hey everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and today we have Yoga for relaxation this is a yummy sequence for anyone who just wants to connect to their breath and nurture their body so get into something comfy roll out your mat or a towel and let's begin [Music] all right so to begin we're going to sit up nice and tall you can come into a cross-legged position or you can come in to sit Osun which is one foot in front of the other you draw that inner heel right in there and come here or if it feels good you might come into a half Lotus or if you're like I'll show you Adrienne full Lotus go for it it should be really mindful of your body of course throughout practice the name of the game today is gentle it doesn't mean we're not going to work hard or with integrity but we're definitely wanting to calm and cool the nervous system maybe if you've been stressed out about anything at all in particular you don't need to even identify with it now just know that the this practice is for you to kind of let go of that put it aside and take this moment to be you with your breath really take advantage of this energetic hygiene here today on the mat okay so find your seated posture and then drop your chin to your chest here let the weight of the head fall over I'm going to really talk you through things today so you can trust yourself and as best as you can try to keep your awareness in word only glancing up at the video when you need to of course and otherwise maybe even closing your eyes and really trusting yourself as we move in and out of our asana today and as we experiment with the breath so here we are arriving on the mat you rock you've started the video you've chosen to take this time for yourself it's pretty badass badass if you ask me feel free to smile when you feel like smiling through this practice choose to enjoy press into your sit bones with the eyes closed or the gaze soft we'll begin to roll up through the spine eventually we'll begin to lift through the chin this openness in the chest as the sternum reaches high towards the sky inhale draw your shoulders up towards your ears and exhale draw the shoulder blades down the back inhale shoulder squeeze up towards the ears and exhale tag weight in your elbows release down one more time inhale shoulders move forward up and exhale down and back cool try your palms together at your heart Anjali mudra and we're going to go with some active palms here today so pressing the palms together elbows are going to kind of fly out left to right here find stillness and connect to the subtle power of the breath you might find that soft restriction in the back of the throat connecting to you GE breath we have a video specifically just for that yogic breath or that ocean breath known as go tiny if you're interested in cultivating that pranayama practice and if you're not familiar with that and you're here with me now just breathe notice where your thoughts go where your mind wanders acknowledge those thoughts smile at them and return to the breath we're slowing it down here it's things are so fast-paced we have so much going on here we're really using the breath as a tool to connect mind and body and your spirit maybe the arms are getting a little tired here hang with me breathe lifting through the front body grounding through the back body a couple more breaths here keep breathing nice long smooth deep breaths hmm and relax your elbows down bring your thumbs up to your third eye oh my gosh this point of intuition here give yourself a little rub here hang with me and then relax the spine rounding the head over and navel draws back and it's here today relaxed that I invite you to set an intention your intention can simply be relaxed release let go or maybe you fine-tune or craft articulate a sentence or string of sentences to create your intention today connect to your mantra something positive that will serve you in this present moment right here right now this is our yoga right here asking what do I need and how do I tend to that so repeat your intention honoring it honoring the power of word and power of thought and can affirm it consider it already done with a nice solid deep breath in and on the exhale will release fingertips will come to the sides as we roll back up through the spine awesome everyone side body stretch pull out the left palm reach the right fingertips up and over keep a length in the side body as you come into the side body stretch now find a little organic movement here rounding the spine up and down opening the heart up towards the sky keeping soft in the fingertips today so often in an active practice we have this energy of reaching out holding Symba today keep it soft and sweet great to release we're gonna come all the way through Center walk the fingertips through Center and take it to the other side again nice organic movement here stretching it out staying soft to the fingertips deep breath in and exhale fingertips scroll through Center and we take it to the other and through Center in left side here and through Center awesome if you're in a half Lotus or full Lotus here everyone come to one foot in front of the other then reach your fingertips out in front inhale lift your chin exhale release keep the sit bones pressing towards the earth as you walk the palms out you might stay here relaxing the weight of the head over or you might come onto the forearms or if you have the space in your hips you might even come all the way here so we have lots of options here as we relax onto the earth if you have a blanket or a block I have a blankie blankie reminds me of blue my god I feel like you're a box you might relax the forehead onto the mat very calming cooling to put a little pressure on the forehead here and we breathe so my right foot is forward and my left heel is drawing in towards his centers I'm really breathing into the outer edge of my right hip I'm keeping the shoulders soft and relaxed and then I'll press in the fingertips draw the chin to the chest slowly roll it up switch the leg so the opposite leg comes in front this time and the same thing is like you find lengthen the spine keep it nice and soft and walk it forward oh yeah so you don't have to do this practice just because you're stressed out this is a great way to just balance the energetic body if you're having trouble sleeping and you're working out a ton you might practice you know just inserting a relaxation sequence or two into your week I'm really going for balance and not just the physical body by the mine to the energetic body so relaxing the forehead over if you can and finding your breath it's me press into the fingertips roll it up nice and slow awesome then we're gonna take the legs out long to a nice seated or wide legged pulls II as shown if you had a blocker pillow or blanket and keep it out in front we use it here in a second if it's there if you don't have that don't worry toes are gonna point up towards the sky here as we press into the heels tops of the thighs firm down and there's this kind of tendency and a lot of our practices to have that inner spiral in today keep them nice and open so you might even lift your heels for a second to find that energy and the tops of those thighs and then you can release back down cool here we go inhale reach the fingertips behind the ears sit up nice and tall keep it soft soft soft my friends inhale in exhale we're gonna bring the right fingertips down they're gonna reach towards the top of the left thigh and then I'm gonna tilt over so I like to place this bottom hand first so there's a nice mindfulness here but also so I can find a little opposition of reaching towards the left body as I tilt towards the right so for me this is what that hatha yoga is all about I'm not just kind of crank me in with a posture but I'm drawing energy up from here and pressing into my foundation and I'm finding that balance between the opposing forces as I reach left right fingertips towards the left and left fingertips towards the right keep your heart open if you've collapsed here keep a lift in your sternum deep breath in and on an exhale we're gonna walk both fingertips through Center just like we did before when the legs were crossed and then I'm gonna grow this one from the bottom up reaching left fingertips now towards the top of the right thigh if you can grab the top of that thigh awesome if not no worries and then I in spiral the Herta find that opposition here so you can imagine two arrows reaching this way and this way it's still mindful through the legs here breathe three three inhale in exhale rounding through Center and same thing on each side sorry Frankie my name is Mike find your breath maybe close your eyes now as you go through Center and take it through the other side deep breath in and then exhale back to Center and this time we're gonna stay here right so we have lots of options we can chill here connect to your intention in your mantra say a prayer for someone who could use a little extra good juju or we might release all the way down nice long smooth deep breaths we're still pressing through the heels here and a couple breaths will relax the feet but key you both nice firmness through the top of that thigh bone here I bones and then go ahead and soften through the feet a couple breaths here then we'll bring the fingertips back to the earth tuck the chin into the chest and slowly roll it up awesome bring the hands behind the legs here and we're gonna bring the soles of the feet together bodycon awesome cobblers pose or a little variation we're gonna grab the ankles here and we're going to walk the sit bones up towards the heels if your knees are up here you might take this block or this blanket or your towel and you might lift the hips sitting up on your blanket oh yeah baby then inhale draw the tops of the thighs down as you lift up through the crown of the head and exhale just chin to chest feel this beautiful stretch from the ears to the tops of the shoulders anchor a little weight down through the elbows find that opposition again here great then inhale lift up through the crown and exhale we fold all the way again elbows are gonna pull back here or if it feels better you can interlace the fingertips grab your toes and send the elbows left to right so this is really this is for relaxation so find what feels good here make it your own you might even have the fingertips out in front breathe breathe breathe and we'll press into the a door edges of the feet press into your sit bones like to push pins and roll it back up cool now we're gonna lean it back press into your palms come onto the soles of your feet and it should feel good about after all the work we've done here it should feel really great we're just gonna windshield wiper the legs to the side back and forth oh yeah so this is I just want to mention this again this is a great thing to do in between workouts so you can do this for relaxation or for bedtime but this is also a great thing to do if you're doing a boot camp or any power yoga or anything like that this is a nice thing to supplement cool then next time you go to one side we're gonna hold it there so I'm going to the right here so I'm really anchoring down through my right knee and there is an option here and of course be mindful to perhaps come on to the elbows here I'm breathing into the front of that right hip crease if you have sensitive knees I would stay up on your palms and then we'll switch back through Center and take it to the other side a couple breaths here just hanging out breathing into that so as reading into for another right hip crease I did a lot of a abdominal work earlier today so this feels awesome for me cool then I'll come back up through Center cross the ankles doesn't matter which ones in front and slowly roll through to all fours right away I'm going to come into a nice soft cat cow here inhaling dropping the belly scooping the heart looking forward exhale close your eyes as you round the spine navel draws up and we stretch the back really hollow out inhale moving at your own pace exhale whenever you're ready arching the back take it away follow your breath and then begin to veer off the beaten path a little bit shaking the hips a little left to right getting a little freaky with your neck yeah and then we'll come back to Center walk the palms out curl the toes under keep the knees bent imagine someone lifting you up from your tail so from your tail is where we're gonna lift up into this downward dog today we're only gonna do one of these so we're gonna pedal it out here breathe breathe breathe walk it out walk it out this is our inversion for the day for our relaxation practice so take one more deep breath in through the nose long exhale out through the mouth and then we'll slowly lower onto the knees knees chest chin as we lower down to the belly palms come underneath the shoulders here take your time getting there and once you're with me well inhale lift up baby Cobra exhale melt it and release forehead kisses the mat again and yeah lift up baby Cobra exhale release inhale last time baby Cobra and exhale release awesome bring your elbows underneath your shoulders just where your palms were and so this is kind of a tricky thing to learn on video but once you learn it you're gonna be like oh the magic of yoga so I'm gonna try to talk you through this this would be a time to maybe take a peek at the video if you need to and here we go I'm gonna start by lifting my left knee up here so we're just gonna take just a couple breaths here really opening up through that hip and if you'd begun to kind of collapse in the shoulders here see if you can keep just a gentle awareness pressing up and out of the elbows and we can find a little softness and the nutcase feels awesome for me breathe breathe three and then from here here's the magic moment this magic moment right fingertips are gonna come in and underneath the bridge of the left arm so here we go again left knees up I'm gonna bring my right fingertips in and underneath the bridge of the left arm I'm gonna come onto my right shoulder and then I'm going to open my left arm up towards the sky opening up into this magic moment this twist here oh my gosh and it feels so good you can bring the outer edge excuse me you can bring your right palm to the outer edge of your left leg here you can shimmy your hips more towards the center stacking them you might begin to shimmy your shoulders to drop the left shoulder down if your left arm is in the air because the shoulders are really tight you might bring the hand behind your head here and I mean look at this shape it's just it's for relaxing so breathe breathe breathe nice long smooth deep breaths sweeping up and down the spine once you get there and it is a little tricky to get there so don't be hard on yourself once you get there close your eyes you made it breathe nice long smooth calming breath nice two toxifying breaths into the lower belly here as you breathe in and out fully then to come out of this twist I'm gonna draw both toes down towards the bottom edge of my mat as I reach both fingertips up towards the top and here's like kind of my a Martha Graham moment here Martha Graham flop where we reach out full body stretch and slowly bring it back to Center and there's gonna do the same thing on the other side so we come here kind of in this Sphinx pose pressing up and out of the elbows and I'm gonna bend the right knee lift it up so we hang out here breathing into that right hip and finding once again a softness in the neck relax your jaw my friends let it go and Yoga is awesome and I mean if I if I'm doing this on YouTube in front of it I don't even know how many people I'm like I really encourage you to just like open your mouth let your hair down a little and find what feels good relax unwind left fingertips are gonna come in and under the bridge of this right arm I come on to the outer edge of that left shoulder this time and I inhale open up to the magic just kidding so I'm really sore in my hips this is great for me as I breathe into the outer edge of that right hip and you just notice so fret not if your shoulders here in time with more yoga practice we're going to open this up my friends yay but if it's all the way up here you might take that right hand behind the head you might stack the hips or shimmy yourself more Center on your mat so little TLC a little personal TLC here as we breathe in and out once you get there close your eyes choose to let go or remember your intention and then to come out Shh will draw the right toes down to meet the left reach both fingertips up Martha Graham Martha Graham worth oh that's a Robin Williams reference for from birdcage and we Martha Graham flop all the way back to Center now if you're finding that you'd like to speak in a little vinyasa here that's not what I'm doing it now just kidding but you can sneak in a little vinyasa here and because we all work at different levels that might be relaxing for you so sneaking a little bit yeah same here and together we'll meet in extended Child's Pose so if you're if you're like I don't even know what Evan else is I'm sort of feel good then send it straight back extended Child's Pose knees as wide as the mat two big toes kiss together that's right look let your hair down and we reach the palms forward forehead release this to the air at heart melts down and we breathe here you can find a slow gentle rock in the hips if that feels good and if you were doing a vinyasa you're maybe perhaps meeting up with us down here in pranaam here we take a moment to surrender that's really that simple sometimes you think about this shape in different cultures across the globe and it really is beautiful just bowing to that which is greater than you and for me personally Adrienne this is a moment where I just kind of laugh it off maybe for you it's shrugging it off maybe for you it's really just letting go take one more deep breath here then slowly like you're moving through water come back to all fours tabletop position when you're ready we'll send the right knee all the way up take a deep breath in extend through that right leg exhale draw your right knee all the way up we're going to come into a one-legged pigeon here so we have a foundations pose video for this pose we're going to send the left toes out long if you're new to this posture you can check that out otherwise just work really mindfully here as you come on to the top of that back foot keep a brightness in this right foot and both me really to protect the joints and then we're gonna sit up nice and tall so you can bring that blanket to the outer edge of that right hip here if you want heyo we're gonna sit up nice and tall inhale breathe in and exhale same thing as before we walk it forward we stay on the palms we pull the right hip crease back and to each his own here you might come on to the forearms might release all the way to the earth and we breathe keep a brightness and awareness in this top the top of this back foot here can you find a gentle rock here again and you might practice the mantra especially if you're having a hard time focusing or dropping in on this practice you might practice the mantra I choose to let go I choose to let go of that which I cannot control then we'll slowly tuck the chin into the chest roll it up press both palms into the earth draw your navel to your spine as you curl the back toes under take a peek in the video now if you need to and then we transition press on the palms nice and slow we're gonna come back to all fours slide it slide it and then this time send the left leg up same thing on the other side inhale extend exhale draw that left knee in we come into our one-legged pigeon on the other side so nice awareness in the top of that back foot check it out check it out and whenever you're ready find a link through the crown of the head and then exhale fold it down so a deeply therapeutic posture here but if you really want to reap the benefits I encourage you to take the deepest breath you've taken all day here right now close your eyes relax your jaw I believe it's Chinese medicine right that but there's this connection with the jaw and the hips here and the emotional body so really truly relax your jaw here my friends why not can't hurt you no clenching and then slowly begin to roll it up awesome from here we're gonna roll onto the outer edge of that left hip swing old right leg busy around and we'll come to lie flat back so it kind of just did a little wind ala here we reach fingertips all the way out we press through the heels point through the toes and then I'm gonna walk my heels towards the bottom edge of the mat excuse me bottom left corner of the mat I'm so relaxed can't even talk here I'm going to cross my right ankle over the left then I'm gonna use my head and shoulders to shimmy towards the top left corner so I'm creating kind of a crescent moon shape with my body then reach your fingertips up left palm is gonna grab the right wrist here and I breathe so what I'm doing is using the support of the earth my body's relaxed here to find this nice long side body stretch keep it soft through the toes soft through the fingertips deep breath in and exhale shimmy it back to Center walk the heels towards the bottom right corner of the mat cross the left ankle over right like so and then a shimmy head and shoulders oh you can just feel this great stretch in the side body here over towards the top right corner reach the fingertips up and over and then you might grab that left wrist with the right hand if you're like what in the world is she doing don't worry is this is kind of tricky at first especially if you're learning from a video but in time this will become like second nature and it's a great yummy stretch we're literally my friends literally your yoga practice and this moment on your mat how's your back you can kind of smile here relishing in the fact that your yoga mat how's your back here the earth is supporting you you are supported one more breath here and then we'll unravel it all back to center okay hug the knees into the chest almost done here rock a little side to side and happy baby pose so we send the soles of the feet up towards the sky we grab the outer edges of the feet here we pull the knees down towards the earth and we keep it soft so you can find a little movement here lengthen your tailbone down towards the bottom edge of your mat breathe you can rock a little side to side if that feels good or find a little stillness here read breathe read and then when you feel satisfied we release into shavasana and we're going to spend extra time here today the relaxation so take a deep breath in get situated here if you have a blanket I'm gonna bring my blue blankie here use it spread your heels feet out wide arms rest gently at your sides turn your palms face up let your armpit chest breathe everyone press into your head lift your chest up off the ground literally relax your shoulder blades in together and down and then relax back onto the earth gently Rock the head a little side to side ear to ear lick your lips and take a deep breath in open mouth exhale as you release into corpse pose if you didn't catch that at that time let's try it again take a deep breath in through the nostrils then exhale out through the mouth close your eyes here don't give up on your practice now if time allows stay here for long but even if you have to get on with your busy day if it was enough to just take this time for this practice for this video take one minute 60 seconds here doing absolutely nothing allow the weight of your body to release completely and fully into the mat allow the joy and the nutrients of your practice just soak in just you've been can blanket yourself and love here in gratitude the fact that you did this video and took the time to do a little work today to check in to connect it's pretty freakin awesome thank you for sharing your practice with me for my heart to yours we relax [Music] [Music]