what's up party people welcome to 30 days of yoga camp I'm Adriene and its day three the mantra for today is I embrace let's rock and roll all right so we're going to begin today in sukhasana crossing at the ankles and giving yourself a little bit more space so sometimes we kind of come to that criss-cross applesauce over here and and that's not what we're doing today just to kind of begin to open up through the hips and just kind of play with the structure a little bit so traditionally we bring the ankles at a cross it might feel awkward at first especially if you you're used to kind of coming into these sort of shapes so give yourself a good amount of space between the crotch and thy ankles it's going to be one of those days okay and then sit up nice and tall and then just take a second to even take the hands to the tops of the thighs and especially if you're new to the practice the legs are going to want to fly up so you might sit up on a block here or just you know use the power of our minds which is what we're melding with this practice during yoga camp trying to kind of invite a 360 experience in so just use the power of your mind just go okay I'm going to ground down through the tops of the thighs that might seem like a excess but it's really not kind of retraining our bodies to have awareness again be alive so whatever that means to you take a deep breath in sit up nice and tall and exhale begin to settle into this moment so the videos rolling you're here you know maybe you didn't know if you had time or not but you're here the hard part is over you've shown up for yourself which is beautiful so let's begin close your eyes and sit up nice and tall begin to relax through the shoulders the jaw notice if you're clenching or gripping anywhere we're not going to be here long today so just take a quiet moment to just settle in you might rock your heart forward and back in space and see if then you can align your head over your heart Center your chest and then a lot align your chest or your heart over your pelvis so we're connecting to the subtle body here the energetic body as you lift up through the center channel and align head over heart heart over pelvis and all the palms together Anjali mudra and activate through the palms this doesn't mean you have to necessarily be pressing super hard but just really notice what that feels like stay present and then if you can so you can bring a little awareness to the feet even begin to deepen the breath mmm the mantra today say it quietly to yourself or if you're feeling adventurous say it out loud I embrace what is it that you can and will embrace on your mat today choose something that serves you and repeat it to yourself honoring the power of word the power of thought I embrace and consider it already done already so as you bow the head to the hands the mind intelligence to the body and let's have some fun take the right hand over to the left knee cross the left arm over and bring it to the right knee it's funny how something so simple can seem so complicated so if you're just like what you're not alone that's that's the beauty of yoga it's humbling and then the heels have not come in we're nice and when spacious here in sukhasan as you inhale lift the chest and exhale chin to chest and that's the flow here inhales is like aerial on the rock speaking to my generation they're a little little mermaid joke a reference and then chin to chest and this is like Kate Winslet on a Titanic up with that an agenda Jess desperately searching for like a Paul Newman movie where he's like this I can leave it in the comments below if you think of one and then Shinda chess and then keep it going on your own couple beats here and I'll shut up inhale as you open exhale as you round and the next time you inhale lift up bring head over heart heart over pelvis again release the left fingertips left home only and reach it behind come into your twist now remember when I was blabbing on about the tops of the thighs ground down through the top of the right thigh so we're definitely we're doing more than just the shapes here we're kind of connecting to the energetic body or just experimenting with that nice big breath in here and exhale to release awesome this time I'm going to bring excuse me the left arm underneath so just bring your left arm underneath even I'm getting confused and we repeat inhale open the chest exhale chin to chest inhale open the chest remember that brightness in the feet and exhale chin to chest and now you can start to find a little rock in the pelvis and so I'm changing up the spinal flex a little bit today from normal cat cow because I want us to stay present with the sensations as opposed to just focusing on just the shape so the shapes are great and they're wonderful tools but especially if you've been practicing for a while or you just really ready to create a full body experience start a lovin yourself and living your life in a way that feels good full then this is the practice for you close your eyes for these last few good press into the sitting bones on your next inhale lift the heart head over heart heart over pelvis release the right fingertips this time send them all the way around and find your twist inhale lift and lengthen exhale letting go of the day thus far maybe you've had a hard week thus far it's time to let go of everything that's happened up until this point and give yourself this time on your mat you deserve it one more big breath in here in your twist big breath out we'll bring it back to sit awesome take the ankles and reverse the cross see if you can still maintain this sukhasan so right crossing right at the ankles your knees might be here babe no prob just be where you are today embrace it and then side body stretch left fingertips come to the mat or left palm inhale reach up and over breathe here as you pull the right thumb back try to lean into it resource the urge to kind of collapse here so find that length you got it inhale and then exhale through Center again the shape of your legs might look a little different than normal that's good playing here take it to the other side oh yeah breathe into the tight places so I'm a little sore today so this is good get to practice what I preach stay present we'll come back to Center great from here we're just going to take both legs to one side and come through to all fours bring the knees as wide as your yoga mat and the two big toes to touch great then walk it out walk it out walk the palms active/active towards the front edge of your mat so really really reach reach reach then inhale look forward press into the tops of the toes here so we're talking full body experience lots of compression in the hip creases here you got this breathe deep then on an exhale lowering the elbows relaxing the heart down down down forehead comes to the mat I am very aware that your extended Child's Pose me that looks like this it may not even feel good so a couple of adjustments could be in order to just lift the hips up off the heels and come into that on a hop the awesome that kind of heart to earth pose that we did before another option is to just be on the forearms here hmm take one more breath wherever you are then slowly make your way back to all fours walk the knees underneath the hip points toes in line with the knees then walk the palms out just a little bit curl the toes under and send it up to your downward dog stretch it up press into all 10 knuckles firmly imagine opening two jars opening the right arm out left arm out so that we get this external rotation in the shoulders check out the foundations of downward dog for this if you want a little more and then everyone come to a place of stillness whenever you're ready for a nice big breath in and a big breath out careful let's hold in the head the neck good ready for that slow walk nice and slow stay present see if you can enjoy the transitions here embrace it all negotiate your way to the front and then when you're ready find that nice fold fold forward fold really great if you're feeling stressed out you just need a quick yoga break take a second to find what feels good here either grabbing the shoulders I mean the elbows scuse me walking the fingertips left to right spreading awareness through your sweet feet and again maybe letting something go something that happened previous to this moment letting the past go and then letting any grip on you know what's to come to-do list let that go just for now give yourself this time and when you're ready we'll inhale halfway with nice flat back position now remember you have lots of options here palms on the tops of the thighs palms on the shins fingertips on the mat little more Ashtanga version inhale in here everyone and exhale release slowly roll it up take your time enjoy maybe allow the fingertips to trace the Front's of the legs maybe as you lift the heart you lift the toes and then you know what to do here nice big circles with the shoulders and some circles with the nose one way and then the other checking in with the neck shoulders here and hands come to the hips whenever you're ready I'm just going to play with the pelvis here so soften soften through the knees just so you can find a little tuck now we're not lengthen we're not tucking the tailbone necessarily we're just kind of bringing our Center underneath us so again bringing head over heart and heart over your pelvis it's a great way to think of it rather than trying to like plunge the butt or clench the butt my new book coming out clench the buttocks rather than any clenching just kind of this alignment of muscle and bone but also energy head over heart heart over pelvis just play so we come into this kind of superhero position here draw energy up from the arches of the feet what helps again is to lift the toes so check that out you might lift the kneecaps a little bit here tone the quadriceps as you lift lift lift then last but not least lift your heart and draw the elbows together as best you can shoulder blades come in and together lengthen up through the crown big breath in and exhale release every being down forward fold great inhale halfway lift elbows are going to reach back once again try to touch each other halfway lift careful not to lock the knees here then use your exhale to float it down fingertips release to the earth and we bend the knees generously step or hop it back to plank but don't panic nice and soft nice and soft step or hop it back so we're doing this just to create a little bit of you know heat in the body a little bit of energy don't think top of a push-up don't panic rock front to back try to create one nice long piece from the crown of the head all the way to the heels then feel free to stay here or lower on your knees just like we did before we'll cross the ankles if you want to inhale look forward connect with the lower belly as you exhale elbows at a 45 degree angle all the way to the belly mmm great release the feet inhale Cobra exhale release awesome curl the toes under press back up to all fours and then continue to peel up through the tail downward facing dog check in with your breath rather than doing downward facing dog today can you just embrace one sensation at a time checking it I like to imagine it as this nice long scroll and I'm just going down through my checklist but I was an only child so it was really why I do stuff like that all right here we go drop the left heel lift the right leg high right toes down lift from your right inner thigh strong here connect to your strength big breath in exhale bend your right knee slowly shift your weight forward right knee hugs in towards the heart and then step it up into your lunge great lower the left knee down today and if it feels good and only if it feels good you might just play here walking the left knee back just a hair now check out front egg front knee over front ankle and then we embrace the stretch here take your right thumb to your right hip crease pull the right hip crease back and might widen your stance like it just did mine stay present with the sensations and remember your mantra go ahead and uncurl the back toes press into the top of the back foot press into the left fingertips here or left palm right thumb is still on the right hip crease let that turn you taking the heart towards the right side of your yoga mat stay here right thumb on right hip crease or send the right fingertips back just reach press into the ball joint of the right big toe big breath in here and exhale back to Center awesome press into all ten fingers curl the back toes under inhale lift open your heart exhale plant the palms step it back plank slowly lower to the knees or keep them lifted we hug the elbows in 45 degrees as we bend belly to the earth tops of the feet to the mat inhale Cobra nice and low and exhale release curl the toes under press back up to all fours and then peel it up downward facing dog big breath in here big breath out press into your knuckles walk the two big toes together this time reach the right heel down towards the earth as you inhale lift the left leg up high try to turn the left toes down towards the Earth or even towards the right side of your yoga mat lift from the left inner thigh inhale in strong connect to your strength exhale bend the left knee squeeze it up and in as you roll through that right foot step it up into your lunge lower the right knee catch your breath if it feels good and only if it feels good to walk that right knee back just a hair and then find your alignment front knee over front ankle hmm the fingertips on the mat we bring excuse me right fingertips on the mat we bring the left thumb to the left hip crease pulling back here at my widen your stance and come off the back toes press into that back foot strong and maybe you just stay here careful not to collapse in the head or the neck maybe you reach the left fingertips all the way back breathe into the armpit chest nice strong breaths here and then dialing it back to Center all ten fingerprints come to the mat we curl the back toes under lift the back knee inhale let your heart radiate forward runners lunge beautiful then exhale plant the palms optional vinyasa here you can take it straight to down dog or you step the left toes back and you move through a little flow this time it could be chaturanga to updog or repeating that belly to Cobra then we meet in downward facing dog so more on that vinyasa moment tomorrow when we do Sun Salutations big breath in big breath out as you lower the knees come onto the tops of the feet and take it to a child's pose fingertips reach back forehead to the mat allow the weight of the shoulders to round and release take a rest press into the tops of the feet and slowly reach the fingertips forward press into the palms and nice and slow we'll come back up negotiating making our way to a little Lions pose or little Lions breath so the knees are going to go as wide as the yoga mat I figure if you can get through some Lions breath the first week of your journey we can do anything so coming into the full shape today if you're not able to come into this shape tending to the knees or maybe the feet are really tight you have options you can sit on a block to lift you or a blanket is nice rolled up behind the knees just to give you a little space you can also come on to the toes here for a little lift so wherever you are lengthen through the torso and we're going to take our fingertips forward then from here go ahead and turn your left fingertips towards your body just check it out there just one at a time here to start so chances are if you've never really if this part of the body means some awakening you're not going to get too far but in time you'll be able to bring the palm to the earth so just play here but be super mindful notice if the thumb is wanting to creep in so if you can keep the thumb nice and straight and then gently come off that and release now we'll do the same thing on there on the right side turning the right fingertips around you might just stay on the right fingertips here breathing into the forearm or maybe you come all the way onto the palm really mindful of that thumb big breath in big breath out great will come off the right take a second to wiggle the fingertips now if you draw circles with the wrists if you need to I'm preparing for lion's breath let's just go for so if this is too much for you in the arms you can just do this on claws claws or even fists right so prepare yourself here careful not to collapse into the earth wherever you are what we do is we take a big breath in through the nose and on an exhale we send our gaze up towards the third eye right in between the two eyebrows you can even close your eyes and do it if you feel like a dummy but I say just go for and on the exhale we reach our tongue out towards the earth towards the chin we press away from the yoga mat and we let out a nice cleansing breath it looks like this Wow don't hurt my jaw okay so let's give it a try ready two three of these and just see what happens right can you embrace it can you can you just embrace Rhea big inhale exhale Lions breath tongue out awesome two more and last one awesome super fierce walk the palms out child's pose hmm what just happened and pressing into all ten knuckles we press into the tops of the feet so press in your foundation for every transition connect and we'll come back to all fours take your time getting there when you arrive we're going to find those goalposts arms and if you need to come off the wrists so if you're new to practising your wrists are like then feel free remember to take take moments on your own to rotate the wrists and just really tend to it rather than giving up or you know getting pissed off you need to you need to take responsibility you need to come off the wrist you need to massage them when you need to remember how powerful the mind is okay wrists underneath the shoulders knees back underneath the hip points here we go I'm going to inhale extend my right toes out long lift from the right inner thigh hug the lower ribs in and then slowly reach your left fingertips out as if you're trying to shake someone's hand then plug the left shoulder inhale lift and lengthen exhale rounding it and nose to knee only three of these you got it inhale extend exhale nose to knee how's your foundation inhale extend pressing into the top of that back foot exhale nose to knee inhale extend and exhale back to all fours well same thing on the other side slide the left toes out hug energy into the midline hug the lower ribs in so kind of knit them together so if they're just kind of splaying out here remember that tabletop position well and then we lift the back leg up don't forget about your foundation top the right foot pressing into the left palm as you inhale reach the right fingertips forward plug the right shoulder in if you're shaking someone's hand here and then plug it in and here we go we flow inhale exhale nose to knee inhale keep it nice and slow extend spread the fingertips spread the toes exhale nose to knee inhale extend exhale nose to knee rounding through the spine keep checking your foundation in hellicksen oh exhale release awesome swing the toes to one side come to seated great work my friends we're going to take out little thriller arms here so just bring the legs to a nice sukhasana again crossing the ankles practicing with the heels a little further from your base and then thriller arms should feel good loop the shoulders breathe into the muscles of the forearm fingertips down great then release palms come to the earth we'll extend the legs out long and come to lie down so get comfy here tuck the chin into the chest lengthen through the back of the neck then we'll slide left knee up towards the sky sole the left foot on the mat lift the right leg up high and then we'll cross bending it the right knee just crossing the right ankle over the left thigh reclined one-legged pigeon here is you press off of your left foot and interlace the fingertips behind the left thigh breathe here stay bright in the feet so just a little energy in the feet here and then we squeeze the legs up towards the heart keep the neck nice and long if you find that a little you know sway back and forth feels good by all means so find what feels good here you might even press the right elbow into the right inner thigh and then take at least a couple breaths to just imagine your left foot on a wall here so left shin parallel again squeezing up take a nice deep breath in use your exhale to release and we switch right foot to the ground left leg crosses up and over cross your left ankle over the top of the right thigh stay relaxed through the shoulders my friend all that stress and tension that we build up in the neck and shoulders let's keep it soft and mindful here the practice of awareness so good okay here we go pressing up off the right toes interlacing behind the right thigh this time and acknowledging and bracing the fact that you know each side is different I was in a little bit of a car wreck not too long ago and I'm fine but you know really did kind of shift my body especially my right side of my left side so you need to stay present you need to honor what's what and it can change from every every day every practice one to the next binding gentle rocks eventually finding that right foot up against an imaginary wall here right shin parallel open in the chest relax through the shoulders big breath in good exhale release use your breath to release both feet come to the mat i interlace the fingertips behind the head you didn't think we're going to get out without a little core even though we already did court to extend the thumbs elbows nice and wide scoop your tailbone up and press off both feet shins parallel this time again both feet up against the wall inhale in exhale lift inhale lower elbows nice and wide exhale lift inhale lower exhale lift and keep it going keep a nice amount of space between your chin and your chest imagine a juicy mango or something there keep your gaze straight up and maybe slightly back so again resist the urge to crunch here and one more inhale lower exhale lift this time stay lifted extend the legs up high inhale in exhale slowly lower the right heel down not going to do a lot of these scissoring legs back up to Center inhale and exhale slowly lower the left leg down inhale back to Center keep the elbows wide neck nice and long you can use your thumbs to gently tug the back of the head out keep lots of space and two more times on your own scissoring the legs we got this lower back is super flush with the mat my elbows are wanting to come in keep yours nice and wide here we go one more embrace that Shay let's Rumble here we go and then after you're done take a second to hug the knees into the chest crawl the shoulder blades in and underneath you and then we'll bring the soles of the feet together knees super wide soup Tabata con awesome soar great take the hands to the belly here give yourself a little pet and then arms rest gently at our sides whenever you're ready Dannielynn through the nose exhale out through the nose keep it in the nostrils in through the nose I embrace marrying the breath the body with the mind the power fought so we move all this energy around in our practice and so by just experimenting you may not even be your thing just experimenting with intention mantra affirmation even in the most simplest way checks our thoughts kind of guides the mind the Manas back to the energy then it allows the energy to be used and directed to a place that serves you right we've all been there just like oh my god being so crazy stay here as long as you like six Tabata can awesome that's the shape here cobblers pose or reclined cobblers pose or begin to extend the legs out long windshield wiper the toes back and forth a couple times if it feels good and then let it all go way to show up today thanks for sharing your time your breath and your practice with me see you for day 4 namaste you