- Hello, my darling friends, welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I am Adriene, and this is sweet Benji, and today we have a yoga for transitions. So hop into something comfy, and let's get started. (upbeat music) Hi, pals. Let's begin today's practice in a nice comfortable seat. Come on down to the ground, take your time getting there, start to breathe in now, deeper, more full breaths. And when you land in your comfortable seat, let's bring the palms together, (clearing throat) at the heart. Gently close your eyes or soften your gaze, and tuck the chin to bow the head just slightly to the hands. Wherever this practice finds you today, let it meet you and greet you with a sense of wonder, the excitement of the unknown, but also let it meet you and greet you with love, pure love, 100%. Acceptance for who you are, and where you are today. Not who you were or where you were yesterday. And no worries about tomorrow. May today's quick practice be a reminder of just how powerful it can be to reside in the present moment with the breath. To keep that sense of wonder and trust in the process, and of course, move and see with eyes of love. Alright, take a deep breath in. Exhale all the way out, empty, empty, empty. Lift your gaze, your chin, can open your eyes here, and the palms are gonna come gently to the knees. On an inhale, lift your heart towards the sky. On an exhale, round the spine, chin to chest. On an inhale, lift your heart up towards the sky. Exhale, chin to chest, navel draws back. Inhale, lift, last one. Elbows draw down actively. Exhale, rounding through chin to chest, pause here, really catch your knees here with your palms. Lean back, way back. And then calm, all the way up and through the center. We're gonna come all the way to all fours here. Wrists underneath the shoulders, knees directly underneath the hips. On your next inhale, kick the right leg out, so take your time getting there, no need to rush, but when you're ready, kick your right leg out, and we're gonna dial the right toes down towards the ground, leveling the hips here, best you can, and then just lifting from the right inner thigh so strong leg. Whole body begins to turn on here, we send the left fingertips forward, thumb face up as if you're shaking someone's hand. Take a deep breath in here, expand. Exhale, contract, navel draws up, everything rounds in. Inhale, extend. Exhale, rounding through. Inhale, extend. Exhale, round through. Inhale, extend. Exhale, round through. This time, left hand comes to the right shin, we're gonna squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift, press up out of your foundation that which is touching the ground, hold, and then release everything, awesome. Switch to the other side, welcome that heat, here we go. As you're ready, big breath in. What's up creaky, old floor? Left toes dialed down, we level the hips, just check out what's going on here. Nice wide base in the hands, spreading the fingers evenly, index fingers forward. Lift your left inner thigh up towards the sky, and if it's in your body, and your practice today, send the right fingertips forward. Here we go, inhale to expand, breathe into the lower back body. Exhale, round through, navel draws up. Inhale, extend. Exhale, round through, press into the top of your right foot. Inhale, extend. Exhale, squeeze and lift. Inhale, extend. Exhale, squeeze and lift, right hand comes to the left shin, squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift, press away from your foundation. Doming through the upper back body. Good, and then slowly release, awesome work. Bring the big toes to touch, knees as wide as your yoga mat. Beautiful, drop your elbows down where the hands were, bring the palms together. Check it out, send the hips back, send your thumbs over towards your head, you should get a big stretch in the triceps here, the shoulders, heart melts down, forehead towards the earth. Let your hips get really heavy here as you pull back, press into the tops of the feet, breathe, breathe, breathe. Choose to give the thinking mind a break here and reside in the breath, best you can. From center, hug the low ribs in, engage the abdominal wall, begin to release the hands and come all the way back up. Walk the knees underneath the hip points, curl the toes under, send it up and back, Downward Facing Dog. Breathe in. Breathe out. On your next inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, step it all the way forward into a nice low lunge, lower the back knee. Make sure your front knee is over the front ankle. For a little more stretch, walk that left knee back. Awesome, swing your right hand around to meet your left, we're gonna walk the hands off the mat, imagine your hands were in Downward Dog here, you're gonna keep pulling your right hip crease back, bow the head over, breathe deep here. Strong breaths, strong foundation, you've got this. Then slowly walk it back, hands are gonna stay on the left side of the mat here for a little Lizard variation. You're gonna walk your right foot out, right toes turned towards the right edge of your mat, and just keep it nice and low here for now, breathing deep. Slowly walk the right foot back to center, bring your right hand around to frame your right foot, we're gonna pull the right hip crease back, keep the left hip stacked over the left knee for a runner's stretch, inhale to look forward, flex your right toes towards your face. Exhale, bow, forehead towards the knee. Rolling through the right foot, Crescent Lunge, inhale, sweep the arms up and over head, big stretch, big breath, squeeze your inner thighs to the midline, lift up from the pelvic floor, and then exhale all the way back down. Curl the back toes under, lift the back knees, step it back, Plank Pose. Inhale in here, you've got this. Exhale, breathing out, out, out, empty, empty, empty. Inhale in again. Exhale, empty out. Good, tap into that powerful breath. One more time, inhale in. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog, nice work. On your next breath in, inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, step it all the way forward, nice low lunge here, don't rush, nice and slow. Check your foundation, front knee over front ankle. Walk the right knee back. Then bring the left hand around, I'm gonna walk my hands all the way out to Benji here, aww, reaching out. Melting your heart down. Keep the front knee over the front ankle, pull your left hip crease back, breathe. And then slowly walking it back up, keeping the hands on the right side of the mat for a little low Lizard variation here, we're gonna slowly inch the left toes, left foot out towards the outer edge of your mat. Again, keep the knee on the ground here, breathe deep. Walk the left foot back to center. Frame your left foot with your hands, and when you're ready, peel the left hip crease back. Flex the left toes towards your face. Big breaths here, inhale to look forward, find extension, exhale, forehead toward the knee. So how you move matters, we say it here on the channel all the time, paying attention to, not only what you're doing, but how you're doing it, the way in which you move in and out of things. So pay attention as you roll through your left foot here, pay attention to the transitions, they're valuable. Sweep the arms up and overhead, squeeze the inner thighs to the midline, press into all four corners of your front foot. Inhale in, lift the heart. Exhale to rain it down. Curl the back toes under, lift the back knee, plan the palms, here we go, step it back, Plank Pose. Inhale in, exhale. Option to lower the knees here Half Plank, just an option. Everyone, look forward, breathe, breathe, breathe, here we go, half push up, elbows stay close to the side body here, just go halfway, big exhale to press up. Look forward, inhale half way. Big exhale to press up, last one, only three, inhale. Exhale, squeeze the elbows into the side body, exhale to press up, release the toes to the ground if they are not already, send it up high and back, Downward Dog, hips to the sky. Beautiful. So bend your knees and really let your hip creases lift you up, see if you can get a little more rotation in the pelvis there, and then you can let the heels get heavy again. Awesome work. Inhale, lift the right leg up high. Exhale, step it all the way forward. This time, option to keep the back knee lifted, just an option, as you bring the right hand around, left hand out, working off the mat here towards the left side, bow the head. Think of the hands being in Downward Facing Dog here. Again, option to lower the back knee or keep it lifted, if it's lifted though, really reach your left heel towards the back edge. Good, take one more breath here, inhale. Exhale, walk it to Lizard, back knee lifted, always an option, walk your right toes towards the outer edge of your mat. Inhale to look forward, this time, maybe exhale come to the forearms, maybe, maybe. Call me maybe, and then slowly back up, bring your right foot in, hands frame the foot. Lower the back knee, pull the right hip crease back, right toes towards the face. Good, rolling through pay attention, Crescent Lunge, here we go again. Inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, plant the palms, step it back, Plank Pose or Half Plank. Inhale in. Exhale, lower all the way to the belly. Inhale for Cobra, open the chest, lift your heart. Exhale, soften and fold, curl the toes under, lift the kneecaps, tone your quads, press up to Plank, quietly whisper to yourself here, "I am strong." Downward Facing Dog. On your next breath in, lift the left leg up high, we got this. Exhale, shift forward, step it up. Back knee lifted this time, here we go, walking the left hand around, you can always lower it if that's not right in your body. Planting the palms, sending them out towards the right, bowing the head, strong legs here. Really reach your right heel back. Keep pressing into your right pinky toe, just like we did on all fours, lift up from your right inner thigh. Good, take one more breath here, you got it. Exhale, slowly walk the hands back and in, Lizard variation, take the left toes out. Option to stay here nice and lifted, you can lower the knee, or maybe we come to forearms here. Breathe, relax your jaw, soften the skin of the face, give your thinking mind a break, connect to your intuitive self, connect to your bodily intelligence here, you got this. Inhale in, exhale. Inhale to bring it back up. We'll frame the foot again with the hands, lower the back knee, ahh, and send the left hip crease back. Flex your left toes towards your face, so active in the foot here. Good, inhale in. Exhale to roll through, sweep the arms up and overhead, Crescent Lunge, big breath, big stretch. Exhale to rain it down, awesome work. Plant the palms, step it back, Plank Pose or Half Plank. Inhale to look forward, shift forward. Exhale, Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog, or belly to Cobra. Inhale in. Exhale to Plank. Inhale in again, you got this. Exhale, Downward Facing Dog. Deep breath in. Long breath out. Slowly bend the knees, let them kiss the ground with care. Walk the knees together, the feet together, and send your hips back, Balasana. So you can keep the fingers reaching forward, or paint your yoga mat, send the fingertips towards the back edge, and relax. Close your eyes. And take a second here to just observe everything, where the thoughts go, how is the quality of your breath. Can you feel your heart? Feel the warmth in your forehead, your neck. Sometimes things get uncomfortable before they transition. Before a blossoming, before a change. Can we remember to trust the process, to trust the struggle? And remember the tools of our practice are here to support us in just that. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale to rise back up, fingertips come forward, and we're gonna walk the knees as wide as the hips, once again, curl the toes under. Listen carefully, send the hips back, you're gonna come into a little yogi, yogic squat. Heels can stay lifted here, otherwise let's see what happens if we work to get the heels on the ground. If it doesn't happen, it's all good. Palms come together or fingertips can stay on the ground. We're pressing into all four corners of the feet if the heels are on the ground, if not, press into every single toe. We're here or here. And if you are comfortable in this Malasana variation, then I'm gonna invite you to really create a little resistance, press your arms actively into your legs, and squeeze your legs actively into your arms. Now, find a soft focus down in front, or close your eyes, feel your breath as you breathe in, nice lateral breath into all four sides of the torso. Tuck your chin, lengthen through the neck. Inhale, lift the sternum to the thumbs. Exhale to release. Walk the toes together, knees together. You got this. Walk the hands to one side, let's all go to the right, walk the hands to your right side. Press in to both palms evenly. Squeeze your elbows in, just like you did in that half push up, draw the hands close to your body. Send your gaze out and keep it out as you inhale in, exhale, draw your navel in and up, maybe lift the hips, maybe come forward, creating a little shelf for your hips and your legs. Then come back. Inhale in. Exhale, find that contraction, that center, maybe lift off here, coming into a little side Crow variation. If there's another arm balance in your practice, maybe you take it, let's do one more, try inhale in. Exhale, nice and easy. So there are different variations of this, one, you're just balancing on one arm. A nice beginner balance is to take it on the shelf of both arms, then you can grow from there. Shake it out, come back to center, all good. And then take it to the other side. So you wanna spread the palms evenly, drag them close to your body, find that lift up through the pelvic floor and keep your gaze out. Inhale in, exhale, find contraction, lift, maybe you shift over. Start by just rocking back and forth, no need to get the feet up off the ground. So the inner body, the muscles have to all be lifted and engaged here for takeoff, we don't wanna collapse all the weight onto our wrists, so just do it a couple of times, playing on the other side. And if none of this is suiting you, let's do a little yoga for the feet, lifting up from the pelvic floor here, and a nice little squat, heels lifted. Then, wherever you are, everyone come back to center, let's shake it off. Let's slowly come to a seat, extend the legs out long in front. Inhale in, sweeping the arms up and overhead with energy. Exhale, bend your knees and reach for your toes. Straighten the legs out as it feels right in your body, take an inhale in. And as you exhale, just find a little bit of gratitude for your body, for this life, for everything that we have and that we share. And then, take a moment just for you, all the unique qualities that you bring to the table, honor them, trust them, and let them guide the way. Alright, as you transition to your back, get comfy, feel your back supported, and know that this video is actually coming out at the end of a year, just about the beginning of a brand new year, and I know that we'll be practicing this whenever we need a little support during a time of change or transition, but for those practicing around the time that this video's coming out, just think about all the things that you're grateful for, and we'll end by setting a little intention for what's to come. So bring your feet as wide as the yoga mat, come into a little constructive resting posture with the knees together. If you're warm, you can come to cactus arms, otherwise just let the hands rest gently on the belly. Inhale in. Exhale, relax everything. Close your eyes and just a little invitation here as we close the practice to finish this sentence, "I choose..." Finish this sentence, just see what comes up, "I choose..." And it can simply be to, "I choose to be the best version of myself." Slowly part the knees, walk the feet in, hug the knees up to your chest, give yourself a big embrace, "I choose..." Gently rock side to side, find what feels good. Then, cross one ankle over the other, grab the outer edges of the feet or the toes, and rock all the way up to a seat. It's an honor to share this practice with you. This community, whether you're an active member of the Yoga With Adriene community, or the Find What Feels Good community, same thing, or you're new, you're always welcome here. This yoga is so cool because it reminds me constantly that we are more alike than we are different, and we can learn to honor and celebrate our differences. More. Palms coming together, thumbs to third eye, we take care of ourselves so we can take care of each other, the planet. We take time to be present so we can honor the next present moment, and onto the next, and onto the next. I love you guys so much, we'll take a deep breath in, one final breath together, and we'll exhale to bow. Happy trails to you, Namaste. (upbeat music)