what's up everyone welcome to yoga with Adriene I am Adriene and today we're knocking another request out of the park it's a quick yoga for ab workout this is a quick abdominal wall check-in this is something that you can do every day for a week to check in with your abdominal muscles this is something that you can do before or after another yoga practice or workout so if you like it make sure you save this video favorite this video so you can return to it more easily alright giddy up let's go alright so to begin we're going to sit in a nice cross-legged position and bring the palms to the knees now inhale we're going to move in a circle smearing the heart the chest forward exhale chin to chest come around and back inhale drawing a circle we come forward oh and exhale around and back now keep this going moving with the breath and see if you can really bring your awareness to the space between your navel and your spine to your abdominals working from the inside out and you can kind of imagine the center the navel to spine really inspiring this movement so reverse the circle and see if you can even if you've ever seen one of those old-fashioned coffee grinders it's kind of like that we go deeper so we move from just kind of doing the movement just really getting a nice massage of the abdominal organs this is also super great for the digestive tract so a couple more rounds here you might be starting to really feel a little connection to the center then we'll sit up nice and tall inhales are all the shoulders to the ears just for fun and exhale drop them alright so now we're gonna come flat on the back I've put out a nice little blankie here for me but you can lay on the towel a yoga mat or but like it doesn't matter great take a second to just get situated maybe drawing the shoulder blades in together and down soles of the feet on the mat or blanket or towel cool then take a second to scoop the tailbone up lengthen the tailbone down towards the heels so another way to think about this is tucking the pelvis so that the lower back can become flush with the mat so again I go from here I'm exaggerating a little bit to here navel driving down to the earth all right so we'll interlace the fingertips now bring the palms behind the head you can keep the thumbs extended here like so and even you know fit in a little neck massage here by pressing the thumbs into the neck keep the elbows nice and wide here and just check in notice that the lower back has come up like mine started to peel up bring your awareness back to the lower back navel down to the spine tailbone lengthening away and up grateful breathing here then on an exhale lift the shins so students can be parallel to the ceiling or if we start to notice the lower back is straining here we might draw the knees a little bit closer again so that lower back can stay nice and flush with the mat great point and flex the feet here inhale in exhale lift the head the neck the shoulders up now the elbows are going to want to come in because that's what we're used to doing crunch crunch crunch see if you can keep them nice and wide again creating space on our mats so to avoid any tension in the neck I'm going to keep extension through the crown of the head and I'm also going to realize that I don't have to be in a big lift it can be a small lift lifting the chin slightly again creating space between the chin and the chest so there's no pain in the neck inhale in I'm going to straighten the right leg so it's at a diagonal I'm gonna bring my right elbow towards my left I'm gonna breathe here in and out then I'll breathe in again and switch left leg goes out right knee in left elbow reaches to kiss the right knee in and breathe out now we move back and forth here in your own time nice and slow the tendencies are going to rush it here is is going to be a rush it like bicycle see if you can move nice and slow here today in and out then transitioning through Center we move to the other side in and out transition to Center on a breath and wonderful breath cycle in I know keeping the lower back flush with the mat lighting up the abdominal wall hanging there in with me hang there in with me that's a Texas thing in fact this Center one more time on each side this time we can reach the right fingertips across wiggle the fingertips and back to Center and last time on the opposite side we're gonna reach the left fingertips across and back to Center awesome slowly lower down bring the soles of the feet to the mat give yourself a little bit of pet here a little pet on the abdominals then we'll send the legs high up in the sky keep the lower back flush with the mat and we're gonna move here with the pulse reaching the fingertips up I lift my head neck shoulders again I'm not creating any unnecessary tension in the neck I'm keeping a nice open neck and a nice relaxed shoulder here so no tension crunching here but lots of space great now we're going to move with the breath on your own we're going to begin to pulse keep a nice extension through the crown of the head and we pulse and moving to the left side pulse reaching towards the heavens back to Center and to the right back to Center and five four three two last one in one also release everything down soup Tabata canossian here arms and legs are mirroring each other we take a second to chill all right great job everyone I know that's tough work it's tough work for me to whoever requested this I blame you know if you have requests please send them in whether they're Yoga for abs or something a little more therapeutic we love hearing from you and really do listen to the requests they help me learn more and they help others so it's helping all of us more to come more on the abdominal wall to come as I mentioned before like this video if you plan to return to it and yeah questions comments always welcome below or come visit us at yoga with Adriene comm I love you all good luck hope you have a wonderful day