- Hello my friends and welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I'm Adriene and this is Benji. And I brought my blue heeler to practice today 'cause we're gonna help you find some natural healing for migraines. You're gonna need a couple items today if you have them. If you don't have them, it's A-okay, we'll just work with the body and the breath. We have everything we need right here, but if you'd like, you can grab a towel or a bandana to cover the eyes. If you have a little peppermint oil or lavender oil. I have a little spray here of a mixture. You can bring that with you. Again, if you don't have it, that's okay. Maybe next time. If you have a pillow, I literally grabbed the pillow off my bed. You can grab that, put a couch pillow or a folded up towel or blanket will work. And then I'd like you to also bring a small glass of water, a cup of water, a sip of water if you have it. If you don't have any of these things, that's A-okay. But if you have any of these things, go ahead and pause the video or in this little intro, you can grab those things and then we're gonna just hunker down old school style and tend to it, alright? Benji, you ready? That's a yes. Lets get started. (upbeat music) Alright, my sweet friend. Here we go. We're gonna take care of this together. If you haven't already, make sure the light in your room is soft. You can dim this screen if it's on the computer or phone or tablet. If it's on the television, know that I'm gonna use my voice to guide you, so that you can keep a soft gaze or your eyes even closed for the majority of this practice. We're gonna work through this together. I'm so sorry you have a headache. We're gonna take care of this proper. First things first is getting your mind in the right place to believe that the natural remedies and the power of the breath can help shift a migraine. I believe in it immensely and I believe in the power of just balancing the energy of the body, you know, as a way of providing a lot of healing for many things, so just open your mind. We're just gonna come into a nice, comfortable seat and just open your mind with a couple full breaths and just kind of come into the present moment and chances are, I know when I've experienced headaches, migraines, I tend to clench in the forehead a lot so just see if you can soften, and if you need to take your fingertips to the head here, thumb, ring finger and then your two fingertips to the forehead, do that as a way of just helping yourself to soften, soften, soften. There's a lot of emotion that can come up when we are suffering, when we're in pain, when we're frustrated, so I encourage you to really just lean in. We have a sweet, supportive practice to help you move through this and it can be empowering to allow for proper release. Come out fresh on the other side. Take one more quiet breath wherever you are, just kind of coming into the moment and noticing places where you can soften a little bit. And then exhale, release. Okay, soft gaze here. This first one is not a big, fancy yoga pose. You're gonna grab your water and we're gonna lift it up. Cheers to healing from the inside out. You don't have to chug your water, you can just take one big sip, but take as much as you need. And when you're done, put your cup or your glass or your water bottle to the side and come to stillness once again in your nice, comfortable seat. You can close your eyes. We're gonna start with some alternative nostril breathing, so sit up nice and tall and then as you're ready you're just gonna take your thumb to your right nostril and breathe in through your left nostril, so seal your right nostril with your thumb. And after you breathe in, seal your left nostril with your index finger or your middle finger and then breathe out through the right nostril so you're just alternating back and forth. And inhale, right nostril. Pause and seal at the top and exhale out through the left nostril. Inhale through the left nostril, close your eyes once you get the hang of it. Seal the left nostril and exhale out through the right. Inhale, right nostril. Pause at the top, exhale out through the left. Inhale through the left nostril. Pause, seal and switch. Exhale out through the right. Inhale through the right. Pause, seal, switch. Exhale through the left. Inhale through the left. Switch, exhale out the right. Inhale through the right. Switch, exhale out the left. And one more round. Inhale through the left. Switch, exhale out the right. Big inhale through the right. Switch, exhale out the left. Release your right arm, close your eyes, return to a natural breath. Drop the chin to the chest, keep the eyes closed. Keep lifting up nice and tall through the spine and just feel a nice, passive stretch in the back of the neck. Hands rest gently on the knees, or you can pull them back to the tops of the thighs, bringing your shoulder blades together. Let the brow bones soften and grow heavy. Let your breath rise and fall gently. With the hands on the thighs or the knees, navel draws back and we round forward even more trying to draw the nose towards the navel, crown of the head towards the earth, so you just take it a little further, rounding through the spine. Then press your sit bones into the earth, ground through your booty, and roll up through the spine. As you stack head over heart, heart over pelvis, slowly bring your soft fingertips to your temples. Pull the temples back towards the back of your head and then massage them forward, soft gentle movement, and then back and then forward. Then back and then forward. Part the lips here, soft in the jaw, back, stretch the creases of the eye back, then forward, and back and forward. Awesome, release the fingertips, let them come down gently at your side. You'll press into the left hand and just draw the left ear over the left shoulder and then reach the right fingertips out. For more, you can flex the right hand here, just find a little pressing of the base of the palm. Should feel it in the right side, the neck particularly, right behind the ear here and the base of the head, the neck, the atlas area, back of the head. And then switch, right hand comes down nice and slow, slow, slow. Right hand comes down to the earth, right ear over right shoulder, and then slowly lift the left fingertips up. Keep it relaxed, and if you want, you can bring the left fingertips up towards the sky and I need you to bring a nice, loving, healing full tender loving care breaths. In and out, in and out. Great, bring it back to center. Nice work. And then bring the hands and flip them up and lift the chest, lift your heart. Deep breath in. Long breath out through the nose. Big breath in through the nose. Long breath out through the nose. Wonderful. From here, we're gonna come onto all fours really nice and slow, and you can use the pillow here or not but we're gonna come onto the knees, tabletop position. You can use the pillow the under your knees or you can even bring the pillow onto the head. We're gonna drop the elbows first where the hands go and tabletop, and then you're gonna curl the toes under for stability and we're actually gonna lift the hips and instead of going back, heart to earth, we're gonna go crown of the head to earth, so draw your nose towards your navel again, crown of the head towards the earth. Variations. If the shoulders are tight, bring the palms together. You can even interlace. To go a little deeper you can walk the knees a little bit closer towards the shoulders like we do in bunny posture and if you wanna take a bunny posture you'll release the fingertips back one at a time to interlace behind the thighs. We have a foundations of yoga on bunny posture if you wanna check it out. We have lots of different variations here, crown of the head on the ground, not a lot of weight in the neck and the shoulders, but definitely a little bit of pressure on the crown here on the earth. Breathe into the back of the neck, the back of the head. That just means breathe deep and send your awareness, your attention to that part of the body. Lift the navel up, stretch the lower back. As you lift the hips, have lots of awareness in the hips lifting up, not collapsing down. And then from here, nice and slow, connect to your core or your center, just so you are not collapsing into your joints, you're gonna walk the knees together, press the palms so reach the fingertips out, press into the palms, inhale and exhale, release back, Child's Pose. Full Balasana, knees together, feet together. As you're ready, paint your yoga mat with your palms slowly and send the fingertips all the way back. Allow the shoulders to round forward. Allow the forehead to press into the earth. Pull heavy and breathe softly, sweetly. Inhale in, exhale, turn your nose towards the left, your right ear comes towards the yoga mat. It doesn't have to touch. And then pull your shoulders back away from your ears here. If you want you can bring the hands to the small of the back just resting one hand gently on top of the other. Breathe deep, and then slowly come through center, turn your nose towards the right side of your yoga mat, left ear comes towards the ground, maybe opposite palm comes on top, and you breathe deep here. Pull the shoulders back. And then slowly come back to center. Reach the fingertips forward, come all the way, slowly back up, Tabletop Position. Wonderful. Walk the knees as wide as the yoga mat. Inhale, keep the gaze of the head down, pull the shoulders back, drop the belly. Breathe in, breathe out. Again, drop the belly but gaze stays down today. Claw onto the fingertips. Breathe in, breathe out. One more time, breathe in, breathe out. Right hand comes underneath the bridge of the left arm. Right ear to the earth. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in to come back to center. Switch, left fingertips go underneath the bridge of the right arm, left ear comes to the ground. Breathe in, eyes closed here, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out, come back to center. Walk the knees up towards the wrists. Curl the toes, sit back on the heels, gaze straight down. Stretch the feet, tuck the chin into the chest, broaden through the back of the neck. Breathe in, breathe out. Connect to the energy of the earth here. Heal with the breathe, inhale. Just feel the power of your breath is all I'm trying to say. And breathe out. Fabulous. Lift the hips, cross the ankles where you can swing the legs to one side and we're gonna come all the way through. Send the legs out long. Inhale, breathe in. Exhale, breathe out. Inhale, breathe in, exhale, slide the fingertips down any amount. Tuck the chin into the chest, round the head forward. You can bend your knees generously here. Pashcimottanasana, forward, forwards. Seated forward. Find extension, find length. And breathe in, and breathe out. Breathe in, and breathe out. You're doing great, beautiful work. Inhale in, come back up. Exhale, draw the heels together. Breathe in, sit up nice and tall. Breathe out, bowing forward. Continue breathing in and breathe out. By now, hopefully you're really starting to get in a little rhythm regulating the breath. Create space in the base of the neck. Gorgeous, just stick with it. It's not an instant thing, it's a process. Tuck the chin into the chest, roll it up. Be kind to yourself, your thoughts matter. Dig your heels out on your yoga mat, toes up towards the sky. Use your palms to lift the bum and the hips and come all the way down. Your head is gonna come onto your pillow so set yourself up for greatness and then you're gonna grab your makeshift eye pillow, your towel or your bandana, dirty old sock. (laughs) Just kidding, choose a clean sock if you have it. And then, I brought a little mist that I like from Little Moon. I'm not getting paid for this, but if you have a little oil or a mist you could pause the video or maybe you're all set and you have it with you, you can spray your towel or your thing now. I'll post a link to these guys because I love them. Again, I'm just using this because I actually like it. This is not an ad. Then I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna bring it, you guessed it, right to my eyes, right with the mist on top. I'm gonna guide you with my voice here, so thank you for trusting me. You're gonna bring the feet as wide as your yoga mat, just to the edges. Knees are bent still. Feet are on the ground, knees are bent. Allow the knees to fall in towards the center. The belly softens. Soften through the groin, soften through the pelvis, and bring your hands right to your lower belly. Feel your feet connect to the earth, your head cradled by your pillow. Block out the light, start to breathe in and out once again. Maybe smelling your peppermint oil or your lavender oil. Rosemary, eucalyptus, also good. Relax through the hips. Just see if you can really relax your tongue and your mouth. Keep the feet where they are and keep the hips and the pelvis and the belly soft. You're just gonna bring your hands in between your pillow and your head. Thumbs are gonna extend so they're kind of cradling the neck and then you're gonna use your thumbs to just gently press into the muscles of the neck, the base of the head, and just give yourself a little massage here. Hands go between your pilla and your head and you're just gonna use your thumbs to gently massage the base of the head, the muscles of the neck. Think about what you're communicating to your body here, what the union or the yoga really is here of the mind and the body and your breath. It's saying it's okay, I'm here to process this. Move through it and move on. Take a couple more moments here to baby yourself with this massage. Remember, you have everything you need. And you're gonna stay here as long as time allows, releasing the hands whenever you're ready gently to your sides. You can keep the feet where they are. You can open the knees wide again for a Cobbler's Pose or just extend the legs out long. Snuggle your shoulder blades underneath your heart space, and again, whatever time allows for you to breathe here with the eyes closed. In the dark. Take what you need. If you have to transition, you're gonna do it really slowly by coming into fetal position first, and then making your way up as needed. Drink lots of water today. I'll list some other tips and supplements and some ideas I have for you for regular daily practice to prevent migraines and to help you with headaches. I'll list that in the video description. Take a deep breath in. Long breath out. Hopefully this will get you started on moving through your healing process. Thank you for sharing your time and your energy with me. Take good care. Namaste. (upbeat music)