hey everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and today we have a sequence for your hamstrings a lot of us could use a little extra loving in the hammies and the whole sit bone to heel connection so today we're going to play with that again remembering that it's all connected baby and we're going to use a block if we have it if you don't have a block you might grab a book if you don't have this no problem but you probably will want this which is a strap or you can use a tie or a belt or something long enough to go from your hands to your toes alright so let's hop on the mat and give our hammies some good good lovin okay so to begin we're going to come onto our backs now for this sequence as I mentioned before you're going to need a strap or you can use your tie so grab your piece of rope or belt or tie and let's come to lay on slide back alright so I'm going to bring the knees up here soles of the feet on the mat and I'm just going to take a second to get comfortable so sometimes we can have kind of so much tension in the shoulders here that we get stuck so press into the head pressing the elbows and lift your chest up off the ground and draw the two shoulder blades in together and down I'm kind of opening up the chest area here I'm scratching my upper lip okay and then I'm going to tuck my pelvis in here too so tailbone lengthens down towards the bottom edge of the mat and I draw the navel down just slightly so I'm just coming to a nice open chest and I supported lower back cool beans now I'm going to take my strap or whatever you have and I'm going to take it in both hands extend the right leg up towards the sky keep this knee bent so both knees are bent so the left foots on the ground for support so working at all levels here but even if you're super flexible it's nice to just kind of set the tone and I'm going to be mindful on my mat right I took dance for many years and I can't tell you how many times I would just like come straight to here and I yeah yeah that's just so not so not kind practice a human okay so taking the strap I'm going to bring it to the ball joint of my right big toe just kind of take it from the big toe to the pinky - well joint there now knee is nice and bent here I'm just slowly slide the right heel up towards the sky now I might straighten the leg here or I might keep the knee bent generously making sure that the chest stays open here and the lower back nice and supported so I have the sole two left foot here for stability I'm going to take a deep breath in here and a long exhale out holding the strap of the tie in both hands here take a deep breath in and alongs slow release ouch cool make sure the neck isn't too tight here chances are you're probably looking at the video but when you look away just take a second to tuck the chin into the chest and feel the spine nice and long so especially as we work in these targeted muscle groups or these videos that kind of focus on one muscle group I just want to reiterate that it's all connected baby so we're paying attention to the line of the spine somehow something on my lip we're paying attention to the full body full body experience okay couple more breaths here we can begin to straighten that leg maybe if that feels good if not keep it nice and bent let's move nice and slow breathing into the back of that right leg next step we're going to take the strap we're to bring it into the right hand here so I'm going to take my right palm clasp it around my strap bring the left palm to the top of that left thigh bone so I can stay here relaxing or I'm going to begin to slide the right heel all the way down towards the bottom edge of the mat finding a little opposition energetically here so I'm pressing through that left heel as I press through the right so even if I don't want to straighten this leg right away I can energetically just kind of connect sit bone to heel use that left palm to just kind of guide that left thigh down shoulders are relaxed and I breathe here notice left toes are pointing up towards the sky again full-body experience you can begin to play with a little movement here back and forth maybe even left to right and then if you're craving a deeper stretch we'll bring that left foot up towards the ankle take a deep breath in and on an exhale gently flex those excuse me flex the right toes flex that right foot bring the big toes towards your third-eye right sit bone nice and heavy here dropping that hip into socket let's take one more deep breath in here and a long exhale out sweet softly bend that right knee if it isn't already we'll release the strap we're going to take just a little baddha konasana in between so bring the soles of the feet together open the knees wide bring the hands to the belly and chill lower back comes up we open the chest we breathe in and out and then we'll take it to the other side so draw the knees in towards the center keep the sole that right foot on the ground for stability again we'll move nice and slow taking the strap into both hands we'll catch the left foot now pay attention to the chest and lower back here as we get set up for our stretch breathe nice long smooth deep breaths so the tendency again is shoulders everything is going to want to be here so that we can keep this get this deep stretch here be kind creative full body experience work nice and slow so open in the chest flush in the lower back keep this bent as generously as you need so we might be here breathing rocking back and forth we might be here now that you know what you're doing here you might close your eyes soften the skin of the face and then we can totally just stay here or we'll move on to the next step which is taking the strap into the left hand here clasping with the left palm and then slowly using the right palm to press the right thigh bone down as we slide that right heel down towards the bottom edge of the mat and we breathe inhale you might take a nice full belly breath here and this next inhale and on this next exhale you might consider just letting the weight of that left sit bone drop down that left hip really drop into socket here note is seeing the sensations and using that breath for your last breath cycle you might grab the strap with both hands again flex the left toes with ILECs the left the Lexx foot the Lex Luthor foot the left foot one and then using it exhale will soften through that left knee release this little rap to the side of the mat and hug both knees into the chest Rock a little left to right breathe then we'll cross the right ankle over the left to grab the outer edges of the feet bend the elbows left to right here take a deep breath in breathing into the outer edges of the hip and then we'll bring our mind's eye or our awareness to the space between the navel and the spine begin to rock and roll one of my favourite pastimes on this channel oh nothing like watching yourself on camera doing this but come on yeah come on you know I'm just trying to inspire a little fun as we massage the spine Rock a little back and forth smile let's do one more and then we'll rock all the way up to seated and come to all fours preparing for downward facing dog there's no rush spreading the palms wide we have a foundations for downward facing dog so if you're interested in kind of the basics or just going a little deeper in this posture finding more ease more strength check her out okay sending the sit bones up towards the sky to keep the knees nice and bent here draw the shoulders away from the ears take a deep breath in and as you exhale begin to pedal the feet so we drop one heel down as we lift one heel up and then we switch nice and easy and we switch sit bone to heel connection and we switch good thing I wore my leopard pants for this move and a couple more times make sure you're not holding in the neck here once you figure it out with the video relax the way to the head down and bend a little back and forth sashing the feet and really get your money's worth here not just the hamstrings but shoulders drawing away from the ears navel to the spine lower belly in as we massage the feet press into all ten knuckles and we're going to take it for a little bit of a walk so come on to your tippy tip toes we're going to slowly walk the toes towards the center of the map once again we'll bend the knees super generous belly comes to the tops of the thighs and we grab the elbows and release the weight of the head over so again it's all connected so I'm not just targeting these poor sweet little hammies but the full sit bone to heel connection the upper back so as everything wrapping around here as we breathe and just check in so you might sway a little side to side it might be finding stillness for you today perhaps you've already been working on kind of creating space in the hammies you begin to straighten the legs draw the chin into the chest so it's more than just kind of teaching all levels here for me it's really about finding what feels good and being present based on you know what the body is telling you so the practice is always going to be different the stretches are and you feel always going to feel different it's about kind of listening and being in the moment so take a couple seconds here a couple seconds more to just linger to breathe if you're new to the practice you might experience a little bit of a shake so soften the knees and use your breath to smooth that out great on your next breath in find a flat back position well inhale slide the palms to the shins loop the shoulders pull the elbows back like little grasshopper legs inhale look forward breathing sit bone to heel connection and exhale soften the knees and slide it down okay great so fingertips are going to come to the mat I'm going to slide the right toes back into my runners lunge take a second here to find that sit bone to heel connection really spike that right heel towards the back wall pull the left hip crease back and find what feels good little movement here as we open the shoulders the heart forward and then on an exhale I'll slowly soften the right knee down if we need to we can double up on the mat here cushioning the right knee revealing beautiful underbelly of my current mat just for a little extra padding so that's an option you can always use a towel or a blanket too great right toes are curled under I'm going to slowly into my left toes towards the front edge of the mat just a little bit fingertips on the mat here I inhale look forward exhale I'm going to slowly begin to pull left hip crease back and really flex through my left foot so not soft here but really keeping that integrity of left thigh bone firming and left hip crease pulling back again we can always pad the knee here if we need and then rather than sending it all the way back so some of us are used to this we're going to see if we can keep it nice and stacked so right knee and right hip are nice and stacked here as I breathe I flex the foot just like I did on my back and peel that left hip crease towards the back edge now we can inhale in here lift and lengthen exhale come onto the palms if you can and relax the weight of the head over two more just like that inhale onto the fingertips we loop the shoulders lift and lengthen look forward keep the integrity of that left foot here and on an exhale bow and release last one inhale and exhale fold awesome inhale slowly rolling through that left foot we lift the back knee up and once again we look forward as we Rock the back toes up to meet the front uttanasana forward fold now this time you can experiment the same thing feet hip-width apart you can rock a little side to side or to take it a step further just to kind of experiment we're going to bring the feet flush together now maybe keeping a little bit of space maybe like an inch worth between the heels so two big toes together a little space between the heels we inhale lift a flat back your version and exhale release interlacing fingertips behind the calves we bend the elbows left to right and relax the way to the head over now notice I'm not slamming locking my legs here but I'm giving it a little time in space again considering every muscle fiber reminding myself that it's all connected as I breathe deep here pressing into all four corners of the feet to take it a step further we might grab the elbows behind the legs and then just know that we can also still be here working it out so it's great especially if you want to return to the video there's always lots of variations ways to experiment for me that's what keeps the practice lovely let's take one more deep breath in here or wherever you are and then gently release awesome this time we slide the left toes ease back and come into our runners lunge so there's SL foundations pose for runners lunge I highly recommend you check it out because this is a great transition pose often we kind of blow through just keep the legs in the knees in particular nice and happy great inhale look forward and exhale slowly lower that left knee down again feel free to pad the knee here left toes are curled under we make sure that we stack the left hip over the left knee so again tendency is to kind of come here which is where the pose looks pretty awesome I'm like wow look how flexible I am but I think that it's more beneficial and a little bit safer actually to keep this stacked so we walk the right toes out they're both good different things different strokes for different folks as they say stupid ok inhale looking forward and exhale rocking it back so I'm not just straightening my right leg I'm really pulling the right hip crease back leveling the hips here and flexing that right foot breathe deep if you're feeling a little wobbly you can always come onto the top of that left foot for stability but for me and my body type this feels more stable left toes curled under all right let's find a little movement a little flow we inhale look forward smile and exhale maybe coming onto the palms keep that right foot flexed as we bow forward integrate the breath we inhale loop the shoulders open the heart lengthen when exhale working with those muscles working with the breath we fold here we go inhale and exhale release pimp slowly we come back up we roll through that right foot maybe fold our mat back down as we come back to our runners lens take a deep breath in here and then exhale plant the palms step it back to your downward dog for two nice long smooth deep breaths pedal it out melt your heart back awesome then we'll slowly lower back on to the knees cross the left ankle over the right so we're just reversing kind of the way we went up here we'll select come back to the buttocks and come back to flat back so here we're going to grab the block if you don't have the block then that's okay we can use like a nice firm book hey-oh or we can screw the props all together and just use our hands so I'll start with a block and we're gonna come to flat back so take your block or your book and we're going to basically go in the same order as before so sole of the left foot comes to the earth and we're going to send the right leg all the way up really let the weight of that hip just drop in a socket here and then pay attention to lower back and upper body here too as well just like we did before nothing like the support of the earth here to check in with these tight hammies to check in with the backs of the legs I'm going to take the block straight to my hammie here straight to Miami flex the right foot keep the shoulders relaxed and we're going to find a little resistance here so I'm not just pulling this block or the book or the option here is to interlace the fingertips and use the firmness of the palms to do this as well but rather and this is important and this is about strengthening these muscles so we stretch and then we strengthen right so I'm not just pulling the block to my right thigh but rather pressing back with the thigh so really left hamstrings lengthening towards the sky as I flex through that right foot and I'm finding a little give-and-take here you can stay here or we can slide that right heel down just as we did before come to fix and then you know me God is in the details or the Devils in the details however you want to see it this right shoulder might start to pull up so just ground down through that right shoulder keep dropping this right hip socket down with an exhale energetically pressing through that right heel and we find a little resistance so it might be here it might be here or it might be a little further just find where it is today and breathe let's do three more breaths here sweet and then we'll soften through that right knee and switch nice and easy nice and easy okay here we go sole the right foot on the mat or you send the left foot up go ahead and catch the back of that leg here with your block your book or your palms and again this is about finding that resistance so we're not just pulling up here it's kind of the opposite of we're pressing with that hamstring or strength I can't wait till I get HAMP's drinks we're pressing into the hamstring and we're really finding that again that energy out through the left heel neck is nice and long long and beautiful stay here use the sole that right foot for as little stability especially if you're starting to feel that prana that energy that shake or slide it down experiment so nice supportive stretching here let's do three more breaths enjoy this time and when you feel satisfied we'll Bend that left knee soften it out release the props to the sides and both legs out long reach the fingertips up full body stretch point the feet move the ankles the wrists take a deep the wrists the wrists take a deep breath in smile and exhale release shavasana okey doke so that was a sequence to strengthen and lengthen the hamstrings I think that of all videos this is a really good one to favorite or click Add to down below so that you can return to the video more easily and find ease and the hamstrings slowly begin to work with that flexibility and give it time my biggest suggestion to you is find what feels good and give it time particularly with this particular muscle group and the backs of the legs already leave questions or comments below subscribe to the channel if you haven't already join the yoga with Adriene family we'd love to have you we'll see you next time namaste