- Hey everyone and welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I am Adriene and today we have an awesome practice for you. We're tackling yoga for cyclists today and of course this practice is for anyone. Super great for the calves, the glutes, the lower back, the mid-back, the upper back, the chest. You name it, we have it today. So hop on the mat and let's get started. (upbeat music) All right my friends, let's begin on all fours. Come on down. If you have a yoga mat to kind of pad your body here, great, if not, you can just use a little towel underneath the knees here and just place your hands right on the earth. We're gonna jump right in with a little Cat-Cow. So drop the belly as you breathe in, open the chest, and if you're a cyclist or if you're just giving this a go to check in with the body today really start by really paying attention to the sensations here in the neck, in the muscles of your abdominal wall. Take one more breath here and then exhale. Same thing as you round for Cat Pose. Careful not to go into little robot stretching mode. Just really pay attention. Ooh what's tight today? What needs some love? This is a way of continuing to learn about the body and it's really gonna up your game in other areas of sport and in life if we approach the practice in that way. Inhale, drop the belly, open the chest. Keep learning, what's going on today. If you know about the muscles like the anatomy of the body, you can even close your eyes and try to see those muscles. I do that a lot. Then exhale, rounding through, chin to chest. See if you can really listen and feel the skin of the back body stretch. Inhale, drop the belly, heart comes forward, one last time. Careful not to collapse on the shoulders here or the wrists, so claw into your fingertips and open through the chest. Try to get a nice opening through the collar bones here and then exhale, rounding as you're ready. Last time, press on the tops of the feet and see if you can really press up from the ground so much so that your heart space is really lifting up towards the sky. Upper back body. Cool, then inhale, come to neutral. We're gonna curl the toes under and lift the knees and hover just for five, four, checking in with the belly, three, lighting a little fire, two, and one, beautiful. Bring the big toes together. Knees are gonna go as wide as your mat or a little bit wider than the hips. You'll walk the fingertips forward and as you're ready, send the hips back to Extended Child's Pose. You can keep active arms here or soft arms here whatever feels good. But definitely, energetically, reach your sits bones towards your heels and you can find a soft sway here. If the forehead does not come to the mat, it's okay. You can use that sway to get a nice stretch. In time maybe the forehead will come to the mat. We're starting to work into the shoulders here. We're also feeling a little massage. A gentle compression through the hip flexors which we're gonna stretch out today. Then just press on the tops of the feet and start to feel it out and deepen your breath. We're stretching the body but we can also take this time for a little mental check in. A little energetic hygiene. Take one more deep breath in and then exhale, claw the fingertips into the ground. Lift your heart and your center all the way back up. Walk the knees back in line with the hips, toes fall into line with the knees. Then we're gonna drop the elbows, keep them right underneath the shoulders. This is really important. Palms are gonna glue to the ground or the mat. You're gonna keep these two parallel lines of the forearms, in the wrists and the knees and the ankles as you walk back, Puppy Posture. So we have our first big shoulder opener here. You can be gentle, in fact, you should be gentle at first here, just feeling the stretch in the shoulder and you might come up and out of it nice and slow. If you're super flexible, you might be able to just go right into it, but I recommend nice mindful movement in and out of the shape. Then eventually you can pause maybe the forehead comes to the earth. You're gonna really lift up from your hip creases so that your pelvis rocks up towards the sky. This should feel really great, long in the side body. Put on weight into the fingertips, a little weight into the toes. You're here for one more breath, you got this. Then exhale, draw the naval in, connect to that little energy, that fire in the belly and come all the way back up to all fours. Woo, should feel awesome. Cool, walk the knees to the center of your mat or on your towel or blanket and curl the toes under and nice and slow walk the hands back. As you walk the hands back, you're gonna really use what you got here to press the base of the palm into the meaty part of your quad and enjoy this little massage. This little calming of the muscles of the quad. All the way up to the hip creases and then when you get to the hip creases, you can use your thumb to really knead in there as much as it feels good. Yeah, and of course, while we're at it, we're stretching through the feet and if you can, try to get a little lift up through the center line, we call this the plumb line, the spine, the Sushumna. So you're not just mindlessly crashing into your feet so you're still getting a nice stretch but there's a little bit of awareness lifting you up through the spine. Which of course will help us on the bike or anywhere in life. Driving, everything. Cool, then flip the palms up and we'll walk the knees together, if you can, if not, no worries. We'll just sit up nice and tall for one conscious breath in. And a nice conscious breath out. Wonderful, walk the hands back out to all fours. Press into the tops of the feet, knees underneath the hip creases. Once again, hip points, once again. It should feel good in the feet to really press down. Wrap the shoulders around here, so lots of space. And the neck is nice and long. So we did this with the toes curled under, now we're gonna do it with the feet pressing down. Toes uncurled, inhale in, exhale, lift the knees and let them hover. Tug the hands back towards the knees. Tug the toes towards the front of your mat. We create a little resistance, a little fire in the belly for five, four, three, press away from your yoga mat, two and one, gorgeous work. Big toes to touch, knees as wide as your mat. Once again Extended Child's Pose, send it back. Deep breath in, melt your heart down as you breathe out. Keep the feet where they are, legs where they are. Inhale, come up to all fours. Again lower body stays where it's at. Left hand's gonna come to the center. Inhale, open through the chest, so open, open, open, through your heart space and then exhale, thread the needle, come on to the outer edge of your right shoulder, your right ear here. We're starting to really create space through the upper back body. Down through the thoracic and then breathe into your belly here. So you can create more stretch for yourself with this top arm. You can even take a little bind here or a twist and please add the layer, return, keep reconnecting with your breath. Then from the middle, navel draws in and up, tucked to a little core strengthener, even in the smallest of transition. Then we'll take it to the other side. Open through the left, stretch, stretch, stretch. And thread the needle as you're ready. Come on to the outer edge of your left shoulder. Rest on the left ear, and we keep this lifting up through the hip creases that we had before. You can use your top arm to help you find more spaciousness. Breathe into your lower belly here. The trees are really dancing outside my room today. And then as you're ready, connect to your center. Come all the way back up and in. Walk the hands back underneath the shoulders. Knees back underneath the hip points. Wonderful. Now we're gonna curl the toes under. Send the right toes out here and you're just gonna work the calf here by sawing front to back. Now, see if you can maintain the length in the neck so we're not collapsed here, but we're actually lifting the front body up to meet the back body here, so it's nice and strong and stretching the calf. Breathing, not collapsing into the wrists. When you're ready, bring that right knee all the way up and in. We're gonna step it to a nice low lunge. Walk the left knee back. Front knee over front ankle and we just start to slowly but surely get a little bit light on the fingertips and find length through the crown. If you don't get down this low on the ground too often, you can keep it nice and low and just slowly work it out. But in time, we're gonna want that information, that awareness to travel up through the spine. It's also gonna help you on a bike. Take one more deep breath in here. Front yoga, front ankle. Again, if you want to intensify this hip flexor stretch, you just walk that left knee back even more. Make sure you're not on a tight rope but nice and wide. Like on two skis with your legs and then take a deep breath in and open your chest. Open through the pecs, stretch, and then on your breath out, relax the head down, send the right hip crease back and flex your right toes towards your face. We're not coming all the way back here but keeping this hip stacked over the knee, and it's really yogi's choice whether you wanna press on the top of that back foot or curl the toes under. Find what feels good there and keep breathing here. It might be that you have a really generous bend in your right knee so take a couple of moments to explore your body, every body is different. Nice and active in the right toes. To intensify this stretch, you can walk your hands in line with your right foot. Excuse me, allergies today. Okay, my friends, really dig into your right heel. Dig, dig, dig and press away so lift up from your pelvic floor a little bit and then roll through that right foot nice and slow. Then we're gonna inhale, reach the fingertips forward up and back. Big Crescent Lunge here. Imagine you're carrying a big beach ball up and over head so we're wanting to create more spaciousness in the shoulders, in the neck, in the chest, in the upper back body. Imagine you're holding a big beach ball up and over your head. Then breathe deeps and your heart up, throat back, chin lifts. And then exhale to rain it all down. Left hand comes to the earth. You're gonna walk your right foot out just a bit and then turn your right toes out just a bit. Right hand, listen carefully, is gonna come to the top of the right thigh and we're not gonna man handle here or woman handle. We're just gonna be really nice and gentle as we loop the right shoulder and open. You might find that you can come on to the outer edge and use your hand to push back a little bit but you need to be really, really mindful. Really, really, really mindful and loving. Then think Cobra here as you open through the chest, deep breath in and then exhale slowly. Hug the inner thighs back to center. Come back to your nice low lunge. Inhale to open the chest and exhale to walk that right foot all the way over for Pigeon. So the right heel might need to come into the center big time. In time we're working to get this shin parallel but you need to focus on the sensation rather than the shape. So try to bring everything to the mid-line best you can and then root down through the top of that back foot. You decide what feels best today. Every practice is different, right? Listen to your body's needs. You might stay up nice and tall today here. You might even start to work towards hands together at the heart or you can take that pigeon to sleep here. One-legged Pigeon to rest in a little Forward Fold. We're here for three to five breaths. Soften through the jaw, keep the toes active. And then connect to your center to slowly come up. Nice and slow, nice and slow, nice and slow. We're gonna press into the palms, come back to all fours and curl both toes under. When you're ready, second side, extend the left leg out long, start to stretch through that calf. Find the sits bone to heel connection here. Remember this is yoga practice so the beauty of the yoga practice is the constant reminder to unite, right, yoga union. Careful not to just isolate the calf muscle or the achilles. Think of it as a full body experience, so length through the crown, not collapsing into the wrists. Really drawing the front body up to meet the back body. A couple more motions here, front to back, sawing. Sawing like a saw. In case that was confusing. When you're ready, bring the left knee all the way up and in, step into your nice low lunge. Right away, front knee over front ankle, you'll walk the right knee back and then just take it as it comes, that's the practice. Feel out your muscles, feel out the sensations. Might keep it nice and low. You might start to grow a little bit lighter on the fingertips and in time everyone start to let the news from down below travel up through the spine so you can open the chest forward. Kind of come out of this rounding shape and open up. Great, take a big breath in and then exhale softly, rounding chin to chest. Pull the left hip crease back. Flex the left toes now towards your face. Again you can keep a generous bend in that left knee. There's a tendency to come really far back on that heel which of course you can, you're in charge, but see what happens if you keep that knee right underneath the hip and focus on strengthening and stretching the belly of this hamstring with a slight or generous bend in the left knee. If you're like, woman, I have no idea what you just said, just breathe deep, enjoy this time with your body and your breath. You can walk the hands in line with the left foot. For more of a stretch. Dig into that left heel and slowly roll through, roll, roll, roll through. Loop the shoulders and reach the fingertips forward up and back, big crescent here. Big beach ball up and over head. Squeeze the inner thighs to the mid line. Keep tugging the top of that left thigh bone back. Create spaciousness in the upper body. You might sink a little deeper. Lift your heart, throat back, maybe opening, lifting the chin up to the sky just a hair. And then exhale to rain it all the way down. Walk the left foot this time towards the left edge. Open the left toes just a bit. Right hand on the earth for stability. We'll bring the left hand to the top of the left thigh. The second side is gonna be different. You might not do the same thing you did on the right side with this side, you might just stay here. You might come up onto the right fingertips or you might find a little bit of a opening. Just gently using your left hand to guide that hip open. Wrapping the shoulder blades and then think about the psoas here nice and long so think Upward Facing Dog or Cobra. As you breathe in and then exhale, bring everything into center by hugging the inner thighs to the mid-line. Stay active in the toes to protect the knee and we come back to our nice, low lunge. Beautiful, inhale, look forward. Exhale, walking it over towards the right side, it, I mean your left foot for you Pigeon. One-legged Pigeon on the other side again it's gonna be different. So just check it out. Use your breath. Start to really listen to your breath here. Again notice what it is on this side today. Each practice is an opportunity to check in with something new. Right, just like every time you get on the bike or any time you do a run or anything like that. It's always very new if you're really present, so just stay present here. You might keep it lifted today or you might take it into a nice Forward Fold. We're here for three to five breaths. Really listen to the sound of your breath, in and out, in and out. Soften through the jaw, soften through the brow and keep the back toes and the front toes nice and engaged. Then connect to your center. Slowly come up and this time we're going to come onto the outer edge of that left hip and we're gonna swing the right leg all the way around so you're coming to a seat. Yahoo and then bring the feet as wide as your yoga mat. Hands come behind you and you lift up through the chest here and then just exhale, take a deep breath in and exhale, send the knees towards the left, find that inner rotational right hip and try to keep your heart lifted here. And then through center, a little booty massage. We're gonna get another booty massage too before we end and over to the right. And inhale, come to center, keep lifting through your heart, exhale to the left. So good, inhale, lift up and exhale to the right. Wonderful, come back up to upright. We're gonna both legs out long. You're gonna bring your right knee in, check it out. I'm gonna come to the leg baby, the infamous leg baby here on Yoga with Adriene channel. But today I'm actually going to take my right foot into my left hand and do a little variation for the glute, for the outer hip, for the piriformis. I'm going to take my right foot. I'm gonna take my right hand to the ground for stability and then I'm gonna lean back, bring my left foot to the ground and I'm gonna slowly come on either to my right forearm, so actually, try that first and I'll try to rock side to side here. I'm gonna use my left hand to just kind of really massage that right glute here. I'll turn this way so you can see. Just go on a little exploration. This is what we're ending with today. Find what feels good, whoa. It should feel awesome. If coming onto the forearm is not in your practice, you can just keep the hand lifted and work here. That should feel really good. After you've done it on the right side, connect to your center, your core to come back up through center, back up to seated. We'll do the same thing on the other side. You'll hug the left knee up and in. Catch the left foot with the right hand. Left hand comes back. Then when you're ready, right foot comes to the earth for stability. Maybe we lean back on that left forearm and we start to explore the left side, so good, seriously so great, so wonderful for the lower back. Look, we don't need any fancy machine or anything for this. An expensive massage, we're just taking care of ourselves left and right literally. I probably look like a fool doing this but it feels amazing. If you're doing it with me, you know, you know. All right, and when you feel satisfied, go ahead and come back up to center. We'll bring the soles of the feet together. Grab the ankles, and inhale, lift up through the spine. Exhale, relax the shoulders down and draw the tops of the thighs down, down, down. Inhale, just a lot of gratitude and appreciation for your body and then exhale, just slowly nose towards the toes. I don't care how far you get, it doesn't even matter. Just a little stretch in the back body. You can use your elbows, maybe press the inner thighs down. Maybe grab the toes. Nice and loose in the neck. Fabulous, then press into your foundation and slowly roll up and I'll cross the ankles. Bring the hands to the heart. Booyah, amazing practice, my friends. Thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy. This is one to definitely be repeated. Leave questions, comments down below. Like the video, bookmark it so you can find it super easy and I'll see you next time, take good care. Namaste. (upbeat music)