what's up party people welcome to 30 days of yoga camp it's day five and you know what the mantra for today is right and the laughs let's get started all right my friends today we're going to begin with the legs stretched out long so come into a comfortable seat meaning if you need to lift the hips please do here again on a block or on some books or maybe a pillow and then take the legs out long now depending on your personality but I know I used to be like this comes from dancing and gymnastics and stuff is always kind of like overdo it here like I have to hit this shape and I have to prove to myself that I'm flexible so let's not do that today let's just see where we're at see if you can keep the thighs kind of grounding down here so what that means is your shape might look like this yeah legs out long so if you're this way then you know what I'm talking about there some of us that are like okay get right to the mark so we just want a nice comfortable seat to start in with the legs out long then just take a second to feel the feet feel your hands so just kind of spreading awareness through the soles of the feet and the hands the wrists and then go ahead and activate find flexion in the feet so press into your heels let your toes point up towards the sky again tops of the thighs in fact take your palms to the tops of the thighs just to kind of press them down and so if you're still working on spinal awareness and even a strength building in the abdominal wall in the back body this could be pretty tough so I just want acknowledge if you're here man dudes dudettes no biggie this is why we're here to practice so in time we'll be able to find length and support with the muscles tomorrow's practice will help and yeah just kind of find that support from within so just notice where you're at today come into a nice comfortable seat here with the legs out long so once you get adjusted see if you can align head over heart heart over pelvis and activate through the legs strong then maybe take a second here to loop the shoulders forward up and back and also to do a couple neck rolls if it feels right so just checking in with the head the neck the shoulders so for me a lot of yoga videos and while workouts on stuff just kind of like wham-bam into it so unless you're taking responsibility before you press play kind of don't get a chance to just go okay here I am so take that moment here I begin to notice your breath then eventually we'll bring the palms together at the heart again still active through the legs here and begin to lift the sternum to the thumbs so if you're collapsing in the belly here and collapsing in the back body see if you can use this lift of the sternum to the thumbs you just kind of grow tall and for some people at this stage in the practice or depending on what you know where you are on your journey this could be a lot of hard work so just notice and then begin to deepen your breath and you might close your eyes here we're not going to be here much longer but just a chance to check in with that line activate through the legs and feel a nice grounding through the sitting bones find extension through the crown again close your eyes for a moment here deepening the breath and just settling in for our practice today the affirmation or the mantra today I am Alive to notice what it feels like as you move throughout the practice today notice what it feels like to be alive today in your body moving with the breath and then you might even take it a step further and finish the sentence I am Alive with I'm alive with energy I'm alive with creativity I am alive and patient so find something that suits you well today say it to yourself repeat it to yourself here I'll bow the head to the hands and we'll rock it out today bat the eyelashes open slowly release the hands we're going to bring the right heel into the center line should feel awesome after holding that shape for so long nice work so take your machchar your affirmation with you if you ever start to get distracted or start to feel frustrated in your practice repeat that mantra to yourself here we go turning towards the left toes here so you might actually physically adjust your right hip your right knee we're going to inhale reach it up exhale over and to the left just like we did before so before you say I would just take it to the left so we're stretching through the right side of the body we don't again have to have this perfect yoga shape here we're just warming up the body maybe you're a little sore from working on your yoga mat or something else I didn't mean for that just meant any a plethora of things and then flattening it out for a breath or two you might round the head notice how I'm not slamming belly too high just give yourself just notice where you're at today right so I'm still warming up here close your eyes breathe breathe breathe then grounding through your route and coming into a little twist to your right fingertips behind left palm gently to guide you so don't cranky cranked it here just nice and easy keep that left foot active sitting up nice and tall make sure you're not leaning back in your right hand one more breath here inhale and release awesome same thing on the other side so left heel in right to leg out so even though it can feel like work at first the more we practice and if you practice regularly which is why yoga camp is so great you know just kind of becoming aware and active in the body becomes second nature so it feels less like work so just just see where you're at today so firming down through the right thigh we'll shift our weight over inhale reach up active through those right toes as you send it up and over towards the right so again I'm grabbing on the outer edge here maybe you grab the outer edge of your right foot feels so good big breath in big breath out as you find what feels good here well we do some of this floor work it might be a good time to just practice repeating your affirmation your mantra I am Alive maybe finish that sentence I am alive with energy love go ahead and flatten it out and then grounding down through the coccyx through the tail your root chakra ground down sit up nice and tall and take a little counter twist here right fingertips to the outer edge of the left thigh and left fingertips behind inhale grow nice and tall and exhale twist stay firm in that right thigh so strong sit bone to heel connection inhale lift your heart exhale shoulders grounding down cool then gently release go ahead and bring that right foot in we'll come to a crisscross position here and we're just moving with the arms here so nice and easy and if you want to practice that sukhasan up from before just really keeping the ankles crossed here you can i'm turning sideways so you can see that i'm really allowing the heart to stay lifted here so again if you need to lift the hips please do here we go inhale nice and easy reach the fingertips up move with your breath exhale float them down inhale reach it up exhale float it down so we'll keep it going here tops of the thighs grounding down inhale reach heart lifts exhale down slow it down a bit inhale reach and exhale float it down so you know what we're doing now you can close your eyes or even begin to integrate the nose the neck inhaling maybe looking up exhaling chin to chest you might find this a je breath here helpful it's a soft restriction in the back of the throat with practice that becomes second nature and super helpful as you begin to synchronize the breath and the body marry the movement with the breath and the breath with the movement let's do one more you got it in here and exhale fingertips are going to come behind when you release we're going to turn the fingertips in towards your body inhale loop the shoulders hug the elbows trying to touch the elbows together here so we're stretching through the arms stretching through the chest nice gentle lift in the chin here big breath in open your heart remember your mantra maybe repeat it to yourself why not and then press off the fingertips and we'll begin to come forward onto all fours hmm I'm feeling good hope you are too if not let's keep tending to it coming to all fours here pressing into the tops of the feet press away from your yoga mat drew all the shoulders away from the ears and once you feel set bones stacked we'll move in to cat cow so make sure you take that time loins to kind of find your set up so that you can find freedom within the form inhale I exhale moving with the breath again inhale dropping the belly move nice and slow exhale rounding through the spine taking your time maybe use that UJ e that Darth Vader breath if you're not familiar and you want to learn we have a video for that free of charge of course just kidding and then of course from here we break free of the structure a little bit and just check in with the body today so again you might be feeling a little bit sore tighten places from your yoga or maybe for something else maybe you just feel a little heavy harder today and you got to go back to that extended Child's Pose your breath or - so take a moment here to feel alive notice what it feels like to be alive on this day insert date here each day is different nice and slow and mindful so you're taking care of your body maybe like that circular motion awesome and then from here we're going to bring the knees together so finish out what you're doing then bring the knees together and bring the feet together and then slowly we're going to sit back onto the heels walk the fingertips up and palms come to the tops of the thighs so if you have a blanket or a towel if you have knee issues and you're feeling fussiness here you can roll the blanket or the towel up bring it right behind the knees and then see what happens if you sit back here another option is to do a little yoga for the feet that's a great option for everyone if you wanted to go for the gold today wake up the feet so we're going to be here just for a couple breaths moving with our vinyasa nice and easy inhale reach the fingertips up exhale float them down close your eyes try to find your groove see if you can practice you might not get it at first back you probably won't tipping a practice really moving with the breath let's try a couple more here stick with it let your breath fuel your movement so only raise your arms as far as your inhale goes and then let the exhale take it down let's try for two more maybe integrating the neck awesome so great in the shoulders repeat okay if you're on the toes here please go ahead and come off the toes for this move as we reach the fingertips around open up through the armpit chest and then turn the fingers in towards your body towards your feet once again and we inhale tuck the pelvis open the chest big breath in nice pressing off so nice and aware we don't move fast here nice and slow we press off the fingers and come forward Child's Pose release the forehead to the mat fingertips can stay reaching towards the front edge or you can circle them back around to the back edge just take a couple breaths here my friends let the weight of your shoulders go feel the stretch in your back body as you breathe big breaths in and out and slowly if the fingertips are behind you reach them forward will hug the lower ribs in so please whatever this means to you connect to your Center move from your Center what does that mean as you come to all fours for me it just changes my quality of movement so rather than just cool you know like I'm kind of present in a different way remember your affirmation Here I am a live with and curl your toes under and send it back downward facing dog continue with the breath check in with the hands and pedal the feet surprise yourself with your breath today when the mind begins to wander we're going to start implementing these affirmations a little bit more just providing a little imitation - you don't have to when the mind wanders it's a good moment to talk to yourself say the thing that's going to serve you one more breath here you got it then we'll bring the two big toes together and lift the right leg up high right to a state pointing towards the earth we press into both palms evenly inhale in exhale reach right foot all the way up in between your hands take your time getting there as you lower the left knee down come onto the fingertips loop the shoulders inhale begin to open your heart forward so just take a second here to check your alignment and then we'll flip the back toes so the top of the foot comes to the mat and then Yogi's choice here you could be fingertips on the mat you might bring the hands to the waistline I'm going to be here for just a couple breaths stretching out the lower body and then making sure that we're nice and connected all the way up through the crown of the head beautiful then slowly we'll plant the palms back down curl the left toes under lift the back knee and step it back to a plank not going to do a lot of these today so here we go just checking it out nice and strong press away from your yoga mat spike the heels towards the back edge of your mat notice if you're a little sore a little tired or maybe if you're kind of starting to feel some magical strength just notice where you're at today gaze it straight down and then take your eyeballs just slightly ahead as you hug the elbows in and slowly lower down to the belly oh yeah flip to the tops of the feet press in your foundation as you slowly lift up high exhale lower down keep it going just like this a little Cobra flow inhale lift exhale fold keep it nice and low my friends I'm sorry I said hikes I don't want to mislead you inhale lift exhale and one more find that liquid spine here inhale exhale release awesome curl the toes under Yogi's choice you can press to all fours here or press back up to that plank inhaling again everyone exhale downward facing dog you're doing great let's keep going right heel down left leg up high inhale keep the left toes down press into both palms evenly man I need to go to the chiropractor see I'm a good teacher I'm not a good example because my potties all work okay cool I'm just noticing that my hands are in different places okay everyone's like hello Adrian we're in three-legged dog step it up into your lunge sorry I just had a little human moment there and then go ahead and place the right knee on the earth come on to the fingertips when you're ready come on to the top of the right foot and don't rush this breathe we read read read find your alignment and then you might just be man you're tight you're stretching it out you're doing the work you're practicing your mantra you might just stay nice and low or you might experiment well with the hands on the waistline maybe you're already like girl Crescent lunge so just play everyone read deep pay attention and enjoy one more breath here hmm and then we'll slowly release back down plant the palms curl the back toes under and lift that right knee here we go strong right away so before you step that left foot back we're already pressing away from your yoga mat step it back plank gaze straight down long beautiful neck spike the heels towards the back and shift your weight forward hug the elbows in slowly lower down all the way to the belly belly to Cobra or chaturanga to updog inhale find your heart opener here and then exhale release curl the toes under press back up to plank or all fours and inhale in and exhale make your way to down dog take a nice cleansing breath here in through the nose out through the mouth here we go last leg of our practice today we got this drop the left heel lift the right leg up high squeeze right knee in towards the heart hover here for just a moment cultivate a little strength and then step it up into your lunge once again lower the left knee come on to the top of the left foot if you feel more stable with the left toes curled under do that I feel more stable pressing into the root of that back foot when it's not curled but that's just me then everyone this time let's play with hands to the waistline and then if you're super flexible just notice if you're kind of dumping all your weight in here can you find that integrity of drawing the right hip crease back hugging to the midline you know what I'm talking about if you're if you're here you know what I'm talking about you're like oh yeah find a little support then if you're really working hard you're shaking with all your mind you might just stay here otherwise we're going to add the flow keep the top of the back foot whether the toes are curled or not rooted as your foundation and here we go inhale reach the arms all the way up and overhead big breath in big breath out float them down when you're working in this way it's harder than you think you might feel like whoa so hug inner thighs to the midline here we go keeping it going with the breath so you can move your own pace here just moving with your breath strong foundation awesome on your next inhale reach the fingertips up and when you arrive there take the right hand to the left wrist squeeze the right knee into the midline and slowly tilt to the right lean back open your heart maybe you smile here stay grounded through your foundation you got this inhale in exhale back to Center and melt it down awesome work my friends plant the palms optional vinyasa here so you could take the knees together and go to Child's Pose or you can move through a vinyasa so Yogi's choice here take a big breath in wherever you are and a big breath out then if you're not already in downward facing dog we'll head there do the same thing on the other side then we'll flip our burgers cool it off and call it a day get ready for an amazing day right here we go from down dog we'll drop the right heel lift the left leg up high big breath in big breath out sends the right excuse-me left knee up towards the heart pause here hover here press away cultivate strength then step it up into your lunge into your lunge sound like I said the lunch lunch lower the right knee find strong foundation in that back foot so for me I uncurl front knee over front ankle when you're ready connect to your Center and bring the hands to the waistline sup creaky old floor loop the shoulders find that lift in the heart so try to control your breath here excuse me alright and once you feel like you have the lower body connected and activated hugging to the midline let's play with a little vinyasa alright remember your mantra I am Alive with or as I am Alive here we go inhale spread the fingertips reach up exhale float them down reminder for the vendee guys if you're kind of sinking here that's great for the right hip crease but can you find a little integrity tug the left thigh bone back just a hair almost as if you were trying to bring your mat the front end of the back end into Center so again sharing at all different levels here moving with the breath you might begin to integrate the neck there's a yoga teacher I really like he focuses on Anatomy mostly teaching from an Anatomy standpoint but he always shares this idea of tracing the finger tips with your nose or with your peripheral vision and I really like that I do a lot of stuff with peripheral vision or have done in the past with theatre training and dance training so it really works in yoga too it's a great way to integrate the whole spine and if you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about no worries just moving with the breath here let's do one more way to stick with it my legs are getting tired inhale reach up and this time we take the left hand to the right with wrist and find the side body stretch relax the shoulders down lean back inhale one more breath open your heart and then exhale back to Center plant the palms left knee joins the right knee child's pose you can also sneak in a little vinyasa here you go swim the fingertips around and forehead to the mat great work my friends allow everything to relax here and if Child's Pose is not a relaxing posture for you try extended Child's Pose if that sucks try that hard to earth pose that we've been doing and if that sucks come to a nice cross-legged seat I'm going to take a couple breaths here then in your own time see if again you can move from your center whatever that means to you reaching the fingertips up coming through walk the knees up towards the wrists cross the left ankle over the right use your pause to walk you through being really mindful to ankles here and if you're one of the folks that came to cross legged here we are with you big breath in big breath out so we're going to end today by bringing the palms together here in a little meditation pose if you want to come to shavasana rock it out especially if you have a little extra time today to be in your relaxation otherwise we'll bring the palms together lift the sternum to the thumb align head over heart heart over pelvis we give thanks for our practice for this time well spent and we finished by repeating the mantra I am Alive so you'll repeat to yourself those words or you'll finish the sentence I am alive with I am alive with energy I am alive with gratitude find something that serves you don't stop the video yet come on we're going the distance so take a couple moments to just repeat your mantra and that's where we'll end today then release your mantra I know that it lives inside you can take it with you off the mat into the rest of your day well bow finish today by bowing to one another inhale in lifting the sternum to the thumbs and exhale namaste you you