hello my friends and welcome to 30 days of yoga camp you're doing awesome it's day 14 and the mantra today is go with the flow let's get started all right let's begin in a nice comfortable seat today you choose to be on your knees you could be a nice cross-legged here you can even start out in a chair to just tune in with your breath do a couple of you know loops with the shoulders or organic movement and the torso get settled in maybe it's a yawn maybe stretch the fingers the hands wiggle the toes and then when you feel like you've kind of checked in with the body got your wiggles in some nice organic movement just check in go ahead and come to a place of stillness relax your shoulders and find that lift up through the crown up through the heart close your eyes notice where you're at today jumping right in today I go with the flow how many times have you heard go with the flow and have you ever gone with the flow before and who ever felt that feeling of how good it feels to just release your grip and especially if you're a control freak me know to just release your grip and go with the flow have you ever felt that feeling it feels awesome so I believe though it's definitely a practice that we have to cultivate so today that's the mantra on the mat so repeat to yourself or again if you're feeling wild say it out loud I go with the flow if you say that and it doesn't resonate maybe you change the words up a little bit I choose to go with the flow so don't cheat yourself at this moment if you haven't said it to yourself yet say it now say it loud and then we'll confirm it consider it already done I go with the flow big breath in big breath out open your eyes we'll slowly make our way to all four so if you're in another shape make your way to all fours if you're in cross-legged shift your heart forward and we will set up our tabletop position with such love press away from your yoga mat connect to this line from the crown to the tail press into the tops of the feet you might even give them a little slap today just make sure connected and then let's rock press into all ten fingerprints drop the belly inhale open the heart exhale curling the tailbone under rounding through keep it going inhale and exhale asian of the combination of exhaling and exhalation so now close your eyes and begin to deepen the breath and it doesn't matter if you're inhaling as you drop the belly and exhaling as you round just breathing deep as you awaken through the spine and when you feel bored here or maybe some of you already doing this which I love begin to veer off the railroad tracks finding any places that need a little extra love here the feet the hips the pelvis the shoulders the neck there is so you get a little freaky here go with the flow don't decide where it ends maybe you've come all the way forward abdominal walls a little sore maybe you're tired took a lot to even start this video maybe you take it back to Child's Pose so for reals go with the flow don't decide where it ends a little freestyle here to explore if this is awkward for you you're not alone it's very human with practice you get you get a little more used to ease to it I love in my classes now some of the regular people that come out friends you know when they first begin work like this they're like okay and now I love to see them on there man just like oh so great so after you're done experimenting there a little bit we'll make our way to down dog with the same sort of curiosity so you don't have to go right there just because I said down dog take your time getting there you might tend to the wrists you might tend to the backs of the legs you might fix your hair pull up your pants sneak in a quick sip of water but eventually we'll make our way to down dog but I want you to find your own way there so choreograph your way there be super meticulous about the hands again index finger and thumb strong into the earth fingerprints strong we melt the heart back and we begin to play here exploring so can you go with the flow here maybe finding a little new movement here after you find your alignment welcoming into deeper breath to support you in your exploration and then check it out today we're going to walk the hens rep excuse me the feet right behind the hands so step one foot up on hand and then step the other right up by knee so feet are hip-width apart here round the head round the head round the spine drop the head and just checking out the sensations here knees are bent breathe breathe breathe then from here inhale halfway lift press into your feet slide the palms up to the tops of the thighs and exhale bow great press into your feet tuck your chin into your chest let the arms hang like ragdoll arms and slowly roll it up and we rise up strong lifting up through the heart lifting the crown lifting the chin slightly then you might just ask yourself if it would feel good to open the palms here and find that lift from the armpit chest hmmm flowing with the arms inhale reach towards the sky palms come together Jai namaste the celebratory and I will stay here as we inhale reach exhale float down and that's it a couple more times just like that inhale reach stretch exhale keeps the heart and the armpit chest lifted as you float the fingertips down check in with the pelvis this time inhale reach exhale float it down and now maybe checking you with the neck this time palms gets together up and overhead and exhale down you go so you take the hands to the waistline here superhero pose do it excuse me and waking up the glutes here this is going to be nice soft knees here inhale lift up through the plumb line exhale lift the right leg take it to the side soft bend in your standing leg you nail the center exhale inhale Center exhale inhale Center and exhale so you can inhale ground back to Center if you want more in the glute then I would say just hold on this left foot so I apologize for saying Center but either one works so we're inhaling right foot comes down either way exhale right foot lifts inhale exhale lift inhale keep your heart armpit chest all of this heart center area lifted exhale as you lift both toes are pointing forward standing leg is not locked keep it going for a couple more strong breath and one more awesome back feature with the part inhale loop the shoulders shake it off in the legs inhale in exhale lift the left leg out to the side inhale Center exhale lift keep lifting through the heart the chest crown of the head is like a fire ball up towards the sky four more again I would say keeps keep your weight grounded on that standing leg and just move the leg but again if you're working on balance and stability I think it is good to come back to Center ground exhale lift so this doesn't have to be a big lift you're going to find a lot of compression or or ya fussiness if you're just trying to kick that leg out stay connected to the sensations whoo let's do a couple more I should say a few more and back to Center great walk the feet in and together now find a soft bend in the knees and then inhale sweep the arms up and overhead palms are going to come together again so throughout today's practice we come to giant on a stay here notice if you're kind of clinching here can you tug the shoulders down and away and maintain that lift in the heart inhale reach exhale down we go through the midline here soft knees inhale halfway lift your version exhale bow bend your knees inhale reach for the sky palms come together Jai namaste yay and exhale down to the midline inhale halfway lift play with where the palms go stay awake exhale bow again reach for the sky inhale press in all four corners of the feet engage through the legs palms come together lengthen the tailbone down die exhale down through the midline so we do this two more times inhale halfway lift and exhale soften and bow inhale press into your foundation reach it up palms up and overhead Jai exhale down you go move with your breath go with the flow inhale halfway lift follow your breath down one more time like this inhale reach palms come together Jai exhale down you go inhale halfway lift and exhale forward fold awesome bring the fingertips or the palms to the mat we're going to step it back to top of a push-up plank don't panic if you are strong you go with the flow so if you come here and it's too much you lower the knees and you come here maybe you cross the ankles maybe you tap into that inner smile as you tug the shoulders away inhale look forward everyone exhale back to that 45 degrees today bend the elbows slowly lower down just building a little strength around the shoulder inhale loop the shoulders lift your heart Cobra or upward facing dog and exhale release downward facing dog take your time getting there stay connected to your breath then when you're ready drop the left heel lift the right leg up high inhale exhale bend the right knee up and in towards your heart and step it up into your lunge nice low lunge here stretch it out you can lower that back knee if you like then inhale loop the shoulders let your heart radiate forward open the chest and then plant the palms step the right toes back and move through your flow so you can lower the knees you can shift your gaze forward hug the elbows into the side body this time move through your chaturanga maybe you're sore like you so you take it easy we'll meet in down dog keep breathing this time right heel down when you're ready inhale lift the left leg up high exhale connect to your strength knee to nose and step it up into your lunge and begin to stretch out the lower body here you might lower that back knee you might just stay in a nice low lunge loop the shoulders wherever you are let the spine let the energy from the lower body trickle up through the spine and then everyone open the chest let your heart radiate forward then again we'll plant the palms step the left toes back move through your flow moving with your breath and sending it back to down dog great once again we'll step the right foot up behind the right hand left up behind left foot up behind the left hand and forward fold inhale halfway lift exhale fold press into your feet bend the knees inhale reach it all the way up palms come together up and overhead Dianne I'm gonna say inhale in maybe slight backbend here this time and then exhale bend the knees soften and release ouch inhale halfway lift your version exhale releasing spine down hmm great plant the palms or fingertips to the mat step or hop it back to plank you got it inhale shift your weight forward pick a flow that works for you today so mix and match here we inhale open the heart exhale release make your way to down dog reconnect with your breath drop the left heel lift the right leg up high right toes down exhale nose to knee inhale step it up all right this time we're going to charge the legs so really hug the inner thighs to the midline as you bring the hands to the waistline here nice high lunge so we can always be on this back knee here no problemo but maybe you give it a try here lengthening the tailbone down just finding that place where the pubic bone and the tailbone meet we find it's just little connection of energy rather and we lift up through the center channel that plumb line that we've been talking about and then we find our high lunge inhaling exhale relax the shoulders down inhale in and exhale release gorgeous plant the palms step the right toes back step it straight through or excuse me send it straight back to downward dog or move through your flow down dog do the same thing on the other side right heel down left leg lifts up stick with it inhale exhale nose to knee and step it up into your lunge and take your time getting there again we can be on the back knee here tugging the top of the left side back playing with the tail pelvis and then reaching the arms up high whenever you're ready strong breath inhale reach exhale shoulders down hug the inner thighs together make sure you can see your front big toe just take a quick glance down now then and again inhale again excuse me too much going on and my brain and body and then exhale release awesome this time plant the palms step the left toes back optional vinyasa here or straight to Child's Pose that's where we'll meet take a second to rest nice work after a couple resting breaths a resting breaths just going to reach the fingertips all the way back up and then we'll shift our weight back to all fours curl the toes under and send the hips up high press the thighs back melt the heart back and here we go drop the left heel lift the right leg up high squeeze nose to knee exhale and step it up into your runners lunge going with the flow here inhale look forward exhale straighten the front leg pull the right hip crease back nose to the navel so take a look at the video at first and then get in the groove of your breath inhale bending the front knee low lunge inhale look forward exhale pull the right hip crease back back heel stays lifted inhale try to connect to your Center that's why we did that high lunge so you kind of have that connection from the crown to the tail so hopefully you're not crashing all your weight on your fingertips just play here if you want to do this with the back knee down it looks like this inhale forward exhale back runner stretch inhale forward exhale back runner stretch otherwise we're lifted wherever you are do one more cycle press into your left pinky tail when you come back to your lunge we'll finish with a little twist left palm to the earth right fingertips reach up inhale reach exhale fold back knee can be lowered inhale reach moving with the breath exhale down go with the flow inhale reach last one and exhale release great plant the palms bring the knees together or the toes together and move through your flow feel free to skip it by just going straight to down dog awesome when you arrive take a nice cleansing breath in through the nose let it out through the mouth I choose to go with the flow right heel down lift the left leg up high big breath in and exhale nose to knee strong step it up find your low lunge here check your alignment loop the shoulders remember that open chest then inhale look forward heart radiates forward exhale straighten the front leg pull the left hip crease back inhale slowly shifting forward and exhale full body experience pulling the left hip crease back inhale forward exhale back this is too much with that we lower the back knee we inhale forward and we exhale run or stretch keep it going inhale forward exhale let's do one more cycle inhale forward right heel Spike's back this last one exhale really lift the hips up I press away from your foundation good and then slowly come back last chance oh we have to do our - excuse me right palm to the earth we flow with the breath here inhale left fingertips reach up got excited about that vinyasa exhale release last one inhale open exhale release and one more time back knee can be lowered inhale and exhale awesome now last chance for vinyasa it's good plant the palms step the left toes back this is the left last one whoo there's a little baby buggy here not going to kill it moving through your flow everyone come to down dog last one you got it you can totally come to one more down dog do it inhale in nice work exhale Child's Pose great job take the rest from here heading into a bunny pose so if you want you can roll up here to take a look it's going to be a little tricky at first and you definitely want to be super mindful and don't push beyond your boundary and but experiment with meeting your boundary just gently softly what does that mean okay grab the feet here the outer edges in particular I can wrap my hands around my feet here so I will for now and then just a little integrity in the shoulders here as I press into the tops of the feet and slowly lift the hips up crown to the head on the earth I breathe breathe breathe as I lift lift lift crown pressing into the earth navel up towards the spine stretching out the back body so you can also grab the heels here it's going to be just a little different for everyone lifting pressing into the tops of the feet press press press one more breath here or maybe you're just now getting into it just take a couple breaths and then to release don't just let it all go bend the elbows stay aware and nice and long in the neck as you release down oh yeah Child's Pose great job now headed in the opposite direction super mindful bring the fingertips to your mat press all ten fingerprints into the earth lift your heart up great so we're going to stay on the knees here again if you are dealing with knee issues which a lot of people are very delicate you can wrap up a towel behind the knees for this sort of thing you can also just shift on to a crisscross position to do this to do this heart opener so will some of the fingertips behind press into the tops of the feet maybe the palms come to the earth maybe it's just fingertips here anchoring down through the foundation maybe you're just here maybe you come here everyone inhale long puppy belly here long in the front body and then exhale press into the tops of the feet press into all ten fingers lift back up and we'll send the palms forward swing the legs on over to one side and come into paschimottanasana what forward fold seated forward fold so Yogi's choice heels together or hip it apart inhale it and reach the fingertips up and exhale bending at the knees try to reach the feet here or palms to the shins palms to the ankles but the knees can bend as generously as you need to here so we're not necessarily right away - slamming belly to thighs coming into that shape we're going to we're going to grow it so maybe we're here maybe were here and then slowly nice and slow with a strong connection with the sitting bones best you can slide your heels out whoa Nelly inhale extend through the crown and exhale fold you just find what it is for you today take your time a little bit of release here close the eyes and say the mantra to yourself I choose to go with the flow so when you're bumped with the challenge when everything seems to be hitting the fan notice how I'm not saying cuss words anymore see good things go wrong can you have a moment where you become present and choose to go with the flow I can change I can adapt trust the big picture eventually we'll release the hands soften through the feet and slowly roll up take a second here to just notice how you feel totally neutral awesome then from here we're going to head all the way to flat back for shavasana or if time is short for you today and we'll bring the heels in for a little cross-legged just back where we started here so Yogi's choice and you're either coming to life flat back you need that maybe take a little supine twist or maybe you come into a meditation pose here one last time together repeat the mantra affirm I go with the flow I'd much rather be a person that chooses to go with the flow than to be constantly resisting chances are you think of someone in your life who's like always seems to be resisting and my advice to you is to just acknowledge those thoughts and then remember that we all we all do that so it's easy to just kind of blame it on someone else but Yoga is awesome because it's all about tending to yourself and that's why I love yoga can bring the palms together wherever you are little bow to the teacher within the wisdom within and we choose to go with the flow awesome work today see you maƱana if you're in shavasana take a rest if you're in the seated meditation stay here for a moment see if you can just trust being still for a moment feeding them on track rock and roll namaste