1 00:00:00,834 --> 00:00:01,752 - What's up, party people? 2 00:00:01,752 --> 00:00:03,253 And welcome to Yoga with Adriene. 3 00:00:03,253 --> 00:00:04,421 I'm Adriene, and today we have 4 00:00:04,421 --> 00:00:06,548 an awesome yoga for the psoas. 5 00:00:06,548 --> 00:00:09,051 But of course, like all of our yoga it's all connected, 6 00:00:09,051 --> 00:00:11,178 so we're going to target a bunch of major muscle groups 7 00:00:11,178 --> 00:00:15,224 and open and stretch, but also strengthen and stabilize. 8 00:00:15,224 --> 00:00:18,268 So hop into something comfy and let's get started. 9 00:00:18,268 --> 00:00:20,854 (upbeat music) 10 00:00:30,781 --> 00:00:32,115 All right, my darling friends. 11 00:00:32,115 --> 00:00:34,576 Let's begin in Extended Child's Pose. 12 00:00:34,576 --> 00:00:36,954 Walk the knees as wide as your yoga mat. 13 00:00:36,954 --> 00:00:38,664 Get down low. 14 00:00:38,664 --> 00:00:41,041 And then walk the hands out. 15 00:00:41,041 --> 00:00:42,668 Take a deep breath in. 16 00:00:42,668 --> 00:00:45,170 Welcome to your yoga practice today. 17 00:00:45,170 --> 00:00:49,578 And use an exhale to release the head, 18 00:00:49,578 --> 00:00:52,562 the heart towards the earth. 19 00:00:54,054 --> 00:00:56,181 Just a couple of quick breaths here. 20 00:00:56,181 --> 00:00:57,849 So see if you can deepen your breath 21 00:00:57,849 --> 00:01:01,353 and really drop into the present moment. 22 00:01:01,353 --> 00:01:02,688 Close your eyes. 23 00:01:08,418 --> 00:01:12,864 And start to listen to the sound of your breath here. 24 00:01:12,864 --> 00:01:17,619 Then use the sound of your breath as an anchor to focus on 25 00:01:17,619 --> 00:01:19,663 to help keep your attention on the present 26 00:01:19,663 --> 00:01:23,248 and not get caught in the past 27 00:01:23,248 --> 00:01:26,815 or anything on the future agenda. 28 00:01:30,590 --> 00:01:32,050 So really start to listen. 29 00:01:32,050 --> 00:01:34,219 And as we move our bodies today we'll continue 30 00:01:34,219 --> 00:01:39,057 to cultivate that listening more and more and more. 31 00:01:39,057 --> 00:01:42,102 So when you get distracted or your mind wanders, 32 00:01:42,102 --> 00:01:44,896 just acknowledge that and then choose to return 33 00:01:44,896 --> 00:01:47,649 back to the sound of your breath. 34 00:01:49,818 --> 00:01:53,989 So anchoring our awareness in the sound of our breath. 35 00:01:58,514 --> 00:02:01,100 Awesome, take a deep breath in. 36 00:02:02,247 --> 00:02:05,034 Exhale, slowly begin to lift up. 37 00:02:05,034 --> 00:02:08,627 We'll come to Tabletop Position. 38 00:02:08,627 --> 00:02:10,630 Wrists underneath the shoulders. 39 00:02:10,630 --> 00:02:12,841 Knees directly underneath the hips. 40 00:02:12,841 --> 00:02:14,634 Press into the tops of the feet. 41 00:02:14,634 --> 00:02:16,321 And then when you're ready you're going to claw 42 00:02:16,321 --> 00:02:18,057 through the fingertips, engage your core 43 00:02:18,057 --> 00:02:20,759 by drawing the navel up to the spine, 44 00:02:20,759 --> 00:02:23,797 and then lift your heart center up between your back body. 45 00:02:23,797 --> 00:02:28,468 Just find a nice strong awareness 46 00:02:28,468 --> 00:02:29,858 throughout the spine 47 00:02:29,858 --> 00:02:31,943 so the neck is long. 48 00:02:31,943 --> 00:02:33,263 And then when you feel like you have that, 49 00:02:33,263 --> 00:02:34,654 press into your left foot, 50 00:02:34,654 --> 00:02:35,947 and you're going to send your right leg 51 00:02:35,947 --> 00:02:37,699 all the way over to the right. 52 00:02:37,699 --> 00:02:39,493 Turn the right toes in. 53 00:02:39,493 --> 00:02:43,705 I'll turn out so you can see this a little better. 54 00:02:43,705 --> 00:02:47,292 And then really see if you can engage the right inner thigh 55 00:02:47,292 --> 00:02:50,253 and press into the right foot. 56 00:02:50,253 --> 00:02:51,338 And Cat-Cow from here. 57 00:02:51,338 --> 00:02:54,049 Inhale, drop the belly. 58 00:02:54,049 --> 00:02:55,552 Pause, breathe here. 59 00:02:55,552 --> 00:02:58,929 Maybe soft easy movement in the neck. 60 00:03:00,555 --> 00:03:03,594 And then when you're ready, on an exhale, navel draws up. 61 00:03:03,594 --> 00:03:06,103 Keep pressing into the outer edge of that right foot 62 00:03:06,103 --> 00:03:07,896 and the top of the left foot. 63 00:03:07,896 --> 00:03:09,064 Round through. 64 00:03:11,024 --> 00:03:12,943 Inhale, drop the belly. 65 00:03:17,030 --> 00:03:19,199 And exhale, round through. 66 00:03:21,034 --> 00:03:22,162 Sweet, one more time. 67 00:03:22,162 --> 00:03:23,745 Inhale, drop the belly. 68 00:03:23,745 --> 00:03:25,789 Sits bones really spread here. 69 00:03:25,789 --> 00:03:27,165 Open, open, open. 70 00:03:27,165 --> 00:03:30,939 Press into the knife edge of that back foot. 71 00:03:30,939 --> 00:03:33,243 And then exhale and neutral spine. 72 00:03:33,243 --> 00:03:35,507 Now connect to your core to lift you up. 73 00:03:35,507 --> 00:03:36,466 Gate pose. 74 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:38,885 You're going to slide the right hand down the leg 75 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:41,721 or bring it to the waistline. 76 00:03:41,721 --> 00:03:42,973 And then when you're ready, inhale, 77 00:03:42,973 --> 00:03:46,268 sweep the left fingertips all the way up and overhead. 78 00:03:46,268 --> 00:03:49,019 And then lean back here as you press into your foundation. 79 00:03:49,019 --> 00:03:50,230 Big stretch. 80 00:03:56,194 --> 00:03:59,364 And one more deep breath in here. 81 00:03:59,364 --> 00:04:02,159 And then exhale, release, come back to center. 82 00:04:02,159 --> 00:04:04,202 And bring the palms together at the heart. 83 00:04:04,202 --> 00:04:05,036 Inhale. 84 00:04:06,204 --> 00:04:07,122 And exhale. 85 00:04:08,039 --> 00:04:10,235 Great, Tabletop Position. 86 00:04:10,235 --> 00:04:11,236 Bring the right knee in. 87 00:04:11,236 --> 00:04:12,321 Take the left leg out. 88 00:04:12,321 --> 00:04:13,238 Same thing. 89 00:04:13,238 --> 00:04:14,906 Alright, and then left side. 90 00:04:14,906 --> 00:04:16,115 So the left leg out. 91 00:04:16,115 --> 00:04:17,783 Turn the left toes in. 92 00:04:17,783 --> 00:04:20,120 Engage the left inner thigh. 93 00:04:21,344 --> 00:04:23,305 And when you're ready, inhale, drop the belly. 94 00:04:23,305 --> 00:04:25,265 Open the chest. 95 00:04:25,265 --> 00:04:26,808 Soft easy movement here. 96 00:04:26,808 --> 00:04:27,893 Breathe deep. 97 00:04:32,396 --> 00:04:34,024 And then when you're ready, use an exhale 98 00:04:34,024 --> 00:04:36,265 to really round through, chin to chest. 99 00:04:36,265 --> 00:04:38,558 Press into the knife edge of that left foot. 100 00:04:38,558 --> 00:04:41,979 Press into the top of the right foot. 101 00:04:41,979 --> 00:04:43,730 Inhale, drop the belly. 102 00:04:43,730 --> 00:04:44,982 Open the chest. 103 00:04:46,582 --> 00:04:49,153 And exhale, round through. 104 00:04:52,487 --> 00:04:53,322 One more time. 105 00:04:53,322 --> 00:04:55,240 Inhale, open the chest. 106 00:04:57,047 --> 00:05:00,008 And exhale, neutral spine. 107 00:05:00,008 --> 00:05:01,259 Light a little fire in your belly. 108 00:05:01,259 --> 00:05:02,093 Press up. 109 00:05:02,969 --> 00:05:04,763 Gate Pose, inhale. 110 00:05:04,763 --> 00:05:06,515 Send the left fingertips down, 111 00:05:06,515 --> 00:05:08,391 right fingertips all the way up and over. 112 00:05:08,391 --> 00:05:12,729 You can also bring your left hand to the waistline here. 113 00:05:12,729 --> 00:05:13,647 Big stretch. 114 00:05:13,647 --> 00:05:16,650 Lean back, pull that right thumb back. 115 00:05:16,650 --> 00:05:18,527 Then exhale with control. 116 00:05:18,527 --> 00:05:19,444 Draw the navel in. 117 00:05:19,444 --> 00:05:20,820 Come back to center. 118 00:05:20,820 --> 00:05:23,323 Beautiful, we're going to come back to all fours. 119 00:05:23,323 --> 00:05:26,409 Bring that left knee back in. 120 00:05:26,409 --> 00:05:29,120 And we're going to slowly walk the knees back 121 00:05:29,120 --> 00:05:32,439 and come all the way onto the belly. 122 00:05:33,375 --> 00:05:36,920 And draw your elbows underneath where your shoulders are. 123 00:05:36,920 --> 00:05:38,713 And then press onto the tops of the feet. 124 00:05:38,713 --> 00:05:42,008 So toes are not curled under here. 125 00:05:42,008 --> 00:05:44,344 And inhale, open the chest. 126 00:05:44,344 --> 00:05:46,930 Now really feel the tops of the hip creases 127 00:05:46,930 --> 00:05:48,473 and the quads on the earth. 128 00:05:48,473 --> 00:05:49,933 Inhale, open the chest. 129 00:05:49,933 --> 00:05:53,937 Exhale, lift the hips, press into the tops of the feet. 130 00:05:53,937 --> 00:05:55,063 Gaze straight down. 131 00:05:55,063 --> 00:05:58,756 We're here for five, four, three, 132 00:05:58,756 --> 00:06:01,027 two, awesome work, one. 133 00:06:01,027 --> 00:06:02,985 Slowly lower the knees. 134 00:06:02,985 --> 00:06:05,031 Then we'll walk them back in. 135 00:06:05,031 --> 00:06:05,865 Nice work. 136 00:06:07,158 --> 00:06:09,703 Come all the way back up to neutral. 137 00:06:09,703 --> 00:06:12,414 And then you're just going to take the right foot out 138 00:06:12,414 --> 00:06:14,958 and then bring it all the way up. 139 00:06:14,958 --> 00:06:17,252 Lower the left knee if it's not already. 140 00:06:17,252 --> 00:06:22,498 Walk it back, coming to a nice low Crescent Moon. 141 00:06:23,300 --> 00:06:24,561 Squeeze the inner thighs together. 142 00:06:24,561 --> 00:06:26,011 And you can stay here nice and low 143 00:06:26,011 --> 00:06:29,172 or inhale, reach the fingertips all the way up. 144 00:06:29,172 --> 00:06:32,559 Pull the right hip crease back. 145 00:06:32,559 --> 00:06:34,394 Squeeze the inner thighs so they're in line for stability. 146 00:06:34,394 --> 00:06:35,228 Inhale in. 147 00:06:36,396 --> 00:06:38,732 Exhale, stay here. 148 00:06:38,732 --> 00:06:40,483 Again, hands can be on the earth 149 00:06:40,483 --> 00:06:43,278 or on the waistline as well. 150 00:06:43,278 --> 00:06:47,449 And you're wanting to walk that left knee back just a bit. 151 00:06:48,325 --> 00:06:50,076 Inhale one more time. 152 00:06:51,870 --> 00:06:53,363 And exhale to release, awesome. 153 00:06:53,363 --> 00:06:56,583 From here you're going to left the back knee up, 154 00:06:56,583 --> 00:06:57,417 nice low lunge. 155 00:06:57,417 --> 00:06:59,461 And then you're going to step it up just a bit 156 00:06:59,461 --> 00:07:01,321 for a little variation on pyramid. 157 00:07:01,321 --> 00:07:03,506 So we're going to lift the back heel, 158 00:07:03,506 --> 00:07:04,883 pull the right hip crease back, 159 00:07:04,883 --> 00:07:07,816 and fold forward for one breath cycle. 160 00:07:07,816 --> 00:07:09,804 Back heel is lifting. 161 00:07:09,804 --> 00:07:11,224 Breathe deep. 162 00:07:15,312 --> 00:07:17,147 And then exhale, bend the front knee. 163 00:07:17,147 --> 00:07:18,857 Step the left toes further back. 164 00:07:18,857 --> 00:07:20,233 Come to your nice low lunge. 165 00:07:20,233 --> 00:07:22,944 One more time, lower the left knee. 166 00:07:22,944 --> 00:07:27,282 Sweep the arms all the way up, Crescent Moon. 167 00:07:27,282 --> 00:07:29,826 And then exhale to release back down. 168 00:07:29,826 --> 00:07:30,827 Awesome work. 169 00:07:30,827 --> 00:07:31,661 Here we go. 170 00:07:31,661 --> 00:07:34,956 From here we'll come back to all fours nice and easy. 171 00:07:34,956 --> 00:07:35,791 (floor creaking) 172 00:07:35,791 --> 00:07:37,584 Creaky old floor, what's up? 173 00:07:37,584 --> 00:07:39,002 I've missed ya. 174 00:07:39,002 --> 00:07:39,795 (floor creaking) 175 00:07:39,795 --> 00:07:40,754 Yes. 176 00:07:40,754 --> 00:07:44,508 And then send the left leg out, and then in. 177 00:07:44,508 --> 00:07:46,593 Walk the right knee back. 178 00:07:46,593 --> 00:07:48,220 Feel that stretch. 179 00:07:48,220 --> 00:07:49,054 Breathe deep. 180 00:07:49,054 --> 00:07:50,097 Keep it nice and chill here. 181 00:07:50,097 --> 00:07:53,100 Notice if you're like wanting to rush or if you're gripping, 182 00:07:53,100 --> 00:07:56,478 just see if you can keep it nice and chill. 183 00:07:56,478 --> 00:08:00,649 So the muscles and the emotions, it's all tied together. 184 00:08:02,190 --> 00:08:05,110 So how you move and how you treat yourself 185 00:08:05,110 --> 00:08:07,153 on the mat is everything. 186 00:08:08,238 --> 00:08:11,074 So again, you can keep it nice and low here. 187 00:08:11,074 --> 00:08:13,952 Or maybe sweep the arms all the way up. 188 00:08:13,952 --> 00:08:15,582 So hug the lower ribs in, find support. 189 00:08:15,582 --> 00:08:20,083 And then you can play with sinking the hips a little more. 190 00:08:21,710 --> 00:08:23,712 Stay here, breathe deep. 191 00:08:24,713 --> 00:08:26,965 Connect to your foundation. 192 00:08:28,550 --> 00:08:32,178 And then on an exhale we'll release. 193 00:08:32,178 --> 00:08:33,054 Beautiful. 194 00:08:33,054 --> 00:08:34,889 Curl the back toes under if they aren't already. 195 00:08:34,889 --> 00:08:36,224 Lift the back knee. 196 00:08:36,224 --> 00:08:37,058 We're going to just step it up 197 00:08:37,058 --> 00:08:39,102 a little bit, Pyramid variation. 198 00:08:39,102 --> 00:08:40,854 Stretching through the hamstring here. 199 00:08:40,854 --> 00:08:42,480 Pull the left hip crease up. 200 00:08:42,480 --> 00:08:44,649 And then lift your right heel up. 201 00:08:44,649 --> 00:08:45,483 Lift, lift, lift. 202 00:08:45,483 --> 00:08:48,236 You're trying to level off the hips here. 203 00:08:48,236 --> 00:08:51,389 Breathing fully. 204 00:08:56,286 --> 00:08:57,954 Great, then bend that front knee. 205 00:08:57,954 --> 00:09:00,323 Step the right toes back, nice low lunge. 206 00:09:00,323 --> 00:09:02,584 And then once again lower that right knee, 207 00:09:02,584 --> 00:09:04,043 maybe walk it back a little further. 208 00:09:04,043 --> 00:09:05,837 You can stay nice and low. 209 00:09:05,837 --> 00:09:07,282 Or inhale, sweep the arms all the way 210 00:09:07,282 --> 00:09:09,902 up and overhead, Crescent Moon. 211 00:09:09,902 --> 00:09:12,238 Awesome, inhale, talk one more deep breath. 212 00:09:12,238 --> 00:09:13,990 Lift your heart, lift, lift, lift. 213 00:09:13,990 --> 00:09:16,659 And then exhale, take everything down. 214 00:09:16,659 --> 00:09:17,577 Awesome work, my friends. 215 00:09:17,577 --> 00:09:20,580 Plant the palms, curl the toes under. 216 00:09:20,580 --> 00:09:23,469 Step it back to Downward Facing Dog 217 00:09:23,469 --> 00:09:26,128 where you'll peddle it out here. 218 00:09:26,128 --> 00:09:27,816 Find what feels good. 219 00:09:27,816 --> 00:09:30,902 Breathe, enjoy this time for yourself. 220 00:09:30,902 --> 00:09:33,572 Lift the hip creases up super high today. 221 00:09:33,572 --> 00:09:35,407 Hug the lower ribs in. 222 00:09:39,287 --> 00:09:40,580 Awesome, awesome work. 223 00:09:40,580 --> 00:09:42,874 From here, inhale. 224 00:09:42,874 --> 00:09:44,167 Exhale, Plank Pose. 225 00:09:44,167 --> 00:09:48,088 Navel draws all the way up, come forward. 226 00:09:48,088 --> 00:09:49,839 Press away from your yoga mat. 227 00:09:49,839 --> 00:09:51,633 Really reach your heels back. 228 00:09:51,633 --> 00:09:54,219 You might even rock front and back a little bit here. 229 00:09:54,219 --> 00:09:56,805 Then when you're ready, look forward, inhale. 230 00:09:56,805 --> 00:10:00,267 Exhale, belly to cobra or chaturanga to up dog. 231 00:10:00,267 --> 00:10:03,478 Inhale to open the chest and the heart. 232 00:10:03,478 --> 00:10:06,773 Then exhale to make your way right back to down dog. 233 00:10:06,773 --> 00:10:08,594 Beautiful. 234 00:10:08,594 --> 00:10:10,694 Inhale, lift the right leg up high. 235 00:10:11,986 --> 00:10:14,405 Exhale, squeeze knee to nose. 236 00:10:15,752 --> 00:10:18,046 Awesome, step it all the way up. 237 00:10:18,046 --> 00:10:19,756 And then you're going to pivot on the back foot here 238 00:10:19,756 --> 00:10:21,970 and bring your right fingertips 239 00:10:21,970 --> 00:10:24,010 to your right heel or right arch, 240 00:10:24,010 --> 00:10:27,264 or right elbow to the top of the right thigh. 241 00:10:27,264 --> 00:10:29,266 Now feel this beautiful stretch. 242 00:10:29,266 --> 00:10:32,727 Engage, (laughs) I almost said, engorge. 243 00:10:32,727 --> 00:10:33,562 Something else. 244 00:10:33,562 --> 00:10:36,147 Engage your abdominal muscles. 245 00:10:36,147 --> 00:10:38,108 And then you can stay here, breathing deep, 246 00:10:38,108 --> 00:10:39,276 front knee over front ankle. 247 00:10:39,276 --> 00:10:41,444 Press the outer edge of that back foot, 248 00:10:41,444 --> 00:10:43,238 just like we did before. 249 00:10:43,238 --> 00:10:46,867 Or Extended Side Angle, find a little more depth. 250 00:10:46,867 --> 00:10:48,994 Inhale, reaching the left fingertips either 251 00:10:48,994 --> 00:10:52,038 all the way up towards the sky 252 00:10:52,038 --> 00:10:54,040 or all the way up and overhead. 253 00:10:54,040 --> 00:10:57,085 Keep that shoulder plugged in. 254 00:10:57,085 --> 00:10:59,045 Now breathe here. 255 00:10:59,045 --> 00:11:00,380 You got this. 256 00:11:00,380 --> 00:11:05,714 Fill up with air, embody the pose with breath. 257 00:11:05,714 --> 00:11:08,462 Listen, listen, listen. 258 00:11:08,462 --> 00:11:10,253 Inhale in. 259 00:11:10,253 --> 00:11:14,549 And then exhale, come all the way up, Warrior Two. 260 00:11:14,549 --> 00:11:15,800 Great, then you're going to love this. 261 00:11:15,800 --> 00:11:19,095 Inhale, straighten the front leg and reverse it. 262 00:11:19,095 --> 00:11:20,722 Right fingertips reach all the way up. 263 00:11:20,722 --> 00:11:22,848 Find length, find space, keep the core engaged, 264 00:11:22,848 --> 00:11:24,767 and then reach it back. 265 00:11:24,767 --> 00:11:28,813 Press away from your yoga mat with your feet, inhale. 266 00:11:28,813 --> 00:11:29,981 More space, more space. 267 00:11:29,981 --> 00:11:33,401 And then exhale, cartwheel all the way back down. 268 00:11:33,401 --> 00:11:34,444 Beautiful. 269 00:11:34,444 --> 00:11:37,071 From here you're going to bend both knees. 270 00:11:37,071 --> 00:11:40,617 And you're just going to slowly walk it, walk it. 271 00:11:40,617 --> 00:11:41,576 We're just going to come into 272 00:11:41,576 --> 00:11:44,287 a nice low lunge on the other side. 273 00:11:44,287 --> 00:11:47,540 Soft bend in the knees here as you transition. 274 00:11:47,540 --> 00:11:48,499 Sweet. 275 00:11:48,499 --> 00:11:50,418 Nice low lunge on the other side. 276 00:11:50,418 --> 00:11:52,879 Take a deep breath in. 277 00:11:52,879 --> 00:11:54,380 And then as you exhale, bring you left fingertips 278 00:11:54,380 --> 00:11:56,716 in line with your left heel. 279 00:12:00,178 --> 00:12:03,848 Or maybe your left elbow to the top of your left thigh. 280 00:12:03,848 --> 00:12:05,683 Breathe deep. 281 00:12:05,683 --> 00:12:07,101 Then pivot on the back foot when you're ready 282 00:12:07,101 --> 00:12:08,978 and open your heart, open your chest, 283 00:12:08,978 --> 00:12:11,314 firm the shoulder blades down the back body, 284 00:12:11,314 --> 00:12:14,108 and maybe right fingertips reach up towards the sky 285 00:12:14,108 --> 00:12:17,111 or maybe they reach all the way up and overhead, 286 00:12:17,111 --> 00:12:19,572 Extended Side Angle. 287 00:12:19,572 --> 00:12:21,324 Breathing deep. 288 00:12:21,324 --> 00:12:23,701 Press into the knife edge of that back foot. 289 00:12:23,701 --> 00:12:24,535 You got this. 290 00:12:24,535 --> 00:12:25,620 Breathe here. 291 00:12:27,497 --> 00:12:29,499 Listen to the quality of your breath. 292 00:12:29,499 --> 00:12:31,417 Use that Ujjayi breath. 293 00:12:34,963 --> 00:12:38,132 One more breath, you got it. 294 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:40,969 Exhale brings you up, Warrior Two. 295 00:12:43,596 --> 00:12:45,940 Nice work. Inhale in. 296 00:12:45,940 --> 00:12:50,228 And then exhale, straighten that front leg, and reverse it. 297 00:12:50,228 --> 00:12:51,062 Enjoy. 298 00:12:55,942 --> 00:12:59,229 So really press into all four corners of your left foot. 299 00:12:59,229 --> 00:13:01,606 Draw energy up from the arch of the right foot. 300 00:13:01,606 --> 00:13:04,484 Breathe, inhale, lean into it. 301 00:13:04,484 --> 00:13:06,569 Then exhale, cartwheel all the way back. 302 00:13:06,569 --> 00:13:08,446 Have some fun. 303 00:13:08,446 --> 00:13:09,280 Fabulous. 304 00:13:09,280 --> 00:13:13,277 From here, walk, walk, walk hands all the way 305 00:13:13,277 --> 00:13:15,169 back to the front of your mat. 306 00:13:15,169 --> 00:13:17,964 Bend the knees, should be fun. 307 00:13:17,964 --> 00:13:22,599 And then plant the palms and step it back, Plank Pose. 308 00:13:22,599 --> 00:13:23,803 Beautiful. 309 00:13:23,803 --> 00:13:24,887 Reach the heels back. 310 00:13:24,887 --> 00:13:26,055 Inhale, look forward. 311 00:13:26,055 --> 00:13:28,808 Exhale, right knee to left elbow. 312 00:13:30,643 --> 00:13:31,936 Inhale, plank. 313 00:13:31,936 --> 00:13:34,480 Exhale, left knee to right elbow. 314 00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:35,481 Keep looking forward. 315 00:13:35,481 --> 00:13:39,610 Now keep going, inhale, exhale, squeeze, and lift. 316 00:13:46,200 --> 00:13:48,036 And even it out. 317 00:13:48,036 --> 00:13:49,370 And then we'll release. 318 00:13:49,370 --> 00:13:50,329 Slowly lower the knees. 319 00:13:50,329 --> 00:13:53,305 Come to Child's Pose. 320 00:13:53,305 --> 00:13:55,104 Beautiful work, my friends. 321 00:13:55,104 --> 00:13:57,391 Close your eyes. 322 00:13:57,391 --> 00:14:00,263 Listen to the sound of your breath. 323 00:14:15,373 --> 00:14:16,458 Awesome work. 324 00:14:16,458 --> 00:14:18,793 Slowly inhale, come back up. 325 00:14:21,238 --> 00:14:22,614 And then walk the knees out. 326 00:14:22,614 --> 00:14:25,700 We're going to bring the right knee towards the left elbow. 327 00:14:25,700 --> 00:14:27,953 And then open it up towards the right elbow 328 00:14:27,953 --> 00:14:30,847 for One-Legged Pigeon. 329 00:14:30,847 --> 00:14:33,411 Now really walk the left knee back here today. 330 00:14:33,411 --> 00:14:38,254 Keep active in both toes, both feet, excuse me. 331 00:14:39,670 --> 00:14:42,048 And inhale, lift your heart. 332 00:14:42,048 --> 00:14:45,301 So again, we're really walking that left knee back today. 333 00:14:45,301 --> 00:14:48,471 Nice and mindful to create more space. 334 00:14:48,471 --> 00:14:49,440 And then inhale, lift. 335 00:14:49,440 --> 00:14:50,376 And you might even be able to 336 00:14:50,376 --> 00:14:51,965 bring the hands to the heart here. 337 00:14:51,965 --> 00:14:53,476 Breathing deep. 338 00:15:03,319 --> 00:15:04,153 Awesome. 339 00:15:04,153 --> 00:15:06,280 Inhale, lift sternum to thumbs. 340 00:15:06,280 --> 00:15:08,449 Exhale, release. 341 00:15:08,449 --> 00:15:09,283 Check it out. 342 00:15:09,283 --> 00:15:11,216 From here I'm going to bring the right foot to the ground, 343 00:15:11,216 --> 00:15:12,393 come to my nice low lunge. 344 00:15:12,393 --> 00:15:15,581 But walk it towards the right edge of your mat. 345 00:15:15,581 --> 00:15:17,166 Lizard, one breath. 346 00:15:18,459 --> 00:15:22,463 It can be active lizard by lifting the back leg. 347 00:15:23,548 --> 00:15:25,758 And then if your back leg is lifted, 348 00:15:25,758 --> 00:15:27,593 go ahead and lower it. 349 00:15:27,593 --> 00:15:28,761 And we're going to reach the right fingertips 350 00:15:28,761 --> 00:15:33,015 all the way up and around to grab the right toes. 351 00:15:33,015 --> 00:15:34,433 So if that's not available to you, 352 00:15:34,433 --> 00:15:35,043 you'll just reach your 353 00:15:35,043 --> 00:15:37,645 fingertips towards the back edge. 354 00:15:37,645 --> 00:15:39,230 Just reach like so. 355 00:15:41,774 --> 00:15:42,775 Breathing deep. 356 00:15:42,775 --> 00:15:46,320 If you were able to clasp your toes or your foot, 357 00:15:46,320 --> 00:15:49,994 lift the chest up, breathe deep. 358 00:15:51,409 --> 00:15:52,827 Lengthen through the neck. 359 00:15:52,827 --> 00:15:54,954 One more breath. 360 00:15:54,954 --> 00:15:56,497 And then exhale to release. 361 00:15:56,497 --> 00:15:58,374 Awesome work. 362 00:15:58,374 --> 00:16:01,294 Plant the palms, come back to all fours. 363 00:16:01,294 --> 00:16:03,004 Here we are, left knee goes in 364 00:16:03,004 --> 00:16:04,755 towards the right elbow and then around. 365 00:16:04,755 --> 00:16:06,924 So you draw like a little, 366 00:16:08,467 --> 00:16:09,510 well, I don't know what that is actually, 367 00:16:09,510 --> 00:16:12,763 but like a little s (laughs), sort of. 368 00:16:12,763 --> 00:16:13,764 Oh, here we go. 369 00:16:13,764 --> 00:16:15,641 One-Legged Pigeon on the other side. 370 00:16:15,641 --> 00:16:17,310 So left knee goes to the right elbow 371 00:16:17,310 --> 00:16:19,061 and then to the left elbow. 372 00:16:19,061 --> 00:16:20,646 And then you find your One-Legged Pigeon here. 373 00:16:20,646 --> 00:16:22,732 Walk that right knee out. 374 00:16:24,942 --> 00:16:28,321 And sit up nice and tall today. 375 00:16:28,321 --> 00:16:30,573 Maybe bring the hands together at the heart. 376 00:16:30,573 --> 00:16:31,991 Notice this side will be different. 377 00:16:31,991 --> 00:16:34,493 So if you brought your hands together on the other side 378 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:38,080 it doesn't necessarily mean you'll do it on this side. 379 00:16:38,080 --> 00:16:41,390 Nice full I love you breaths. 380 00:16:42,710 --> 00:16:45,087 You gotta love your body, it's the only body you got. 381 00:16:45,087 --> 00:16:47,173 You got to appreciate it. 382 00:16:48,925 --> 00:16:52,929 Accept it, appreciate it, learn to work with it. 383 00:16:54,597 --> 00:16:55,431 Love it. 384 00:16:56,849 --> 00:16:58,184 Live it, love it. 385 00:16:58,184 --> 00:17:00,770 Good, okay, here we go, inhale. 386 00:17:02,063 --> 00:17:04,397 Exhale, slowly come back. 387 00:17:04,397 --> 00:17:05,316 Nice low lunge here. 388 00:17:05,316 --> 00:17:07,193 Move nice and slow. 389 00:17:07,193 --> 00:17:09,612 Left foot up, right leg back. 390 00:17:11,321 --> 00:17:15,660 Then when you get set, walk that left foot out just a bit. 391 00:17:15,660 --> 00:17:18,579 Lizard variation, either with the back knee lowered 392 00:17:18,579 --> 00:17:20,164 or you totally take it active here 393 00:17:20,164 --> 00:17:22,333 if your body's craving it. 394 00:17:27,625 --> 00:17:29,961 And then if it's lifted, lower the right knee. 395 00:17:29,961 --> 00:17:32,255 Swing the left fingertips all the way up and back. 396 00:17:32,255 --> 00:17:35,466 Maybe you just reach towards your right toes. 397 00:17:35,466 --> 00:17:37,947 Or maybe you're able to grab the toes 398 00:17:37,947 --> 00:17:40,054 and sink a little deeper. 399 00:17:40,054 --> 00:17:44,350 Everyone lift your chest, roll your shoulders back. 400 00:17:44,350 --> 00:17:48,104 And find the sound of your breath once again. 401 00:17:51,943 --> 00:17:54,863 And take one more big breath in. 402 00:17:54,863 --> 00:17:58,116 And then exhale to release with control. 403 00:17:58,116 --> 00:18:00,034 Amazing work, all right. 404 00:18:00,034 --> 00:18:02,370 From here we're going to bring the knees together. 405 00:18:02,370 --> 00:18:06,249 Then swing the legs to the left side. 406 00:18:06,249 --> 00:18:08,501 And come all the way down. 407 00:18:08,501 --> 00:18:11,379 Come to lie flat on your back. 408 00:18:11,379 --> 00:18:12,213 Yay. 409 00:18:13,509 --> 00:18:15,928 Take your time getting there. 410 00:18:23,060 --> 00:18:24,353 Awesome. 411 00:18:24,353 --> 00:18:26,188 And then we're going to bring the fingertips 412 00:18:26,188 --> 00:18:29,483 palms face up, to the sides, palms face up. 413 00:18:29,483 --> 00:18:32,176 And then inhale in, exhale bend one knee. 414 00:18:32,176 --> 00:18:34,405 Foot comes to the earth. 415 00:18:34,405 --> 00:18:37,620 And then inhale in and then exhale bend the other. 416 00:18:37,620 --> 00:18:39,618 So I'm just trying to get you to move slow 417 00:18:39,618 --> 00:18:41,120 and not rush this. 418 00:18:42,473 --> 00:18:44,267 And then slowly we'll inhale in, 419 00:18:44,267 --> 00:18:45,935 exhale snuggle the shoulder blades 420 00:18:45,935 --> 00:18:48,187 underneath the heart space. 421 00:18:49,712 --> 00:18:50,588 And then you're just going 422 00:18:50,588 --> 00:18:53,424 to let the knees fall to one side. 423 00:18:54,550 --> 00:18:55,468 Inhale to center. 424 00:18:55,468 --> 00:18:56,719 Take your time. 425 00:18:57,857 --> 00:18:59,984 Get a little booty massage there. 426 00:18:59,984 --> 00:19:04,697 And then exhale, let the knees fall to the opposite side. 427 00:19:04,697 --> 00:19:09,410 Again, a little booty massage, a little pressure 428 00:19:09,410 --> 00:19:11,454 on the piriformis there we saw. 429 00:19:11,454 --> 00:19:13,289 Slow it down, getting relaxed. 430 00:19:13,289 --> 00:19:16,692 Just feeling it out myself. 431 00:19:18,657 --> 00:19:19,742 Hey-o. 432 00:19:19,742 --> 00:19:23,829 Then one more time to each side in your own time. 433 00:19:38,641 --> 00:19:41,185 And inhale, come back to center. 434 00:19:41,185 --> 00:19:42,937 Bring one knee up. 435 00:19:42,937 --> 00:19:43,771 Let's do the right knee. 436 00:19:43,771 --> 00:19:45,857 Bring the right knee up, send one leg out. 437 00:19:45,857 --> 00:19:47,233 Let's do the left leg. 438 00:19:47,233 --> 00:19:49,235 Inhale, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. 439 00:19:49,235 --> 00:19:53,406 Exhale, twist, just nice easy Supine Twist here to end. 440 00:19:54,650 --> 00:19:55,484 Inhale. 441 00:19:56,621 --> 00:19:59,040 And exhale, relax everything. 442 00:19:59,911 --> 00:20:02,914 Inhale to come to center and switch. 443 00:20:10,268 --> 00:20:12,061 Find your Supine Twist on the other side. 444 00:20:12,061 --> 00:20:14,439 Take a deep breath in. 445 00:20:14,439 --> 00:20:17,108 And use that exhale to just relax everything. 446 00:20:17,108 --> 00:20:18,659 Maybe go (sighs). 447 00:20:22,517 --> 00:20:23,810 Cool. 448 00:20:23,810 --> 00:20:26,229 Slowly bring it back to center. 449 00:20:26,229 --> 00:20:29,190 Walk the heels as wide as your yoga mat. 450 00:20:29,190 --> 00:20:31,943 Open the palms gently at your sides. 451 00:20:31,943 --> 00:20:32,944 Snuggle the shoulder blades 452 00:20:32,944 --> 00:20:34,779 underneath the heart space once again. 453 00:20:34,779 --> 00:20:38,950 Close your eyes and take an inhale in lots of love. 454 00:20:40,781 --> 00:20:42,783 Exhale lots of love out. 455 00:20:44,954 --> 00:20:45,997 Nice work, one more time. 456 00:20:45,997 --> 00:20:47,915 Inhale lots of love in. 457 00:20:50,082 --> 00:20:52,418 And exhale lots of love out. 458 00:20:53,771 --> 00:20:56,482 Close your eyes and remain still. 459 00:21:08,791 --> 00:21:12,420 Thank you for sharing your time and your energy 460 00:21:12,420 --> 00:21:15,131 and your story with me and the rest of the folks 461 00:21:15,131 --> 00:21:18,188 practicing with us 462 00:21:18,188 --> 00:21:21,262 today all around the world. 463 00:21:26,804 --> 00:21:30,879 Namaste, the light in me recognizes 464 00:21:30,879 --> 00:21:33,626 and honors the light in you. 465 00:21:35,660 --> 00:21:37,308 Thank you. 466 00:21:39,548 --> 00:21:42,218 (upbeat music)