hello and welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene today we're going to learn a quick sequence for weight loss so we're going to use the entire body stimulate the belly get that digestive tract happy and healthy for the new year and we're gonna begin today on our mats the on our backs so let's come to a flat back position and this ponytail is not working out for me there we go all right mm-hmm I'm going to tuck my chin into my chest lengthen through the back of the neck I'm gonna press into my head like I did in shavasan video I'm gonna press in my elbows I'm gonna draw my shoulder blades in together and down just creating a little space abroad collarbone here open chest mmm relax back down I'm gonna extend my legs out long and inhale reach my fingertips up and over my head full body stretch here from fingertips to toes I can point and flex the feet and this is organic here this is easy breezy beautiful covergirl and I really just want to take a moment right now to say that the more organic movement we can find and create the more correct we're doing our yoga so although I'm here to guide you feel free to move within the sequences especially as we continue on through the year find that organic movement in your body okay so I'm gonna inhale in stretch one last time just full body stretch just waking up from fingertips to toes and then on an exhale I'm gonna flex my feet toes up towards the sky and slowly Shh float my fingertips down by my side I'll plant my palms here and then just checking in with this core this valley which we're gonna bring a lot of attention to here at the top of the year just kind of stimulating massaging those internal organs again getting that digestive tract happy and healthy pressing into the palms instead of going right leg left leg or one leg than the other I'm gonna bring my awareness to my navel Judyann Abunda we draw the navel towards the spine tuck the pelvis and then just check in even if it's not possible in this moment I'm gonna slowly try to lift both knees up at the same time so you might be like haha and that's fine and then if that didn't happen in the first time and you want to try it again sometimes I can do it a couple times just to oh yeah check in with my Center from here I'll scoop the tailbone up letting my lower back become flush with the mat feel free to rock a little side to side hug your knees into your chest if you need a moment here and then from here I'm gonna inhale slowly lift my knees so that they're above my hip points now my lower back is gonna want to come up from the mat mm-hmm I'm gonna scoot my tailbone up and support my back by drawing my navel in also checking in with that center again connecting to the abdominal wall right away here I'm already feeling this fire in my belly so if I'm feeling like it's difficult to keep the lower back flush with the mat bring your knees a little bit in front of the hip points so rather than stacking them evenly especially for beginners it's nice to just get that lower back down to the ground I can point my feet here I can flex my T two feet my teat distances I can flex my feet I can spread my toes yogi toes it doesn't matter I just want a little bit of brightness a little bit awareness to the feet so I'm not just hanging into my bones here but I'm nice and stacked I'm bright in the feet inhale reach the fingertips up towards the sky and behind again on an exhale I settle in opening the shoulders then I'm gonna interlace here bring them behind my head keeping my thumbs extended here maybe giving my neck a little massage and then opening the shoulders now this whole time I'm not just hanging out I'm drawing my navel down I'm scooping my tailbone up so the opposite of that would look like this but I'm scooping my tailbone up drawing my navel towards my spine shins parallel with the ceiling knees in in front of the hip points if you needed a little more lower back support press your elbows into the mat tuck your chin into your chest inhale in as you exhale scoop your tailbone up draw your navel down and slowly begin to lift the head the neck the shoulders the elbows it doesn't have to be a big Cirque de Soleil move it can just be a nice little hover here in fact imagine you're holding a big piece of fruit maybe a big juicing mango or cantaloupe or whatever the heck you want in between your so rather than coming into a crunch as we're used to I'm creating space I'm really drawing my navel down as I keep my elbows nice and wide the tendency here is to crunch I'm gonna keep it nice and long imagining my big piece of fruit here my belly is working out right now and then tendency number two is that the elbows kind of want to come in to shield yourself from the hell and instead we want to open our self up to the light I was cheesy sorry but it's true so keeping it nice and open and soft in the face on that same grace note it's like instead of clinching here I'm letting my belly do the work I'm creating that inner fire I'm breathing nice long smooth deep breaths keeping those elbows wide using my thumb's to pull the back of the neck nice and long after a couple nice long deep breaths here I'll inhale in and exhale slowly lower down taking your rest here bringing the soles of the feet to the outer edges of the mat and then letting the two knees fall into Center I take a couple breaths here just relaxing and breathing into the belly again remember when you inhale we fill the body with air so that breath travels down when you exhale it comes back up and out through the nose or mouth so I'm taking my arms here to cactus arms just opening taking a breather and then I'll come back inhale bringing the knees above the hip points or slightly in front shins parallel right away scooping my tailbone up drawing my navel down interlacing the fingertips bringing them behind the head thumbs extended as once again I find that nice big open space between my chin and my chest my chin in my heart elbows are going to want to come in here but instead I'm going to open them out wide now you can see me pointing and flexing and moving my feet that's because rather than coming into our perfect asana shape which I'm not inspiring us I want us to I do want us to be in correct alignment but I want us to empower each other especially in yoga but in life to find what feels good and to work organic late into the posture then we come into whatever that perfect pose is so keeping it alive with listening to my body my belly's working really hard here again I'm going to take a couple nice long deep breaths let's take five here as I extend through the crown of the head and exhale scooping the tailbone up Shh elbows nice and wide skin of the face soft so even though I'm working really hard in the belly here keep breathing I'm finding a grace a sense of ease in the upper body supporting my lower back by drawing the navel in now I can take a rest here or to go one step further I'm going to inhale in as I exhale I'm gonna shoot my fingertips out towards the outer edges of my mat I'm going to turn my palms face up so those shoulders can really drop into socket coming away from the ears I can come into a mudra here if I like whatever you like open palms and we take a couple breaths here again building that fire in the belly massaging those internal organs staying nice and loose and easy breezy in the neck again knees are above the hip points are slightly in front I'm open in the throat chakra so I'm not crunching here but nice and open let's take one more deep breath here this is kind of like a cockroach pose I'm gonna regret this I'm gonna look at this video be like what are you doing but I am engaging my core here we go one last breath on an exhale I'm gonna come to recline butterfly soles of the feet together and just letting it all hang for one breath hmm then I extend my toes out reach my fingertips up and overhead again nice full body stretch then exhale floating the palms down Shh once again I'm gonna see if I can hug my knees into my chest by bringing them both in at the same time here we go see if I can do it and then rocking a little side to side massaging the lower back inhale draw the toes up towards the sky now if the legs straighten great if not keep them bent who cares bend your knees as generously as you need to we're letting the blood flow in the opposite direction I'm scooping my tailbone up navel down towards the earth if I can straighten my legs I'm gonna flex my feet so my toes are pointing now towards my face pressing into the heels pressing into the tops of the thighs and then inhale reaching the fingertips up and overhead exhale I'm gonna slowly lift just like I did before head neck shoulders as I reach my fingertips towards my ankles but again I'm not crunching here I'm keeping it nice and open in the upper body so still keeping that broadness in the chest fingertips reach towards the heels again if I bend my knees same no big deal here finding what feels good listening to my body keeping that big piece of fruit between my chin and chest shoulders drawing away from the ears one more breath here hang with me and then exhale we come back fingertips reaching up and overhead inhale in here extend through the crown of the head long neck exhale reach your fingertips draw your navel down reaching towards my heels inhale reach it back and now we flow exhale reaching up Shh inhale fingertips reaching up behind you exhale peeling it up nice and long in the spine inhale reaching back exhale navel draws up scoop your tailbone up towards your heels and back and two more inhale exhale now for a little more fire in the belly I can take five breaths to pulse here so I'm keeping my toes pointing or my heels flexing and I'll pulse kind of snorted on one of those okay I'm reaching towards the utterance is my feet inhale reach the fingertips back exhale floating the palms down root your palms to the earth and just for funsies checking in with my core i press into my palms and slowly lower down with control with ease even if I only get this far and then collapse and fall that's fine checking in with that belly that fire slowly lowering down using the palms navel drawing towards the spine and then when that the heels release I take a second here to relax in Rock the head a little side to side ear to ear when I'm satisfied I'll pancake the palms back down on the earth and inhale last time drawing those knees the same time back into the center this time crossing the right ankle over the left grabbing on to the outer edges of the feet I can take a second here to just find that full body smile bending the elbows left to right Rock a little side to side and then I'm gonna rock and roll it up north to south so inhale exhale start rocking you can do this a couple times here massaging the spine I might look and feel a little ridiculous at first it's also kind of working out the kinks and then eventually I will come to rise back up I put my hair back up hmm because my hair's all asymmetrical I did a movie last year and they cut it asymmetrical and I haven't got a haircut yet because I'm just going with the flow it's 2013 baby okay so I've created this fire in my belly I'm feeling it right now I'm going to continue on my journey by pressing the palms in front of me spreading the palms wide and then slowly transitioning to all fours so just situate situate yourself in the center of your mat come to that tabletop position spreading the palms wide I inhale in exhale press up and out of my foundation drawing the shoulders away from the ears here inhale look forward drop your belly and exhale I'm slowly going to transition into downward dog by curling the toes under walking my fingertips forward and then slowly lifting the hip points up towards the sky nice and slow on this first one as I pedal the feet up pressing into my palms tops of the shoulders rotating away from the ears just work it out here for a couple breaths nice long smooth deep breaths as I massage my feet and wake up my dog bending the knees generously and then now I'd like you to imagine there's a hurdle in the center of your mat remember track-and-field a fun nice to eat sour pickles anyway big big hurdle in the front of the mat a nice friendly hurdle right that's a metaphor if ever said one inhale in as you exhale you're gonna go up and over that hurdle so rather than just transitioning collapsing into the bones to plank oh I'm gonna go up and over and empower myself I'm gonna light up the body so inhale in as I exhale I'm gonna go up on my tippy tip toes drawing my navel up towards my spine and slowly shifting my weight forward into plank as I slowly lower my hip points I extend through the heels and squeeze the buttocks together shoulder blades in and together as I extend through the crown of the head maybe taking the gaze slightly forward and then I take a deep breath in here and exhale rock on the toes draw the navel up go back up and over that her Shh dropping the heels here doesn't matter if the heels touch the earth or not just working it out being in the moment inhale in as I exhale again up and over the hurdle think up and over and instead of settling in here to the bones I'm keeping that upward motion I'm drawing up through my navel squeezing my shoulder blades together I can begin to press into my heels maybe take the gaze slightly forward inhale in exhale back up and over send it back downward dog pedal the feet take a deep breath in then exhale up and over drawing the navel towards the spine and again instead of settling in here I come into my plank with an integrity with a nice strength in the core really stimulating those internal organs the abdominal wall nice and strong pressing up and out here I go up and over the hurdle and one more time deep breath in and exhale Shh pedal the feet drop the left heel slide the sole of the right foot up so rather than just hiking the leg up I'm going to slide draw a line with my right foot up keeping the hips level here so not letting them stack right now but keeping it nice and level drawing my navel in I'll inhale in exhale slowly bend that knee shift your weight forward nose to knee inhale extend drop the left heel lift the right leg up and exhale shifting forward nose to knee rounding the spine navel drawing it only three of these lifting up last one and exhale [Music] and this time stepping that right leg up into our runners lunge check it out working out the kinks opening up through the left hip crease peeling that right hip crease back making sure I'm not on a tightrope here but rather on two parallel lines and then looping the shoulders forward up and back I find a little bit of a lift so even if I'm not finding a big lift here just taking some of the weight out of my fingertips to check in with that core one breath here is we just check in and then planting the palms I'll step it back downward facing dog now dropping the right heel sliding the sole the left leg up I slide it on a breath in and on an exhale slowly shifting forward nice and slow nose to knee only do three of these here so take your time any Alexson dropping the right heel extending the left leg pressing up and out of the palms and shifting forward on an exhale nose to knee navel drawing up Shh last one inhale extending through the left leg right heel drops exhale shifting forward navel draws in nose to knee full body experience here nice and slow inhale extending the leg out and then hiking it back up runners lunge give it a little rock peel that left hip crease back here open up through the right hip crease take a second to come off the fingertips just to check in with your core looping the shoulders forward up and back inhale in smile exhale plant your palms this time step it to plank so whether I'm in full plank or half plank I'm wanting to create a nice straight line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone this diagonal line I'm gonna inhale in here and exhale then my elbows just halfway Shh inhale extend exhale bending halfway inhale extend and last time only three halfway and then we come up all fours bring typicals together open the knees as wide as the mat inhale scoop your heart and exhale hallelujah we send the sit bones back to kiss the heels and we can either rest here in extended Child's Pose or we can slowly draw the palms together and take a variation here bringing the palms behind the head hmmm three nice long deep breaths here on your inhale see if you can fill the lower back were there on your exhale imagine your sit bones melting down to kiss your heels inhale in exhale drawing the shoulder blades in and together so there's lots of space between the ears and shoulders even here after three breaths all inhaling again to look up drawing my fingertips forward and again nothing fancy just a nice organic transition here as I spread the palms awareness and all ten fingerprints come back to all fours and whenever you're ready curling the toes under drawing that navel in as I slowly lift up down or facing dog same thing with a little bit of a twist now here we go dropping the left heel I'll inhale slide the sole the right foot up keep drawing your navel in towards your spine on an exhale I'm going to shift my weight but this time gonna really consider going up and over my hurdle as I draw my nose to my knee inhale extend it back dropping the left heel extend the right leg this time up and over but I'm gonna bring my right knee to my right elbow hovering Shh pressing up and over sending that right leg back left heel down this time I'm going to shift weight twisting to bring my right knee to my left elbow hovering up and over as I extend and then all the way through and into my luggage runners lunge right leg forward preparing for high lunge here I'm going to draw my navel into my spine press into the front foot and extend my back heel inhale reaching the fingertips forward up and back lifting in the heart to come all the way up to high lunge now there's plenty of variations here we can keep the hands on the waistline for a little more stability here if I feel like my shoulders are cramping in towards my ears I can open up Flying V I'm gonna inhale in here as I exhale I'm gonna draw my heel towards the back wall really opening up through the left hip crease peeling my right hip crease back now soften through the front ribcage draw your navel in towards your spine tuck your pelvis in inhale high lunge as you exhale flow your fingertips down and away opening the shoulders now inhale I'm gonna bring my belly to my thigh shifting forward inhale reaching forward up and back exhale opening by bringing the fingertips slightly behind the hip points two more like this inhale belly to the thigh reaching forward up and back strong in that back leg exhale floating the fingertips behind last one inhale belly to thigh press up and out of your foundation to reach it up and then exhale floating the fingertips behind belly comes to the thigh to come down Shh one fingertips to the mat two I plant the palms and step it back downward facing dog pedal the feet work it out by now you might notice that your downward dog is starting to feel a little bit different maybe creating a little more space putting more weight in the lower body by pressing up and out of the palms pressing into that fleshy part between the index finger and thumb rock your pelvis towards the sky same thing on the other side dropping the right heel inhale slide the sole of the left foot up inhale in as you exhale nose to knee think up and over the ridge so I'm really drawing my navel towards my spine here nose Tanish inhale extending dropping the right heel and exhale excuse me left knee to left elbow hover inhale extend and exhale crossing over left knee to right elbow up and over extend and then slowly going up and over the hurdle and shifting into my runners lunge on the other side take a second to check in remember building from the ground up so it's different for everyone hug the inner thighs together peel that left hip crease back and when you're ready inhale reaching the fingertips forward up and back as I come into my high lunge coming onto the tippy tip toes here for a second and then settling in by drawing that back heel towards the back wall peeling that left hip crease in tucking the pelvis drawing the navel in towards the spine remember we can always keep the hands on the waistline here and just breathe hugging those thighs together to move into our flow well inhale reach the fingertips forward up and back exhale float them behind and here we go belly to the top of the thigh extending through the crown of the head as I inhale extending that back leg towards the back wall inhale reach forward up and back lifting the heart drawing the navel in towards the spine exhale float the fingertips behind inhale squeezing those inner thighs together belly to the top of the thigh as I reach forward breathe in up and back and exhale floating behind inhale last time reaching forward up and back and exhale nice and soft in the face as I float the fingertips behind and then bringing my belly to the thigh part one fingertips to the mat part two I'm gonna rock my back foot up to meet the front and come into a forward fold it's an awesome feet can be flushed together or feet hip-width apart inhale with your fingertips on the mat look in front of you nice long spine and then exhale bowing forward uttanasan if the legs don't straighten who care bend them generously you can bend them back and forth kind of pulsing here for a couple breaths for a deeper stretch we can take the hands to the ankles then the elbows left to right inhale extend an exhale bowing forward so we're all levels here so just find what feels good we're breathing into the backs of the legs breathing into the back and still drawing that navel up towards the spine really drawing the navel in inhale in on an exhale we'll release and then slowly abandoning the knees I'll slowly roll up the whole time drawing my navel in towards my spine tucking the pelvis in finding my footing drawing energy up through the arches the feet as they come into Tadasana Mountain Pose looping the shoulders forward up and back and then eventually bringing my palms together at the heart tucking the pelvis in observe your breath here now I'm gonna come to the center of my mat just to demonstrate this but you can stay at the head of your mat we're gonna inhale in lift the sternum to the thumbs tuck your pelvis in extend to the crown of the head as you exhale bend your knees and slowly we'll reach the fingertips up towards the sky fingertips left to right as I inhale I can take the gaze up palms come together and then exhale belly to the thighs i swan dive forward belly to the thigh straighten the legs for one breath inhale and then exhale this time bend them generously as you scoop your tailbone in fingertips reach forward up and back Ooka tossing just for five breaths one time only one time only Ooka tossin so far mauka tossin I've drawn my palms into my heart here I'm gonna melt the belly to the thigh and then I'm gonna move into a twist so I'm actually gonna come profile now to show you this still working out all these angles so here we go sending my sit bones back palms together I'm gonna inhale look forward as I exhale I'm going to bring the outer edge of my right arm to the outer edge of my left thigh so pancaking the palms together here and namaste outer edge of the right arm comes to the outer edge of the left arm now I'm not gonna collapse here this is gonna be the tendency no worries that's normal so I'm going to grow through my spine pressing into the palms sometimes taking a right fist chair and bringing it in to the left palm is nice because you can press the left palm up and out of the fist to find that length see mmm it's kind of cool - makes me feel like much cooler than I have like a ninja or something like mmm shut up Adrienne okay here we go extending through the crown of the head palms pancaking together or using this fist to Paul maneuver to extend through the crown of the head five nice long deep breaths here don't let your belly go here draw your navel in towards your spine it's twist really opening the heart towards the left side of the room extend through the crown of the head now you can see here my right knees trying to come forward I'm gonna see if I can keep my hips in line and knees together here so I have a lot of things on my checklist here and as I breathe deep mmm to go a little bit deeper I can release the right fingertips to the ground and inhale open up through the left wing one more deep breath in here wherever you are exhale slowly melt it back to Center straighten your legs inhale look forward flat back position good exhale bending the knees generously hands to the heart and I'm going to repeat the same thing on the other side so inhale extending forward exhale bringing the outer edge of the left arm now to the outer edge of the right like I'm gonna work really hard to keep my knees together here as I pancake the palms and find my twist so I know you can see my back here mom to keep talking so twists are amazing for the belly they're detoxifying they massage those internal organs so they help us process our food better extending through the crown of the head I'm gonna breathe in exhale bowing forward take a couple breaths here to just let it go so yeah twists are amazing for our belly they've toned the belly they detox and then slowly I'm gonna walk my palms forward from here I can bend my knees if I need to and nice and easy I'm gonna step with one leg back downward dog and the other downward dog taking a minute to rest here peddling the feet let me go through one more hurdle sequence inhale in exhale think up and over as you shift into your plank keep the navel drawing up towards the spine looking slightly forward then exhale sending it up on the tippy tip toes drawing the navel up and back two more like that my friends inhale in as you exhale go up and over shoulders drawing away from the ears here inhale in exhale pressing up and over to come back whenever you're ready inhale exhale up and over last time and this time I'm gonna practice lowering down so even if you're not familiar with chaturanga hug your elbows into the side body you can always lower your knees here and I'm gonna slowly just check in by slowly lowering down even if I only lower half an inch and collapse and fall and smile and laugh and bark then that's great but I'm gonna I'm gonna give it a try building those muscles and toning the belly so inhale in shift your weight forward and whenever you're ready hugging those elbows in I'm gonna slowly lower down my version just checking in and then whenever I fall onto the belly I do and I laugh and I take a moment here to rest alright last thing before we flip our burgers before they flip up pancakes and comb and flat on the back again I'm going to draw my fingertips now towards my toes forehead kissing the mat pressing the pelvis into the earth I'm going to inhale in slowly lift my head and neck up drawing the shoulders away from the ears shoulder blades in and together a little locust series this is great full body strengthener great for metabolism great for your nervous system just in general a really wonderful full body posture so inhale in as I exhale I'm gonna slowly lift my limbs like Mission Impossible so I inhale in and exhale I float up I'm my shoulders away from my ears shoulder blades in and together I can spread the toes I can point the toes I want to have a little awareness in my hands and feet here I inhale careful not to crunch the back of the neck and exhale inhale so I'm literally letting the breath move this posture I can look forward or to support the lower back I can look down a couple more breaths here and then exhale release and then I repeat that this time inhaling reaching the fingertips forward exhaling lifting up mission impossible' letting things hover now I can get a little creative here I can start to swim this is a little cheesy but full body strengthener I can keep my gaze down my eyes closed or I can look forward I can also just hold here and let my breath be what moves my posture a couple more breaths here when you feel satisfied gently with grace with control release bringing the palms underneath the shoulders and pressing up and back for a couple of breaths in Child's Pose counter pose rounding the spine as I send the sit bones back and then swimming the fingertips forward and around and back to come here in balasana [Music] just a couple breaths here and then slowly I'll trace in line with my fingertips up transition to all fours cross the left ankle over the right this time as I cross through being mindful of the ankles of course in the knees using my fingertips and palms to support this transition as I come back through da - dun da Singh and then shifting my weight to my back once you find your way here guess what we have one more thing to do we come flat on the back once again we inhale draw that navel down scoop the tailbone up and lift the shins shrub towards the sky so just as we started our sequence today I'm going to inhale reach my fingertips up overhead ahead interlace the fingertips behind I'm creating a little hammock for my head here thumbs extending so that's I have a little extra support on the neck remember that big piece of fruit here so I'm not crunching here but I'm nice and open elbows wide here we go inhale in as you exhale lift your head and neck and shoulders if they aren't already lifted and on an exhale I'm gonna straighten my right leg a little bit of a diagonal here so if you're looking if you're in a room if you're not outside you're in a room then you can see the crease of where the wall and the ceiling meet I'm kind of sending my right toes towards that crease lots of space long in the spine inhale in as I exhale I'm gonna reach both fingertips up and over towards the left side of the room and this is where I'm like holding Symba over the cliff here so I'm not collapsing in but I'm holding some bow like the circle of life so nice long lines is what I'm getting at here breathing navels drawing down table and scooping up inhale in exhale switch point your left toes bend your right knee and take some over to the other side couple breaths here this I'm gonna regret this inhale in exhale shifting up and over taking Simba I totally just thought of Simba right now it's not something I normally say in practice but reaching and then back and forth in your own time so this is the equivalent of like this bicycle thing but we're not crunching we're keeping it nice and open so lots of space in the throat back and forth diagonal line bent knee sometimes in class we take the palms together here and almost a two and when my breath starts to get compromises when I can stop this and then come back to it or if I'm starting to get this crunch then instead of the space then that's also a good time to take a rest when you feel satisfied we'll come back to Center we can pulse here just like we did at the beginning of class and then I'll give the knees into the chest I'll finish with a hedgehog posture rounding the spine visualize lots of space between each vertebrae nose to knee keeping the shoulders and elbows relaxed so I'm tagging a little weight in my elbows here hmm then lastly extending the fingertips to reach towards the outer edges of the feet I'm totally scooping my tailbone up drawing my navel down really compressing my belly rinsing out massaging those internal organs one more breath and then exhale just as we did before reclined butterfly soles of the feet together i soften in the belly I relaxed through the bowl the pelvis here relax the shoulder blades find that open chest I take a deep breath in and exhale out through the mouth two more like that like a lion's breath inhale and exhale completely Shh last one full breath inhale deeply and exhale let it go draw the legs down one of the time then take a moment here to rock on the heels and rest mmm okay so that was our first sequence for yoga for weight loss just a basic sequence do what you can build up let it let it be a process rather than oh I can't do that never watching that I can try it give it a try remember the beginning stages are always the most difficult and I am here for you we have many more sequences that fall under yoga for weight loss among many other things for 2013 so subscribe to the channel be sure to like yoga with Adriene on Facebook so you don't miss out on anything let me know if you have any questions please leave comments below and good luck and namaste [Music] you [Music]