hey everyone and welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and today we have a yummy sleepy time yoga for you this is a bedtime sequence that is sure to help you get a lovely night's rest and also just let go of the day and transition into the evening so put on something comfortable get your comfies out and let's get started all right my friends so we're going to begin in a nice comfortable seat this can be a cross-legged position this can be one foot in front of the other like I have here can sit up on a pillow a blanket a blog to find a nice comfortable place where you can sit up tall we're going to take the palms face down wherever feels good then close your eyes and relax your shoulders begin to notice your breath we're going to take a couple of neck rolls here but nice and slow so begin to draw big circles with the nose so they might start really big again moving from the tip of the nose here just settling into the moment allowing the lower body to grow heavy and the heart to keep a little lift notice any crunching any noise going on in the head the neck the shoulder connection and then reverse your circle move in the opposite direction keep the shoulders relaxed here and enjoy this beautiful time that you have carved out for yourself maybe you feel like oh I don't even have the time but relish in this awesome bedtime practice knowing you will benefit from it connecting the brain the body mind intelligence on the body intelligence winding down for the day reverse or circle one more time if you find any caches here you might rock back and forth they're just finding a little movement here that feels good you might feel a little weird doing it but if you just close your eyes and surrender find what feels good and then one last breath here find what feels good letting go of the stress and the tension that perhaps is built up over the course of the day and then we'll bring the head back to Center draw the palms together at the heart take a deep breath in on the exhale bow your head to your hands to your heart now actively draw the shoulder blades together here breathe into the back of the neck close your eyes feel the sensations of the palms kissing together at the heart and prayer one more breath here you might imagine a little trapdoor opening out through the crown of the head and again any stress you've been carrying any tension any worry any burden of the day or even anything in anticipation of the future of tomorrow just go let it spill out trickle out telling the mind the body the heart that we are winding down for the day preparing for much-needed rest balancing the equilibrium finding peace from within big breath in big breath out release the fingertips down to the legs nice and slowly roll up through the head the neck awesome so we're going to draw the left heel in towards the center and extend the right leg out long point and flex through the right for the extended leg so moving really soft here today point flex point flex and then when you're ready we're going to reach the arms just nice and soft and slow all the way up take a nice big stretch here lengthening UNCHR humble enough on all four sides of the torso so the side body the front body the back body lifts and then exhale softly release begin to turn towards your right foot and find a place where you can bow the head so it might be a kind of classic genre this is Cho nazar sawsan head to knee pose jianu Circe awesome or you might keep it nice and chill just kind of resting here maybe reaching to the outer edge of your right shin your body's going to tell you what feels awesome so if it's lower back body you're here mmm it's the leg if you need a little twist everyone see if you can keep the right foot bright so even though we're working softly and mindfully so you can keep a little energy in that right foot and come to a place that feels good and allow the eyelids just soften or close make your inhale long exhale even longer listen to the sound of your breath here and slowly release wherever you are tuck the chin into the chest roll up through the spine so much love here as we roll up through the spine inhale lift the chin the chest and then on an exhale this little counter pose we're going to take the left palm behind or left fingertips and inhale sweep the right arm all the way up and overhead this time point your right toes breathe in here don't really worry about the perfect shape but your body will tell you ah yes opening so we just folded and now we're going to open inhale in and exhale back to Center great draw the right heel in left leg out take a second to get set up here and then when you're ready inhale reach for the sky nice and slow experiencing the body stretching slowing everything down inhale lift through all four sides of the torso and exhale bringing it down so each side is different here you might come to the outer edge of the left shin you might come to head to knee pose maybe interlacing around the foot or holding on to your pant leg finding the breath again here softening through the forehead closing the eyes or finding a soft gaze allowing again the day thus far to melt away in the anticipation of tomorrow to hold being present with your body in your breath this is an act of self-love here and super great for the body one more breath here wherever you are enjoy and then slowly release tuck the chin into the chest stacking head over heart heart over pelvis beautiful and then releasing the right palm back pointing through the left toes and inhale reach left fingertips up high big breath in big breath out brings you back to Center awesome work soles the feet come together here so take a second to give yourself a little foot massage thumbs coming to the ankles or the arches the heels and the base of the foot the toes keep breathing here the more you practice this video you can freestyle here finding extension through the foot maybe even lifting both legs but if this is your first time just keep it to a nice soft gentle massage maybe you start to bring oils into the mix little lavender oil and the sweets hmm and then we'll interlace the fingertips bring them to the toes and draw the tops of the thighs down as you inhale lift the heart as you exhale drop the chin to the chest close your eyes breathe here grounding down through the tops of the thighs inhale in lift your chin exhale swing the fingertips around so fingertips are going to come behind you now I'm going to keep the soles of the feet where they are as we walk ourself back this time to the elbows keep the legs as they are and bodycon awesome inhaling open a chest breathe breathe breathe exhale continue the journey down all the way to the back oh yeah now we're talking shoulder blades shimmy underneath the heart space here so crawl the shoulder blades underneath you hands come to the belly and the legs grow heavy if you're feeling any pressure at all on the lower back Mallove's lift the tail draw it down towards your heels and then release back into this restorative posture so this would be a great time to maybe pull a blanket or pillow I'll choose you underneath the head or the neck oh yeah and then actually want to keep the hands on the belly because it's like for us to breathe into the belly here so once you get situated close your eyes and just with the sound of my voice here we're going to inhale in big fill the belly with air so the hands are going to rise and then as you exhale they fall nice and slow with control inhale belly Rises just like a big way maybe there's a small pausing at the top and then exhale the wave crashes and falls with control and float down keep this going on your own for just a couple more breaths inhaling belly rises exhaling falling down relax the jaw here surrender noticing sensations in the lower body the shoulder joints the neck and slowly gracefully side your fingertips all the way to the outer edges of the legs you do not have to look at the video here we're going to slowly close the legs one at a time bringing the knees in then I'm going to lift the knees give myself a big hug lower back should feel awesome here Rock a little side to side keep the eyes closed and the breath still going maybe draw a couple circles here with the knees then I'll slowly release the soles of the feet back to the mat I'm going to allow the knees to melt over towards the left allow your hands to rest gently on the ribcage of the belly here and what I'm going to do is just kind of shimmy my shoulders down so that my right knee can really reach towards the bottom left corner of my mat inhale in deeply exhale release and chill if you want a little more stretch you might cross the left ankle gently over the top of the right breathe deep here sink into the earth hmmm inhale lots of love in exhale release take it to the other side so great after a long day hard day's work lodging the booty as you rock over to the right and then the same thing here drawing the left knee down resting the weight of the body completely and fully into the earth cross the right ankle over the left side if you'd like and breathe hopefully you're starting to feel relaxed soften the tone in the base of the mouth begin to like great slowly rock back to centre two options here if you're really sleepy and you feel awesome move into shavasana otherwise you can take a bridge pose planting the palms and keeping it nice and soft and fluid as you inhale lift the hips up sloshing through the spine opening up through the palms and exhale folding it down so shavasana bridge pose or another option just cuz I want to take care of all my brothers and sisters out there all different levels is to crawl the shoulder blades under and come into a little shoulder stand or a plow so I like to do this this is really nice I'm not pushing nice and soft to the feet hands come to the lower back body knees come to shield the eyes or even the ears and I just take a breath or two here so wherever you are breathe be present with your breath if you're in the plow use a slow and controlled movement to release so resist a slingshot effect if you're up in bridge same thing nice and slow controlled movement brings you back down everybody extend the legs out long now if you were in the shoulder stand take a second here to walk the palms underneath the bum actually everyone can try this if you like and will draw the shoulders underneath and just take a quick moment here in the fish pose so this is the counter pose to your plow or shoulder stand big breath in and then exhale release release everything choose to let go inhale lots of love in as you get comfortable here exhale lots of about inhale lots of love in exhale lots of love out and slowly sending the arms out at your sides heels in line with the hip points now be a great time to cover up with a blankie crawling the shoulder blades underneath the heart space one last time find a place where you can rest allow the breath to return back to its natural rhythm and connect to a sensation of peace peace within I hope you rest well tonight namaste you