hey everyone and welcome to 30 days of yoga camp cue Aretha Franklin because today is day 19 and the mantra is I respect let's get started all ready let's start a nice cross-legged position today bringing the palms to the knees or the tops of the thighs and sitting up nice and tall take a second to get settled in just allow your energy to ground down here and begin to notice your breath close your eyes and scan the body noticing if you're holding anywhere in the jaw on the shoulders maybe in some odd place there's just a gripping of energy it's becoming a little more present in the body making adjustments as needed here as you settle in tune in the mantra today is I respect so before we get moving just take a quiet moment here to consider that affirmation maybe say it to yourself I respect and finish the sentence I respect my body maybe there's something pertinent to this moment that you can connect to I respect the opinions of others I respect my time my space I respect my inner wisdom and just naturally for me that makes me want to start moving my neck so notice what your body says to you when you say I respect maybe it's looping the shoulders maybe you feel a little emotion and maybe you're like I'm not feeling anything that's totally cool just notice and then when you're ready we're going to start moving inhaling reaching the arms all the way up and overhead and exhale floating the fingertips down inhale reaching up and exhale just getting the juices flowing here inhale reach exhale floating it down and last time inhale reach this time exhale over you see that might be the first time that's happened over into your twist left fingertips behind right palm on the left knee slowly roll up through the spine inhale in and exhale I respect my allergies actually no joke though this we can see I love this mantra stuff I love this conscious thinking I used to let allergies become a major part of my identity anyone is know me a while knows that I can't tell you how many events even like red carpets like totally destroyed by Austin allottee now mmm I don't get angry about anymore I don't let it control my life oddly enough it's gotten better it's that idea you're gonna stay in your twist here for a while and breathe it's that idea of you know like keep saying that you're sick you're like you white lie like I'm sick you're going to get sick usually happens and then you're really sick and you must double the time not good take one more breath in here and then slowly release and again we inhale reach the fingertips up towards the sky start to connect to your breath deep breaths exhale float it down maybe begin to integrate the neck and work it out inhale reaching the fingertips up big wings here extend fingertips out and one more time inhale reach and exhale twist it'd be awesome if I sneeze there to be while inhale roll it up exhale twist so I toyed with whether or not I respect was a mantra or an affirmation it everyone could connect to and I think it's challenging in a good way so just take a couple moments here and your twist to consider that notice when you get a little toxic thought syndrome very human or even a little judgy on the mantra also human just do your best see what you can connect to what will serve you breathing deep big breath in here exhale to release send both legs out long again no need to overdo it here just come into a nice wide legged shape that is good for you feel free to lift the hips up here so we're just going to take a second sitting up nice and tall so you can grab the inner thighs or the backs of the knees here for a little like resistance little counter here as you lift through the chest or you can of course just let the hands rest gently on the tops of the legs begin to activate through the feet toes up towards the sky shoulders drawl down heart opens chest lifts and then taking the left fingertips over towards the top of the right side you can find a bind here just reaching them is it's fine today as we inhale keeping it kind of soft and easy today as we reach right fingertips up and overhead nice side body stretch as you press into both heels and then sweeping through to the other side right hand to the left thigh and taking it up and over and then back to Center now point the toes best you can so draw the heels in and point the toes out and now we're going to walk the palms forward so you might come on to your forearms here keep the toes pointed might come onto the forearms for a breath or two here you might grab the elbows make a little fort here and then feel free once you once you've got it to drop the chin and let the weight of the head go if you have the space you're also welcome to walk it all the way up but just be where you're at today nice nice and easy warming up the body if it feels good to sway go for it breathing deep and then releasing the point of the toes here coming to the flex spreading the toes and seeing if you can roll the tops of the thighs out so pretty strong legs here game changer in the practice I think especially if you want to flow and deepen your practice okay here we go releasing pressing the palms into the earth to come up take the legs cross the ankles and we're going to dive forward onto all fours drop the belly inhale cat-cow take it away exhale inhale moving with your breath exhale close your eyes visualize your spine here we're going to give the spine so much love today inhale and exhale keep it going and exhale on your next inhale come back to all fours neutral tabletop position press into your yoga mat just let's light that fire in the belly by lifting the knees let them hover careful not to collapse in the upper back body so hollow out take the valley out of the shoulder blades lengthen through the neck one more breath here you got it press in all ten fingerprints and then slowly lower down great take it back Child's Pose let's curl the toes under to wake up the feet reaching the fingertips forward melts your heart down so take responsibility for your unhappiness if I guide you to curl the toes under forefoot wake-up call here and then you've had enough you can always softly release respecting your body respecting your inner wisdom respect yourself seems so silly and that's kind of what I'm trying to do here I think with the yoga camp is invite us all to kind of take that resistance towards respecting ourselves out and make it cool again I don't know take a couple quiet breaths here just enjoy this time for yourself and then slowly pressing into the tops of the feet and excuse me pressing into the fingerprints and then reaching the heart forward and then coming on to the tops of the feet if you aren't already there great walk the wrists underneath the shoulders knees directly underneath the hip points and we'll send the right toes back stretch through the leg when you're ready lift up through the right inner thigh left fingertips reach forward like you're trying to shake someone's hand plug the left shoulder blade and draw the shoulder left blade in the socket inhale exhale nose to knee inhale focus on the breath and exhale rounding forward keep it going nice and slow each opportunity each time you extend you an opportunity to connect to your foundation so each little vinyasa here is a new opportunity to discover something to connect to something resist the urge to just kind of go through the motions here we do one more inhale extend spread everything then exhale really same thing on the other side start by just stretching the back leg and then lifting from the left inner thigh here we go whoo leveling the hips best you can hugging the lower ribs in as you reach right fingertips forward then plug her in inhale exhale rounding it inhale extend exhale navel up keep it going nice and slow and we'll do one more spread the fingertips spread the toes inhale press away from the earth and exhale release great downward facing dog send the hips up high let a nice exhale out through the mouth if it feels good pedal it out then when you're ready go for a nice little walk up towards the front edge walking the hands right behind excuse me walking the toes right hip on in the hands hello and then take a nice forward fold here bend the knees as generously as you need to connect to your feet grab the elbows feels right Rock a little side to side sway get your groove thing on whatever feels good keep breathing and on your next inhale slide the palms past the tops of the feet touch your legs slide past the shin bones past the kneecaps lift the kneecaps all the way up to the tops of the thighs then grow long through the neck send your gaze straight down so obviously if you peek at the video but then take the gaze down and see if you can create a nice long line from the crown to the tail so that tabletop position drawing the elbows back hugging the lower ribs in just play here breathe use your inner mirror try to find one nice long line from the crown to the tail so no dipping in the lower back no dipping in the shoulder blades remember your neck take one more breath here just exploring and then take it down great bend the knees slowly roll it up consciously press into the feet as you roll the heart up right away today we'll inhale reach the fingertips all the way up and overhead and exhale grabbing the left wrist take it over to the right so keep pressing into both feet nice and strong here so nice wide-legged here as you lengthen the tailbone down open your chest open your heart feel the skin on your left side body stretch and then we'll take it up and over to the left and inhale back to Center exhale bend the knees take it all the way down inhale halfway lift long beautiful neck here and then exhale sliding down great we're going to bring the feet in now nice and slow and then bring the fingertips to the mat slide the right toes back to your lunge nice low lunge here as you loop the shoulders look forward feel free to lower the knee here for a couple breaths otherwise really spiking that right heel towards the back of your mat inhale look forward exhale sending the left hip crease back straighten the left leg inhale look forward nice and slow on these today exhale pressing into all four corners of the left foot inhale look forward and exhale lifting the hips up high this time stay here for just a breath or two lift lift lift through the right heel stretch your right toes beautiful and then soften bend that left knee and we come back to the low lunge great plant the palms step the left toes back to a plank feel free to lower the knees here's where it half push-up or top of a push-up but don't even think push-up just think I am strong I respect my body respect my limits so feel free to lower your knees a couple more breaths here press away from the earth strong in your Center and we'll send it back down dog great repeat the slow walk from before or bend the knees inhale look forward on the exhale hop jump float to the top and inhale halfway lift exhale bow feet are together fingertips come to the mat this time we step the left foot back nice little lunch feel free to lower that back knee for a moment or two here stretching out then really activate through that back foot and when you're ready here we go we inhale look forward exhale straightening through the right leg pulling the right hip crease back inhale look forward nice and slow exhale straightening the legs lifting the hips up and back careful not to crash into your fingertips inhale look forward and exhale send it back stay here lift up onto the left toes draw the shoulders away from the ears look at your awesome legs how awesome of you to be doing yoga doing the work total respect for the body and the big picture rolling out the mat to do the work awesome bend the right knee slowly come back to your low lunge we'll plant the palms step the right foot back strong plank this time find a place of stillness so you can lower the knees you're no problemo lengthen through the crown of the head big breath in big breath out big breath in big breath one more breath here you got it and then on an exhale to down dog awesome work repeat the slow walk or bend the knees inhale exhale hop it to the top and halfway lift your version and we'll meet in the forward fold when you arrive bend the knees generously bring the feet together if they are not already and then just give yourself a little bit of space in the heels lift the toes and then inhale send the hips back bend the knees generously reach the fingertips forward can release the toes here gita' s'en we start to welcome a little heat charge up through the legs squeezing your thighs together I'm reaching forward shoulders are still plugged in here and I'm sitting back you got it one more breath here in and out and then inhale reach for the sky straighten through the legs full body stretch and exhale hands to heart close your eyes maybe you can feel your heartbeat here just notice your breath and notice how you feel then we'll find soft knees once again this time again make sure your feet are still together as we reach the arms all the way up and overhead and grab the left wrist now this time feet together so we can send the hips all the way up to the left a little more this time as we stretch through the left side body creating kind of a crescent moon shape in the body here pressing up and out of the earth not gripping in the toes so one more breath here lift your chin just slightly and then back back to Center every time I close my eyes challenging inhale reach and exhale to the left it's really sending the hips to the right reaching to the left inhale lift the chin just slightly exhale back to Center awesome inhale reach for the sky and exhale let it all go forward hold on your next breath in halfway lift your version here nice and long spine and exhale forward fold great this time step or hop it back to plank and then slowly lower down to the belly inhale Cobra exhale release make your way to downward dog from down dog and extend the right leg up and then on an exhale nose to knee inhale right leg up exhale nose to knee inhale right leg exhale shift your weight forward now begin to grow this here into a little plank nose to knee hover try to touch your right heel to your left now right heel to right buttock strong strong strong and then step it up into your lunge pivot on the back foot nice work everyone warrior one inhale reaching the arms all the way inhale in exhale float the fingertips down either interlace behind or grab the elbows maybe palms together reverse namaste begin to straighten through that front leg we inhale in exhale send hips back slowly melting down come to your halfway mark here pause again playing with that line from the crown to the tail big breath in use your exhale to continue the journey down won't be here long so stay conscious full of breath great press into the knife-edge that's strong outer edge of the left foot careful not to lock through the front knee as you rise up lift your heart and bend that front knee warrior one inhale exhale release great mindfully tip it on that back foot and then melt your belly to your thigh plant the palms step it back to plank or half plank inhale in as you exhale lower down belly to Cobra or shift your weight forward hug the elbows in chaturanga to upward facing dog so wherever you're at today then send it to down dog on a nice exhale and then nice and easy lifting the left leg up here we go so even if it's not easy just if you can soften through the face here keep it graceful or soft keep your approach light nose to knee inhale lift exhale nose to knee inhale lift this time shifting your weight forward shoulders above the wrists nose to knee try to touch your left heel to your left buttock great and then step it up warrior one take your time strong foundation inhale reach the fingertips up high breathing deep inhale reach exhale rain it down find a bind that feels good either interlacing the fingertips clasping the elbows or palms together versa namaste here we go inhale lift the heart straighten through the left leg front leg and then nice and easy send hip bones back as you exhale keep a nice flat back position here shoulder blades drawing together press into the back foot the route of this posture back foot outer edge engage the right inner thigh one more breath then use the exhale to go a little deeper folding forward keep the shoulder blades kissing and then power through that back foot soften the front knee and lift your heart up return to warrior one releasing the arms we inhale reach for the sky great release the arms pivot on that back foot and then belly comes to the top of the thigh as we send it back to the low lunge yes plant the palms move through your vinyasa or skip it go straight to down dog great everyone in down dog take a big final cleansing breath in through the nose and then exhale out through the mouth maybe a lion's breath here inhale in exhale slowly lower the knees great work will swing the legs to one side come to seated send the feet out in front sit up nice and tall here as you clasp the backs of the legs inhale in exhale relax the shoulders inhaling again lift the feet and exhale reach towards the outer edges of your feet is parallel so just come into this shape check it out engage the belly engage the abdominal wall turn your palms face up inhale in fingertips reach palms rise up exhale hands in line with the legs inhale reach exhale will hands in line with the leg now we can begin to extend the legs if you want to inhale reach and extend exhale squeeze it in inhale reach and extend exhale whoa see that shake awesome you can also just do the arms inhale exhales do two more inhale extend and exhale squeezing back in awesome work my friends release come to lie flat on your back yes squeeze the knees in towards the chest curl the shoulder blades down the back body this is like you can imagine like a bear massaging its back on a tree that's the image that I love here and then we'll slowly release the feet back to the earth great inhale interlace the fingertips behind the head get situated big breath in exhale lift the head at the heart up keep the elbows wide press into the feet big breath out inhale lower exhale lift inhale lower keep the elbows wide exhale lift and maybe extend the thumbs inhale lower exhale lift inhale lower press and all four corners of the feet exhale lift move with your breath maybe you close the eyes inhale lengthen exhale tailbone scoops up blow it out through your mouth a little fire breath here and five more you got this last one and release take the hands to the belly take the knees over to the left side hah big breath in windshield wiper them all the way through and to the opposite side inhale back to Center and we hug the right knee into the chest and the left leg out long and a nice supine twist here to finish opening up through the right arm big breath in yummy yummy breath here treat yourself and back to Center squeeze and switch left knee in right leg out big breath in and twist then slowly melt it back to Center squeeze it look me in and send it on out big full body stretch here reach the arms up and overhead and exhale arms float it down at your sides open the legs nice and wide whoops and we come into shavasana let everything go here relax the jaw close your eyes you might shake the ankles kind of tossing the toes back and forth a little bit here to find length make sure you're not holding in the neck soften through the fingertips no clinching in the face so really soften between the two eyebrows close your eyes and repeat the mantra to yourself one last time I respect finish the sentence if you need to connect to that self-talk consciously mindfully perhaps this mantra this intention this acknowledgment perhaps it hops off the mat with you today maybe maybe not I'll be curious to find out have an awesome day beautiful practice love you guys namaste