- Hello gorgeous friends! Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I'm Adriene and this is Benji and today we have yoga for social anxiety. This is a huge request so know if you selected this video, you are not alone. Hop into something comfy and let's get started. (gentle music) Hi, my darling friends. Okay, let's begin today's practice standing. Go ahead and bring your feet hip width apart. Just notice whether your toes are kind of coming in or turning out. No worries either way, just noticing our patterns and just consciously placing the feet to where your toes are pointing forward in line with your hip points. Alright, and when you feel like you have your feet on the ground go ahead and stand up nice and tall. Begin to notice your breath and trust that this time is valuable. I totally admire you and honor you for taking the time to experience this video and I invite you right away to just enjoy this time. And not necessarily worry about the outcome or focus on the outcome but rather to allow yourself to really enjoy this time and this experience for yourself. That being said, see if you can close your eyes or if you're not comfortable with that just soften your gaze a little bit down past your nose. And allow your fingers to soften, whatever that means to you, just noticing if you're kind of gripping or holding just letting the hands and the fingers be loose. And super simple, super easy we're going to ground down through the feet and on a big inhale reach the fingertips all the way up towards the sky and try to keep the hands and the fingers soft. And then take another deep breath in here. Fill up and then exhale just float the hands and the fingers down again, nice and soft and easy. And twice more like that. Inhale to reach for the sky. Grounding through all four corners of the feet. And exhaling to float the fingertips down. And one more time, you got it, big inhale, big stretch. And exhale, fingertips down. Great, keep the feet where they are. You're gonna interlace the fingertips behind the back. And best you can, begin to open up through the chest, open up through the pecs as you draw the knuckles down. Then the key here would be to keep the skin of the face soft, jaw relaxed. And start to lift your heart a little bit higher as you continue to gently deepen your breath. And take one more big inhale here. And as you exhale you're gonna keep grounding through the feet. bend you knees and send your heart forward. Nice and slow here. Belly comes toward the tops of the thighs. And we reach the head, the crown down towards the earth. Knuckles all the way up towards the sky. Now take some cleansing breaths here. Bringing some fresh oxygen, fresh blood to flow. A calming effect here. As you breathe deep. And then again grounding through the feet. Bend your knees generously, slowly release. Rewind, come all the way up. Try to resist the slingshot effect as a dear friend of mine says and slowly release the fingers. Again, returning to Mountain Pose, Tadasana, let the fingers, the hands be soft. Stand up nice and tall and just feel that awesome sensation in the hands as you lengthen through the crown and relax the shoulders down. So I'm sure it's not a surprise that, you know, we create a lot of extraneous stress and tension in the shoulders particularly when we have any worry or anxiety about something to come. So using each exhale to relax the shoulders down and just be really present with the breath here throughout the duration of our practice. So basically in other words, keep noticing when the shoulders creep up here and see if you can use the power of your breath practice to relax the shoulders down, down, down. Alright, from here keep grounding through the feet. You're just gonna reach the right fingertips up, just the right fingertips. Left fingertips down. It's a little yoga for the brain. So we have one arm up, one arm down and we're going to rotate the wrists one way. Just gentle circles with the wrists. And then try to reverse it. What? Great, then bring the right arm down. Take the left arm all the way up. Same thing opposite side, rotating one way and then taking it the other. Excellent. Bring the left arm down. Both hands come to the waistline here, a power pose. You're gonna draw the shoulder blades together. Once again, lift up through the heart. Feel the chest opening, pecs stretching as you draw all the shoulder blades together elbows back. Then gently shift your weight to your left foot. We'll come up onto the right toes and you're gonna draw slow circles one way and then the other with your right foot. Checking in with that ankle. Finding your balance and just notice if you've started to hold your breath here, breathe deep. Bring a lightness to your being. Use your exhales to relax the shoulders. Cool, and then shifting to the other side. Right foot down. Ground through the right foot first before you lift off the left toes and then same thing here. If you feel way off balance today try not to get discouraged. This is part of life, right? We get thrown off balance so the more we can learn to deal with that in a graceful way and tend to that rather than throwing in the towel, you know, work to find balance with whatever is going on the better. The closer we can stay to that feeling of balance and ease. Alright, then place the left foot down. One more time, inhale spread your fingertips, reach your fingertips all the way up towards the sky, Volcano Pose. Another power pose. Ground through all four corners of the feet. So really dig into the heels here, lift your kneecaps to tone the quads a little bit. So we're drawing energy up from the earth. We'll take a second here to relax the shoulders down in Volcano Pose. Hug the low ribs in and breathe. Awesome, way to stick with it. Keep grounding through the feet you're gonna inhale. Reach up a little further, really coming out of the waistline here and then exhale side body stretch. So you can go to one side any side, don't worry about it. Imagine you're holding a big beach ball in your hands though so there's energy, you have an image there as you maybe pull the thumbs back just a bit. Great. Then keep digging into the heels as you come back to center, take it to the other side. You've got this. Keep breathing. Excellent, come all the way up. Here we go, inhale in, exhale, bring the palms together and slowly all the way back down to the heart. Amazing! Beautiful work. Okay, from here if you're in the center of your mat go ahead and come up to the front edge of your mat, one side, and we're gonna swim the fingertips around to interlace, this time opposite thumb on top then whatever thumb you did before. So the one that feels kind of funky. So we're changing it up, focusing our brain and then draw all the knuckles down, lift your chest just as we did before, inhale in, exhale lead with your heart. Trust, bend your knees, come into your deep Forward Fold. Careful not to clench through the toes and relax the weight of the head down. Once again, see if you can find a little more space on this second round. Maybe perhaps by bending the knees generously. Changing the perspective here. Take two more cycles of breath, you can find soft easy movement in the head and neck if it feels good. Mhmmm, mhmmm. Beautiful, with control, best you can, release the fingertips. Try to find a little grace here. Awesome. From here we're going gonna take the hands we're gonna bring them right underneath the soles of the feet. So go ahead and give it a try and if this is new for you stay connected to your core for stability. So draw your belly button in just a bit. And you'll bring your toes right to the wrist line and then basically we're standing on our hands with bent knees. And if this isn't, if you get there and you realize this isn't for you, you can take a couple cycles of breath here any way. Stick with your practice. Just in Forward Fold. So wherever you are, I invite you to take two cycles of breath here with the head relaxed over. We're bringing a calming awareness and nourishing, soothing effect to body and the nervous system here. Take one more cycle of breath, (Benji sighs) (Adriene chuckles) Benji just did as well. And then if you are on the hands slowly release them. Again, with control and together we'll bend the knees generously. Bring the fingertips to the mat and you're just gonna walk the feet as wide as the yoga mat. Turn the toes out and then everyone, stay connected to your center, your core as you lift the heels up. Lift the heels, bend the knees you're just going to come down to the ground in a little froggy squat. So you can make this your own. Definitely use the fingertips on the earth and we're gonna create just a little soft easy movement here to get into the hips. Any emotion, any vibes that are coming up, breathe. Breathe. Let's not run away from 'em. Let's use the power of our practice and the support system of yoga practice and even Yoga With Adriene community and the power of gently lifting the corners of your mouth to just get right in there and move through it. Right? Get you ready for whatever you desire. Whatever you need to do after this practice. So just really easy movement here. A little hip opener. A little stretch for the soles of the feet. And just take one more cycle of breath. If you're here and it's available to you and you want to bring the palms together for the last cycle of breath, you can. And then together we'll release, come back down and we're gonna just come to lie flat on the back. Yay! So take your time getting there. We're gonna finish off using the support of good ol' earth rock, e-rock to turn things around, find the grounding we need so that when we come back up to standing and whatever it is you have to do, you feel good. So you're going to come onto the ground and we're gonna come into Supta Baddha Konasana right away. So take your time, you'll bring the soles of the feet together. Knees are going to come nice and wide. So this kind of reclined Cobbler's Pose or reclined butterfly. And then I invite you to bring your hands to the tops of your thighs but really up close to the hip crease and just like a little kitty cat kind of pawing its way on a blanket you're going to just press into the tops of the thighs. Just kind of combing the muscle down a little bit. Yoga teachers, I tell ya, we say the darndest things. (laughs) Comb the muscle down. But what I'm wanting you to do is just create a little self massage. Super powerful. Alright, and then when you're done with that, brush it away, brush it, brush it, brush it. And then we'll come to find stillness with the right hand on the belly, left hand on the heart. Definitely check in to make sure that your your shoulders and elbows can relax here. And if you feel like you need a little extra support, you're gonna draw the shoulder blades together and lift your heart space and take a deep breath in. Now close your eyes here and just take a couple moments here to get quiet and to listen to the sound of your breath. Feel the warmth of your hands on these two vulnerable but also powerful points of listening in the body. Your belly, your guts, your instincts and your heart space. And feel that warmth and send a deeper breath down into the belly. Noticing how the hands rise and fall with the breath. Putting you in the driver's seat, you in control. Mhmmm. Awesome work. Then slowly we'll open the eyes. Gently bring the fingertips to the outer edges of the legs. We're gonna bring the knees together, keep the left foot on the ground and you're just gonna slowly hug the right knee up in towards the chest. You can keep the left foot on the ground here or extend it out long. Take a big breath in and this time feel your belly expand to the top of your right thigh, right where you are massaging earlier. Alright, now begin to lift the corners of the mouth slightly. Don't think. Let's just move with the breath. You're going to inhale in. Exhale, anchor navel to spine and you're gonna switch the legs. Left knee comes in, right leg goes out. Beautiful inhale in again. Exhale, strong core as you switch. Inhale in again. Exhale, switch. Now just keep breathing and moving back and forth. You can just find your own rhythm. A little bit of fire lit in the center of your being. Tuck the chin into the chest so the neck is nice and long. And we continue. And if you're familiar with Kapalabhati or breath of fire, skull shining breath, you can start to find a little bit of a sharp exhale here. Perhaps every time you switch and I invite you to really scoop your tailbone up and hug the low ribs down as we finish out with this beautiful energizing warm hug of a core practice. (chuckles) Keep it going. You got it. Ten more seconds. Keep it going. Neck nice and long. Spine supported. Excellent, and then we'll hug both knees in here. Yep, you guessed it, Happy Baby. You're gonna grab the outer edges of the feet. Kick the soles of the feet up. Lengthen the tailbone forward. So we know what it's like to be vulnerable but we also get reminded on the mat that we have everything we need to survive and succeed. Trust yourself. Use the power of your breath in any and all situations to stay present and, again, to remember that anything can happen to you but it's how you react to what's happening to you and around you that matters most and you are in control of that. You can be. Okay, slowly release your Happy Baby, send the legs out long. Bring your hands to your belly. Take a deep breath in. Use an exhale to relax, to release, to let go of any stress, tension, anxiety that you might have been carrying in your body. We know these things manifest in the body which is why it's so awesome of you to take the time to practice. Bring your hands to your belly. Let's take one more final breath in together as a community. Inhale, feel the hands rise as you breathe into the belly, big balloon breath and then fall slowly as you exhale with control. Excellent, tuck the chin again. Lengthen through the back of the neck. Close your eyes and just take a moment to feel supported. I got your back. Your yoga mat quite literally has your back. And often it's not just what is happening to us or around us but perhaps more beautiful to recognize that it's how we react to those things that are happening to us or around us that matters most. So again, I honor and admire you for taking time to practice today. As you're ready, bring your palms together and we celebrate, with the end of yoga practice, we celebrate just the very fact that we're not alone and that we all have a shared experience going on. So as you bring the thumbs to the third eye, just remember that. It's a great reminder for me as well, that we're all in this together. We all have the magic but we also all have vulnerability, anxiety. We're all in this together. Take one more deep breath in. I love you so much. Exhale. We whisper Namaste. (gentle music)