hey everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and today we have a sequence for runners or want to be runners like me this is a nice warm up sequence if you're about to head out for a run or if you just want to slowly stretch your muscles and gain body awareness to begin a running program so you can do this in your running shoes if you want or you can be barefoot let's hop on the mat or a nice clean solid space and stretch it out all righty so we're going to begin with an extended Child's Pose here as you can see I'm wearing my tiny shoes this is something that we can do my Tanny shoes tennis shoes something we can do it right right before we head out the door so get on a blanket or a towel or mat and we're just going to widen the knees super wide and bring the two big toes together and then send the fingertips out front relaxing down and I was noticing running the other day that sometimes if I just kind of set up for a round without stretching my full body not just kind of the targeted muscle groups I tend to seize up like my back my lower left back side was getting tight and so I just thought I would offer a friendly reminder that this is about kind of connecting to the body full body experience so that when we hop on the pavement or the track or whatever you're running on you've already kind of set the tone for your run like that you're going to be aware and alive and running full body experience okay couple more breaths here we're just stretching inch the fingertips towards the front edge of the mat stretching the side body melting the heart take a deep deep breath in and on an exhale we shall release come back up and walk the knees in towards the center line so if this is too much for your knees then we have an option to come up on the toes here stretch the feet which wouldn't be a bad idea you can stay in kind of a hero pose too just a gentle twist here for the spine again creating full-body experience for the run so we'll inhale reach all the way up reach reach reach and exhale turn to one side I'm turning to the right here first and I'm just going to breathe sit up nice and tall open the chest long beautiful neck and then take it to the other side inhale reach all the way up through Center and exhale twisting to the other side oh yeah deep breath in exhale out and then we'll bring it back to centre all right so next we're going to check in to the legs but also again full body experience so come to all fours toes are cold under I'm going to press the earth away from me send the right leg out long so I'm just going to rock a little bit here don't worry about what yoga pose we're doing in fact this is an opportunity to just remember full-body experience so check in with the neck here you might check in with your Center check in with the pinky toe the big toe stretch the foot stretch the calf calf and consider a sit bone to heel connection here so nice and long often we go for a run and we'll either stretch really fast really strong and then go and we don't have supportive lean muscles or we don't stretch at all and the muscles seized up and we get super tight and maybe there's an injury so there's a balance and for me it's all about ease I mean it's truly this is what I mean by fine what feels good okay so let's switch legs now send the left leg back notice if you're kind of collapsing start the awareness of full body so out when you're running you're you know considering drawing the shoulders away from the ears supportive posture arm's length through the crown of the head rocking back and forth stretching the calves again sit bone to heel connection stretching the foot long beautiful neck here so neck is attached to the spine here breathe and then we'll come back to Center awesome take a second to just maybe roll up through the spine and rotate the wrist just to kind of counteract there open the chest open the heart and I mean if you want to just be the average bear here you can just do these moves but if you want to be better than the average bear why not why not be bigger better shine start to consider your breath like really truly in your warmup nice long deep breaths just remember my voice breathe so before we pop in our ear buds you know we're connecting to the sound of our breath okay inhale reach it all the way up stretch the side body and exhale back to all fours cool now we'll curl the toes under send the sit bones high up for downward dog we're going to take just three nice long smooth deep breaths here so stretch it out again consider that sit bone to heel connection draw the shoulders away from the ears pedal the feet bending one knee and then the other one more nice long smooth deep breath and then we'll slowly lower back down awesome alright so now we're going to dive on to all fours again this time coming into a plank don't panic you got this so we've already lifted one leg and then the other now we're going to just try lifting both so again press away from the earth nice one long piece here hey nice long line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone find a rock back and forth you can do this tap into your breath my friends then slowly lower the knees and take the right leg and send her on up into your lunge use the fingertips to walk up bring the hands to the waistline add that knee if you need to I feel good here okay I'm going to curl the back toes under hug the inner thighs in towards the midline create a full body experience here breathe and then I'm going to slowly leaning actually I'm going to widen my stance a little bit so I'm on two skis here I'm going to slowly lean in and then as we were rocking before we're going to rock here or pulse here let's do it a couple times don't even worry about counting this is about stretching is about connecting to the body it's about feeling good about yourself for even taking this moment at all whether you're going to go on a run after this or maybe you're just prepping for a run on a future day cool one more pulse or two here breathing then we'll peel the right hip crease back fingertips will come to the mat as we rock on to that right heel and straighten the right leg so I'm actively for this one peeling the right hip crease back but keeping my full body awesome awareness breathe breathe breathe so base on your legs and your body you can stay up tall here you might relax the weight of the head down palms coming to the earth you might curl the back toes under if they aren't already and you might sit back so check in with your body it's just hard to say like everyone's different different levels you guys most of you probably watch this probably run way more than I do so just check it out right your body will tell you but you have to have that awareness you have to be listening okay one more breath and then we switch it on through let's actually I wasn't going to do this but I'm going to do this to you now let's go back to that plank for two more breaths come on oh we were just going to switch but we can do this so you can skip this if you want to breath cycles in Anna what was that in and out okay lower the knees and we take the left foot up same thing as before there's no rush the body needs this moment means the awareness craves it so that you can shine and run longer better happier hands come to the waistline and we do the same thing as before we kind of take a moment to find that full body awareness and then we pulse if you're super flexy make sure this knee isn't going away past the toesies let's be mindful keep it stacked we wouldn't want to just like go out sprinting on our run right right we'd start with a walk or a jog so be mindful great peel the left hip crease back and we rock on to the left heel same thing here check it out take it nice and slow be kind of those sweet hammies man they already have the name hammies which is kind of cute I guess every one more breath and then we'll send it back okay from here fingertips to the mat lift the back foot up and we're going to send that back foot all the way up to meet the front forward fold step in the middle of the mat here and then nice and easy we roll it up Tadasana okay so I have three more things to do we can totally do this okay toes are pointing forward we're in Tadasana we're going to breathe uh nice long deep breath in as we roll the shoulders then I'm going to shift my weight over to one leg I'm going to catch the opposite ankle so yoga vocabulary moment find a focus a Drishti something that you can set your gaze on here that's going to help you with your balance and stability then just as we did in our lunge hug those inner thighs together keep the lift the full body experience and breathe into that quad so I'm breathing here if I'm tight I might come to a wall might provide myself a good amount of space here otherwise if I can then I might even grab the toes hug that knee towards the center line and then take the opposite arm to the back so we're all going to be at different levels here the tailbone is going to want to come out see if you can keep head over heart heart over pelvis with our coccyx here as we breathe again all at different levels breathe breathe breathe and then on an exhale release and switcheroo here we go holding on to that focus that gaze pressing into all four corners of the standing foot and hello again you want to just be the average bear remember your yoga practice remember your principles of grounding where you can all four corners of the feet and lifting where you can that opposition one more breath and then on an exhale gently release okay hold on to that focus we're going to switch now again this time we're going to lift the leg forward bringing the right ankle or whatever leg you're lifted that ankle to the top of the opposite thigh hold on to your ass now hold on to the wall if you need to or just hug those inner thighs together remember that opposition take a deep breath in as you exhale reach the fingertips forward and begin to bend that standing leg rotate this ankle one way and then the other if you like again we can have one hand at the wall here absolutely or railing we can stay here to go a little deeper will continue the fingertips all the way down breathing into the outer edge of that hip notice I'm not just collapsing but I'm still pressing into all four corners of the feet lots of awareness inhale in as you exhale slowly roll up if you were down and then shake it out same thing on the other side deep breath in long beautiful neck and we check it out crossing the opposite ankle over checking it with the hips tailbone down spine nice and long you can rotate that ankle here and again you might just stay here or we'll send the fingertips forward and Bend that standing leg to go a little deeper breathe and we might stay here or we might be at the wall or we might be in a mudra or we might go a little deeper by bending forward again nice deep bend in that standing leg we breathe here lots of awareness cool then we press into the standing leg slowly come up and then we shake it out cool last thing I'm calling the twizzler to make that up we're going to cross the ankles most of us have done this before toes pointing forward or they can cross a little bit too but just keep a nice mindfulness of what feels good in terms of toe placement now press in the back two corners of the heels as well inhale reach it all the way up like your this is where I think I got the twizzler thing like in Figure Skating like you're not to do a twizzle pull the thumbs back and then exhale soft bed in the knees so this might be different than what you've done at gym class melt it down go a little along Garneau knee here how are you so soft bend in the knees we're not knees are not locked but soft bend the knees and then find that organic movement find what feels good let the weight of the head go breathe keep a focus on your feet seize then to come out press into the heels draw the navel connect to your Center to all the navel to the spine and slowly really roll out that was a combination of roll up and release okay and we switched last thing then we're on our way to freedom just kidding the freedom is here right guys with me okay crossing the legs inhale tuck the pelvis reach' find a soft bend the knees again soft been here not locked and here's a Wayne's World moment not even going to do it you'll know if you know you know release sit down don't feel stuck work it out awesome press into the heels draw the navel up towards the spine and slowly we reach it up reaching up towards the sky towards the Stars unravel the feet stand up nice and tall take a deep breath in look up and exhale palms together at the heart I must stay awesome now you are ready for your run mix-and-match these together listen to your body and let me know how your run goes all right I'm gonna go run right now - I am not kidding all right let's go you