- Hey everyone and welcome to Yoga with Adriene. I'm Adriene and today we have a special yoga for actors practice. This is really great for anyone. I'll tell you why in the video. Just an opportunity to connect to your whole body, to your breath and to something big so you can serve the world and have a voice with consciousness. Let's get started. (upbeat music) Alrighty, my friends, let's begin standing feet hip width apart. We're gonna start with feet hip width apart and the toes pointing forward to really connect to the feet right away 'cause we're gonna allow this awareness of the feet to travel all the way up through the body, slowly but surely throughout this little practice because this is how we honor and recognize the body as a tool for storytelling as an actor, as a performer but also in any aspect of your life where you're getting up in front of people and you're communicating. Whether that is at work or in some sort of activism or even communicating with your family. Having this awareness of your full body and the body language is awesome and yoga's a great tool for that. So, it's really not about the yoga poses today or ever. But especially today it's really about creating an experience and cultivating this full body awareness. Toes pointing forward, feet hip width apart. Then lift all 10 toes and feel all four corners of your feet really root to the ground and then draw some energy up through the legs. You can release the toes down. And then travel past the hips and then up through all four sides of the torso. And then all the way up through the crown. Just notice where you're at today and in my opinion, a smart actor, smart performer, always takes a moment to really just notice where they are each day. So you have to really show up as you are so that you know what you need to do to tell your story to transform and create hopefully a real experience. So kind of ignoring what's going on in your body and in your real life is for me not very helpful. Kind of checking in and going okay this is where I'm at today, showing up as I am. It's kind of a great place to start. When you're ready, let's connect to the breath. Another very powerful tool. As we squeeze the shoulders up to the ears and take a deep breath in. Then exhale, relax the shoulders down, deep breath out. It's very simple. But we're using this little Vinyasa here to connect and show up as we are. Squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, breathe in and then exhale, let everything go. Relax the shoulders down. Keep this going really feel your feet as you squeeze the shoulders up to the ears. Squeeze and lift through all four sides of the torso and then exhale, let it go. Now keep this going to the rhythm of your own breath and see if you can find different flavors in each one. One can be really soft and smooth. One can begin to integrate the neck. Maybe you shorten the tempo, squeeze the shoulders up to the ears and then exhale, drop on the exhale. Then do one more wherever you are. Squeeze and lift, squeeze and lift. Then exhale, release everything, beautiful. Reach the fingertips around to interlace behind your tail. You're just gonna draw the knuckles down and away here, so knuckles go down and away. We open up through the chest and you can play with whether you square off through the hands here, to stretch the forearms or if you slowly begin to bring the palms together. Then as you're ready, inhale, lift your heart. Exhale, draw your chin to your chest. Beautiful, inhale, lift your heart, lift your chin, open your throat. Then exhale chin to chest. One more time, inhale, lift your heart, lift your chin, throat back, open, then exhale, chin to chest. Fabulous, break free. We're gonna reach the fingertips all the way forward and then up and back and then just really drop the shoulders down into socket, just like you did before. Take a nice, big, full body stretch here. Feel your feet on the ground. Think of the body as one moving part. Then on the exhale, we're gonna slowly tilt to one side, any side you can grab the opposite wrist, if you like. Breathing deep, just feeling that side body stretch. Inhale to come back up. Exhale, sending it to the opposite side. You can grab the opposite wrist if you like, stretch. Then inhale back to center. Exhale, hands to heart. Keep lifting the sternum to the thumbs. You're gonna close your eyes here or come to a soft gaze. You can look out just in front of you and I'll use my voice to guide you here in this next beat. So really feel your hands together at your heart and start to deepen your breath. See if you can listen to a nice audible breath. For any performer, but particularly for actors, we really have to cultivate this relationship to something real so that you can play real, right? My training in acting actually comes from a very physical form called Suzuki Viewpoints. Both really invite us to connect to something real and something that's really present. You're gonna keep your hands at your heart here and with the eyes closed, bring your awareness to the space between your naval and your spine. Oddly enough, we talk about the same thing in yoga. In yoga we call it Uddiyana Bandha. It's a slight drawing in of the navel, in and up, we find this little lock or bandha here and for today we'll just let it be an awareness. An awareness in your center is what we'll call it. Then slowly lift the sternum up to the thumbs, even more, open your eyes, find one point to focus on and from your center, so from the middle lifting up, imagine there's like a marionette cord right on your center and it's just gonna slowly lift you up and you're gonna come on to the tippy tip toes. You're gonna press the feet, the toes down, and draw the naval in and up. If you need to take your hands up for balance, you absolutely can but otherwise, try to keep the palms together and we're creating lots of length up and down the spinal cord. We're starting to breathe. You can imagine these two little headlights in front of the hip creases, not shining forward but shining up so lengthen your tail bone down. We're here for one more breath cycle, in, tuck the chin slightly as you breathe out. Then nice and slow, with control, lower it down, with control, nice and slow. Sweet, one more time, inhale from your center, so practice drawing the naval in and up and that's what slowly lifts you up. Hold on to your focal point, out in front. We lift, lift, lift. Again hip creases shining up towards the sky. Finding length through the spine, deep breath in and then exhale with control, slow release down. Awesome, okay from here, we're gonna take the feet wide now and turn the toes out. Heels are gonna be now a little bit wider than your hips. You don't have to go super wide, but just a little bit wider than hip width apart. Then again think of those headlights on the hips, not going front but all the way up. Whoa, yeah, all the way up, so that the tail bone's lengthening down. Hands come back to the heart, head over heart, heart over pelvis. So we're cultivating this full body awareness, we're just warming up, shaking off the day thus far as we can prepare for our work, for our craft. We're also wanting to prep the body to have lots of spaciousness for breath so that we can speak, right, with a consciousness and with a powerful voice. Imagine you're leaning up against a wall here. You're not gonna let the butt go out or the heart go froward. You're gonna keep the sternum lifted and the tail bone lengthening down. We're gonna inhale in and then exhale, bend the knees and just slowly from the middle, imagine this part, just moving down, you're just gonna slide into a little Goddess Pose or Horse Pose here. But again make sure the pelvis stays right underneath you so you may not go as low, maybe in time and then just make sure that the knees aren't coming in, you're really gonna press through all four corners of the feet and sit down nice and low. Connect to your center. We start to light a little fire, a little aug-nee in the belly here. You can press the palms together, or if you need to take them out for more stability, then do it but make it a choice, right. (chuckles) Yeah. So lean back a little more, breathe deep. See if you can really calm the skin of the face. Marry a little ease, a little grace. One more breath here, you got this, maybe sink a little lower. And then with control, don't rush this, even if your legs are burning, as slow as you can go, rise up. Awesome, keep your chin lifted, throat open, without looking down, you're gonna bring the feet together, without looking down. So my mentor is so wonderful, but he used to always say, see feelingly. This is for the actor. You don't need to look with your eyes. You don't need to point to things with your eyes. You have eyes on the soles of your feet. Bring the feet together without looking, we're going to shift to one leg, any leg, and you're just gonna interlace the fingertips and catch one knee. Squeeze up and in. And then exhale, take it back, nice quad stretch here. Bring the opposite hand to your heart and breathe deep. Stay on that standing leg, squeeze that knee up towards your chest. Then take it back, quad stretch. One more time, squeeze and lift. Quad stretch. Next time you're in the quad stretch, stay here. You're gonna slowly flip the hand to the arch of the foot and just play here, squeezing into the midline, a little dancer variation. You can also go through a little Tree Pose here. I want you to keep a nice, calm, audible breath going here. And again we're just organizing brain and body here with the balancing pose. Uniting the two which is gonna help us when we work, when we play. Take a couple of breaths playing here, dancer pose. Then we'll slowly release, you'll come back to center, don't look down, see feelingly eyes on the soles of your feet. Get head over heart, heart over pelvis and we'll do the same thing on the other side. Nice and easy, you're gonna release the finger tips, catch your knee and then take it back. Nice quad stretch here, hand comes to the heart, breathe, tuck your pelvis underneath you. Stand up nice and tall. Sweet, interlace the fingertips, come through center, squeeze and lift. Back to the quad stretch. Squeeze inner thighs to the midline. And squeeze and lift. Quad stretch. Excuse me, then squeeze and lift, let's just do it one more time. 'Cause usually the second side is the one we're not as stable on and then as you're ready, you'll flip that hand to the arch of the foot. We'll just play with the little dancer pose. Really not about the pose today or ever. Just really organizing brain and body to unite. You'll kick the foot out, maybe take the opposite hand forward. See if you can keep this awareness through the neck. If you fall, it's kind of a great check in as well, right? So there are no mistakes, right? As you're ready, release, squeeze that knee up again and then let everything go. Rotate the ankles, one and then the other. And the wrists, one and then the other. Let any stress or tension that you've been carrying with you go here so that you can create spaciousness to work. I guess you may not be on a yoga mat, so you don't need to come to the top of the mat, never mind. Never mind. But without looking, we're going to bring the feet together one more time. Big inhale to reach for the sky, think of this as one moving part, so press your feet into the earth, reach your hands to the sky. There's just like one moving part, not a bunch of disjointed parts here, but one moving part. Reach, reach, reach, really maximize the stretch and then exhale, bring everything down Forward Fold, all the way down to the earth. Bend your knees generously. Take a couple of breaths here to shake the head loose, maybe clasp the elbows, rock gently side to side. Then release the arms, take a deep breath in, then exhale out, then tuck the chin into the chest, slowly roll it up as you roll up, really feel your feet pressing into the earth. That's why you're rolling up because your feet are pressing so firmly into the core of the earth that you stack up through the spine because energy is just reverberating up through your feet. Your awareness of the full body is starting to expand and you might even start to feel a little joy, a little gratitude or just become more present with what is. Without looking, bring the feet together, really together and once again we'll inhale, reach for the sky. Exhale, relax the shoulders down. Then here we go. Keep the heart lifted, draw the naval in and up, try to move from your center. We'll slowly begin to come up onto the tippy tip toes, you can hold on to your focal point out in front. Squeeze the legs together and then exhale, lower down. Now consider your audience, so yoga's really about your inner ecosystem but for today, really close your eyes or soften your gaze and see every finger tips so there's either energy there or softness as you lower down. Then one more time, sending awareness through every finger as you lift up and then lower down. Then release the arms and feel the blood flow opposite direction, amazing, getting that healthy flow of energy going. Without looking down, widen the legs, toes are gonna turn out once again, hands come to the heart. We inhale, lean back, exhale, bend the knees. One last time, we come into this Goddess Pose or this Horse Pose. This time, you can take one fist, one had into a fist and one hand over for a little resistance. We're gonna get down nice and low, okay? So get your center really underneath you, your bum's gonna kind of hug in towards the midline too. We breathe deep. Just notice what comes up and we're gonna sink down even lower. If you were practicing a monologue or a speech, this is a really great place to practice your lines because the body is actually having a real experience. Think upward, lift through the front, think grounding through the back, we're here for a couple more breaths, you got this. Do not give up, stick with me, lengthen through the crown. Breathe deep. Sink a little lower. Sink a little lower, last time, you got this. Now with control, slowly rise up, press into the feet. Feel that power of the foot to earth connection. In yoga we call it Para Bandha. Beautiful, and release the arms when the legs straighten and interlace them behind, this time opposite, thumb on top so the weird one. Again, we're connecting to the brain in a different way now. Then we open the chest. Squaring through the wrists, we're bringing the palms together. Without looking, bring the feet together, nice and slow, don't look down. Alright, last beat here. So stand up nice and tall. When you're ready, drop the chin to the chest. Then here we go, lift the heart, open the throat and lift the chin. One more time, drop the chin to the chest, feel that great stretching the back of the neck. When you're ready, shoulders back, lift the heart, open the throat and lift the chin. Fabulous, break free. Take a second here to just open the mouth really wide. And then close. Using the breath, open the mouth really wide. And exhale and close. One more time, open, as big as you can, as wide as you can. And close, maybe little horsie lips here. (blowing air) Bring the palms together, thumbs to third eye. Stand up nice and tall. Repeat these mantras quietly to yourself. I can. I choose. I will. I love. I create. I thrive. I enjoy. Namaste. (upbeat music)