hey guys welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and today per your request we have hangover yoga that's right we have a sequence today to hopefully nurture you if you've had a couple too many to drink the night before don't be so hard on yourself we're here to balance the body re-energize and revitalize the system and hopefully get rid of some of those toxins so you can enjoy your day so get in something comfy and let's do a little yoga all righty so we're going to crawl out of bed and off the couch and onto our mats and we're going to begin today in extended Child's Pose so the knees will come as wide as the mat the two big toes will come together and we'll slowly and today is all about nice and slow begin to extend the arms out keep the palms nice and wide and release the forehead to the mat so moves nice and slow here and let's make sure to right away connect to the breath and so you can modify the sequence depending on how you feel today depending on how many you had last night just kidding and just make sure that you're listening to your body hang attention to your breath and of course finding what feels good so here we are in extended Child's Pose if we can't quite find what feels good in extended Child's Pose maybe the knees are talking to you or the hips you can sit up nice and tall don't worry about the shape but rather bringing the forehead to the earth finding a little pressure here on the third eye and then again using the breath for a little healing here so I have a couple options in this cooling posture if you have a headache what you might you can rock couple things you can rock the head a little side to side here this feels good massaging the brow bones and stimulating that intuitive Chuck the area the body if you're anything like me at this moment right now you're going God why did I do this to myself so I invite you to just let go of any toxic thoughts we have our enough toxins in the body already so just let go of any toxic thoughts and give yourself this little hangover yoga time to just be in the moment find your breath and he'll get through it so basically beating yourself up doesn't really help and I need to take my own note on that I've also put a little essential oil on this Kleenex you can also just rub a little on your mat I've done a little peppermint here and a little lavender sometimes that's nice too for a headache as you bring the forehead to the mat and again maybe find a little rocking so wherever you are just going to take a couple quiet moments here with the breath so again you can be kind of up on your haunches here you can practice with essential oil hmm and if it's too much you start to feel well sick you can come up on the elbows interlace the fingertips lift your chin and Bri just take a couple more breaths here and if you're super duper duper hungover you might just stay here for the rest of this practice or you might try this out in the morning and then realize it's not quite the time so you might just stay here and then return to the rest of this sequence later I'll take a few more breaths here the nice and slow nurturing the body through each transition here we'll slide it back up and this man this really does the trick for me mm-hmm it's inexpensive you know one bottle of lavender peppermint or whatever you fancy will last quite a long time and as I mentioned before you can just smear it on your mat too if you're if you're crazy if you're feeling crazy okay put that to the side that was nice it's kind of lingering on my forehead super nice okay so I'm going to spread the palms while I'm going to slowly come to all fours no hovering cat today I'm going to walk the knees in cross the ankles and slowly slide on through to seated so you can also just swing the legs to one side as we come through and you might be feeling it here acting right now so it's good I'm not hungover pure gold acting might come through and we're just going to send the legs out long and we're just going to take a couple breaths here leaning and like a swimming-pool posture that's how you hang out at the pool so you relax the ankles now the shoulders are kind of shrugging up here so one thing we are going to do is just find a little lift in the heart and then we can teeter-totter our throbbing heads back and forth heyo first halo of the new season teeter totter your throbbing head okay keep the heart lifted and again if this is too much no biggie just stay here lifting your heart letting the legs relax revitalizing the system with a couple nice long smooth deep breaths if you're caught up on over my fingertips pointing in pointing out not today my friends just chill so wherever the hands go naturally find it lift in the heart and you might begin to draw a couple circles with the nose sending some energy to the neck and shoulders I always feel like my lymph my lymphatic system starts talking to me after I've had a couple mmm the next morning more on that on the blog alright one more deep breath here my friends and we slowly release nothing fancy okay well come onto the sit bones here and now we're going to begin to activate activate mmm excuse me the legs a little bit here firming the tops of the thigh bones down now I'll crawl the palms forward and I'm just kind of giving a little massage to lower belly here a little gas we're also going to do a little head to knee pose and so this will look a little different for everyone honestly guys if you're super hungover it's going to look like this for you but breathe here Oh breathe otherwise you might crawl a little deeper getting a nice forward fold here paschimottanasana and if you're really trying to just get the juices flowing you might massage the feet here and you might play with a little wave of the spine inhaling as you rise up and exhaling forward fold all right wherever you are one more breath here and we'll tuck the chin into the chest slowly roll it up enjoy fingertips grazing the tops of the legs here and this time we're going to catch that right knee bend it as you lift your right foot up so it one leg in one leg out here coming for a little twist so depending on again how you're feeling this could be really really gentle and gentle would be lots of space about a fist worth of space between the heel and that inner thigh and just a gentle hug of that right knee as you turn past your right shoulder so turn to your right maybe you come here maybe you stay here consider the spine as you inhale lift and lengthen sit up nice and tall and exhale twist to go a little deeper we might cross the right foot over that left leg press into the ball joint of that front big toe sit up nice and tall again and find it here this will take a couple breaths here if you were playing with the essential oil it's nice you can smell it as you breathe in I'm churning into your twist on the way out so massaging those internal organs we are releasing toxins I mean this is a just obviously any time and your practice so good for the liver so take a couple more breaths here relax your shoulders down my friends go ahead and close your eyes I can breathe out through your mouth if you're inspired to take a nice lion's breath exhale with your tongue now let's take one more nice deep breath in and on your exhale unravel slowly back to Center and we'll switch nice and slow take your time left knee comes up this time and then again you have options here you can keep a lot of space if you're just feeling little nauseous I think they call it just chill here till here till here till here sit up nice and tall when you're ready and then eventually find it if you're past that point you're ready to go a little deeper go ahead and cross that left foot on over sit up nice and tall and breathe deep as we literally bring out the liver bring out the toxins again I tend to be a little hard on myself if I get accidentally hung over so just use this time this is about self-love this is about moving forward this is about living learning moving on a couple more breaths I should say that if you want to go a little deeper to you can of course bring the outer edge of that right hand to the outer edge of the left leg just go a little deeper here listen to your body careful not to crank it little goes a long way for sure great we'll take one more breath and exhale again unravel it back to Center we're going to take a quick moment here to extend the legs out long inhale reach the fingertips up and overhead and exhale Lions breath tongue out as you float the fingertips down great okeydoke so now we're going to bring the soles of the feet in knees nice and wide for a little butterfly opening the hips if you went dancing last night maybe their legs are a little tired the hips are tired or tight or something else I just realized hey this is getting really inappropriate I'm sorry grab the ankles sit up nice and tall stretch those hips is all I'm syan deep breath in as you lift your heart stay here my friends or if you have a headache drop the chin to the chest breathe into the back of the neck shoulder blades drawing down the back side and then as always you can find a little movement here if that feels good you can forward fold if that feels awesome otherwise nice heavy head here as we relax shoulders down breathe into the back of the neck relax your jaw close your eyes and we'll go ahead and fill three nice long smooth deep breaths here then we'll bat the eyelashes open and at this point we have two options we can first head straight to flat back position or if you'd like to fit in if you'd like to just get up on your feet so if this is an option if you'd like to get up on your feet you can slowly plant the feet and come into a forward fold from this nice lowered position so if you're like no go ahead and transition now straight to flat back we'll meet up in a second otherwise you might come into this squat here and find your breath as you slowly tuck the chin into the chest press into the feet and roll up into a nice standing forward fold Salutin asana here and this can be with the feet nice and wide you can even turn the toes out a little bit if that feels good you can grab clasp the elbows here grab the elbows Rock a little side to side keeping the feet nice and wide and here we take again some nice long cooling breaths as you find a little movement relax the weight of the shoulders the elbows down and you can mix and match here I encourage you to avoid this kind of static pose here like this oh so tight and awful especially if you're hungover so soften it up we'll just take a couple more breaths here so this might seem a little counterintuitive if you have a headache but this is nice cooling calming and again if you have to skip it skip it today just know that this is there this nice simple forward fold take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale out through the mouth great we're going to transition out of this back the way we came and then slowly come to meet our friends in flat back position go ahead and take a full body stretch here and on an exhale we'll hug the right knee into the chest keep the left leg extended out wind-relieving pose we have a video just for this so we squeeze the right knee in first extend through the left leg now you can find a little movement here my friends option is to relax the shoulders down and slowly peel the head the neck the shoulders up nose to knee it's not really important for us to touch nose to knee here though as I would just do that but it's about finding space in the spine and that compression in the lower belly here so breathe in again if this is too much stay here we can rotate the right ankle one way then the other firming down through that left thigh bone inhale in and exhale release and switch nice and slow if you need to take a full body stretch in between please do and we'll come to the other side how you know left knee in firming down through that right thigh bone and check it out and maybe we stay here squeezing that left knee up towards the heart or maybe we take it a step further our nose to knee rotate the left ankle careful you're not gripping keep it nice and soft and when you're ready we'll slowly release great now again last option before we finish you might be done you might be like wow great straight to shavasana I go I'm going to widen the ankles I'm going to open the arms out wide I'm going to press into the head lift physically lift the chest up off the ground draw the shoulder blades in together and down take a deep breath in and exhale we made it if you have your Kleenex handy you can always bring it to your eyes also a nice cold wet washcloth is good for a little shavasana hangover chillax time and so then you're all set to just settle in here the last thing I'll just mention is that if you are kind of in your hangover past that point of you know nausea and then you might flip your burger one more time for a headstand and that can be any version so if you're like oh man I wanted to keep going but I don't know headstand yet you can check out the foundational video on headstand or you can just give this a try anyway without lifting the legs so we're either in shavasana right now maybe we can pause the video if we know we're done we can start to just bliss out or we'll come to all fours drop the elbows down interlace the fingertips and slowly walk the knees together to come onto the crown of the head draw the shoulders away from the ears and you might just stay here as we breathe in and out and this is just awesome a couple breaths here for a pounding head if you want you can curl the toes under and lift up making your way up to Stan I don't even need to demonstrate that today I don't think because this is really enough headstand if you have a hangover and then when you feel ready we'll come on to the tops of the feet and just like we did before we'll cross the ankles and come through to seated or again you can swing the legs to the side tons of options and then we're going to meet our friends finally in a flat back position inhale reach the arms up and overhead one last breath and exhale find your bliss so bending the elbows here kind of letting this armpit chest breathe smells of whiskey and wine infiltrate just kidding and it might bring this here alright last but not least want to go for a little head Rocking massaging the back of the head the atlas if you have a block it's nice sometimes to pillow the head on the block and just rub the back of the head on the corner of that block so nice and close your eyes can even get a blanket here or you might say namaste and make your way to the couch we're back to bed or you might feel better might go drink a nice tall glass of water with lemon take a shower and enjoy your day okay my friend so take a deep breath of gratitude for even attempting a little yoga today and just let go of any toxic thoughts any toxicity if you do need to stay you know lying flat on your back or go you know take in some Netflix then just enjoy that just learn from it and the more yoga you practice regularly I do believe the less you'll ever want to drink the more yoga I do the less my body can handle the toxins I'm noticing and so I'm going to be writing about this on the blog too if you're interested visit us at yoga with Adriene comm leave questions comments below or just check in if you feel like it with the community on Facebook and these lots of loves you you