shoulders fingertips down keep it going with your breath and then you can add your own little flavor to this so maybe it's circles if you're feeling kind of sleepy and soft or maybe you've had kind of a frustrating day or just an active day and your energy or Chi is already kind of high you might speed it up inhaling and dropping on the exhale like so or nice smooth circles so let's take a couple more rounds here a lot of us carry right this tension in the neck and shoulders and even just you know you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and that can begin to collect really fast in the neck and shoulders and so we're going to release it right here right now cold draw the palms together at the heart now and just let the shoulders release we can keep the feet where they are or perhaps now you bring the feet together just kind of checking in with our balance and stability today spreading the toes once again you might lift them spread them and then press into all four corners of the feet we come to what we might refer to as some a steep D he here four-part equal standing and if you're like what you might check out that video we have a video just for that a cute silent video stand up nice and tall here lift your sternum to your thumbs and find a nice long smooth conscious breath so the most important thing of this little yoga break for me is just taking a moment just a moment we're not going to be here long to slow down and to breathe deep a little self-love moment taking this time to connect with the breath with your energy and nurture yourself kind of take care of yourself so that you can take care of others right putting your oxygen mask on first and then taking care of others tending to your energy your energetic health so that you can do beautiful loving nice things for others maybe you make someone lunch after your yoga break maybe you leave someone a little love note so just a moment more here finding a nice extended inhale I may be playing with pushing that exhale extra-long awesome then we'll drop the fingertips down and take a deep breath and as you reach all the way up towards the sky nice and tall again if you're feeling a little like willow today you can come back to that wide stance where we're at so you have two options here to kind of zip the energy of the legs together or to press into the feet hip width apart really drawing energy up from the arches of the feet either way we lengthen the tailbone down and we find some of our Bundys if you're familiar some of these locks that we play within the body may be mula bandha drawing energy up from the pelvic floor maybe you Deanna bundle to spine and if you're just like what-what don't worry check out the foundations of yoga but really it's just about connecting to the energetic body so you can really do no wrong here the awareness is key we inhale spread the fingertips wide and exhale out through the mouth inhaling again press into your feet maybe draw a line with the nose look up and exhale out through the mouth drop your shoulders down maybe widen the hands a little bit draw your pinkies towards the front deep breath in and exhale out through the mouth let it go awesome take your right hand to your left wrist press into your left foot as you teeter-totter to the right side body stretch right shoulder comes underneath your deep breath in and exhale back to Center take your left hand to your right right wrist say that five times fast right wrist right wrist and we stretch it out draw your left shoulder underneath open your heart up towards the sky deep breath and exhale back to Center cool rain it down interlace the fingertips behind again feet hip-width apart or flush together we press into our foundation open up the chest here deep breath in draw the knuckles down and away and then maybe just a little free play time here with the neck with the nose may be nodding yes or no and maybe a couple circles around in great if that's all you have time for take a moment here to bow your head to your hands press the palms together and set an intention for the rest of your day give thanks for the lunch you're about to have if you have more time let's continue on by reaching the fingertips up way high full body stretch again and this time on an exhale bend your knees generously and weave forward fold so little goes a long way here taking a moment to breathe in and out through the nose go ahead and let it out through the mouth whenever you feel inspired here having a little conversation with yourself with your breath we stretch it out maybe grab the elbows here you know what to do then on an inhale we'll inhale lift up to a flat back position follow your breath find nice length here and then on your exhale so follow your breath take it down great we'll bring the fingertips to the mat and slide the right toes back lower your right knee and just take a couple moments to breathe here you might Rock front back you might widen your stance make sure that this front knee isn't extending over this front ankle let's keep it nice and stacked and we find a little movement if it feels right and your attire allows you might lift your back knee up oh yeah and then we'll plant the palms and slide the left toes back to our one and only plank we're going to do here stretch the calves here by peddling the feet press away from the earth so don't collapse here but really press away from the earth draw your navel up breathe breathe breathe and then we'll send the sit bones up and back to a downward facing dog man we're going to fill three breaths here so how you feel that fill them feel them to is entirely up to you you might pedal the feet you might come to a beautiful place of stillness grounding you might press into your goals you might bend the knees generously everyone melt your heart back fill your three breaths with love a little lunchtime love a little gratitude and then after your three breaths we're going to step the right foot up into our lunge and lower the left knee down okay same thing as before here we just take a little moment to explore where are you sore where are you tight playing in this low lunge and we can always keep that left knee down or if your body's feeling it you might lift it up for a moment or two filling these moments with full deep breaths and then we'll send that left foot back in taking a couple steps or one big step all the way up back to that forward full great inhale halfway lift once again and exhale bow awesome we're going to bring the fingertips to the mat and now we're going to widen the feet toes are going to turn out left to right and we're going to squat back down hopefully you didn't wear a miniskirt to work today just kidding and we're going to come to a little yogic squat so this this might seem a little far-fetched but you really can do this anywhere and again we don't need the yoga mat we can just kind of drop to our feet it's great if you're not wearing shoes here to kind of stretch the poor blocks of feet that we stand on that we walk on if you are in a more comfy place and you do have your stretchy pants on or something you might come to a little Milazzo no variation here so often we skip yoga practice because we don't have the right clothes on we don't have enough time or like there's all these excuses right I know I do it too but here we may kind of no excuse even if you're here just playing with your feet if you did wear that miniskirt to work today it's not very feminist of me I'm just playing you know you know I'm a Hepburn pant wearing anyway try out to be too silly on the first video that can be here but it's a little lunch break yoga so we can have some fun take one more breath wherever you are my friends nice conscious full nourishing breath in and then on your exhale gently release okay we're going to come to seated here I'm going to send the legs out nice and long take a deep breath in sit up nice and tall as you exhale hug that right knee all the way up and in okay this is a little moment for the hips it's going to be yummy so you might just take your foot and cradle it like a baby here if your body allows you might even take your foot into this kind of hook of your elbow and cradle it even more if you're new to the practice you'll be surprised how quickly this will stretch with regular practice so if you're new and you're like this is all I got right here a little toe movement that's great just check in with the hip you can also Rock a little front to back so to each his own here sit up nice and tall and we're going to take it into a twist so we'll release the right foot to the ground inhale send the left fingertips up high high high stretch through the left side body and then we'll turn towards the right side moving into a gentle twist nice long smooth deep breaths sweeping up and down the spine here really gentle really yummy as we breathe in and out and then we'll release back to Center and we'll do the same thing on the other side so we'll take a deep breath in and exhale hug Heol left knee up into your heart and in your own time we come to check in with this left hip it's a little movement here this is also just giving us a moment to sit up nice and tall and to check in with our posture to remember remind ourselves that it's all connected so as we work as we continue to taskmaster throughout the rest of the day we can still kind of do it with this awareness of the spine and the full body experience after a couple rocks go ahead and take your left foot to the ground and we'll inhale reach the right fingertips up high breathe through the left side body stretch stretch stretch and then we'll take it over into our twist so it's not really about how far you can go in fact resist the urge to lean back sit up nice and tall head over heart heart over pelvis and we breathe nice rejuvenating revitalizing breaths into that lower belly our mind begins to think of lunch and we acknowledge those thoughts and come back to the bread cool and we'll slowly unravel and we have a couple options here okay if you're at home you have your mat you have your blanket out or something then go ahead and take a moment to come to flat back and rest oh yeah baby so stay here and relax decompress you might draw a couple lines with the nose back and forth here massaging the back of the head if you're not in a place where you necessarily feel comfortable lying on the ground you know I like to keep it real come come back to your desk chair your office chair or your kitchen stool and sit up nice and tall so you're settling in for a brief shavasana here shavasana corpse pose lying flat on the ground or you're coming to a nice comfortable seat and if you're sitting up see if you can go ahead and ground the feet both feet on the ground sitting up nice and tall wherever you are my friends take a moment to just close your eyes and relax you can press it's so hard to kind of stop and slow down we're so used to moving you know kind of hurried and rushed so here we just take an unhurried moment for ourself again acknowledging how important this is so that we can give back to others so that we can give so we can serve others so that we can make someone line so that we can leave a little kindness in our trail if you find this moment right here right now really challenging welcome to the club it's hard to slow down so we'll just take three more breaths filling three more breaths in your own time just nice quiet stillness here and then after three rats well slowly about the eyelashes open open your eyes draw your palms together at your heart and we seal this deal by bowing to one another namaste this is our first video back of New Year and I'm very grateful the lesson here the idea is that a little bit of yoga goes a long way so do what you can let's stay committed to practicing a little bit of yoga every day and I'll see you next time namaste all right my friend so awesome job this is a sequence that you can literally keep in your back pocket right you can have this bookmarked on your phone or you can even memorize this and have it as a go to just kind of lunch break yoga mama a little feed your soul and stretch your body a moment to tend to the self of course the idea again being that we nurture ourselves we take the time to do the work and check in with our bodies so that we are more capable and open and available to do loving beautiful things for others like making someone lunch or even just making yourself lunch so my big surprise is I'd like to share a lunch recipe with you I was able to collaborate with kin community on an awesome show called crazy happy cooking the idea is kind of taking the principles of yoga you know and bringing them into the kitchen so finding what feels good breaking the rules a little bit working with what you got so hop on over there to check out my Tartine recipe and let me know what you think in the comments down there below was super fun to make and I think it really kind of goes with this idea of taking you know a moment each day you don't need a big fancy gym membership you can just kind of do it in the comfort of your own home can even do a little yoga in your kitchen while you cook and find what feels good taking the time making the time to tender yourself so you can do wonderful things with your life and serve others sounds pretty good to me alright let me know what you think down below take this with you every day there's no excuse now you know take this yoga with you in your office share with your coworkers do it with your kids and take good care love so much I'll see you next week regular videos are rockin and rollin we got lots of fun stuff 30 days of yoga continues I think that's all for now we bring our palms together and I bow to you namaste