hey everyone welcome to 30 days of yoga camp it's day 6 and you know what that means right six-pack ABS critter protector now if you're new to the channel you know that I really don't subscribe to that sort of thing but it's time to have a little fun and build our course so the mantra today is not I am strong but it is I am supported or I feel supported so let's hop on the mat and get started all right my sweet friends let's begin on our backs soles of the feet on the mat spine relaxed out long on your yoga mat take a second to just get settled maybe bring the hands to the area in which we are targeting today and the reason the affirmation today is I feel supported I am supported is that I love the idea of blending kind of building strengthen and and and getting those chiseled ABS we all want from within and with support I also love the idea just as you get settled in here I just want to tell you this I also love the idea of kind of spinning multiple plates and I think this is what yoga camp is all about is like it's ok to want to trim your belly fat now are we doing are we doing yourself a service though by having toxic thoughts can we accept our body where it's at today can you know like can we do it can we attend to it in a way that isn't self destructive and so I think today is just a fun opportunity to play with that so yeah we're gonna work on the abdominal wall muscles of the abdominal wall but we are also going to make sure we feel supported I'm gonna do it in a supporting way so that said let's take it the physical manifestation of that right here right now and take the hips lift them up so that your tailbone it kind of like a bridge pose here is reaching towards the backs of the knees and then slowly lower back down and make sure that your lower back feels flush so you might feel kind of a connect here in your Center yeah great then we'll come up onto the toes if you can keep the lower back flesh and then lift the right knee up followed by the left oh and you can feel your belly connect there so now lower back is definitely super flush with the mat great draw your toes out just to play when it play with when it comes up and then draw your knees in to play with when the lower back feels flush so again just a couple moments here to go okay no matter what I'm going to feel supported in my lower back this is going to be important for our practice today and then when you feel like you have a little bit of my connect to that then just give yourself a big hug yay begin to deepen the breath go ahead and close your eyes here for a sec hmm so the practice isn't super long today but we are gonna go for the gold so if you're feeling tired or maybe you're feeling panicked about working on the abdominals can you also consider and remind yourself that your yoga practice has your back literally in this moment so with the eyes closed and the spine nice and long you can just imagine your yoga mat or the earth rising up to meet your spine feel your back body supported sweet and then send the fingertips out Texas tea for all my Texans sorry kind of fuzzy thing so we're gonna finish and end in a Texas tea today press the palms down draw the shoulders down towards the earth just warming up here inhale scoop then use towards the heart exhale slowly send the knees to the left right I was going to want to come up I'm gonna keep nice and tension through that right shoulder and right palm maybe you turn onto the right ear here and everyone take a deep breath in fill your belly with air big breath out big breath in and then you use the exhale keep your tailbone scooped up lower back connected to the earth to come back to Center inhale in knees towards the heart lower back and nice and supported exhale over to the right ouch over on to my mic pack power through I'm just kidding so notice that the left hand is coming up here see if you can just ground down it doesn't have to touch the earth right it'll take time to find that space but a couple nice deep reps here and then use an exhale to bring it back to Center alright so now moving with the breath keep your palms glued down inhale knees to the heart exhale knees to the left inhale knees to the heart to Center exhale knees to the right keep it going inhale to Center exhale inhale stay grounded through your foundation here protect the lower back warming up to add to it you can start to extend that top leg so just at giving I'm just giving variations for all different levels here inhale you come to Center and exhale to the right this is a great way to begin to stimulate the muscles of the abdominal wall if you're new to the practice because you have the support your neck is supported your head is nice and long let's do one more on each side great for the digestive organs back to Center inhale go ahead and give yourself a wrap around one more time great then we'll interlace the fingertips go ahead and give the legs a break go ahead and bring the soles of the feet back to the mat we're gonna interlace the fingertips and bring them up and over behind the head now close your eyes and just take a nice sunshiny moment here close your eyes imagine yourself by the pool maybe on the beach alright whatever your happy place is keep that to yourself just kidding extend the thumbs give yourself a little massage so again we can work the muscles of the abdominal we can work out we can we can do all these things without having to take on any sort of identity we can be ourselves about it and hopefully it's in a self loving supportive way so take a second here with the thumbs extended to kind of gently pull just just gently pull the back of the head out keep the elbows super wide and when you're ready once again we'll lift the knees up but this time we're gonna try to stack them more or less over the hip points now play with that rocking the pelvis here find that support remember your affirmation today in the lower back so this the affirmation today could have been I am strong but nah we know we're gonna work those muscles so let's marry it let's find a little balance let's find a little support so that may mean you just stay here you're already feeling it these muscles are already starting to tremble and you know you sorry I'm doing a little self adjustment human moment and you just stay here otherwise inhale in exhale lift the head the neck the shoulders up and be careful not to crunch so best you can keep the elbows nice and wide create a little neck hammock here for yourself that feels supported and remember this line from the crown of the head to the tip of the tailbone okay we've done this before together in yoga camp inhale exhale and here we go inhale lower exhale lift inhale lower exhale it keep the elbows super wide if you need to bring the fingertips to the temples here you can otherwise I like the neck hammock alright when you feel like you have that lower back support we'll begin so big inhale in here and on the exhale we lift now elbows stay nice and wide you should feel this here as you scoop the tailbone up lower back support super important inhale lower on your next exhale lift then when you're ready to get your groove on inhale lower exhale lift keep it going inhale lower exhale lift and now you got to get your groove on here tailbone scooping up pay attention to the lower back sting super flush with the mat keep it going inhale lower exhale lift lots of space between the chin and chest inhale lower exhale lift five more what we got this in yeah and three more and last one you got it exhale lift after your last one reach the fingertips towards the outer edges of the feet straighten the legs inhale reach reach reach reach and then exhale release everything soles of the feet come together knees nice and wide hands to the belly give yourself a little pet ahh nice work everyone really really nice hmm take a nice refreshing breath in through the nose and out through the mouth here we go take the fingertips to the outer edges of your legs bring your knees back in press off the toes find that support in the lower back super important the most important thing I feel support then again you may not make this perfect shape until you build this muscles so for me I like to bring my knees even a little closer in so that I'm nice and flush in the lower back this time we are going to bring fingertips to the temples so rather than behind that to the temples inhale in exhale lift elbows are going to stay nice and wide here at neutral then here we go right toes are gonna touch down towards the earth as I cross right elbow over towards the top of the left thigh or the knee touch inhale to neutral elbows nice and wide exhale twist inhale to neutral exhale twist toes tap inhale the neutral exhale tap and twist that's what we should call this in and Hale to neutral exhale tap into ice now close your eyes take your eyes off the video begin to move in your own rhythm at your own pace with the breath and five more seconds even it out and take a break this time feet to the outer edge of your mat knees fall into Center hands come to the belly and we soften everything and release give yourself a little pet great job and inhale in nice refreshing breath in exhale let it go out through the mouth rock on let's rock and roll hands come to the backs of the thighs we're gonna rock all the way up to a seat this is where we get to grab our props prop so I wanted to be creative and just grab any old prop my house but I decided to just use the block here but I'm gonna let you be creative and I love to see or hear about what you use over the past few years it's been nice to see people use different things everything from t-shirts to socks to books to trophies to animals no no animals are ever harmed so grab your prop also just give me a little break here grab your prop and then go ahead and come to a position like that you would sit in watching something so that it's like it's comfortable and supported so that your sitting bones are kind of really into the earth so try not to come into this perfect yoga shape here but come into this place that feels supported where you can actually find a little lift in the heart because this is where we're gonna start because ultimately we want to be supportive in this next move and these an ask next couple moves so rather than trying to hit the shape Chinese just stick with the process and then one day you'll hit that shape and you'll be like ah but till then let's make sure we feel supported so for starters go ahead and ring your prop right to your side we're gonna take the hands to the backs of the thighs and then keep that lift in the heart as you slowly tilt back so this is gonna be a little different for everyone hold on for dear life so there's no cheating right now you might even clasp the wrists here and just notice what it feels like to be collapsed in the spine in the chest and what it feels like to be supported to kind of lift it in the torso here right okay and then from here we might reach the fingertips forward again you can stay here it's working on that support through the spinal column you might stay here you can reach the fingertips forward so take one more moment here to flip the palms up and lift through the heart even more deep breath in and then exhale everyone release come back to that shape that feels good here nice and supported comfortable take a break alright now grab your prop same thing find that lift here I'm just gonna take our prop and slowly do a little figure eight here so passing it through the legs move nice and slow keep the heart lifted keep the heart lifted keep the heart lifted so this is gonna happen this collapse keep the heart lifted if you have to put the feet down and do this this is a great way to begin this so as best you can remember when we just open the palms try to keep the shoulders relaxed and down the chest open collarbones nice and long keep it going here for 10 more seconds you got it and even it out awesome then cross the ankles take your prop put it to the side come to a cross-legged seat nice and tall take a rest big breath in supported by the breath big breath out awesome here we go soles of the feet come back out one more time find that shape that feels good but grow nice and tall up through the spine they maintain that lift up through the crown of the head as you slide the hands to the backs of the thighs one more time and we find this lift off so again we can stay here this time we're going to bring the knees together working on a little boat variation okay don't panic right think about lifting through the armpit chest in fact everyone loop your shoulders lift up through the armpit chest lift your heart and then maybe you reach the fingertips forward maybe you just stay here today two great moving through a little flow here we inhale in exhale fingertips out left to right or Flying V and we extend the legs out long whoo inhale in squeeze catch your breath exhale radiate fingers and toes great inhale squeeze lift your heart lift your heart keep your heart lifted as you exhale radiate everything out inhaling exhale think about the energy not the shape energy reaching through the fingertips in toes maybe you come into a full boat maybe just play here in the flow inhaling exhale reach this time inhale in exhale low boat fingertips reach towards the front edge of your mat so do the heels the toes low low low boat inhaling then exhale break free come to flat back awesome hands come to the belly we're gonna draw a circle here mm-hmm great work all right center yourself on your mat if you need to you guys are doing awesome lay two more things that we're done yes okay so here we go sole the left foot comes to the ground finish up with your belly Pet it really helps mmm okay we run across the right leg over the left as if you're sitting at a coffee shop cafe desk shut up Adrian okay and then fingertip excuse me we're analyse the fingertips bring them behind the head elbows nice and wide once again you can bring the thumbs to give yourself a little massage all right then press up off your left toes here find that lower back support so you can stay here or if you want to come to Eagle legs kind of fun here too if you can wrap that foot around but it's not necessary what is necessary is feeling that support in the back body which then triggers the abdominal wall here we go inhale in exhale this time we have permission to bring the elbows together we're gonna squeeze the knees up towards the elbows reach the elbows reach the elbows super strong towards the knees inhale lower maybe left toes touch the ground but you want to feel supporting that lower back so just play here maybe they don't go that far exhale lift try to stay soft in the sensory organs so soft in the face no clinched cheek clinch here keep it soft and easy exhale rounding in inhale expand exhale contract evil drives down inhale expansion exhale contract two more not a lot of these inhale still got a switch hexia time to find your breath great release left toes then left foot unravel take a second here to release the hands pet the belly and then same thing on the other side so press into your right foot cross the left leg over and then interlace the fingertips bring them behind the head when you're ready press off the right toes and find your Eagle legs maybe so check in with the lower back body here we go jumping right in inhale in exhales please inhale expand exhale squeeze inhale expand exhale squeeze stick with your breath maybe imagine your favorite song that has an eagle in it leave in the comments below what's your favorite song with an eagle in it here we go let's do two more you got it one more give it your all inhale expand exhale squeeze and slowly we unravel the first right toes to the ground so stay in control and then we unravel hands to the belly big breath in through the nose big breath out through the mouth all right ending with another Texas tea let's rock and roll the last thing here palms are gonna come down so if you're done so if you're done you can just repeat the reclined twist from before and work on a more restorative ending here just stretching otherwise we're going to play actually I'd have enough room to do this sure press up off the toes inhale scoop the heart up inhale in exhale ground through the shoulders down down down press into the palms inhale lift the legs up high you're gonna need to ground down through these arms super strong I'm gonna slowly teeter-totter - I'm sorry to the left try to keep the legs straight it's impossible inhale the center soft bend the knees will work and exhale to the right so we're doing the same version of what we did before just a little more intense inhale extend exhale maybe you repeat just extending the top leg teeter-tottering back and forth I say get creative that's what I say make sure you feel that support let's do one more on each side great and do the right inhale back to Center exhale bending at the knees coming all the way down awesome work bring the hands to the belly one final time and then Yogi's choice feet to the outer edge knees in or repeat the cobblers pose reclined here come into a shape where you can take a couple of nice quiet deep breaths and relax hmm close your eyes here and repeat the mantra to yourself at least once maybe twice three times if you're a rock star I feel supported I am supported and we'll release the mantra begin to open the eyes bring the knees in from here you can make your way to a shavasana or rock and roll up on into your day nice work everyone way to build strength in a supportive way I'll see you tomorrow you