Hello everyone, and welcome to Yoga With Adriene. I am Adriene and today we're going to get the juices flowing, keyword "flowing". We're going to get the body moving and we're going to marry the action to the breath, the breath to the action. That's right, you asked for it. We have a Vinyasa sequence here today. We're going to maybe bring a little heat to the body and sweat a little bit and we're going to find what feels good. So let's hop on the mat and let's get flowing. Body moving. Body moving. Cue Beastie Boys now. Okay, so we're going to begin at the top of our mat and mountain. Inhale, reach the fingertips up high. Exhale down through the mid line, we fold forward. Inhale, lift to flat back position. Exhale bow. Press into your feet, spiral your shoulders, reach it up and exhale back down at the heart. Soft knees, here we go again. Inhale, reach it up. Exhale, forward fold. Inhale, lift to flat back, nice long neck, exhale bow. Fingertips to the map we step the right foot back, runners lunge. Inhale, heart radiates forward. Exhale, plant the palm, step it back, downward dog. Find a little movement, warm up the body. Slowly we'll take a deep breath in and step the right foot up into our lunge. Exhale, find your footing, heart shines forward. Then stepping the back foot up to meet the front, take a deep breath in, flat back position and exhale bow. Inhale, press into the feet to reach up. Palms come together as we exhale back down to the heart. Inhale, reach toward the sky. Exhale, dive forward. Inhale, flat back. Exhale down. Fingertips to the mat we step the right foot back, take a deep breath in, and as we exhale press into your feet, lift up, open your arms, open your heart. Stepping it back to plank, strong body here. Shift your weight forward, chaturanga practice. Follow your breath as we loop the shoulders up to cobra or up dog, you choose. Curl the toes under, send it back, downward facing dog. Breathe. Deep breath in, step the right foot up into your lunge. Open it up, squeeze the inner thighs together. Open your heart, exhale back to the mat, rocking the back foot up to meet the front. Forward fold, inhale flat back, exhale bow. Reach it up, full breath in, and exhale back down to the heart, sternum to thumbs. Inhale, reach it up, exhale bow. Inhale flat back, long neck. Exhale, folding forward. Step the right foot back, runners lunge. Deep breath in, exhale opening through the arms. Palms come to the mat we step it back to plank. Chaturanga. Inhale, upward facing dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. Peddle it out, take a deep breath in and step the right foot up into your lunge. Follow your breath, opening up through the arms. Exhale we release and rock the back foot up to meet the front. Inhale, flat back. Exhale, fold. Inhale, reach it up, spread your fingertips. Exhale back down to the heart. Soft knees, inhale here we go. Exhale diving forward. Deep breath, flat back position, long neck, check in at the neck, bow. Now we can step or hop it back to plank. Press up and out at the palms here, shift your weight forward, squeeze the inner thighs, and slowly lower down. Inhale, upward facing dog. Exhale, downward facing dog. Drop the left heel, inhale, slide the sole of the right foot up, bend that right knee, and slowly shift forward kissing it toward the right elbow. Inhale, it extends up. Exhale, right knee to left elbow. Inhale one more time and exhale. Nose to me, hover. Inhale, reach it up and then exhale stepping it through into your lunge. Plant the back heel. Inhale, we rise up, warrior one. The virabhadrasana one, bending that front knee. And then exhale, warrior two, maybe walking the front toes out, widening the stance a little bit. Deep breath in. On the exhale, flip that right palm and send it back, reversed warrior, sinking into that front knee. Back to warrior two, and then bending that right elbow, bringing it to the top of the right thigh. We extend the left fingertips behind the left ear and up and over, side body stretch. Take your gaze down, follow your breath, pivot on the back foot, back to your lunge. Step it back, plank. Shifting forward, vinyasa. From downward facing dog, we'll drop the right heel this time and inhale, lift the left leg up high. Exhale, bend that left knee. Kiss it to the left elbow. Inhale, reach it up. Exhale, crossing over left knee to right elbow. Sending it back up and last one, through center, nose to knee. Inhale, reach it up and exhale all the way through and into your lunge, we plant that back heel and rise up, warrior one. Full of breath, lengthen the tailbone down. Take a deep breath in, and on the exhale, warrior two. Nice, wide stance. Relax the shoulders down. Inhale in, exhale. Slowly we flip that front palm over. Find our reverse warrior as we sink into that front knee. Inhale in, and exhale back to warrior two. Deep breath in here. On the exhale, bend that left elbow. Bring it to the top of the leg as we find this nice, long side body stretch. Full of breath front he right fingertips all the way down to the outer edge of that right foot, nice long line. Take the gaze down, come back to your lunge. Rock the back foot up to meet the front, forward fold. Inhale, the flat back position . Exhale bow. Inhale, reach it up, full breath. Exhale back down to the heart. Notice the sensations of the body here. Soft knees, we inhale. Reach it up. Exhale, diving forward, enjoy this move. Inhale, flat back, long neck. Exhale bow. Stepping or hopping the feet back to plank, find that strong body, find your vinyasa so you can come to up dog or cobra. Then we'll meet back at downward facing dog. Walking the toes together we inhale. Lift the right leg up. Now bend that right knee, begin to draw circles with that right knee, nice and slow. Draw the navel in towards the spine, press up and out of the palms, reverse your circle. Then stepping that right leg all the way up into our lunge, nice strong foundation here as I plant the left palm and inhale. Draw the right fingertips up towards the sky. Exhale, release. Inhale, right hand reaches up. Exhale, releasing down. Last one. Inhale, heart spirals up towards the sky. Exhale, we release. Come onto the fingertips. Walk that back leg in, straighten the right leg and slowly we bring the nose to the knee. Come back to our lunge. Step it back, downward facing dog. Draw the toes in toward the center line and inhale, lift the left leg up. Bend that left knee and begin to carve your circles, nice and slow. Full body strengthener here. Press up and out of the palms, reverse your circle and then stepping that left foot all the way up into your lunge. Plant the right palm next to the arch of the left foot and we flow. Inhale, left fingertips up. Exhale, floating them down. Inhale, reaching up and exhale, we float down. Inhale, heart spirals up and exhale, floating it down. Loop the shoulders, look forward and step that back foot up to meet the front. Inhale, flat back position. Exhale bow. Inhale, reach it up, press into your feet and exhale back down to the heart. Soft knees, inhale, reach it up. Take up space as you exhale, dive forward. Inhale, the flat back position. Exhale bow. Stepping or hopping the feet back to plank we shift our weight forward, look forward, and chaturanga. Upward facing dog or your choice of vinyasa here as we meet back and downward facing dog, walking the toes to center. Inhale, lift that right leg up. We're going to bend the right knee and this time move in a big circle. So inhale, right knee comes to both elbows. We kind of stir the pot here, moving nice and slow, drawing the navel in toward the spine and then stepping it up into our lunge. Plant that back foot, inhale, rise, warrior one. On an exhale, we open up into warrior two. Now this time, straighten that front leg. Reach the right fingertips forward, up, and back as we have like a reverse triangle here and then we send the hips toward the back and to the mat as we come into trikonasana. Triangle pose, breathe. Take your gaze down, soften through that front knee. Pivot the back foot we come back to our lunge and we step it to plank. Vinyasa. Downward facing dog, we walk the toes in toward center and repeat on the other side. Imagine stirring a nice, big mixing bowl. So we're drawing circles with the left knee here, shifting forward, around, and back. And then stepping it up into our lunge, planting that back foot when you're ready, and rising up strong with the breath, warrior one. On an exhale, open it up. Then we'll reach the left fingertips forward, up and back as we straighten through that left leg. Reverse triangle, then shift, shifting at the hips here we reach, keeping the side body nice and long. We trikonasana on the other side. Spiral your heart up toward the sky, lengthen through the crown of the head. Gently release your gaze down, soften through that front knee, pivot on the back foot we come back to our lunge. Step that back foot up to meet the front, forward fold. Inhale, lift to flat back position. Exhale bow. Breathe. Soft knees here, belly to the tops of the thighs. Grab the elbows. Take a second to check in with the sensations of the body to connect with the breath. Then gently draw the chin into the chest and roll it up nice and slow. Inhale, reach it up, palms come together, [inaudible 12:06], and we exhale right back down. Inhale, flat back. Exhale bow. Step the right foot back. And now we're going to gently pivot on that back foot, come into a nice wide angle forward fold. The toes are turned in just slightly. We can feel that connection in the outer edge of the foot. Nice long spine. I'm going to walk my left palm in towards the center line and inhale. Trace my right fingertips all the way up towards the sky, opening up through the heart. Strong legs here, exhale, release. Inhale, we reach up. Exhale, release. Continue with crossing front and crossing back, moving with the breath and then switching to the opposite side. We reach up on the inhale. Exhale, release. Inhale, soft fingertips marrying the strength with the grace. Nice everyone. Then slowly I'm going to pivot onto my right foot, come into my lunge, find that length. Press into the palms, step back, downward facing dog. Shifting forward into plank, choose your own adventure. Choose your own vinyasa here, either to cobra or up dog. Then we'll all lower the knees and come to a very well deserved child's pose. You can rock the hips a little back and forth. Connect with your breath, no toxic thoughts here. We can only do our best. Move with the breath. Slowly rolling it up. If this is not okay on your knees you can just shift to your sit bones here. Otherwise we'll come up to a nice little hero variation here, taking a nice centering deep breath in. Reach the fingertips up toward the sky. Exhale, release them down. We're going to grab the elbows here. Finding a nice open chest here as we lift up onto the knees, press into the tops of the feet and draw the heels and toes in line with the knees. It can also come to a reverse namaste here, drawing the palms together behind the lower back or clasping the elbows. Here we go. Nice long line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone we lean back for one, then two, then three, tailbone down. Four, five. Half way, nice long line, full body experience. Six, seven, don't collapse. Eight, two more. Nine, strong body and ten. Beautiful. Release the arms, shake it out. Inhale, reach it up and exhale, bowing forward. We can bring the knees wide this time for a nice extended child's pose. Slowly we'll come to flip our burgers, sort of flip the body around. Coming onto the back, squeeze the knees into the chest, rock a little side to side, relax your shoulders, breathe. Go ahead and extend that left leg out long. Keep squeezing the right knee up toward your heart, and then we're going to find a little twist here as we guide the right knee across the body over toward the left side of the mat. We've extended out through the right arm here. You can close your eyes and breathe, finding that release in the lower back. Then we'll come back to center, squeeze both knees in and switch. Right leg out, left knee in, and then we cross it over finding that juicy twist on the other side. Inhale, fill your lungs with air. Exhale, come back to center. Relax the legs out, the arms reach up and over head. Full body stretch, let the sun just hop in and hit my face right at that time. Then slowly we release into cactus arms for a breath, maybe bring our hands to our belly or gently at our sides. Take a nice, cooling, refreshing breath in and on the exhale release the weight of the body completely and fully into the mat. Just let it go. Close your eyes, soften the skin of the face. Take a moment here to just take a sweet breath of gratitude maybe for yourself, for showing up on the mat today, for doing this video, committing to the practice, the discovery. Now gently rock your head a little side to side, nice and slow, no rush. Then we'll hug the knees back into the chest. Grab onto the outer edges of the feet, then once again we find that sense of play, that rock and roll as we rock up to seated. Okie dokie, so that was our flow, our Yoga With Adriene flow. A sequence to get the blood flowing, to get everything moving, to warm up the body. This was actually a request. I've had several requests for more vinyasa, so we'll be having a little bit of a vinyasa series after this for those of you folks who like to go with the flow, which is all of us. It's just a little more fast-paced, a little more vigorous and they will be. But really anyone can tackle this and if you're somewhat new to yoga and you just wanting to get your heart rate up or move a little faster or maybe you are an athlete, this might be a good practice for you to do a couple times a week, several times a week. You might not be able to do it all right away with ease, but the point is to enjoy the journey, the practice and keep returning to the mat and I think that you'll find that it unfolds. So stick with it if you can. If you have any questions or comments, leave them below. If you have anything in particular, any requests or if you're having trouble with a certain transition, let me know. I'm here for you and I've really been enjoying the conversations that you've been bringing to the table. It's been super inspiring and really allowing me to grow and learn and allow my practice to unfold too. So thank you so much. Subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Make sure you join our Facebook family which is growing and awesome. Follow me on Twitter and I will see you next time. Namaste.