(bright music) - Hi everyone. Welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I'm Adriene and that's Benji and today we have a yoga quickie that's targeting the hands, the fingers and the wrists. We're gonna begin in a nice comfortable seat. So come on down to the ground. You can also do this first part standing or seated on a chair or on the couch. Just want to get to a position where you can find length in the spine. Now because this is our precious moment to check in and care for ourselves, it would not be yoga if we didn't just take a quiet moment to, again, lengthen up through the spine. Take just one second here to close your eyes or soften your gaze and gift yourself right here, right now with a big conscious inhale in through the nose. And a long conscious exhale out through the nose or mouth, your choice. Let's do two more just like that. Big inhale. As you exhale, gently relax the shoulders. And one more to really land here present with everything you've got. Big inhale. And empty it out. Alright, gently open your eyes and let's begin. Diving right in. We're gonn send the fingertips forward. Palms are going to face down. Spread your fingertips super wide and even though we're doing a targeted practice today, remember this is yoga so everything's all connected here. So as you reach the fingertips out draw your shoulders back just a bit. Really lifting up through the chest. Excellent. Keep spreading the fingertips here. Notice if you can spread them a little more like starfish here, reaching out. Beautiful, then keep spreading here as you deepen your breath. Excellent. Now one hand at a time flip the palm face up, keep spreading the fingertips. Notice if the shoulders have come forward, just a pattern, draw them back. Imagine your shoulder blades coming together to support behind your back body. Again, heart lifting, lifting, lifting. Inhale in and exhale to release. Palms come to the knees. Take a deep breath in here. Long breath out. Again sending the fingertips forward. Spread the fingertips wide, draw your shoulders back. This time we're gonna slowly send the fingertips up towards the sky and imagine you're pressing into a wall here but without letting the shoulders come forward. So keep this retraction as you imagine pressing the base of the palm in particular into an imaginary wall or surface. You should start to feel a little heat, a little warmth through the forearms. Notice when the fingers get tired. See if you can stick with it, keeping the fingers spread nice and wide. Keep breathing. Deep breath in. Long breath out. Excellent, then rest. Hands come to the knees. Take this quick moment here to just check in with the jaw. Remember it's all connected. Soften through the jaw as we start to work targeted areas you'll notice some of your patterns such as shoulders, neck clenching, jaw clenching. Totally normal. We'll just use this time to notice and tend to it. Okay, here we go, sending the fingertips out. Once again, we're going to flip fingertips up towards the sky. Imagine pressing your palms into an imaginary surface. Again, tendency to let the shoulders come forward here. See if you can keep that retraction. Great, inhale in, exhale, you're gonna dial just the right fingertips all the way down. One hand at a time so you can really pay attention. And then dial the left fingertips down. Great, now imagine pressing again the base of the palm into an imaginary wall or surface. Fingertips reaching down. We're here for three, lift your heart. Two, spread the fingertips. One, and rest. Who knew such a simple movement could create such a sensation? Take a deep breath in. A long breath out and then this time we'll send the fingertips forward and then fingertips up and around so back to where we were. And this time you're gonna keep the right palm pressing into your imaginary wall and very gently take your left fingertips and you're gonna pull just the right pinky out. Pull it out. Pulling out gently. Okay and then ring finger just pulling down and out. Creating space. Now to the next finger. And to the next finger. And then for the thumb you're going to take your right hand bring it on top of your left and then from there grab the thumb just pull it out towards the right. Great, release. Shake your right hand just a bit. Breathe in. Breathe out. Gorgeous, send the fingertips out. Bring the fingertips up. Left hand around and down. So back to one right hand to the left fingers. You're just gonna pull it down. Finger by finger creating space. Breathing deep. Fabulous. When you get to the thumb, take you're right hand underneath your left hand and then from there reach around, pull that left them out towards the left. Awesome, then shake it out. Great, fingertips come to the shoulders now. You're gonna bring the elbows together in towards the heart center, up and around and down. Just two more like that. Just giving the fingers and hands and wrists a break. Forward, up, around and down. One more time. Kiss the elbows together. Forward, up, around and down. Awesome. Sending the fingertips forward. Now we're going to do the same thing as before but add an element so right fingertips are going to go around and down and you can even here consider forearm, elbow, shoulder all connected as you dial this doorknob down or open the door. Then we'll come to the pinky, we're gonna pull it down gently and then when you get to the bottom where your fingerprint is just pull it back just a hair. No pain here. This is not a painful situation so keep it nice and easy. You're gonna just pull the pinky back and then continuing to the next finger pulling it down. Adding a layer pulling it back. Should feel really good. And then the next finger. Pulling it out and back. So good for regular yoga practice. So good if you use your hands a lot on the phone or computer. When you get to the thumb, you're going to pull it out and you're going to pull it back towards your face. Fabulous. When you're done, shake it off. And left hand. Here we go. Starting with the pinky pulling pinky out, creating space and then just gently back. Should feel really good. Moving down and out and then gently pulling back. Check with the shoulders here. Lift up through the sternum. Keep breathing. And then remember when you get to the thumb you're in pull it out and then gently back toward your face. Breathing all the way. Excellent, shake it out. Alright, last little bit here before we come on all fours. You're gonna send the fingertips out then down. Then we're going to take the left thumb and we're gonna bring it just behind the palm here. So left thumb to the center of your right palm then you're gonna use your hands here to kind of grab the top of the hand and use your thumb to press, press, press forward. It's okay for the shoulder to come forward out of its retraction here. You're wanting to create a big, big stretch in the forearm and the wrist. Breathe deep, breathe down into your belly. Think of our lateral breathing. Breathing into all four sides of the torso here. Alright, awesome work, now release. We're gonna go right to the other side. Send your left fingertips out and down. Hey Benji! Right thumb to the center of your left palm. My assistant's here to help us with this last bit. Find your breath. Press that right thumb into the center of your left palm. Big stretch through the wrist here, forearm. Breathing deep. Beautiful, then release. We're gonna take some wrist circles here. One way and then the other. And then to finish we're gonna send the fingertips out left to right. We're gonna take a big inhale to reach the fingertips all the way up towards the sky. Big breath, big stretch. Exhale, hands slowly come together and down to your heart space, Anjuli Mudra. Take a deep breath in, lift the sternum to the thumbs and as you breathe out send your fingertips forward palms pressing together here and then around and then down. This is our last moment here. Breathe deep. Pressing the palms together. Finding a connection between the knuckles and the fingerprints. Inhale in. Exhale, relax your shoulders down. Inhale in again. And exhale to draw the fingertips up. Hands to heart. Awesome work today. Repeat this practice as much as you like, as much as you feel you need. Have a beautiful rest of the day or evening. Let me know how it went in the comment section down below. Love you guys so much. Namaste. (bright music)