hey everyone welcome to 30 days of yoga camp it's day 9 and the mantra for today is I am whole all right today we're going to begin in extended Child's Pose so take the knees as wide as your yoga mat bring the two big toes to touch and then when you're ready settle on in for today's practice fingertips reach towards the front edge heart melts towards the earth forehead kisses the mat and we take a second here to tune in I think I've mentioned this before but if this is not a great shape for your body adjust you can lift the hips up come to kind of a heart to earth pose here you can curl the toes under or you can just set up nice and tall and close your eyes and relax your shoulders so for me that's what yoga camp is all about taking something and digesting it processing it and then making adjustments as needed the practice hosting presents present excuse me definitely translates off the mat staying present aware go ahead and close your eyes here once you get settled in begin to notice your breath give thanks for this moment and know in your heart that you are worthy of this time for yourself taking this opportunity to tend to your body taking this opportunity to tend to your mind mental health and even maybe using this opportunity to tend to your heart or your spirit today let's see what happens we're going to move in a circle here today inhale press into the tops of the feet press into the palms and we're going to move in a nice slow circle so as you inhale the heart shines forward the belly drops kind of like we do in cat cow and then as you exhale you come around and back you round through the spine we come through that extended Child's Pose maybe you take a second here to pause and then keep it going so the hands might need to adjust you might feel more stable with the toes curled under listen to your body right you are your best teacher who you might hear some crackles and some sound effects from the body move nice and slow here let's begin to wake up today so the mantra today I am bold going to be awesome in those standing poses but can be awesome even here so how can you connect to that maybe it's just owning this time for yourself reverse your circle if you haven't already begin to play again linger in the places that it feels good to hang out in a little bit longer maybe find a little catch and you rock through maybe you're ready for practice today and you're already starting to be bold and your movement nice and creative as you check in with the shoulders the hips I like to call this drunk cat cow which many of you know some of you may be hearing for the first time I mean I used to teach high schoolers yoga I'd always say drunk on love and they'd be like yeah right what a scary I'll be like whatever they're doing yoga they're breathing so beautiful so get drunk on your libation of choice I'll choose love and we'll just do a couple more circles so notice if you've already begun to get bored here normal human thing see if you can explore other areas of the body side body stretch fingers toes neck and then when you feel satisfied we'll come back to all fours walk knees underneath the hip points and wrists right underneath the shoulders press away from your yoga mat press into the tops of the feet take a deep breath in then exhale curl the toes under slowly today peel up from the tail downward facing dog with the knees bent strong connection hand to earth melt the heart back big breath in my friends big breath out as you begin to straighten through the legs a couple of moments here on your own to paddle it out great when you're ready take it for a nice slow walk up towards the front edge nice and slow today negotiate make your way to forward fold when you arrive take a couple of awesome breaths here you deserve it maybe walking the fingertips to one side and then the other keep breathing here and then when you're ready close your eyes be brave be bold and roll it up nice and slow consciously press into the feet and as you begin to roll up through the staircase of the spine find that natural lift in the heart this is that natural lift that natural light within if you will just roll with me and then right away here we'll reach the fingertips high up towards the sky and begin to open up through the side body so take your right hand to your left wrist think up and over is you have soft knees here to the side body stretch to the right keep deepening the breath here as you inhale reach up towards the sky climb and then over to the left left hand grabs right wrist soft knees here not locked a little awareness through the pelvis inhale to Center exhale rain it down Mountain Pose so take a second to go through your checklist lengthening the tailbone down activating through the lower body most importantly begin to connect to your Center Center whatever that means to you finding that lift up from the pelvic floor perhaps maybe it's just closing your eyes for a moment and sending awareness there then take a second to loop the shoulders forward up and back a couple times nice big circles with the shoulders forward up and back and then bring the fingertips to the shoulders we're going to reverse that kind of like a swim here with the elbows so now taking it forward down and back one at a time notice if you're clenching in the feet or locking through the knees just keep expanding that awareness this one's kind of fun great then keep the fingertips where they are come back to Center and big circles with the elbows as you bring them forward up and back really try to take up space move nice and slow if you're dealing with the shoulder injury or you know that you're tending to the shoulder you know to take take it easy here right again notice what's going on in the feet what's going on in the pelvis let's do one more big circle inhale elbows reach forward up and back and then exhale we release everything Mountain Pose great chin to chest now big circles with the nose you can close your eyes here notice that the shoulders are wanting to collapse the heart collapse here so see if you can keep the shoulder blades drawing together I'm exaggerating here but remember this work we just did shoulder blades drawing together heart lifting as you draw your circles with the nose so I like to share circles with the nose rather than a tease neck rolls save that for another time another night and some generations are like yeah and others are like no I'm with the yeah committee and reversing your circle if you haven't already and so we do this to warm up the neck but I'm also giving you just a chance to expand awareness through the finger tips the pinkies the toes right awesome and then back to Center alright let's rock and roll inhale big breath as you reach the fingertips up and big breath as we send it down forward fold take a second here relax the head and neck the shoulders hmm notice if you're gripping anywhere and then everyone lower back love bend your knees super generously ah send the tail towards the ground as if you were sitting on a chair we're going to keep the arms down here so don't panic and then just kind of rocking front to back a little bit in the heels and the toes you can use your hands here to brace yourself and yes we're waking up the muscles of the legs for our bold standing postures we're also giving the lower backs in love and then just make sure you're not holding clinching in the head the neck the shoulders mmm can even move your tail a little bit feels good sweet and then we let that go straight through the legs inhale halfway lift exhale soften and bow inhale reach for the sky and the knees press into the feet consciously spread the fingertips and exhale namaste hands to heart namaste connecting honoring and knowledge enough your self so you can't hate on yourself when you are in namaste you know it's a connect to your best self it's like those days when you look in the mirror and your leg all right all right gonna be a good day you know so I'm just sharing that it could just you know sometimes it's just we get into that robot mode so sometimes it is just a simple going like okay cool I love myself here we go inhale reach it up exhale diving forward when you catch up here inhale with your breath so you may not move with me that's okay don't get frustrated flat back exhale follow it the breath down and we'll plant the palms walk the toes together and step the right foot back low lunge just stretch it out here Rock front ooh back if you want to lower the knee here you're welcome to take a second to find your alignment just check in with the body today opening up the hips a bit here or maybe a lot here big breath in big breath out as you connect to your Center hug those lower ribs in and step the back foot up about midway right toes are at 45 degrees left toes pointing forward little pyramid posture here imagine peeling the left hip crease up we stretch the legs breathe breathe breathe great then again fingertips to the mat connect to your Center soften through the left leg so bend your left knee and step it back to your lunge awesome we're going to step the back foot excuse me the left foot back planting the palms and coming into a plank first plank of the day rock front rock back and then slowly lower to your knees hug the elbows in and send your gaze forward as you slowly lower down Cobra keep it nice and low baby Cobra to start inhale nice and easy wakening the spine and exhale forehead kisses the mat keep it going inhale press into your foundation pull the elbows back keep it nice and soft and easy and then exhale forehead kisses the mat one more inhale again waking up the spine the back body and following the breath down cool curl the toes under connect to your Center press into all ten knuckles and we come back to that plank big breath in big breath out downward facing dog when you're ready step the right foot up come into your nice low lunge you can lower the back knee here no prob take a second here to check in with the body you need to open up through the hips notice if you're crashing all your weight into your fingertips see if you can lighten your load a little use your breath breathe breathe breathe then inhale loop the shoulders look forward exhale soften through the legs and step that left foot up halfway left toes point towards the front left corner of the mat right toes aim forward we inhale in and exhale as you pull the right hip crease back fold stretching the legs great connect to your centers soften through the right knee and when you're ready step it back to your lunge awesome inhale look forward exhale plant the palms you got this step the right toes back full plank or you can lower the knees here inhale gaze forward hook the elbows hug them into the side body stay connected to your Center as you slowly lower down and inhale baby Cobra three times here moving with your breath see if you can ride the wave of your breath here and after three or curl the toes under connect to your Center so really I usually don't like to use this word here but go ahead today and suck your navel up towards your spine activate from there see what that does if you move from there rather than just muscling through the arms changes it a little bit yes I felt that inhale in exhale to down dog repeat the slow walk from before or bend the knees inhale in look forward and on an exhale hop jump float to the top you can do a mix and match to have a little fun forward fold inhale halfway lift your version beautiful long neck pull the shoulders back and exhale slide it down inhale bend the knees reach the arms all the way up and overhead full body stretch and exhale namaste soft knees inhale shake it off here we go again reach it up exhale diving forward have some fun here inhale halfway lift exhale soften and bow this time we're going to plant the palms step or hop it back to plank feel free to lower the knees here and move through your vinyasa so it could be nice and gentle or you might start to heat it up depending on where you are in your journey on the mat we'll meet and downward dog the best thing to do is take care of your body check your ego as they say and be super mindful I read a great article the other day that I just could not agree more with about you know the true advanced Yogi's are the ones that are really pulling back and aiming for the balance the integrity in the postures and I think a lot of people in the yoga say during community are working on that and right it's really impressive well here we go drop the left heel lift the right leg high spread the right toes as much as you can take another deep breath in here then use your exhale to squeeze the right knee up and in towards your heart step it up into your lunge we're making our way to warrior 1 so we'll pivot on the back foot and take your time here as you grow a nice strong bold warrior so that means paying attention to the foundation really rooting into the earth mindfully going through your checklist hugging the muscle to the bone working on you know your spirals in the body finding that upward current of energy so if you're like I don't know if warrior 1 check out the foundations of yoga video it's really awesome just to kind of break down the poses sometimes and find them in your body which is important and then when you feel like you have a strong connection to the earth or whenever you're ready reach the fingertips up high now the mantra here is I am bold so close your eyes here if you're feeling super adventurous you've been practicing for a while and repeat that mantra to yourself otherwise hold on to a nice sharp focus either down in front or out in front of you and say I am bold if you're feeling really adventurous say it out loud I am bold power through that back leg relax the shoulders sink into that front knee I am bold strong warrior what are you going to be a warrior of today peace love we talked about the spiritual warrior I feel like it's got a bad rap but that's pretty cool you know inhale in one more breath you got it exhale warrior two pull the pinkies back find that lift through the center channel notice if your back hands falling down here try to keep it even with the shoulders spread the fingertips lengthen see if you can make your neck longer hereby drawing the shoulders down make sure you can see your front big toe a lot going on here here we go strong I am bold you're probably starting to feel sensations all over the body feel this heat creeping up on you how awesome it is to be alive and to be able to feel our bodies such as this here we go let's change it up inhale straightening through the front leg fingertips kiss up and overhead so we soften exhale warrior two focus right out beyond the right fingertips here inhale reach and exhale warrior two I am bold engage all the muscles here so the muscles of the arms here it's not kind of slack we're really sending energy out through the fingertips as you inhale and exhale and one more you got it exhale warrior two relax the shoulders arms are getting tired I know you're doing great extended side angle so we get a chance to return to this practice pulling the right hip crease back soften right elbow to the top of the right thigh then go ahead and reach the left fingertips up towards the sky or you can practice plugging that shoulder in and sending it towards the front edge of your mat other options here for the full expression reaching the fingertips down you know what to do here maybe you take a bind so take a couple rests wherever you are then rather than just releasing everything slowly use your breath to guide you back to your lunch to the heart aisles back that foot nice and bright pivot so there's lots of awareness and then we plant the palms step it back move through a vinyasa or send it straight to Child's Pose that's where we'll meet take your rest great work my friends when you reach your balasana take a second to just notice your breath heavy and hot hot and heavy and let the fingertips reach towards the back edge of your mat let the shoulders relax remember why you came to your yoga mat today maybe why you first sparked an interest in yoga camp then remember you deserve this time for yourself we're gonna do the same thing on the other side and we're to cool down and call it let's do it reaching the fingertips forward we come back to all fours when you're ready walking the knees underneath the hip points curling the toes under press into the palms send it back down dog here we go dropping the right heel this time inhale slide the left leg up high stay connected to your center here so the lower ribs are not just playing out but we're kind of hugging them in and here we go inhale in exhale stay connected to your Center as you squeeze left knee in towards the heart hover connect to your strength then when you're ready step it up into your lunge making your way to warrior one take your time really paying attention to the foundation here so where the toes are pointing maybe you go heel the arch alignment maybe take a little wider stance tailbone lengthens down i ground down through the back body and I grow tall through the front body so I feel like we often rush in these poses and we never get to feel that sense of connect to the earth to our muscles the foundation to the lower body but also it's really hard to take on the mantra and feel it believe it to be true I am bold when you don't pay attention to the foundation right it's that image of a house so you know if you're going to build a house you want to make sure the foundation is solid that it's blessed so that you can live in it happy bold so once you feel like you've kind of gone through your checklist take the fingertips up high close your eyes if you're feeling super adventurous power through the outer edge of your right foot so by closing the eyes are softening the gaze you just get a chance to kind of feel what the body is doing and kind of let go of the shape which is hard I know but I'm doing my best to kind of guide you in a way to kind of let go of that I feel like we have to condition ourself to do that so take a couple more breaths here you're doing awesome I am bold maybe you've been waiting in an area of your life well here's a great chance to go no you know what I deserve this I am bold I'm going to stand up for myself I'm confident warrior two so I find it can get a little bit deeper in my front leg in warrior two sometimes I even widen my stance although not lately lengthen the tailbone down again draw the lower belly in check out your warrior two what happens if you lift the toes what happens if you lift both palms in line with the shoulder spread the fingertips wide can you engage the muscles of the arm without creating tension and here we go inhale power through that front leg draw energy up from the arch of your right foot and inhale reach exhale soften inhale reach exhale warrior two inhale reach moving with your breath welcome that heat inhale one more time and exhale sink deep for your two I am bold here we go softening here extended side angle we get a chance to play pull the left hip crease back right hamstring parallel to the earth maybe not today but one day from the over front ankle when we play here so not only can we modify and find empowerment through modifying but it's fun to do different variations to stay alive in the pose take care of your neck here and then when you're ready I'll oh your heart back to Center nice and slow stay conscious through the right foot great work we come back to our low lunge inhale look forward and exhale plant the palms again optional move through vinyasa or take it straight to Child's Pose so you have the option here we'll meet balasana once again let the weight of the shoulders go all right take one more nice loving breath in here and then we'll slowly trace the fingertips all the way back up come back to all fours swing your legs over to one side and we'll come to lie flat on the back yay when you arrive give yourself a big ol hug should feel good in the lower back body here snuggle those shoulder blades underneath the heart space we should feel really great if you feel like you have that kind of I don't want to be negative but if you have the kind of turtle shell in the upper back body my friends and I call it the Quasimodo like if you're feeling a little Quasimodo then you want to open up the chest and the muscles I don't mean that in a negative or derogatory way at all I just mean if you feel tight in the upper back body the simple snuggle the shoulders underneath the heart space so good so you can do this in your bed you can make that adjustment at your desk even while sitting up one more breath here is you hug the knees in just kind of neutralizing through the back body great then we're just going to take the fingertips out Texas tea scoop the tailbone up big breath in and exhale nice and passive recline twist today so you don't have to extend just let it all go turn on over to your right ear and breathe it's helpful to bring the left hand to the outer edge of the right side please do close your eyes here so depending on what time of day you're doing your practice give yourself permission so you might it might be the morning you might have a full day ahead or maybe it's the evening you've completed nice long day just give yourself permission here to just put any thoughts of the day that you guys are just had or that's ahead put them just on hold just put them aside just I'm going to put mine right over there on the windowsill and just give yourself this peace here in the twist so moment - peace out before we roll up off the mat and into the world listen to your breath here and then starting with your right knees we're going to have a nice wide leg transition here start with the right knee let the weight of your right leg take you over so we have this nice wide kind of sprawled eagle transition and then we'll take it over to the right turn on to the left ear the same thing just put your to-do list with the day thus far the day ahead to the side and give yourself this last couple these last couple beats of peace here listen to the sound of your breath close your eyes relax your jaw and same thing releasing and allowing the left-knee to guide us back and you have this nice wide knee here we're going to reach the fingertips through first grab the arches of the feet and then giddy up the heels all the way up towards the sky giddyup that's a it's also ancient yoga term forget what it is in Sanskrit but I can look that up for you once you find what feels good here and stirrup posture you might take the arms the hands around to the outer edges of the feet and then just find what feels good here either massaging the feet popping the toes everyone see what happens when you lengthen your tailbone towards the front edge of your mat nice action there in the pelvis and then even grounding down through the shoulders here feels quite nice nice and long in the neck take one more deep breath in and then exhale release everything soles of the feet come to the mat oh yeah we're going to take a little windshield wiper here so bring the palms out we're just going to rock to one side you can do the ankle cross if that feels good and then to the other and then making your way into shavasan so before you do that if there's anything else you're craving perhaps you're you know maybe you're not new to the practice and you want to practice a shoulder stand or something else now would be a good time to do that so I think that in yoga camp you know this is just I'm merely your humble buddy and guide I think you should use this time to explore of course if you're new to the practice and actually everyone just be really mindful don't skip out on this shavasan even if it's just for a moment or two to completely release and relax eventually we'll extend the legs out long take a nice refreshing breath in as you exhale open your wings and release so you might be playing right now you might be doing a little freestyle that's awesome so whether you're in shavasan ready to rest or you're freestyling I want to thank you for sharing your practice and I want to honor you and give you thumbs up for showing up for yourself we need a rocket I'll see you tomorrow day ten namaste Oh