hey everyone and welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and I'm super excited because today we have a sequence for the complete beginner so if you're new to yoga or you've been curious about yoga practice and all its wonderful beautiful benefits this is a great sequence for you you don't need any blocks you don't need any blankets all you need is your body and an open mind if you have a mat that's great but otherwise open mind open heart let's get started [Music] okay my friends and my new friends we're going to begin in a cross-legged position we call this sukhasana or the easy pose the pose of ease take a second here to check in with the breath by maybe looping the shoulders a couple times forward up and back inhale looping forward exhale grounding down and back just finding a little organic movement here and then maybe checking in with the neck by just maybe moving one ear over one shoulder and then we'll go forward chin to chest shaking the head yes now no okay coming back to Center we'll bring the head over the heart the heart over the pelvis so take a second to maybe close your eyes or soften the gaze so you can just go inward a little bit here as we find alignment head over heart heart over pelvis we lift the sternum lift the chest and then again ground down through the elbows here on the exhale find a nice space between the ears and the shoulders we just kind of come into the moment with a little integrity whatever that means to you for me it means body awareness mind awareness noticing where my thoughts are and coming back to that body awareness and then see if you can begin to deepen your breath here nice long inhale in and a nice long juicy exhale out keep that going nice long inhalation and a nice long extended exhale out draw your palms together at the heart take a deep breath in each time we come here this is a great little beginners tip each time we come to this mudra we call it Anjali mudra you can think about lifting your sternum or your heart up to your chest so often when we get a little bit tired and we will in our practice we can have this little reminder to loop the shoulders and lift the sternum to the thumbs each time we come to this hands at the heart or this prayer position in Anjali mudra so practice that now inhale lift your sternum up to your thumbs draw your lower belly or a navel in to meet your spine so again we're just coming into this active body but with a sense of ease this is gonna be a wonderful tool for beginning a yoga practice just kind of finding the balance between active body strength engaging qualities and then also a softness an ease a lightness of calmness if you will finding a place where those two can dance and be together is what our Yoga is all about interlace the fingertips follow your breath as you ending out press the palms forward and back nice and easy here as we climb up the side body climb up the spine and on your next exhale release the fingertips down Shh nothing fancy here just checking with the body checking in with the breath inhale again forward up and back on your exhale fingertips release with elegance with ease opening the shoulders opening the chest checking with the side body one more here as we ground down through the tops of the thighs deep breath in exhale release great take your right palm to your left knees sit up nice and tall send your left fingertips behind the tail bone here as you inhale lift up lift your heart exhale journey towards the left find a gentle twist here navel draws in towards the spine and we remember that we come to the mat to have an experience in our body so don't crank yourself into the posture have the experience of gently moving into the twist maybe closing the eyes here for one last breath we gently release back to Center and take it to the other side left palm to right knee sit up nice and tall this time I'm going to turn to the side so you can see my spine here the tendency is going to be to round forward we spend a lot of time here all the time okay so no worries and in time we're going to begin to lengthen tailbone down lower back becomes nice and long heart lifts shoulder blades ground down we find our twist so what I'm trying to say here is don't sacrifice this lift in the heart and this length in the spine for a deeper twist abscess yeah this is wrong y'all it's just wrong so find what feels right what feels good so it might mean that you don't go all the way far back at first but keep a nice mindful twist here using that exhale to journey a little deeper even if it's just energetically and then gent really gently releasing back to centre great take a second here one more time to interlace the fingertips at the heart inhale palms reach forward up and back long puppy belly nice stretch here lifted up high and then exhale release fingertips to the mat side body stretch nice and easy keep grounding through the legs here so legs aren't just limp here they're nice and active tops of the thighs drawing down great plan to your left palm or left fingertips Yogi's choice beginners Yogi's choice so press into the palms or the fingertips and then send the right fingertips up think up up up up and then go over careful not to just go over trying to mimic and also know that you may be seen before have an experience inhale reach it up keep this lift in the heart and then exhale side body stretch now here we're not going to hold we're gonna kind of set the tone for our yoga practice and our yoga journey by finding a little self-expression finding a little movement here you might sway up and down front and back might close your eyes you might stretch your mouth might wiggle the fingertips to all the shoulders away from the ears take a deep breath in and exhale swiftly through Center and to the other side creating space in the body connecting to the breath remember there's no right or wrong here it's great just kind of takes the edge off we're gonna learn some basics we're gonna focus on the line up but really it's about that self-expression so find a moment or two here to find a little movement and then swiftly we come back to Center and we're gonna take the palms and dive forward onto all fours okay so I'm going to align wrists underneath the shoulders and knees directly underneath the hip points I'm pressing into the tops of my feet here toes are pointing straight back and my palms are spread super wide my friends SuperDuper wide spreading the palms like starfish now the most important thing I can teach you at this moment is to connect with this upward current of energy whatever this means to you and that means not collapsing into the bones here but pressing up and out of the earth okay so that means connecting to every part of the foundation all parts of the body that's pressing into the mat and then remembering to find that integrity head in the heart heart over the pelvis but maybe creating a nice tabletop position here and so we're not sitting up straight anymore we've moved our center of gravity but I can still work with that alignment head heart and pelvis in line notice how I'm drawing my shoulders away from the ears and I'm remembering that my head this neck is an extension of the spine so I'm not hanging out here I'm not crunching here but I'm going ahead and taking the gaze down for now and finding a nice long beautiful neck great you might feel a little bit of pressure in the arms and the wrists here keep pressing up and out of the palms so that we can begin to build strength rather than collapse into the bones okay from here one more breath I'm going to exhale on your next inhale loop the shoulders drop the belly tailbone tilts up towards the sky as I look forward little cat-cow here long neck take your time no rush on the exhale I start at my tailbone I travel up the spine walking up the spine until the crown of the head is the last thing to release take a breath cycle here in and out letting the weight of the head go navels drawing up towards the spine I'm pressing into the tops of the feet here I'm pressing up and out of the palms deep breath in inhale looping the shoulders heart radiates forward then on the exhale tucking the tail drawing the navel up closing the eyes to really have an experience here we call this spinal flex or cat-cow and one more inhale pressing into all ten knuckles exhale curling the tailbone in starting there traveling up the spine chin the chest crown of the head releases and then we inhale back to tabletop position curl your toes walk your fingertips back a little Yoga for the feet a little beginner's feet moment here so for some this is no biggie no biggie for others your feet are your dogs are barking at you right now so you might just stay here others might walk the palms all the way up find that lift in the heart deep breath in press into your pinky toes this is a great opportunity to roll the wrists out stay connecting to that breath don't worry about how to breathe here just continue to play with the breath deepen the breath then we'll come back to all fours come on to the tops of the feet again inhale extend the right toes out long go ahead and bring the right toes to the earth we're just going to take a couple seconds here to breathe into the back of that right leg breathe in to the calf notice I'm not collapsing into my shoulders here but I'm maintaining that lift so that slowly I can begin to build that strength in the arms and just that energetic body that lift we call it hasta bandha the hand the earth connection this upward current of energy great notice how I'm rocking a little bit back and forth here just finding that sit bone to heel connection I'm working at drawing my navel up towards my spine kind of knitting the lower rib cage in and keeping the neck nice and long then release back to tabletop position and take it to the other side curling the left toes under now stretching out the back of that leg the calf while still maintaining a nice line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tail breathe and then we'll bring it back to tabletop position great curl the toes under walk your palms out and then slowly we're gonna walk the knees back here elbows are going to drop in line with the shoulders and in line with the then my pelvis is gonna tilt up as my forehead maybe comes to the mat here and heart melts down towards the knees now if your shoulders are having a wake-up call right now maybe you pull in and out of it a couple times we call this anahatha Austin or heart to earth pose this is like a puppy posture here like a half downward dog take a couple breaths here sway a little from side to side my shoulders are actually pretty tight a little sore from practice yesterday so I'm finding a little bit of movement I'm never sitting in any sharp pain ever but using my breath as a tool to move beyond the pain and find some movement again notice how the elbows they're gonna want to come out here see if you can keep them in line with the wrists and the shoulders one more breath here heart to earth pelvis tilting up towards the sky and then I'll begin to curl the toes inflate at the heart inhale lift the heart press into the palms and then slowly one leg at a time nice and slow I'm gonna lift the sit bones up dropping the left heel then the right and come into our first downward dog together now palms pressing like starfish into the earth keeping that upward energy that upward current up through the palms through the arms so I'm not collapsing my weight here and finding this nice length in the spine and notice how I have really yet to straighten both my legs yet so don't worry about what you think downward dog is supposed to look like but my beginners tip and this is great for all Yogi's we kind of always try to inspire each other in the yoga world so you come back to the beginner's mind and I think downward dog is a great place to kind of check in with that beginner's mind by first maybe finding a little movement peddling the feet trying the shoulder blades in and together take a deep breath in and then exhale come back to the knees and walking the fingertips back up for a little rest loop the shoulders maybe a couple circles with the wrists and we dive in four more here we go palms to the earth belly to the tops of the thighs this time slowly slowly building to a nice still dog where we take a second here to be with the breath now tops of the shoulders are drawing away from the ears my two big toes are turning in just slightly sit bone shining up towards the sky I knit my lower ribcage together I press up and out of my palms and make sure my head is nice and loose not holding in the neck tops of the thighs have the sweet inner spiral going in towards the back of the mat I take a nice deep breath in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth it's allergy season here in Austin inhale in through the nose and exhale out through the mouth bend your knees generously go for a little walk slowly up towards the front edge of your mat come on to the fingertips when you need to and together we'll land in a forward fold feet hip-width apart knees bent as generously as you need and we let it all hang breathe breathing into the lower back Lewton asana here we might grab the elbows and rock a little side to side then releasing the arms bringing them to the waistline here perhaps using the thumbs here to kind of hook behind the back as I loop the shoulders press and all four corners of the feet and slowly rise up coming into kind of a superhero pose here as I loop the shoulders find that lift in the chest and I'm actually going to move to the front here so you can see me a little bit better so I'm coming into a Mountain Pose we call this Tadasana with the feet hip width apart toes are pointing forward and really this is about connecting to the earth feeling strong we practice this here so that later on when we come into all these kind of other fun and crazy poses we've we've practice again that upward current of motion while also grounding down so for now just check in with the feet spreading awareness through all four corners of the feet perhaps drawing energy up through the arches of the feet maybe even lifting the kneecaps toning the quads just kind of bringing a little active energy into the body as once again we draw the palms together at the heart and aha to sternum to the thumbs tuck your pelvis in everyone and again close your eyes find that head over heart heart over pelvis this time pelvis over heels or the center of the heels interlace the fingertips soften the knees find a little buoyancy here as we inhale reach forward up and back nice tall stretch here and then exhale releasing the fingertips down just like we did when we were seated opening the chest inhale soft knees reaching forward up and back tailbone lengthens down tuck your pelvis and exhale opening the shoulders fingertips might move a little bit here maybe checking in with the neck this time inhale forward up and back lengthening the tailbone down exhale awesome take a second here to draw a couple circles with your nose check in with the neck often we think in yoga you know we have to be in these crazy pretzel shapes but really for me each day yoga really begins with this movement this gesture drawing circles one way and then the other checking with my neck grounding down through my shoulders and elbows and fingertips feels good okay take a second soft knees to bend the knees and then reach the fingertips up volcano pose I'm lifting my toes here just to press into all four corners of my feet I'm tucking my pelvis in the arms might get tired or ride away here with practice you'll notice this gets easier pull the thumbs back find a Flying V if you feel like this like no space find some space at least the toes back down if you haven't already and breathe spread the fingertips and celebration of you and your new yoga practice then take the right hand and grab the left wrist again just like we did before in the side body stretch think up and over so rather than just to the side youch think up a length length length and then over this will look a little different for everyone again you can find a little self-expression here as you maybe sway a little back and forth and then we'll come back to Center I know arms might be getting tired here hang with me grab the opposite think up and over as you breathe into the stretch round down through your feet remember that sit bone to heel connection tuck your pelvis and then we come back to volcano pose for one breath as we inhale look up by drawing a line with the nose up and then exhale back down at the heart palms to the sternum as we lift it up awesome bring the hands to the waistline so we're gonna take the right foot forward and the left foot back I'm wanting to get to a place um I'm not going to spend too much time on all the fine details because I'm wanting just to just get a taste for things so right toes are going to point forward left toes are gonna point towards the front left corner of the mat and I'm gonna make sure that I'm on two planes rather than one tightrope huh like two skis so I have lots of space like maybe hit point apart take your right thumb pull your right hip point back then see if you can tuck your pelvis and do this thing we've been working on where we align head over heart heart over pelvis now the tendency is that the pelvis is gonna want to spill back heyo but I'm going to lengthen the tailbone down tuck my pelvis and find integrity in the torso kind of lighting that fire in my belly two great hands on the waistline here as I loop the shoulders and breathe back heel is on the earth strong both legs are charged by it maybe squeezing the inner thighs together fine during that fine during finding that scissor effect got excited there and then finding that length in the crown breathe here you can stay here bending that front knee generously eventually I'm going to want to get to a place where at the bottom of that thigh is parallel to the earth but in due time in due time so I can stay here hands on the waist or I can reach the fingertips behind the ears and reach it up voila I'm in warrior one veer Vajrasana one pull the thumbs back remember your alignment draw your navel and slightly breathe here if you feel like whoa hug those inner thighs together find stability as you breathe take a deep breath in inhale as you exhale open up towards the left side of your mat ah warrior two I might walk my front toes towards the front edge of the mat and I might find a little bit more space here a little wider stance what I'm trying to say is I pull my pinkies back and find that lift in the heart breathe here strong legs and then exhale hands to the waistline and I'm going to turn my right toes in and my left toes out to take it to the other side now we're going to work in reverse order here so a little Yoga for the brain - coming into our warrior two on the left side first bend the knee the tendency is you're gonna be like I'm not strong so I'm gonna hang out I'm gonna like not bend that nice so far right away but I think you'd be surprised get a little get in there get a little juicy make sure your feet are stacked just where you need them so we're not on that tightrope we're really paying attention to our foundation working our yoga poses from the ground up deep breath in here and exhale hands to the waistline then I'm gonna step the back foot in just a little bit so that I can bring that back heel to the earth strong legs strong lower body as I move my hip points gently towards the back edge we're just down the front edge of the mat lengthen the tailbone down find that lift in the heart we can stay here or we can reach the fingertips behind the ears to come up voilá or you're one in the opposite side again don't worry about trying to create that perfect image that perfect asana it really is about having an experience and then growing the pose that makes it fun too less work okay one more nice long inhale in here hang with me hug those inner thighs towards the midline and on an exhale float the fingertips down back to the waistline for a little stability okay my thumb's behind here then I'm going to turn the left toes in come back to Center and I'm gonna heel-toe heel-toe my feet back into center so when you hear that in yoga class that's what this means heel-toe heel-toe it's kind of silly okay this time when I challenge my center of gravity by coming feet flush together so before we were hip-width apart now I'm gonna stand up nice and tall in Tadasana where I'll finish my practice today bringing the fingertips down maybe closing the eyes kind of channel that center of gravity taking the experience of my practice and drawing the palms together at the heart inhale in and nice long exhale out Tadasana okey-doke so that was just a simple sequence to get us started the hardest thing I often discover and I'm sure many many Yogi's will agree the hardest part is just showing up just rolling out the mat right just getting to the gym getting to class taking a moment for yourself so congrats to you for making it this far and you can favorite this video and return to it once a day for a week see how that goes check out our foundations of yoga series also really awesome for beginners where we get back to basics and we take the time to break down each pose leave comments questions below subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I will see you next time namaste [Music] [Music]