hey friends welcome to 30 days of yoga camp it's day 12 in yoga we trust the mantra today is I trust let's get started all right today we're going to begin standing with the feet hip-width apart all right so the toes are pointing forward we're spreading awareness to the feet and we're just going to take a second to get into the hips today now the mantra today trust trust yourself just trust this moment just moving the hips you want to get a little freakier you can but I'm going to keep it PG and so I'm getting into the hips here but I'm also just kind of waking up the feet rocking a little bit side to side creaky old floor what's up maybe I'll move a little and then you can bring the hips back and we're just going to loop the shoulders a couple times so I'd like for you to forget what you know about yoga today some of you have heard me say that before and now don't get so literal that you just throw your foundation out the door wimon sayonara but the idea is just kind of allow yourself a little bit of freedom and you've been working in such a great way up until this point to find a little freedom and trust your intuition so I'm just your buddy here guiding you listen to your body trust and for some develop your intuition so listen to your body so right now if you're really listening you could be doing this right now boo that folded right so and then when you feel satisfied go ahead and come to a nice Mountain Pose let's turn the pinkies towards the front and open the palms now with your focus downward past the nose or the eyes closed we're going to shift a little front to back so so shift all the way onto your toes to the point where you feel like you're going to fall and then shift back on to the heels also to the point where you feel like whoa and here we begin to connect to our Center which is awesome so we're feeling out through the feed the way but we're also connecting to the center and the greatest way to connect to that area of the body is at that moment where you're about to fall you can act yes now let's try it a little bit left to right same thing eating your edge cool so even if you're kind of confused just kind of bring your awareness to the space between your navel and your spine then we'll bring it back to center and on a big breath in reach the arms all the way up and overhead exhale fold easing into it today inhale halfway lift nice and slow exhale fold inhale reach for the sky exhale hands release interlace behind the tail strong footing here soft knees open up through the chest so knuckles can reach down and away here now find a little movement that feels good here maybe swaying a little left to right maybe getting into the muscles of the neck and the shoulders neck circles then bend your knees even more draw the knuckles away inhale look forward and exhale forward fold belly comes to the tops of the thighs knuckles reach up towards the sky actively reach the knuckles so tug the shoulders away from the ears here as you forward fold big breath in here and exhale release arms down fingertips to the feet or to the mat and let your head hang here on your next inhale halfway lift flat back position and exhale forward fold inhale reach for the sky and exhale release reign it down and release behind opposite thumb on top this time so it's usually the one that feels weird interlace soft knees here careful not to lock out the legs knuckles down in a way as you open up through the chest the heart and then again you might just find a little movement that feels good that feels natural and yummy then when you're ready bending the knees generously inhale look forward exhale forward fold belly to the thighs knuckles reach up and away these arms might feel a little bit weirder than the last but reach your knuckles up towards the sky toward your shoulders away from your ears find a great big breath in and then let it go my friends arms release inhale halfway lift keep playing around here and then exhale fold awesome we're going to bring the right fingertips to the center and slowly bending both knees and then inhale reaching left fingertips up right knees going to bend generously we open up through the chest and then exhale left fingertips replace the right keep the knees bent continue deep bend in the left knee as you inhale reach the arms up and exhale release one more time on each side inhale deep bend in the knees reach up exhale back to Center inhale reaching up and exhale back to Center awesome we're going to walk the palms out now make them off your mat here come onto the toes and then sink back on the heel see if you can keep your arms where they are whoa rock back onto the toes and then sink back into the heels great bend the knees generously keep the fingertips or the palms where they are stretch stretch stretch and then release hands come back to that plant the palms and we're going to step or hop it back to plank so you might be a little tired today might be a little sore tomorrow's we're going to take it nice and easy day thirteen so maybe you keep plowing ahead or maybe you take it nice and easy today move through a vinyasa that suits you maybe taking a baby Cobra or an upward facing dog and everyone make your way to down dog that's where we'll meet with a big breath in and a big breath out on your next inhale press into all 10 knuckles firmly take care of the shoulders rotating them away from the ears tops of the thighs have this inward spiral their spiraling in and out towards each other you might turn your two big toes and slightly just to experiment with that and here we go inhale come on to the toes exhale heels down inhale really on the balls on the ball exhale bend excuse me not bend the knees heels down inhale reach I said that because my knee is softened which is good keep it going here and one more inhale exhale awesome slowly come to the knees take a rest Child's Pose your versions you can keep the arms reaching forward or float them around and back whatever feels good take a couple of breaths here let it go and slowly they begin to wiggle the fingertips maybe take your thumbprint rub it against all your other fingerprints hmm and then we'll rise back up curl the toes under send it to down dog and then we'll drop the left heel lift the right leg up high on an exhale squeeze it up and in step it to your lunge and pivot on the back foot for warrior 1 so take a second to find your foundation I'm self-conscious because someone I love the other day told me that you have your man voice you talk like a man and now I'm all like catching myself doing that lengthen the tailbone down find your warrior 1 so strong the back foot here inhale in exhale straightening through that front leg airplane arms crown of the head reaches towards the front of your mat great soft bend in the knee inhale warrior one two more just like that exhale stay connected to the feet pull the right hip crease back airplane arms inhale reach it up exhale fingertips back peeling back with the right hip crease a long long long beautiful neck here interlace the fingertips and then check it out soften through the right knee trust Trust trust as you bring belly to hover right over the top of the right thigh strong back leg here humble warrior you can stay here or take it all the way down humble warrior mm crown of the head reaches to the ears this is much too much for you can use the palms on the earth to work it out in the legs to come out of the posture press into the outer edge of that back foot charge your left inner thigh draw the knuckles away as you lift your heart to come up warrior one this is where we're all meet inhale remember I am bold trust the experience here and then exhale warrior two beautiful take one moment here to breathe in then use your exhale to take it all the way back to your lunge plant the palms optional vinyasa here otherwise just take it straight to down dog nice work drop the right heel lift the left leg high big breath in exhale squeeze up and into your lunge making your way to warrior one pivot on the back foot nice strong footing and when you're ready reach it up big breath in here press into the outer edge of that back foot strong right inner thigh engage smile here press into the outer edge of that back foot make sure you have your support then inhale lift the heart exhale begin to slowly peel back with the left hip crease and the fingertips back airplane arms so you may not come all the way here if you don't have the flexibility it might just be here then inhale reach warrior one exhale so so many people always saying I can't do yoga I'm not flexible it's like you not to be flexible to do yoga it was not about being flexible warrior one inhale take the fingertips back as you exhale two one more inhale reach and exhale airplane arms peeling the left hip crease back whew strong footing here is required this is great I love this and release the fingertips weird thumb on top knuckles drawl down inhale loop the shoulders then stay connected as you softly softly bend that front knee and let the belly hover the torso hover over the top of the left thigh notice if the crown of the head is going down it should be going straight out so you have that awareness that integrity through the neck remember the neck is an extension of the spine stay here for one more breath you got it and then maybe rounding forward humble warrior crown of the head right down to the earth charge the right inner thigh you got it breathe deep then pressing into the outer edge of that back foot power through that back leg power through the front leg and lift your heart release warrior one inhale smile exhale let it go warrior two one breath here inhale focus out beyond the left fingertips and then exhale make your way back to your lunge optional vinyasa here otherwise straight to down dog we're going to take one breath here and then we make our way to Child's Pose yay close your eyes here now we need to look at the video for the next couple beats here so you can trust letting the head grow heavy here the shoulders round heavy this is not a place of rest or comfort for you come into any shape and kneel shape you like that is maybe you just come onto the belly and use the hands as a pillow or maybe you come up to a nice meditation pose the power of adjustment so lovely so we get into a place where you can close your eyes here and just take a couple quiet breaths and we consider the mantra again I trust trust that everything is as it should be and I've shared this with a lot of people in the community already but this is an affirmation my mom shared with me that I love and it is the universe it's for me and so is everything else the universe is for me rather than against me it is for me and so as everything else I used to question my mom like what does that even mean and now here I am sharing it with you so from here trust listen to your body listen to your intuition we're going to do a little freestyle today just a little moment of play so I'm going to guide you through it but know that you can always return to that point of rest for for this so I'm going to slowly rise up take your time I'm going to plant the palms so we're coming into a little book asana practice a little crow so if you know where you're going you can you can head there and I connect to my Center to lift me up and I curl the feet excuse me curl the toes under and stretch the feet by sending my weight back and I begin to open up through the now this is a great place to be just right here ah feels so good great in the hips after those humble Warriors so I'd like for you to trust your body I need you to be really mindful the knees here since I'm not there with you but you might stay here working on little froggy pose you might come into that low squat you might do some floor work with one heel back and one leg out stretching through the quads or if you're ready you might head to a little crow practice right and so for that crow practice we really want to stay connected to the center and keep the gaze out long stack the bones just like normal always and then activate through the muscles in a way that supports maybe a little takeoff and it may not happen today so eventually we'll bring the toes together here in this froggy position and again if arm balance is not for you today then you're freestyling right now you're taking care of your body knees nice and wide toes together inhale press away from your yoga mat find the length through the crown of the head gaze forward then hug the lower ribs in and we'll slowly walk the knees all the way up all the way to the armpits here the armpit chest gaze for now we're just going to rock a little you might Rock front and back front and back and then you might take a rest everyone keep your focus forward gaze forward and maybe one set of toes lifts off than the other right we're hugging the elbows in pressing away all ten knuckles strong on the map eventually we'll find this little clawing effect will help which will help us with a little bit of lift up staying open through the chest gaze forward breathing deep here just a little time to play it's to trust okay it's not about coming into this shape it's just about having this moment of like what do I want to do and then we'll let that go we'll come back to all fours well swing the legs to one side so everyone meet on all fours and we'll swing the legs to one side and we'll come back to seated take a second to counter in the wrist if you were in our arm balance so thriller arms or taking the fingers to the tops of the thighs pressing down through the forearms then everyone reach the fingertips forward interlace try these angels index finger points forward as we slowly roll it down pressing into the heels or the toes slow slow slow slow slowly roll all the way down beautiful reach the arms up and overhead full body stretch great work today inhale in exhale let everything go big breath in and exhale let everything go great we're going to bring the hands behind the head to interlace just for a little pillow so no no core work here and then slowly lift the knees soles of the feet come to the mat pick your hips up take them to the right side of your mat and then allow your knees to fall to the left begin to turn onto your right ear here and if you don't like the neck pillow here with the thumbs you can release the arms mmm breathe and then rolling through their feet knees come back up we lift the hips and now we take them over to the left and send the knees over towards the right start to soften your breath maybe close the eyes here he had done good kid great job today slowly rolling through the feet we'll release the arms bring them down to your sides extend the legs out long take a second to release the weight of the body completely and fully into the mat and we close our eyes and we connect mind to body I trust I trust that everything is as it should be I trust the process I trust myself good one thank you for sharing your time your energy your breath and your trust with me today great work namaste Oh