what's up party people welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene today we have yoga for wrist pain so we have a yoga for healthy wrist video that will go great and in alignment with this guy so you can work on them together but I think this one's really great for those who are experiencing fussiness in the wrist this is going to help anyone who wants to deepen their practice so be sure to favorite this video so that you can return to it easy and make sure to share it with your friends who also practice yoga who could maybe benefit so we're going to treat wrist pain we're going to work on strengthening stretching and most importantly building awareness from the ground up let's get started all right so the first thing we're going to do is bring the palms together at the heart take a look your hands if we can really line them up kind of meticulously so we're really kind of paying attention to the detail right away today and I think that's kind of part of today's lesson if you will is just pay attention to the detail and the sensations in the muscles and the joints so we're going to press the palms together right here at the heart with the elbows actively moving left to right so there's a real press here that you're probably going to feel right away especially if this is new to you you might already feel a little bit of a screaming sensation in the forearm so in which case you might ease up a little bit so we'll all be at different places here today just starting here and it is hard work and I think that I don't know how else to say it but I think that one of the issues with wrist pain is we kind of lose a little bit of patience working with the arms the wrists you know holding our body weight on our arms or wrists our hands so we need to maybe soften up a little bit and you know practice work hard and then ease up and then practice meet your edge work hard and then ease up so as you play a little bit here with this so again it might seem quite simple but lift the sternum to the thumbs actively press into all look your knuckles elbows left to right lots of space between the shoulders I'm sitting up on a block just to kind of help me with this lift you can sit up on a blanket or a pillow or a block or a couple of books works great just give yourself a little lift and hips so that you can practice here with a little more ease okay a couple more breaths here again we're easing up whenever we need to taking a break and the last but not least of course we'll connect the breath because we're going to be working on anything we should be breathing connecting that as a way of building our practice as a way of expanding our awareness and absolutely as a way of tending to any pain in the body I love my mom and my dad but when I was little you know and I would get hurt my mom was never one to kind of rush would be like you know she would always just you know say take a deep breath take a deep breath and so now even my you know stubbed my toe or really hurt myself or if something happens in my life that really shocks me and wants to you know yeah pull the rug out from underneath me I just take a breath so take a breath here when you experience any sort of pain are dealing with wrist pain in your public classes to take a load off take a breath try not to get frustrated no panic okay so one more breath here so if you're in the rest come back to it engage the biceps even if you can draw the shoulders down and then gently release awesome palms face up press into the base of your wrist here this is a little counter pose inhale in exhale let it go okay so the next thing we're going to look at is the palms and the connection of the hand to the earth this is the number one thing that I like to share when people come to me in public classes with wrist pain and you know we have a whole class there we don't really have a lot of time to get into the nitty-gritty this is like my go-to okay first let's start here at the foundation of course right so we're going to come to all fours and actually before you do that just take a second oh to give your baby some love squeeze the wrist use your thumbs to really massage here vigorously if it feels good and then the hands the palms oh yeah baby now we're talking screw it all the way up here why not cuz it is all connected right and then we'll come to all fours so we're going to take just a little focused moment looking at the palm here so spread your palms super wide we're going to come into a tabletop position so we have four posts here if you will and this is important knees underneath the hip points wrists underneath the shoulders so that I'm stacking the bones right away I'm not too far out or too far and of course I'm exaggerating but you'd be surprised so lots of awareness and stacking the actual bones and then we'll look at the foundation here so I'll just look at this hand that's closest to camera since I don't have anyone here with me and I'll use my other hand to kind of show you what I'm talking about so the first thing with wrist pain is really has to do with the hand because of all the work that we do at computers and now on our cell phones the hands are getting a bum deal here in general but then especially we come to practice with our full body you know 360 experience and the hands are all so take a second here to spread your palms super wide you can work with both hands here again I'm just going to be using the left hand to demo and see if you can stretch just as an experiment you can start off even with the pinky see if you can stretch the hands the fingers as why is possible so that you're actually seeing a little bit of the webbing in between each finger okay start there that could be a decent-sized stretch for you here especially if you're new or maybe we're tending to this for the first time with a little more consciousness okay and then notice what's going on with the thumb especially as you spread awareness through both hands oftentimes the thumb start to curl in again that's because of all of our you know computer computer time and Lord knows what else so see if in particular once you get once you move from the pinky finger to the thumb so you can get that thumb nice and straight okay just point here and then you might start to notice that the wrists are already is starting to feel a bit of compression a little pressure and so now what I'd like for you to do is starting with the pinkies start to press into the knuckles this is just an experiment here so you don't basically I'm trying to get you out of the zone of trying to like get it right look at the video look at your hands okay just to just experimenting here waking up the hands number one remedy for wrist pain for me waking up the hands other things too of course but man oh man okay and then continue the journey on the knuckles all the way to the thumb and then choose one hand to look at here first and just look at the space between the index finger and the thumb you chances are you've heard your teacher your yoga guide say this a million times press into the fleshy part between the index finger and the thumb these muscles here in the hand firmly pressing down great and you're like wow cool in this four-post tabletop position I actually feel like I have it but I'm still feeling in the hands but I still feel pressure on my wrist so now that you have this kind of beautiful awareness through the fingers the knuckles and we've committed to that hand lock we call this hasta bandha of the fleshy part between the index finger and thumb now see if you can while keeping that integrity in the fingers that fleshy part between the index finger thumb see if you can kind of actually lift this area of the palm it may not lift but it's an energetic thing maybe even it looks a little bit kind of like a suction here to where you feel like you're clawing almost the earth so we're not just smooshing down but we're playing here and again if you're like if I'm getting it Adrian just just play that's what we're here to do we're deepening our practice we're taking responsibility from happiness and also making sure that we can grow our practice and do crazy fun things like this in a safe and happy way so just playing now with the suctioning action of the palms almost as if a image that I do like is like that we're clawing the mat so kind of claw with the fingers and kind of play with that suction if you need to take a break here take a break and then again so we've played with spriting of the fingertips recap played with the pressing of the knuckles down and really engaging between the index finger and thumb that fleshy part of the hand there and now we're playing with a suction so you can even find this like almost like starfish suction and chances are if you are a human and you actually just did that little exploration I mean you're already feeling the muscles over your forearm brighten up I know I am so again feel free to take a little break massage right think about when you're studying something you don't read it once and boom I know it I processed it boom BAM unless you're a genius which you probably are but you know there's this there's this thing about learning and growing that you have to allow yourself that processing time and I think when it comes to the risk people are just like wow I have weak wrists or I can't do this or yeah I have batteries and I'm not trying to dishonor that like you you might you know that's a real thing in our world carpal tunnel all that but I do think that yoga is actually good for a not bad for it and that hopefully this will help who knows let's see okay adding on so now I have this great integrity in the hand come back to all fours take a look down and I'm spreading the palms I'm really pressing in Adrian asked me to really really really press down between index finger and thumb while still suctioning a bit through the center of the palm so really awakening those muscles in the inner part of the hand but then what's happening is I'm feeling still feeling pressure in the in the base of the wrist so I'm not necessarily wanting to put pressure in the base of the palm and to do that I really need to continue the journey up through the forearm right so pressing into the foundation strong here this muscle I can feel it's like working super hard here between index finger and thumb but then what's happening is I'm getting all this compression here you can even see it in the skin so keep this pressing down my friends this handlock as we call it as we suction press and suction lots of things going on so it might even seem a little counterintuitive but we'll get the hang of it that hust hasta bandha the hand lock more on that later so I'm pressing through here and now I'm going to travel up so the problem when we press into the index fingers I'm going to try to exaggerate this without hurting myself is that we start to kind of collapse you see it actually all the time in in in new students who are starting to really pay attention to their hands at first we're all here in down dog oh this is where most of us are and we start to build awareness our wrists start to hurt so we start listening to what our yoga guides saying and start pressing it indexing and thumb but then the problem is we're pressing into this area so strong that now we're having wrist pain on this end so just jumped from the right from one side of the wrist to the other so we need to find balance and support so as you're pressing into the index finger and thumb we want to find actually an external rotation in the upper arm and shoulder to balance that out so I'm pressing down here at the same time while I have this integrity of the center line through the hands I'm drawing energy up from the earth pressing away kind of yielding to find this rotation in the upper arm so I don't want to get too hokey or deep here but this is what our our yoga is all about hatha yoga kind of finding the push and pull the balance and ease places where we internally rotate and then lift and externally rotate I mean that's the joy of yoga that's the dance so again if you're new to partner like I have no idea what the hell you just said let's just play see what happens so I'm going through the palm and then to test this I'm just going to kind of turn my hands as if I was trying to open two doors or turn two knobs this is the image on the earth so play with that maintain the work that we just talked about in the palms and the CP can I guess if you're trying to open two jars and then if you're super bending the elbows and you notice your elbows coming out you need to soften through the elbows a little bit keep a little buoyancy there so we're not walking through the elbows and whew I feel a little tremble here is a lot going on hopefully you feel it too let's take a little break shake it off and now we're going to apply it okay so let's try a downward dog with everything we just worked on so spreading through the palms the fingers the knuckles suctioning through the center pressing an index finger in thumb and then that sensation of turning left your right growing tall through the forearm tops of the shoulders rotate out and then let's practice it in a downward facing dog pressing into the index finger and thumb you can go ahead and look at your hand see what's going on here tops of the shoulders roll away whoo yeah strong hands great then release the head take a deep breath in just notice what's going on Connect you might be trembling shaking here working really hard waking up muscles that have not had a cockadoodledoo yet great and then release notice as you get tired what comes up first the inner palm the outer edge just notice and then shake it off awesome work okay so back to all fours we go we're going to apply this to one more pose and that's plank which might make you go up but this is the perfect pose to apply this this awareness and the palm to so let's let's do it one more time coming to all fours and then just notice how you kind of go back to your old habits of like Oh coming on the outer edge or whatever so so go into the zone probably going to be a little sore in the forearms here takes time and then we're just going to go through our checklist turning the denars opening the shoulders pressing through the India finger and thumb and then when you're ready connecting with your breath and finding playing just notice what's going on here yeah excellent tops of the shoulders rotating away pressing find that suctioning effect one more breath here whew strong great and then slowly lower the knees and come off the hands and shake it off awesome all right so after all that awesome work we're going to go into another lovely level a situation that is really great for the wrists also really wonderful as you're trying to strengthen and you know tend to that wrist pain so we're going to come to a forward fold nice and easy I'm going to go into it from my downward facing dog so you get a little bonus time to practice integrating your new hand the Earth's connection so you come to your downward facing dog and then eventually come to forward fold toes are pointing forward my friends and feet are hip-width apart great and then when you arrive we're going to take the palms can be really nice after all the great work you've just done and we're going to bring the toes right to the wrist line keep breathing keep breathing toes come right to the wrist line here walk the toes right up and then go ahead and begin to wiggle the toes a little bit here squeezing one at a time pulling the fleshy part of the palm away from the wrist and this should feel awesome you can rock a little front eventually releasing the weight of the head over Rock a little back and rock a little front keep breathing and rocking back a bit to the heels gently gently and then one more time if it's all great give a little wiggle once again oh so good so good and releasing the palms one at a time awesome take a deep breath in and slowly make your way back to all fours okay last thing we're going to do is end with some Eagle arms just feel good on the the the upper back body as well I'm coming to sit on a block you can sit up on a chair that's in your room if you like here a blanket again stack of books or you can just do this in a nice cross-legged seat so let's see I'll come to a little hero variation so come to your nice comfortable seat don't stop the video now you're almost done done awesome work that's definitely going to help your practice mm-hmm and help you with your wrists growing your practice strong and healthy let's take the fingertips down arms forward I call this thriller arms as you press into the base here plug the shoulders in lift your heart inhale smile exhale here we go right arm underneath the left here crossing at the elbows I'm going to wrap the arms around the palms are going to come wherever they do naturally now notice that the shoulders are shimmering here to one side to the other see if you can level the shoulders here we go inhale lift the elbows up high lengthen through the side body exhale plug the shoulders down keep your lift in the sternum the heart inhale lift the elbows a little higher exhale shoulder blades glide down the back body press into the palms and one more breath maybe elbows lift a little more and exhale and gently unravel come back to the thriller arms this time we're going to talk to the hand so we just flick the wrist slowly up plug the shoulders in spread the palms and now left arm underneath the right wrapping around inhale lift the elbows up high exhale shoulders gliding down the back body press into the palms or fingertips wherever they rest pressing into the center inhale elbows lift excuse-me exhale release and inhale last time elbows lift and exhale grounding shoulders down whew awesome inhale in exhale to unravel all the way ah and let the palms rest gently in your lap whether you're in a chair or in your cross-legged or here let's just take a second to let the blood flow the opposite direction close your eye so take your eyes off the video for one moment you're just notice the sensations from the shoulders from the center of the back body and the neck all the way down through the shoulders the elbows the forearms the wrists the palms the fingers and soften through the fingers here and then back to one edge all the palms together at the heart awesome work apply this practice to your everyday home practice definitely take the time when you're in public class we get there a little early to at least massage the wrist or even do some of these things so that when you're moving quickly through your practice with your mates you are taking good care awesome have a great one namaste