1 00:00:00,030 --> 00:00:02,100 hey everyone and welcome to yoga with 2 00:00:02,100 --> 00:00:04,650 Adriene I am Adriene and today we have 3 00:00:04,650 --> 00:00:07,010 an awesome sequence for the upper back I 4 00:00:07,010 --> 00:00:10,679 rarely meet anyone that doesn't complain 5 00:00:10,679 --> 00:00:12,769 about upper back achiness or stiffness 6 00:00:12,769 --> 00:00:16,320 shoulder pain craving neck relief so 7 00:00:16,320 --> 00:00:17,789 this is a sequence that you can 8 00:00:17,789 --> 00:00:20,160 incorporate to your daily routine your 9 00:00:20,160 --> 00:00:22,560 your daily practice you can return to it 10 00:00:22,560 --> 00:00:25,289 five days a week seven days a week so be 11 00:00:25,289 --> 00:00:26,820 sure to favorite the video so you can 12 00:00:26,820 --> 00:00:28,800 return to it easily because I think this 13 00:00:28,800 --> 00:00:30,269 is something that everyone can benefit 14 00:00:30,269 --> 00:00:32,549 from so let's get to it hop on the mat 15 00:00:32,549 --> 00:00:36,739 and let's learn this upper back sequence 16 00:00:46,090 --> 00:00:49,039 okay so to begin we're going to start at 17 00:00:49,039 --> 00:00:50,930 a nice cross-legged position sukhasana 18 00:00:50,930 --> 00:00:54,589 or the pose of ease here just pressing 19 00:00:54,589 --> 00:00:56,539 into the sit bones and slowly 20 00:00:56,539 --> 00:00:58,579 lengthening up through the spine 21 00:00:58,579 --> 00:01:01,010 I'll bring the palms to the knees here 22 00:01:01,010 --> 00:01:03,070 and jumping right and I'm gonna inhale 23 00:01:03,070 --> 00:01:05,600 loop my shoulders draw my shoulder 24 00:01:05,600 --> 00:01:08,509 blades in together and back as I lift my 25 00:01:08,509 --> 00:01:09,860 heart now I don't have to crunch the 26 00:01:09,860 --> 00:01:11,840 neck here youch I'm just gonna keep it 27 00:01:11,840 --> 00:01:14,630 nice and open but I am actively drawing 28 00:01:14,630 --> 00:01:16,640 my shoulder blades in and together and 29 00:01:16,640 --> 00:01:19,640 down shoulders away from the ears take a 30 00:01:19,640 --> 00:01:21,979 deep breath in here long belly tops of 31 00:01:21,979 --> 00:01:23,840 the thighs draw down and then on an 32 00:01:23,840 --> 00:01:26,960 exhale I'm gonna slowly draw my chin to 33 00:01:26,960 --> 00:01:29,840 my chest draw my navel back allow my 34 00:01:29,840 --> 00:01:32,000 shoulders to round forward kind of get a 35 00:01:32,000 --> 00:01:33,740 little booty massage here as I roll 36 00:01:33,740 --> 00:01:36,979 through the buttock and allow the way to 37 00:01:36,979 --> 00:01:39,890 my head to drop over now I'm gonna hang 38 00:01:39,890 --> 00:01:41,929 here for a couple breaths catching the 39 00:01:41,929 --> 00:01:45,129 weight of my palms to the knees here and 40 00:01:45,129 --> 00:01:47,840 really just breathing feeling that upper 41 00:01:47,840 --> 00:01:51,759 bar poor body upper back stretch 42 00:01:51,759 --> 00:01:54,020 creating a little bit of space here with 43 00:01:54,020 --> 00:02:00,970 each inhale and each exhale 44 00:02:07,110 --> 00:02:09,600 and then rolling back up I'll loop the 45 00:02:09,600 --> 00:02:11,700 shoulders rolling through pressing into 46 00:02:11,700 --> 00:02:14,210 the sit bones again lifting the heart 47 00:02:14,210 --> 00:02:16,680 drawing the shoulder blades in together 48 00:02:16,680 --> 00:02:19,350 and down and really creating space 49 00:02:19,350 --> 00:02:21,390 between the ears and the tops of the 50 00:02:21,390 --> 00:02:24,420 shoulders take a deep breath in smile 51 00:02:24,420 --> 00:02:27,810 relax your jaw and then send it back 52 00:02:27,810 --> 00:02:31,320 down I like to call this mr. Burnes 53 00:02:31,320 --> 00:02:35,490 posture here but we'll put a positive 54 00:02:35,490 --> 00:02:37,910 spin on it here and breathe some space 55 00:02:37,910 --> 00:02:50,700 into that upper back I'm in inhaling 56 00:02:50,700 --> 00:02:53,340 back up to Center head over heart heart 57 00:02:53,340 --> 00:02:55,459 over pelvis 58 00:02:55,459 --> 00:02:58,350 okay sitting up nice and tall I'm gonna 59 00:02:58,350 --> 00:02:59,910 send my fingertips forward like I'm 60 00:02:59,910 --> 00:03:02,340 swimming crossing them over swim around 61 00:03:02,340 --> 00:03:04,200 and then I'm gonna interlace my 62 00:03:04,200 --> 00:03:07,800 fingertips behind the back again good 63 00:03:07,800 --> 00:03:09,180 marker is to keep the head over the 64 00:03:09,180 --> 00:03:10,920 heart center of the sternum the sternum 65 00:03:10,920 --> 00:03:13,140 over the pelvis just to notice whether 66 00:03:13,140 --> 00:03:14,970 maybe you tend to sit back like this 67 00:03:14,970 --> 00:03:17,190 which is normal or maybe you're 68 00:03:17,190 --> 00:03:18,959 overcompensating and shifting the heart 69 00:03:18,959 --> 00:03:20,550 forward let's try to stack it nice and 70 00:03:20,550 --> 00:03:22,950 tall I'm gonna interlace the fingertips 71 00:03:22,950 --> 00:03:24,989 and then I have a couple options here if 72 00:03:24,989 --> 00:03:27,209 I can let's run to the side here so you 73 00:03:27,209 --> 00:03:30,950 can see I can bring the palms together 74 00:03:30,950 --> 00:03:34,440 check that out if that's a little too 75 00:03:34,440 --> 00:03:35,880 intense at the moment I might keep the 76 00:03:35,880 --> 00:03:38,550 wrists nice and square but I'm actively 77 00:03:38,550 --> 00:03:40,560 drawing the shoulders down away from the 78 00:03:40,560 --> 00:03:42,600 ears shoulder blades together kind of 79 00:03:42,600 --> 00:03:44,489 wringing it out in the upper back here 80 00:03:44,489 --> 00:03:47,430 getting rid of that achiness kind of 81 00:03:47,430 --> 00:03:50,519 massaging that area of the body and what 82 00:03:50,519 --> 00:03:52,200 will help with that is of course taking 83 00:03:52,200 --> 00:03:56,820 a nice juicy deep breath in and a nice 84 00:03:56,820 --> 00:03:59,300 soft sigh out 85 00:03:59,300 --> 00:04:03,020 let's do one more deep breath in 86 00:04:03,020 --> 00:04:05,070 notice my neck is getting a little 87 00:04:05,070 --> 00:04:10,440 involved here it feels good and slowly 88 00:04:10,440 --> 00:04:12,870 release and palms come back to the 89 00:04:12,870 --> 00:04:15,080 thighs 90 00:04:16,430 --> 00:04:19,589 okay so now I'm gonna come to a extended 91 00:04:19,589 --> 00:04:22,050 Child's Pose for a couple breaths so I'm 92 00:04:22,050 --> 00:04:24,810 gonna open the knees nice and wide big 93 00:04:24,810 --> 00:04:26,670 toes are gonna kiss together here we can 94 00:04:26,670 --> 00:04:28,050 pad the knees if you need to here if 95 00:04:28,050 --> 00:04:30,270 this is too much extension 96 00:04:30,270 --> 00:04:31,800 hyperextension in the knees you can put 97 00:04:31,800 --> 00:04:33,270 a little blanket here between the knees 98 00:04:33,270 --> 00:04:36,180 little cushion and then I'm gonna sit up 99 00:04:36,180 --> 00:04:39,360 nice and tall inhale reach the arms up 100 00:04:39,360 --> 00:04:42,210 towards the sky and then exhale keep the 101 00:04:42,210 --> 00:04:44,310 spaciousness in the side body as I dive 102 00:04:44,310 --> 00:04:47,090 forward into this extended Child's Pose 103 00:04:47,090 --> 00:04:49,200 fingertips are gonna reach towards the 104 00:04:49,200 --> 00:04:53,220 front edge of the mat palms are gonna 105 00:04:53,220 --> 00:04:55,230 spread wide notice I'm still looking 106 00:04:55,230 --> 00:04:57,300 forward here drawing my shoulder blades 107 00:04:57,300 --> 00:05:01,530 in together and back shoulders rotating 108 00:05:01,530 --> 00:05:05,370 externally away from the ears breathing 109 00:05:05,370 --> 00:05:08,880 here and then slowly bowing forward 110 00:05:08,880 --> 00:05:11,190 opening up the shoulders melting the 111 00:05:11,190 --> 00:05:14,010 heart to the earth forehead kisses the 112 00:05:14,010 --> 00:05:17,730 mat and the arms don't go limp here or 113 00:05:17,730 --> 00:05:20,310 lazy I kind of stay active here reaching 114 00:05:20,310 --> 00:05:22,070 fingertips towards the front edge 115 00:05:22,070 --> 00:05:24,360 connecting hasta bandha that hand earth 116 00:05:24,360 --> 00:05:27,930 connection shoulders are alive as I 117 00:05:27,930 --> 00:05:34,140 breathe into the upper back and then 118 00:05:34,140 --> 00:05:41,280 breathe into the mid-back then send a 119 00:05:41,280 --> 00:05:45,049 nice deep breath to the lower back 120 00:05:47,740 --> 00:05:50,720 and then slowly when you feel satisfied 121 00:05:50,720 --> 00:05:54,020 drawing a line with the nose looking 122 00:05:54,020 --> 00:05:57,830 forward and then using the palms to walk 123 00:05:57,830 --> 00:06:03,410 it back up okay so now we're gonna come 124 00:06:03,410 --> 00:06:06,610 to all fours here tabletop position and 125 00:06:06,610 --> 00:06:09,500 I'm going to walk my right palm in 126 00:06:09,500 --> 00:06:11,840 towards the center line here and on an 127 00:06:11,840 --> 00:06:14,000 inhale send my left fingertips all the 128 00:06:14,000 --> 00:06:17,540 way up towards the sky now I'm not going 129 00:06:17,540 --> 00:06:18,949 to collapse into this right shoulder 130 00:06:18,949 --> 00:06:21,350 here no way I'm gonna press up and out 131 00:06:21,350 --> 00:06:22,610 of the right palm keeping the 132 00:06:22,610 --> 00:06:24,080 spaciousness that I've built in this 133 00:06:24,080 --> 00:06:26,630 little practice all along breathing into 134 00:06:26,630 --> 00:06:28,820 the upper back here maybe the arm goes 135 00:06:28,820 --> 00:06:30,080 all the way up maybe it only goes to 136 00:06:30,080 --> 00:06:32,000 here just seeing where that space is 137 00:06:32,000 --> 00:06:36,320 today taking a nice deep breath in and 138 00:06:36,320 --> 00:06:39,350 then exhale coming back to Center left 139 00:06:39,350 --> 00:06:41,750 palm replaces the right right fingertips 140 00:06:41,750 --> 00:06:43,729 reach up let's do the side really fast 141 00:06:43,729 --> 00:06:46,580 inhaling you can move at your own pace 142 00:06:46,580 --> 00:06:50,260 drawing that shoulder away from the ear 143 00:06:50,260 --> 00:06:53,060 breathing nice long deep breaths and 144 00:06:53,060 --> 00:06:55,190 then exhale back to Center we're gonna 145 00:06:55,190 --> 00:06:57,800 do it one more time this time keep the 146 00:06:57,800 --> 00:07:01,160 palms a little bit wide and instead of 147 00:07:01,160 --> 00:07:02,450 drawing the right palm into the center 148 00:07:02,450 --> 00:07:03,620 I'm going to keep it right where it is 149 00:07:03,620 --> 00:07:06,650 as I inhale open the left palm up take a 150 00:07:06,650 --> 00:07:09,470 deep breath in and this time I have the 151 00:07:09,470 --> 00:07:11,150 needle I'm gonna take my left fingertips 152 00:07:11,150 --> 00:07:13,310 under the bridge of the right arm and 153 00:07:13,310 --> 00:07:15,979 come to rest on the outer edge of my 154 00:07:15,979 --> 00:07:19,639 left shoulder left ear it comes to the 155 00:07:19,639 --> 00:07:22,250 earth and I begin to breathe into the 156 00:07:22,250 --> 00:07:23,720 upper back here particularly the left 157 00:07:23,720 --> 00:07:26,450 side for more leverage I can tent the 158 00:07:26,450 --> 00:07:28,580 right fingertips here maybe bend that 159 00:07:28,580 --> 00:07:32,150 right elbow up to find a little bit more 160 00:07:32,150 --> 00:07:36,800 in that upper back the toes are going to 161 00:07:36,800 --> 00:07:38,150 want to come together I really don't 162 00:07:38,150 --> 00:07:39,830 mind that but if you like you can just 163 00:07:39,830 --> 00:07:41,419 keep a little integrity here by keeping 164 00:07:41,419 --> 00:07:42,950 the tops of the feet pressing into the 165 00:07:42,950 --> 00:07:47,360 earth and for more leverage or for a 166 00:07:47,360 --> 00:07:48,860 little bit of a deeper stretch you can 167 00:07:48,860 --> 00:07:51,950 also add extending the right leg just 168 00:07:51,950 --> 00:07:53,780 kind of using the right toes here again 169 00:07:53,780 --> 00:07:55,640 to press a little bit deeper into the 170 00:07:55,640 --> 00:07:58,130 posture but I say start here and then 171 00:07:58,130 --> 00:08:00,440 work your way up to here so be 172 00:08:00,440 --> 00:08:03,530 really mindful in the shoulders here to 173 00:08:03,530 --> 00:08:04,820 come out of the posture I take a deep 174 00:08:04,820 --> 00:08:09,500 breath in then exhale out following your 175 00:08:09,500 --> 00:08:12,500 breath back to Center and planting the 176 00:08:12,500 --> 00:08:14,090 left palm again this time we're not 177 00:08:14,090 --> 00:08:15,500 walking into the center but keeping it 178 00:08:15,500 --> 00:08:17,840 nice and open as I inhale right 179 00:08:17,840 --> 00:08:21,050 fingertips reach up towards the sky and 180 00:08:21,050 --> 00:08:23,120 then exhale diving through right 181 00:08:23,120 --> 00:08:24,800 fingertips under the bridge of the left 182 00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:26,690 arm as I come to the outer edge of my 183 00:08:26,690 --> 00:08:30,620 shoulder here hello and breathing here 184 00:08:30,620 --> 00:08:32,210 each side will be a little bit different 185 00:08:32,210 --> 00:08:35,240 I can use my right excuse me left 186 00:08:35,240 --> 00:08:37,760 fingertips here to tense the palms bring 187 00:08:37,760 --> 00:08:42,320 that left elbow up another option though 188 00:08:42,320 --> 00:08:43,820 sometimes offer students is to come 189 00:08:43,820 --> 00:08:45,020 palms together here and just kind of 190 00:08:45,020 --> 00:08:47,330 gently extending those right fingertips 191 00:08:47,330 --> 00:08:53,840 how that feels nice another option to go 192 00:08:53,840 --> 00:08:55,700 a little deeper again is to extend the 193 00:08:55,700 --> 00:08:59,900 left leg curl those toes under breathing 194 00:08:59,900 --> 00:09:07,940 into that upper body that upper back and 195 00:09:07,940 --> 00:09:10,580 then following your breath to come out 196 00:09:10,580 --> 00:09:13,250 of the posture moving nice and slow 197 00:09:13,250 --> 00:09:18,430 and mindfully here and back to all fours 198 00:09:18,640 --> 00:09:20,990 okay so now we're gonna come on to the 199 00:09:20,990 --> 00:09:24,170 belly for a little cobra sequence gently 200 00:09:24,170 --> 00:09:26,900 coming on to the belly drawing the palms 201 00:09:26,900 --> 00:09:29,600 underneath the shoulders here I'm gonna 202 00:09:29,600 --> 00:09:31,280 keeping the feet just nice and hip width 203 00:09:31,280 --> 00:09:33,550 apart here pressing into the pelvic bone 204 00:09:33,550 --> 00:09:35,720 looping the shoulders the elbows are 205 00:09:35,720 --> 00:09:37,490 coming in nice and close to the side 206 00:09:37,490 --> 00:09:39,740 body go ahead and rest your forehead on 207 00:09:39,740 --> 00:09:42,650 the mat and then we're gonna move nice 208 00:09:42,650 --> 00:09:46,970 and slow here inhaling and exhaling 209 00:09:46,970 --> 00:09:49,130 pressing into the pelvic bone pressing 210 00:09:49,130 --> 00:09:51,320 in your foundation drawing the shoulder 211 00:09:51,320 --> 00:09:53,720 blades in together and down as we slowly 212 00:09:53,720 --> 00:09:55,730 look up not a big move here at first 213 00:09:55,730 --> 00:09:58,940 just a nice gentle thing and then exhale 214 00:09:58,940 --> 00:10:03,470 back down forehead kisses the mat moving 215 00:10:03,470 --> 00:10:08,960 with the breath now whether you rise up 216 00:10:08,960 --> 00:10:11,300 on the exhale or the inhale is totally 217 00:10:11,300 --> 00:10:12,360 your choice 218 00:10:12,360 --> 00:10:15,000 I say for a sequence like this that's 219 00:10:15,000 --> 00:10:18,089 therapeutic and about getting into those 220 00:10:18,089 --> 00:10:20,760 dark nooks and crannies it's just about 221 00:10:20,760 --> 00:10:22,950 following your breath you might start to 222 00:10:22,950 --> 00:10:26,399 find a little more space but we're 223 00:10:26,399 --> 00:10:31,820 moving at a nice be nice and mindful 224 00:10:31,820 --> 00:10:34,230 notice lots of space between the ears 225 00:10:34,230 --> 00:10:38,070 and shoulders and then if you want from 226 00:10:38,070 --> 00:10:39,839 here you can build this into upward 227 00:10:39,839 --> 00:10:41,480 facing dog we're not gonna do that today 228 00:10:41,480 --> 00:10:44,070 but if you're already have a practice 229 00:10:44,070 --> 00:10:48,750 and you're ready you can begin to take 230 00:10:48,750 --> 00:10:53,190 this into a nice upward facing dog when 231 00:10:53,190 --> 00:10:55,200 you feel satisfied you can send it to a 232 00:10:55,200 --> 00:10:57,899 downward facing dog or just a nice 233 00:10:57,899 --> 00:11:00,810 little counter pose here as we come into 234 00:11:00,810 --> 00:11:03,300 extended Child's Pose swimming the 235 00:11:03,300 --> 00:11:06,180 fingertips forward up and back and then 236 00:11:06,180 --> 00:11:09,360 resting the forehead shoulders melting 237 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:13,829 forward as we breathe into the back and 238 00:11:13,829 --> 00:11:19,980 rest okey doke so that was yummy 239 00:11:19,980 --> 00:11:22,050 sequence for the upper back this 240 00:11:22,050 --> 00:11:24,360 actually was a request from a viewer so 241 00:11:24,360 --> 00:11:26,310 if you have other things that you're 242 00:11:26,310 --> 00:11:28,410 craving some relief or you want some 243 00:11:28,410 --> 00:11:31,410 yoga knowledge or advice on leave me a 244 00:11:31,410 --> 00:11:33,449 comment below leave your requests 245 00:11:33,449 --> 00:11:36,120 questions always welcome subscribe to 246 00:11:36,120 --> 00:11:37,649 the channel if you haven't already and I 247 00:11:37,649 --> 00:11:41,060 will see you next time namaste