what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I'm Adriene and welcome to my new yoga room so our first video back in the new yoga room or first yoga video anyway back in the new yoga room so I welcome you help me christen it with some yoga basics this month we're kind of getting back to basics and today we're going to do back pain we're not going to do back pain but we're going to kind of address back pain and really just kind of spend some time on the floor remembering that your yoga practice has your back welcome to the new room it's probably going to change my paint it might even move to another room who knows but you know I think that this practice a particular especially since it's for the back and just our yoga practice in general is awesome for kind of teaching us to find support from within and of course to go with the flow so let's hop on the mat and get started all right my friends so today we're going to begin on our backs take your time getting there maybe take a full body stretch when you land and begin to notice your breath as we begin take a second to notice some of you have probably heard me say this before that your yoga mat or your yoga practice your yoga has your back literally in this moment right bring the hands to your ribs bring the feet to the outer edges of your mat and then allow the knees to fall and but take your time getting here no rush then lift your lower back lift your pelvis and see if you can just kind of tuck the tailbone in maybe reaching it up towards the sky so we're just kind of lengthening out through the lower back basically then we'll draw the shoulder blades in and together and down so we're just kind of crawling those shoulder blades underneath you so that we can open up through the chest and we soften through the belly kind of soften through the bowl the pelvis here best you can all these kind of subtle body things come with time so if you're super new to the yoga practice try not to get too caught up on these things just settle in and be where you're at today of course so the best tip for beginners for me or you know like the most important yoga basic is to use your breath as a barometer so today is going to be nice and yummy but as we continue on through the yoga basics and you begin to amp up your practice stick with your breath so that's why today we're going to close the eyes and take a moment to just notice your breath now this natural grass or nothing fancy nothing forced see if you can soften through the skin of your face so you might be clenching your eyebrows right now are the eyes maybe clinching in the jaw and just give yourself a second to relax and notice the natural rhythm the natural ebb and flow of your breath and perhaps you'll find I tend to find that just by noticing my breath I begin to play with it maybe extending the inhale maybe lengthening the exhale noticing if it's a deep breath morning or day or night or shallow breath the beginning to play with that just a little bit a couple of mindful breaths here and I always say just a couple of mindful breaths can really change what's going on in the mind your mental capacity can really change your day let's take one more deep breath in here and one big breath out and then we'll slowly begin to heel toe heel toe so here's a beginner basic thing when you hear that in class we mean heel to the earth toes in heels in toes in and that's what heel toe heel toe means so we heel toe heel toe the feet together the more I say it the more I'm like so dumb and then we'll scoop the knees slowly up towards the heart so we're moving nice and slow today that way if you are in a moment of back pain you're moving mindfully and with ease and if not you're just kind of slowing things down for a change working on preventive care hug the knees into the chest nice and slow we scoop the tailbone up again lengthening through the lower back body and we relax the shoulders still crawling the shoulder blades underneath so we can open up through the chest and the heart cool bring the palms to the kneecaps here we're just going to draw low circles so we get a little massage in the lower back body and when you feel comfortable go ahead and take your gaze off the video you might even close your eyes just begin to notice what's going on as you massage through the sacrum here and then we begin to lay the breath in using the breath to inspire the movement and using the movement to inspire the breath in return take your circle in the opposite direction if you haven't already maybe you already do in your own groove thing you know I like that and then we'll draw the knees back to Center and we'll use the palms gently on the knees to kind of create a like an or like motion here so the feet can say stay soft it here at first and we're just going to draw the knees wide open and then in through Center scoop the tailbone up and keep going now I wanted you to start with the feet soft here just you could feel the difference when you point the toes or just kind of add brightness you might find those yogi toes spreading the toes energy and the feet notice how when we have energy in the feet we can still keep the control kind of slow controlled movement but we kind of support the stretch sometimes teachers refer to hugging the muscle to the bones and that's just kind of activating everything so that you can move with integrity and this is really great as you deepen your practice right so you may not feel that at first but if you've been practicing for a while and you're doing this video with me this is something that we need to start paying attention to kind of activating from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet to create a full body experience so if you're like I have no idea what you're talking about just enjoy the stretch enjoy your practice keep breathing let's do one more big circle here awesome and then we're going to slowly press the soles of the feet back down to the earth and these are going to hug in heels in line with the hip points so we're definitely paying attention to alignment and action in these videos this month notice if the kind of the shoulders have started to tense up again you can crawl the shoulder blades back underneath you open up through the chest and the heart cool keep the left foot down on the earth all four corners of your left foot so even here we pay attention to foundation not just in warrior three or tree pose balancing postures even here connectivity as you inhale slide your right leg all the way up towards the sky maybe you straighten that leg here maybe it's a little tight no worries be in the moment so as we begin to bring focus to the right leg the left leg wants to spill out so we'll hug the left leg in again stay connected to your foundation left foot strong back to basics today really paying attention to building our practice from the ground up really going to help so whether we can extend the leg or not here you can find a little micro movement maybe bending the knee and then straightening the leg maybe pointing and flexing the toes rotating the ankle this is great in general just letting the blood flow in the opposite direction especially if you tend to be on your feet a lot so good then I'll interlace the fingertips behind my right thigh if you're super tight and you want to pause the video to grab like a tie or a towel or you're lucky enough to have a yoga strap or a one of those like physio bands you know you can strap it around the ball joint there and then use it kind of like a arm extender tailbone scoops up lengthening the lower back body once again just staying mindful there we might just stay here or we might inhale in again and on an exhale slowly peel the crown of the head up towards the sky shoulders are going to stay relaxed here my friends tailbone scooping up notice how your yoga practice has your back here interesting sensations right and the foot and the sole of the foot right now blood flowing in the opposite direction take one more breath and then use your exhale to slowly melt it down awesome take your right ankle cross it on over the top of your left thigh and we take a deep breath in and a deep breath out awesome interlacing behind the left thigh this time right hands are going to go through the hole and catch the left fingertips here then I'm going to bring awareness through both feet here so kind of flexing really showing the slow of your foot off here right shin parallel to the ceiling cool if you're new to the Justin you're tight you might just stay here using your right elbow maybe depress the right leg out notice how the lower back wants to come up here and we're going to keep maintaining that length by scooping the tailbone up cool go ahead and tuck your chin into your chest to lengthen through the back of your neck just in case you're stuck here and then again you can stay here or we might extend the left leg all the way up I continue to squeeze that left leg in towards our so we're here breathing into the outer right hip staying long in the lower back body relaxed in the shoulders or we're here just kind of adding that hamstring stretch finding that sit bone to heel connection cool big breath in and we use the exhale to slowly release nice and slow cool unravel right foot comes to the ground and we take a big breath in as we find all four corners of the right foot and lift the left foot up high so if you're an experienced yogi you know you you might want to kind of blow through this you're kind of like oh I need faster tempo so I encourage you if you're feeling frustrated to just kind of slow it down chill it out with me and feel your yoga mat rise up to support your back body if you're new to the practice and this feels super foreign to you notice that embraced that to just take note because in a month you're going to want to remember you know where you begin and how much you've evolved in grown so but don't take my word for it okay here we go so whether that leg is straight or not you might begin to find a little micro movement man I stubbed my toe big time it looks black and blue classy and I'll interlace the fingertips behind the left thigh this time again I'm maintaining a nice strong foundation in my right foot expanding my awareness scoop your tailbone up lengthen through the lower back body keep breathing and then I can stay here inhale in or I might exhale slowly peel the nose up shoulders stay relaxed shouldn't be any pain here so keep a nice spaciousness between your chin and your chest definitely activating the abdominals here perfect and important for back body strength big breath in use your exhale to release awesome we're going to take that left ankle over to the top of the right thigh and we just notice what's going on slowing it down nice and easy so if your pelvis wants to twerking in twerk I meant torque but twerk - you know Yoga is great because we're kind of challenging the body's natural kind of habits that we create when we sit at a desk or you know sleep on our sides all this stuff body history so just notice and then we'll interlace behind the right thigh lifting the right chin parallel to the ceiling and we find our stretch here so you can play with how much you squeeze for most just kind of coming into the shape is enough maybe pressing the left elbow into the left inner thigh if that works for you keeping the chest nice and open guys and making sure we haven't grown really tense in the shoulders so let's keep relaxing through the shoulders and the neck we have a little energy a little brightness connecting through both feet you might take a deep breath in here and just stay here or you might take a deep breath in and begin to extend that right leg all the way up find your breath nice long smooth deep breaths on an exhale gently release both feet come to the mat inhale reach the arms up and overhead exhale slowly hug your knees into your chest one more time this time you can rock a little back and forth find what feels good and then whenever you're ready we're going to bring the hands to the backs of the thighs and begin to rock it up so this is great little massage for the spine connecting to little playful energy here maybe Rock once twice three times a lady or man and we'll come to all fours nice and slow take your time getting there no need to rush so we'll stack the hips right over the kneecaps really paying attention to the tops of the feet here getting a stretch notice if the toes come in or come out we're going to draw them right in line with the knees ankles in line then bring your awareness to your wrists right underneath the shoulders spread your palms super wide like starfish and then press away from your yoga mat coming into tabletop position take a deep breath in and a long breath out find extension through the crown of the head so if your spine is kind of coming down here see if you can bring your gaze straight down and lengthen through the neck cool big breath in big breath out and on your next inhale let's begin to drop the belly and open the heart towards the front tailbone reaches up towards the sky on an exhale start with the tail begin to curl it under tuck it in we crawl up through the spine nice and slow today so resist the urge to rush I do it all the time too we're so used to kind of moving in a hurried and rushed away so unhurried and unrushed here as you draw your chin to your chest navel up and press into your yoga mat now some keep it going in your own time with the rhythm of your breath we inhale reach the tailbone up towards the sky stretch to the front body lots of space and the spine nice and slow and on your exhale doesn't matter if you're in rhythm with me you can move with your breath we'll begin to curl the tailbone under rounding through the spine take a couple more on your own see if you can connect to the sound of your breath finish it up awesome then come back to tabletop position curl the toes under walk the palms out just a hair and then with the knees bent we're going to lift the hips up to downward facing dog again knees stay bent here's lots of love for the back as we press away from your yoga mat draw the shoulders away from the ears knees bent generously melt your belly and your lower ribcage to the tops of your thighs melt your heart towards the back edge of your yoga mat take a deep breath in the deepest breath you've taken in all day and then on an exhale would be interest rating through the left leg right knee stays bent inhale bend both knees exhale straighten through the right leg so we're obviously just peddling it out here inhale to Center exhale left heel drops down inhale to Center right heel drops down one more time on each side inhale to Center shoulders draw away from the ears exhale left heel reaches doesn't even matter if it comes anywhere close to the yoga mat inhale to Center and right leg extends awesome slowly lower to the knees knees come together we come on to the tops of the feet we rotate the wrists shake it out if you need to and then we come into Bowl asana so really mindful Child's Pose today knees are together so big toes are together we're going to allow the shoulders to round forward and releasing slowly the head to the mat now if this is not jiving with you some options are to use a little blanket between the knees if that's hurting you can also lift the earth up to you with a block or pillow for the head if this is not a comfortable position for you because of your torso then you can take the knees wide and practice in an extended Child's Pose here okay but give it give the lesson on a try and ultimately listen to your body write a couple breaths here nice and slow inhale fill your back with air so see if you can feel the skin of your back body stretch as you inhale in and then on your exhale imagine the weight of your buttocks your hips kind of dropping down melting down to kiss the soles of your feet as you breathe out so there's a lot of stuff we can do in these beautiful simple restorative poses close your eyes for one more breath cycle you got it awesome then we'll slowly draw the palms back up come to all fours come back to your tabletop position doing awesome everyone just a couple more poses and then we're done so stick with the mindfulness here we're just going to shake the shift not shake shake shift the hips to the right and send the crown of the head to the left just nice side body stretch here big breath and then through Center opposite side hips shift to the left crown of the head to the right stretch and then back to Center awesome extend the right leg out here big breath in on your exhale we're slowly drawing the right knee all the way up in for a one-legged pigeon so you might need to walk your palms out here and then slowly we hike that right leg up slide the left leg back we have a foundational video for this so you can check it out and then we're just going to play with how close or how far the right heel is so listen to your body move nice and slow as if you're moving through water here connect to your breath press into your fingertips big breath in as you inhale see if you can find space through the front body so it might look like this it might not just be in the moment with your breath and then Yogi's choice you can stay lifted here or you can begin to melt it over for a couple breaths pulling gently back on the right hip crease staying active in the feet as we've mentioned all through this practice and then finding your bliss here for just a couple breaths use the palms to gently walk yourself back up and if you're already up we'll slowly begin to curl the left toes under and come back to all fours nice and slow though again imagine moving through water just kind of honor your body cool inhale extend the left leg out and the same thing on the other side walking the palms forward if you need to and we find it here nice and slow playing with how close or how far your left heel is here I encourage you to loop the shoulders maybe find a gentle lift in the heart wherever you are and then maybe we experiment with coming forward maybe not couple breaths here go ahead and close your eyes or just draw your attention inward notice what's going on feel the whole body connected so we're going for a hundred and ten percent full-body experience here just do your best and gently using the palms to press back up this time we're going to go ahead and shift our weight onto our left hip and swing the right leg all the way around go ahead and extend the legs out long coming to stiff post as hilarious stiff pose I meant staff pose but I'm feeling kind of stiff so it's good to be back go to take the fleshy part of the buttocks aside if it feels right you can press into the heels feet can be flushed together or hip width apart tops of the thigh bones drawl down we bring the palms behind us or the fingertips lifted and we just stand up nice and tall through the spine so crown of the head lifts lower belly draws in maybe you're familiar with odeon Abunda this idea of drawing the navel lock in and up so it kind of cultivates an energy here a lifting if you will one more breath it's hard work press into the heels and exhale on your next inhale reach the fingertips up towards the sky reach reach reach and then exhale bend the knees soften through the knees and take it forward tops of the thighs in the belly become one so bend your knees as generously as you need to here then go ahead and allow the weight of the head to relax over breathing from the tip of the tailbone all the way to the crown of the head and for like what the heck does that mean just maybe close your eyes and imagine a line from the crown of your head to the tip of your tailbone and breathe deeply as you relax your shoulders each exhale relaxing the shoulders you can play with straightening the legs here of course already take one more deep breath in here and then use your exhale to unravel and release back up awesome go ahead and send your seat towards the front edge of your mat so that you can bring the hands behind the thighs and slowly roll it down so nice and slow best you can there will be that breaking point oh and then we continue the journey down awesome we're going to end today's practice with a reclined twist again feel the earth rising up to support your spine feel your yoga practice your yoga mat having your back in this moment feel that support hug the knees into the chest then we'll send the fingertips out left to right Texas teen I'll just take a couple breaths here to close your eyes and just notice what's going on in the shoulders find your foundation here that which is touching the earth so really ground down through all ten knuckles spread the fingertips out wide then we'll inhale scoop the tailbone up lengthen through the lower back body once again and then we'll either melt the knees over towards the left here or you can experiment with shifting your hips to the right first just to give yourself a little more space so if you're new to the practice you might shift your hips to the right first and then melt your knees to the left or if you've been practicing well and you know that you just like to take it from the center but go ahead and release other options put a pillow or a block between the legs or maybe underneath to stack we're going to be here for a couple breaths maybe you turn onto your right ear and everyone breathe into your belly as you breathe in and use your exhale to ground gentle energy down through that right shoulder eventually we'll be able to connect if you feel any sharpness any pull anything that doesn't feel good back off maybe try lowering knees a little bit here another option to just engage more is to extend the right leg out long we have a foundations of yoga for this pose to that super yummy check it out big breath in use the exhale to melt back to Center we're gonna go wide leg here teeter totter a couple times left to right and then when you're ready we'll take it to the other side either melting the knees right on to the right or taking a second to shift the hips over towards the left and then on over to the right side of your room find what feels good here so I like to offer a lot of options but really it's just you kind of staying curious in each posture breathe enjoy on an exhale whenever you're ready come back raveling back to centre you can bring the hands to the backs of the thighs here and rock and roll up to a comfortable cross-legged position maybe heading into a little meditation or just a moment of stillness there otherwise you can join me in kind of inching out on your yoga mat taking some space extending the legs out long and just noticing how the back feels if you do this coming into a shavasan if the back is troubling you and that's why you sought out this video maybe you're kind of in that kind of immediate acute pain phase then you might want to return to where we started feet as wide as the mat knees together lower back length lengthened nice and long so we have options here or here awesome work my friends tuck your chin to your chest lengthen through the neck open your heart open your chest open your mind let the nutrients of your practice begin to settle in as much time as will allow spend some moments here you know just in shavasana letting the nutrients of your practice again settle in seep in and letting your energy kind of ground it's so nice that we take this time to kind of roll around on the earth feel again your yoga has your back find support and really work from the inside out to heal your body and heal your life thank you so much for sharing your time in your practice with me I wish you a beautiful rest of your of your day and I hope that you find a pain-free back take good care namaste there